Criteria II

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Criterion 2:

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

Table of Contents
1. Criteria II: Teaching Learning and Evaluation ................................................................................. 2
2. Weightage Distribution in Criterion II ............................................................................................. 2
Question Wise Walk Through ................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile (30) ........................................................................................ 3
2.2 Catering to Student Diversity (50) .......................................................................................... 6
2.3 Teaching-Learning Process (50) ............................................................................................ 13
2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality (80) ........................................................................................... 17
2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms (50) ................................................................................... 23
2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcome (40) ............................................................... 28
2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey (50) ........................................................................................... 32

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

1. Criteria II: Teaching Learning and Evaluation

Criteria II consists of the teaching practices used by the teachers, the competency and eligibility of
the teachers, evaluation of the effectives of teaching by assessing the learning of the students,
diversity of the students, w.r.t. Socio-economic backgrounds, localities, and how the Institution
caters and addresses their needs. This criterion also focuses on the usage of ICT and other innovative
measures incorporated in the teaching process in order to instigate the “thinking” and investigation
process in students. Criterion 2 is one of the main criteria, among the 7 criteria and holds
significant weightage. Hence it is important to score well in this criterion for a good over-all grade.
This criterion includes various key aspects, for thorough evaluation. The key aspects of Criterion II

2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile

2.2 Catering to Student Diversity
2.3 Teaching-Learning Process
2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality
2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms
2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcomes
2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey

2. Weightage Distribution in Criterion II

Criteria Key Indicators Weightage
2.1 Student Enrolment and 30

2.2 Catering to Student 50


2.3 Teaching-Learning Process 50

Criteria II 2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality 80

2.5 Evaluation Process and 50


2.6 Student Performance and 40

Evaluation Process and Reforms

2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey 50

Total of Criterion II 350
Total of all Criteria 1000

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

Question Wise Walk Through

Important Note – Please name all the supporting files or documents prepared
according to the relevant Question Number. For Example, if it is the
supporting document for 2.1.1, please name it 2.1.1 (1) or something similar
and so on, so the supporting documents can be mapped to the question just
by the nomenclature.

2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile (30)

2.1.1 Average Percentage of students from other states and Countries in the last five years
(10) – Quantitative -

Higher the number of other state and country students, better will be the marking. But the data
needs to be shown as it is.



Data Requirements (Data of last five years is needed)

 Number of other state and country students enrolled in the last five years.
 Total number of students enrolled in the last five years.

Formula Used

Data Template Required – Supporting/Additional Documents

Number of students enrolled Number of students enrolled

Year of enrolment from other states from other countries
Year of enrolment – 5 years Number of students from Number of students from
needed states for that particular year. other countries for that

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

particular year
 The above template with the names of the students in the following format

Sl No. Name of the Year of Program State Country Proof of

Student Enrolment Origin
Year the Program the State of the Country of Maybe
student was student has student, the Student their
enrolled, data enrolled in where passport,
for 5 years applicable address,

Software Support

 The student data can be uploaded under “Admissions” and the data will be given out in the
format required.
 Foreign students can upload their documents such as passport and proof of residence, and
all students will upload aadhar, which will help in segregating the student’s place of origin
and maintaining it in the required format.

2.1.2 Average Enrolment percentage (Average of last five years) (10) – Quantitative

Data Required: Number of students admitted year wise during last five years – actual number of
students admitted Number of sanctioned seats year wise during last five years – actual number of seats
sanctioned by the university for the college.

Data Template (Five years data)

Year Program Name Program Code Total number of Total number of

seats available sanctioned seats
Five Years data Each program the Program code, it Total number of Total number of
required college offers is mandatory and seats filled by the seats sanctioned
will be given by college. Note – by the University
the University, must not be more for that particular
and can be found than the program in that
in the syllabus sanctioned seats particular year


Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

Additional/Supporting Documents

 Any document from the University about the sanctioned posts.

 Enrolment data of the college.

Software Support

 The data about sanctioned posts and actual admission is uploaded in the software and the
data can be exported in the format required by NAAC.

2.1.3 Average percentage of seats filled against seats reserved for various categories as per
applicable reservation policy during last five years (10) – Quantitative

Must ensure that the number of seats filled does not exceed the reserved seats, and is not
marginally lesser than the reserved seats either.

Data Requirement (for Last Five Years)

 Total number of reserved category students(all reserved categories together) admitted in

the college year-wise, for the last five years.

Year Last 5 years


Number Total number of

students in that
particular year

 Number of students admitted from the reserved category

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

 Total number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI or State Government rule

Number of seats
Year earmarked for reserved Number of students admitted from the
category as per GOI or reserved category
State Government rule
SC ST OBC Gen Others SC ST OBC Gen Others
Last 5 years No. of Actual
individually seats admissions
set. in that

 List of reserved students admitted in the last five years

Year Name of the Caste Program Caste Certificate

Last five years Name of the Caste of the Program selected Proof of the
individually student admitted student by the student caste.
in the particular


Software Support

 Student data with all the fields necessary for NAAC can be stored in the software, and caste
wise data of students can be extracted from the software as required by NAAC
 Caste certificates can be uploaded by the students or college, thus maintaining the database.

2.2 Catering to Student Diversity (50)

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

2.2.1 The institution assesses the learning levels of the students, after admission and
organizes special Programs for advanced learners and slow learners (30) – Qualitative

The word limit is 500 and must not exceed the limit.

It is important for every Institute to provide adequate support for both fast and slow learners,
and the methods used for assessment and the support given to each category of students needs
to be mentioned.

Pointers to a good answer

 Criteria for admissions if any

 Bridge course for all students
 Teachers assess learning levels of students by direct and indirect methods and
categorize them as slow and advanced learners
 Remedial coaching for slow learners outside class hours.
 Peer to peer teaching is encouraged to help the slow learners get comfortable
 Extended library hours and support for both slow and advanced learners
 Advanced learners get opportunities to work with faculties on projects etc.
 Advanced learners get to take student seminars

Example – The Institute has an admission policy which takes in ranks only lesser than 2500 obtained
by students in CET. The students after admissions undergo a bridge course, which is for 10
consecutive days before the commencement of regular classes. This is to help the students from
different backgrounds to be at par with the other students.

Once the classes commence, the teachers evaluate the students based on direct assessment, such as
internal assessments, through assignments, tests, etc., and also through indirect assessment such as
their confidence, practical classes, group projects etc. Based on this, they categorize the students as
slow learners and fast learners, to ensure that both set of students get the adequate support from
the Institution.

The teachers conduct remedial coaching outside class hours for the slow learners to help them cope
with the studies. These classes are held as and when necessary and when appropriate according to
the teacher. They are also encouraged to talk to the teachers about any doubts they have without
hesitation to help them be clear about the subject. The advanced learners are given support in
various ways such as they are given opportunities to take part in various fests and also to work with
the faculty in their projects which is advanced to their syllabus. They also give student seminars and
peer-learning and discussions are encouraged. The library is open on every day of the year with fixed
timings and is easily accessible to students.

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

The students also get have the course materials on the mobile app, which can be downloaded and
accessed anywhere with their phones. Online assignments and MCQs are available on the software
which helps the faculties in continuous and efficient assessment of the students learning abilities.

Important notes and what not to do:

 Remedial coaching is a must in every Institution, if it does not exist, please implement
 Do not conduct remedial coaching during class hours -Remedial coaching must be outside
class hours and not during class hours. It can be daily, alternate days, or weekly, as the
requirements, but never during class hours.
 Attendance for the remedial coaching classes is mandatory with the signature of the
 Remedial coaching should be given from the beginning of the year to anyone scoring less in
the initial tests. Not to the students who are failing in the main exams.

Additional Documents

 Attendance of the remedial coaching for the last five years.

 Evidence of online MCQs conducted.
 POSTO app and link details of the LMS and E-learning in the app – teachers need to
upload the course materials and PPTs etc. in the software.
 List of advanced learners and slow learners for the past 5 years.
 Supporting documents for the activities and support involving advanced learners.
 If any event involving slow or advanced learners is uploaded in the website or has any
photos, link to the same needs to be given.

Software Support

 Online MCQs can be conducted

 Online feedback can be taken
 PPTs and course materials can be uploaded online
 POSTO app enables students to access course materials anywhere and anytime.
 Remedial coaching timetable can be uploaded and the students will be aware about it.
 Any event happening can be uploaded and the students can register themselves for the

2.2.2 Student- Full time teacher ratio (current year data) (10) – Quantitative

Only the full time teachers in the current year data is needed.

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

Data Template

 Total number of students enrolled year-wise for the last 5 years.

 Total number of full time teachers in the last 5 years, year wise.

Year Number of students Number of Number of Number of full Number of

enrolled in the students full time time teachers teachers teaching
institution (UG) enrolled in the teachers available in the both UG and PG
institution (PG) available in institution courses
the institution teaching only
teaching only PG courses
UG courses

Total of the UG
Only what is Only what is Only what is Only what is and PG if both are
applicable to the applicable to applicable to applicable to present, else just
5 years data Institute the Institute the Institute the Institute the total of one.


Students: Teachers (only for Current Year)

Additional Documents

Any additional or supporting documents to support the above data.

Software Support

 The software can hold both the student and teacher data and give it in the format required
by NAAC.
 The ratio can also be generated.

2.2.3 Percentage of differently abled students (Divyangjan) on rolls (current year data)(10)

Data requirement

 Total number of differently abled students on roll in the institution

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

 Total number of students on roll in the institution

2.2.3 Percentage of differently abled students (Divyangjan) on rolls (10)

Year - 1

Name of the Ge G U T Pe C Y Y
student nde e D y rc o e e
enrolled under r n I p en u a a
Differently d D e ta r r r
abled Category e ge s o
r C o of e o f
a f Di f C
r sa e E o
d D bil n n m
i ity r r p
N s o o l
u a l l e
m b l m t
b i e e i
e l d n o
r i t n

Year- 2

Name of the G U T Pe C Y Y
student e D y rc o e e
enrolled under n I p en u a a
Differently d D e ta r r r
abled Category e ge s o
r C o of e o f
a f Di f C
r sa e E o
d D bil n n m
i ity r r p
N s o o l
u a l l e

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

m b l m t
b i e e i
e l d n o
r i t n

Year - 3

Name of the G U T Pe C Y Y
student e D y rc o e e
enrolled under n I p en u a a
Differently d D e ta r r r
abled Category e ge s o
r C o of e o f
a f Di f C
r sa e E o
d D bil n n m
i ity r r p
N s o o l
u a l l e
m b l m t
b i e e i
e l d n o
r i t n

Year - 4

Name of the G U T Pe C Y Y
student e D y rc o e e
enrolled under n I p en u a a
Differently d D e ta r r r
abled Category e ge s o
r C o of e o f
a f Di f C
r sa e E o

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

d D bil n n m
i ity r r p
N s o o l
u a l l e
m b l m t
b i e e i
e l d n o
r i t n

Year - 5

Name of the G U T Pe C Y Y
student e D y rc o e e
enrolled under n I p en u a a
Differently d D e ta r r r
abled Category e ge s o
r C 0 of e o f
a f Di f C
r sa e E o
d D bil n n m
i ity r r p
N s o o l
u a l l e
m b l m t
b i e e i
e l d n o
r i t n


Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

Additional Documents

 List of al differently abled students

 Any other document submitted by the Institution to a Government agency giving this
information – maybe to the University, or to the government (for any sports or fund
purposes) etc.
 Any additional data pertaining to the above information.

Software Support

 The list of students can be maintained in the prescribed format.

2.3 Teaching-Learning Process (50)

2.3.1 Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and
problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences (20) –

The answer should be under 500 words or won’t be accepted by the NAAC software.

Pointers for a good answer

 Highlight all the teaching learning methods used

 Usage of ICT in classes – PPTs, videos etc.
 Case studies, student seminars, group discussions, debates, practical classes etc.
 E-course materials available for students on their mobile (available with the software).

Example – The Institution believes that the teaching process needs to be innovative and
approachable for the learning process to be efficient. The Institution uses a Learning
Management System to facilitate the Teaching-Learning Process and to make the process more
students centric. To make the learning more efficient, 100% of the teachers in the Institute use
ICT in the classroom, with the help of presentations, or videos related to the topics, etc. The
teachers also use self-made videos and practical videos which are uploaded in the software, and
accessible to student at any point of time. The course materials, PPTs and the videos used are
uploaded in the student app which the students can access on the go. While the Institution does
not discard the traditional methods of teaching such as Chalk and Talk, it adds new methods
such as case studies, presentations, group discussions, student seminars, debates etc, to
encourage the student participation in the learning process.

What not to do in the answer

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

 Some of the points mentioned above, may not be used in the teaching-learning process
in the Institution. Do not mention anything which is not practiced as it will be an issue
in the Student Satisfaction Survey.
 All the processes mentioned in the answer are easy to implement, and requires
negligible investment, and is advised to start in the Institution if not implemented
already, as it is needed.
 Claims of e-content and course materials uploaded in the software must not be made
if the Institution is not uploading content in the software as it is easy to verify if the
claim is true or false.

Additional/Supporting Documents

 Link to the software where the course materials and PPTs and videos are uploaded.
 Any feedbacks taken by the students regarding the teaching methods used
 Need mobile projectors in the Institution
 The Campus should have adequate number of ICT enabled classrooms(with the fixed
projectors and screens)
 The materials must be uploaded in the software to claim it is being used.

Software Support

 The course materials, PPTs, YouTube videos can be uploaded under LMs/E-learning.
 The e-materials can be downloaded/viewed and accessed by the students whenever needed
on their mobile phones.

Note – The PPTs can be self-made or downloaded from – and nptl

2.3.2 Percentage of teachers using ICT for effective teaching with Learning Management
Systems (LMS), E-Learning resources etc. (current year data) (10) Quantitative

Data Requirement:

 Number of teachers using ICT (LMS, e- resources) – needs to be minimum above 75% and
100% is preferable.
 Number of teachers on roll – only current year data.
 ICT tools and resources available – the software, cam recorders, projectors, screens, laptops,
desktops, DVDs/VCRs, student app etc. come under the tools and PPTs, YouTube videos,
self-made videos, e-libraries, e-course materials come under the resources available.
 If LCS(Lecture Capturing System) is used, it is added benefit – the classrooms have webcams
and the lecture is recorded at full length.

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

Number of Number of ICT tools and Number of ICT Number of E-resources

teachers using ICT teachers on roll resources enabled smart and
(LMS, e-Resources) available classrooms classrooms techniques
The total number Total number of The tools used for Number of Classroom The software
of teachers using teachers on roll ICT, the software classrooms with with needs to be
ICT in the current in the current can be mentioned, screen and projectors, mentioned,
year. Should be at year projectors, projectors or screen and any
least above 75%, screens, web cams web cams etc. choice of subscription
preferably 100% (for video inputs are – to inflibnet
recording), and laptops, or similar e-
other similar dvd/vcrs, resources,
items. desktops, and usage of
Cameras. PPTs, videos
Wi-Fi should etc can be
be available mentioned.
in the
Documents needed
 List of teachers
 Document on number of ICT tools available in the college(additional)
 A link for webpage describing the LMS/Academic Management System is supposed to be
given – A page describing the software and how the LMS is used to the benefit of teachers
and students needs to be created. Once this is done, it has to be uploaded in the college
website and the link to the page needs to be shared. This must include – uploading the
course materials, videos and PPTs on the software, students accessing these materials on
the mobile app, online certificate courses, online MCQs, online feedbacks, online
assessment, psychometric tests etc.

Software Support

 The course materials, PPTs, YouTube videos can be uploaded under LMs/E-learning.
 The e-materials can be downloaded/viewed and accessed by the students whenever
needed on their mobile phones.
 Online Certificate Courses available.
 Online MCQs
 Online Feedback(all 12 kinds of Feedback necessary by NAAC)
 Psychometric Tests

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

2.3.3 Ratio of students to mentor for academic and stress related issues (current year data)
(10) Quantitative

Data Requirement

 Number of Students assigned to each mentor

Year Number of students Number of fulltime Mentor: Mentee Ratio

enrolled in the teachers

Current Total number of Total The mentor: mentee

year students in the number of ratio in that particular
data is institution in that full time year. No particular
required, particular year. teachers in guidelines on the ratio,
past 5 that but every mentee must
year particular have a mentor.
data is year

 Mentor-mentee interaction documents for the past 5 years.

 Task assigned list for the past 5 years.

What comes under mentor-mentee interaction?

This can be anything the mentor guides the student/mentee towards, on how to handle stress, how
to manage time better, how to be more successful in studies or on the personal front. To achieve
these tasks, the mentor assigns certain tasks to the mentee.


Mentor : Mentee

Software Support

 Mentor-Mentee module available, where they can have one on one interaction and it will be
documented in the required format.
 The interaction can happen through app or the software.
 The task list will be maintained as required.

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

2.3.4 Innovation and Creativity in teaching- learning (10) Qualitative

The word limit for this is 500 words and must not exceed it.

Pointers for a good answer

 Use of ICT
 Case studies, student seminars, group discussions, debates, practical classes etc.
 E-course materials available for students on their mobile (available with the software).
 Open book tests
 Feedback system
 Mentor mentee and psychometric tests
 Online assignments and MCQs

Example - The Institution has introduced Learning Management System (LMS) in the college, and
also uses ICT for teaching learning processes and student centric learning methods. The Institute
conducts continuous feedback for the students, faculties, parents, and both self and peer, to
understand the lacuna areas. With the continuous feedbacks, action taken reports are created and
specific actions are taken to address the issues seen. The Institution uses presentations, group
discussions, case studies, ICT methodologies to hold the attention of students and for better learning
too. Open book tests are used in assessment to expand the horizon of knowledge. Students are also
encouraged to form peer study groups so that they gain and share the knowledge gained, which
leads to innovations in the teaching learning process. The teachers also use self-made videos and
practical videos which are uploaded in the software, and accessible to student at any point of time.
The course materials, PPTs and the videos used are uploaded in the student app which the students
can access on the go. While the Institution does not discard the traditional methods of teaching such
as Chalk and Talk, it adds new methods such as case studies, presentations, group discussions,
student seminars, debates etc,.

Additional Documents

 Link to the LMS and course materials.

 Proof of MCQs and other methods used.

2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality (80)

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

2.4.1 Average percentage of full time teachers against sanctioned posts during the last five
years (15) Quantitative

Data Requirements (5 years data)

 Number of full time teachers

 Number of sanctioned posts
Name of the PAN Designation No. of sanctioned posts Year of
teacher appointment

Mandatory Set by the Must be last

University/Government 5 years data


Position sanction letters, competent authority.

Upload appointment letters of faculty during last five years.

Documents Required

 Position sanction letters for all years, for all positions.

 Appointment letters of faculty in the last five years.
 List of the faculty members authenticated by the Head of the HEI

Additional Documents

 Appraisal letters
 Resignations of the faculty not working with the Institute anymore.


 It is always good to have all the sanctioned posts filled, even if the students admission is less,
the posts must be filled adequately, else the marks will be lost.


Software Support

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

 The teacher details are stored in the software and the data in the required format can be
exported from the software

2.4.2 Average percentage of full time teachers with PhD during the last five years (20)

The number of PhDs needs to be high to get good ranking.

Data Requirements (five years data)

 Number of full time teachers with Ph. D

 Total number of full time teachers

Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Number Number of fulltime teachers with PhD in that particular year.

Number of full time teachers with PhD Number of full time teachers

Last 5



 Teachers pursuing PhD does not count. Only the ones who have obtained PhD needs to be

Additional Documents

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

 List of teachers pursing PhD can be given

Number of full time

Number of full time teachers with PhD Number of full time
Year teachers pursuing PhD teachers


Software Support

 The teacher details are stored in the software and the data in the required format can be
exported from the software

2.4.3 Teaching experience of full time teachers in number of years (current year data) (10)

This refers to the total teaching experience of the teachers in their teaching career and not from
when they are in the Institution.

Data Requirement (only current year data)

 Name and Number of full time teachers with years of teaching experiences

 Any additional data related to this – experience certificates, appreciation certificates if any
of the current full time teachers.

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

Name of the Name of Number of years of teaching

full time PAN Designation the experience (years and
teacher department months)

Full time Mandatory Total number of years of

teachers in experience of the teacher in
the current their teaching career.


Software Support

 The teachers data is stored and the calculation is done automatically.

2.4.4 Percentage of full time teachers who received awards, recognition, fellowship at State,
National, International level from government, recognized bodies during last five years
(15) Quantitative

Data Requirements ( last five years data)

 Number of full time teachers receiving awards from State, National, International level

 Number of full time teachers

Year Last 5 years

Number Number of full time teachers receiving awards from State,

National, International level in that particular year.

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

Name of the award,

Name of full time teachers receiving fellowship,
Year of
awards from state level, national level, PAN Designation
award received from Government
international level
or recognized bodies

5 years data

Documents needed

 All the award letters scanned into one PDF file

Additional Documents

 Any photos or other details related to the awards can be put in one single file and uploaded
directly or uploaded in the website/Google drive and the link can be given.

Software Support

 The awards received and the details can be stored in the software, along with the
certificates, or photos that can be uploaded.
 The files containing the data can be exported and the file can be uploaded.

2.4.5 Average percentage of full time teachers from other States against sanctioned posts
during the last five years (20) Quantitative

This shows the diversity of the Institute and there is no set numbers that is required.

Data Requirements (5 years data)

 Total number of other state teachers year-wise in the past five years.

Year Last 5

Number Total number of other state teachers year-wise in the past five

 Total number of sanctioned posts in the year

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

Year Name of full time teacher Number of State from which qualifying
from other state sanctioned post degree was obtained


Additional Documents

 The degree obtained by the teachers from other states

 Proof of residence of the other states.

Software Support

 The teachers can upload all the data along with the proof of residence and the details. The
data can be extracted accordingly.

2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms (50)

2.5.1 Reforms in Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) System at the Institutional level (15) –

The word limit is 500 and must not exceed the limit.

This refers to the process and the reforms in the process conducted by the Institution to better
the process of evaluation. The process must be transparent, innovative and efficient.

Pointers for a good answer

 Direct assessment – internals, tests, quizzes, assignments etc.

 Indirect Assessment – practicals, team work, ethics, behavior etc.
 Group discussions, debates, project work, research etc.

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

 Communication of the Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) System to the students and their
 Online MCQs
 Internal questions are designed to achieve maximum CO and PO attainment.

Example – The Institute sets the dates for the internals and the semester/yearly exams as per the
University academic timetable. The same is conveyed to the students in their induction program
about the academic schedule for the semester/year, and the evaluation methods used. The
Institution uses both Direct and Indirect assessment methods to evaluate the students. The direct
methods include the internals, class tests, quizzes, assignments etc., and the indirect assessment
includes the ability of the student which cannot be assessed through marks, such as practicals, team
work, ethics etc. The teachers uses various methods to evaluate students to give them all a fair
chance to display their strengths, such as debates, group discussions, quizzes etc. Open book tests
are also conducted as a method of evaluation. The internal tests marks are declared once evaluated
and the answers are discussed with the students. All the previous year question papers are question
banks are available in the library for reference for the benefit of the students. Online MCQs are
conducted by the Institution regularly to assess their learning levels. The internal questions are
mapped to one CO and one PO, in order to achieve the CO and PO attainment. The attainment is
then calculated and steps are taken towards better attainment if the achieved attainment is low.

What not to do in the answer

 If some practice is not followed, that is fine. But do not highlight the practice explaining why
it is not practiced. Please mention what is practiced or being implemented newly.

Additional Documents

 CO-PO attainments and online MCQ attendance.

 Any supporting documents relevant to the contents above, like results etc.

Software Support

 Online MCQs can be conducted with the help of the software

 CO and PO attainments are automatically calculated, saving the manual processes.

2.5.2 Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust in terms of frequency and
variety (15) Qualitative

The word limit is 500 and must not exceed the limit.

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

The process of internal assessment and how the assessment is carried out in fairness to all needs to
be explained.

Pointers for a good answer

 Internal assessments carried out on time as set by the Institution in accordance with the
 Timely evaluation of the Internals and communicating the marks to the students and parents
(mechanisms such as PT meetings or messages or emails).
 Discussing the internal questions in the class for all the students to understand the marks
 Resolving the issues related to the marks or any grievances with respect to evaluation
efficiently and fairly.
 Question papers of previous year’s external and internal exams is available in the library.
 Psychometric test is conducted to evaluate stress levels and mentoring is given to students
in accordance with the tests.

Example – The Institution informs the students and parents about the schedule of the Internal and
External examinations in the beginning of the academic year. The examination and assessments are
carried out in accordance with the set timetable. The previous year’s external and internal question
papers are available in the library for the students to access. The internal papers are evaluated
within a week of the day of exam and the marks are communicated to the students in the classroom.
The answer papers are also allowed to be taken home by the students for thorough checking. The
answers and the distribution of marks of each question is discuss in the class to avoid any
confusions. If any issues regarding marks are still unresolved by the end of the discussion, it is
resolved by the teacher, with approval from the HOD. The marks and the performance and behavior
of the students are conveyed to the parents in the parents-teachers meet and also through
messages and emails. Online MCQs are also taken as a method of internal assessment, and the
results are declared to understand the learning level of students. Psychometric tests are conducted
online to assess the stress level of the students and the students with high stress levels are given.

Note – the processes has to be transparent and validated by the students. False claims must not be

Additional Documents

 Mentor-mentee task list and interaction needs to be given, the link submitted.
 Psychometric test results.
 Documentation of any grievances registered and solved with respect to the internal
assessment procedure.
 Details about any committee which oversees these operations.
 Details of all the parent-teacher’s meet held in the past five years.

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

 Academic calendar containing all the internal assessment and external examination

Software Support

 Online MCQs can be conducted with the help of the software

 Mentor-mentee interaction and task list can be maintained.
 Psychometric tests can be conducted and the reports will be generated, and action taken
reports can be prepared.

2.5.3 Mechanism to deal with examination related grievances is transparent, time- bound
and efficient (10) Qualitative

The word limit is 500 and must not exceed the limit.

Pointers for a good answer

 Explanation of the steps involved in the grievance redressal process.
 Documentation related to the same.
 Any committee such as Examinations Grievance redressal committee if any, and their
meeting minutes and the working and the composition.

Example - the different exam related grievances are registered and handled differently depending
on the type of grievance and the level of seriousness of the grievance.
The most common type of grievance is the grievance related to the marks, where the students are
not satisfied with the marks they have got and have some clarifications. The faculty discusses the
question paper along with the answers and most of the queries are resolved in this process as the
students get more clarity. This is resolved at the faculty level, where the faculty listens to the
grievance and resolves it immediately. This kind of grievance is usually resolved within a short time.
Some grievances related to hall ticket, or the examinations itself, are taken up by the principal and
dean examination and to address the issues, if any, immediately with concerned stake holders.
The Institute has a Grievance Cell, which usually takes care of the grievances according to the
Institution’s Policy. Every issue will be resolved in 4 steps:
1. Collection – the issue is collected/conveyed by the student and made a note of in the college
and an appropriate way to solve the issue is formulated.
2. Discussion – the issue is discussed with the respective stakeholders with whom it is
concerned and a fair and bias-free solution is formulated.
3. Action taken – the actions agreed upon in the previous steps is put into place and insured
that it is implemented.
4. Disposed – after successful completion of the action implementation, the issue is then

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

Note – The grievances must be resolved efficiently and with equal fairness to all the parties involved,
and in a time bound manner. Failing to do so will result in losing marks.

Additional documents

 Grievance Cell documentation of the grievances, meeting minutes (annually at least 4

 Action taken report of the actions taken for the grievances.
 Any other documents related to the process.

Software Support

 The internal marks can be recorded in the software.

 The committee can prepare the meeting minutes and action taken reports using the

2.5.4 The Institution adheres to the academic calendar for the conduct of CIE (10) –

The word limit is 500 and must not exceed the limit.

Pointers for a good answer

 Institution prepares the academic calendar in accordance and in line with the University
calendar and is prepared department wise and for the college too.
 Seminars held, fests, or any such activities are also recorded in this.
 The internals and externals are performed according to the time set.

Example -The Institution duly follows and implements the curriculum prescribed and set by the XYZ
University. The Institution prepares the Academic Calendar based on the calendar received from the
University, with dates set and fixed for the internals, exams, and extracurricular events. The calendar
is prepared department wise and maintained by each department and followed accordingly. At the
beginning of the year, HOD holds a meeting where the academic calendar and lesson plan for the
year is discussed and a plan of action is formulated. First week of every year, a bridge course is
conducted to ensure that all the students share the same knowledge levels and everyone is at par
with each other. The internals and externals are held on the scheduled time as set by the University
without any changes and the results are announced within the stipulated time. The academic
calendar for each department is prepared and displayed in the respective department and followed

What not to write in the answer

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

 The Academic calendar is set by the University and not the Institution itself, and hence how
the academic calendar is followed in the college without any deviations is important.
 The department wise academic calendar is necessary and it is important to show them in the
departments, and failing to do so will result in loss of marks.
 There should be no deviation from the schedules already set by the University academic

Documents needed

 Institution academic calendar and department-wise academic calendar.

 The academic calendar must be uploaded in the Institution’s website and the link for the
same must be provided.

Software Support

 Academic calendar can be prepared and uploaded in the software, and can be accessed by
all students and faculty on the software and on the app.

2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcome (40)

2.6.1 Programme outcomes, Programme specific outcomes and course outcomes for all
Programme offered by the institution are stated and displayed on website and
communicated to teachers and students (10) Qualitative and Quantitative

The word limit is 500 and must not exceed the limit.

Pointers for a good answer

 All program outcome, program specific outcomes, course outcomes are communicated to
the students, teachers and parents at the beginning of the academic year.
 The PO, CO and PSOs are uploaded in the college website (this is mandatory), in the
prospectus, college magazine, etc. and also put on the notice board for the students to see.
 The PO, CO and PSOs are also discussed in the classroom by the teachers so that the
students understand the objective of the class.
 CO, PO and PSO attainments are calculated to understand the results.
 The performance of the students is monitored by internal and external tests, attendance,
and helping them become better achievers in case the performance is not up to the mark.

Example – the Institution ensures that the CO, PO, and PSOs are achieved to the maximum extent
and implements appropriate steps to make this possible. The PO, CO, and PSO are communicated to

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

the teachers, students and parents at the beginning of the academic year and the expectations of
the programs and courses are set. The CO, PO and PSOs are uploaded in the website for everyone to
access whenever needed. They are also available in the LMS, which can be accessed by the teachers,
parents and students when needed through the software and the mobile app. They are also
published in the college magazine and the prospectus. The attainments of CO, PO and PSOs are
calculated in each internals to see what the result of the objectives set is. The performance of the
students are also monitored with the CO, PO and PSO attainment, attendance, internal and external
examinations and additional support is given to the students who are performing below the
adequate levels.

Note –

 Program Outcome – what is the expected outcome, or what is a student expected to achieve
or be able to do after the completion of the program and its contribution in his career.
 Course Outcome – what is a student expected to have learnt after the completion of the
course and its contribution in his career.
 Program Specific Outcome – what is expected out of the program, which is only specific to
this particular program.
 The CO, PO and PSO are usually available in the syllabus bus and the language used to write
this is specific. Ex – “To help the students understand the Newton’s law of motion”, “ To
understand………….”, “To Achieve……………..” and as such. The statements must have a
 The program outcomes of all UG courses will almost be the same, with some changes as the
purpose of an undergraduate course will have some common Outcomes. The same holds
good for UG courses.

Documents needed

 A list of all POs for all the programs the Institution is offering, Cos for all the courses
(including the electives) in the programs, and PSOs for all programs.
 Link to the page where the CO, PO and PSOs are updated in the software.
 Link to where it is available in the software.
 Copy of prospectus, magazines, etc. where they are published.
 CO and PO attainment calculation and the attainments.

Software Support

 The CO, PO and PSOs are defined in the software, and mapped to the internal questions

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

 The attainment level of CO, PO and PSO are calculated once the marks are entered.

2.6.2 Attainment of Programme outcomes, Programme specific outcomes and course outcomes
are evaluated by the institution. (10) Qualitative

The word limit is 500 and must not exceed the limit.

A brief description of how the PO, CO, and PSO evaluation is done and the attainment calculation
needs to be explained.


 Direct and indirect assessment marked to CO and PO

 Attainment calculation by the software.

Example – The Institution maps every question in the internals to one CO and one PO for direct
assessment, and the same is done for indirect assessment too. The marks obtained for each question
by the student is then used to calculate the CO, PO and PSO attainment levels.

To facilitate the process, the Institution uses the open source software
which helps calculate the attainment precisely.

Documents needed

 Question papers where the CO and PO are mapped question wise(must be started
immediately if not started).
 CO and PO attainment calculations done and the attainment levels.
 Link to the software.

Software Support

 All the CO, PO and PSOs can be defined in the software.

 Each question can be uploaded and marked to particular CO and PO on the software.
 The marks obtained by students needs to uploaded and the CO PO attainment is
automatically calculated.

2.6.2 Average pass percentage of Students (Current year data) (10) Quantitative

Data requirements – only current year

 Total number of final year students who passed the university examination.

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

 Total number of final year students who appeared for the examination
 Programme code
 Name of the Programme
 Pass percentage
 Annual report of the college which gives a summary of the pass percentages lik needs to be
 The annual report needs to be uploaded in the college website.

 A less pass percentage will affect the marks greatly as it indicated that the teaching learning
process is not strong in the college.

Program Program Number of students Number of students

code name appeared in the final year passed in final year

examination examination


Additional Documents

 List of all students who appeared for the exam and who cleared the examination.

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

Program Program Year Name of student Result

code name appeared in the
final year


Software support

 Student registration for examination can be done through the software.

 Student results can be stored in the software.
 Question papers can also be randomly generated from the software.
 Pass percentage is automatically calculated.

2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey (50)

2.7.1 Online student satisfaction survey regarding teaching learning process (50)

This is the survey conducted by NAAC after the submission of the SSR. The students details of the
current year need to be uploaded in the given format and NAAC will chose students randomly from
there and conduct the survey.

NAAC selects students from the SSS in the following criteria :

10% of the number of students in the current year or 100 students randomly selected, whichever
is lesser.

Students are contacted through their emails and the survey takes place. The survey questions for the
year 2017-2018 is given in the link below :

Note – Failure in SSS will greatly impact the score as Criteria II is a key criteria and SSS is a key

Data Requirement

 Name/Class/Gender

Criterion 2: Affiliated/Constituent Colleges
Campus.Technology 2018

 Student Id Number/Adhar Id number

 Mobile number

 Email Id

 Degree Programme

Name of Ge Cat State Nationality if Em Program Unique Mobile Ye

the nd ego of other than ail name Enrolmen Numbe ar
student er ry Domici Indian ID t ID r of
le joi

If the student names or email IDs or the enrollment IDs are repeated, NAAC software does not
accept the duplicate entries.


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