Don't Drink The Water in Flint, Michigan: Problem-Solving Application Case

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Don’t Drink the Water in Flint, Michigan 

Flint, Michigan, is located 70 miles north of Detroit. It Journal that using the Flint River as a primary water
has a population of about 99,000, and roughly 42 per- source “was never discussed” during the council’s
cent of its residents live below the poverty line. Fifty- vote. One year later, Darnell Early, the new emergency
six percent of the community is African American. manager, ended the city’s arrangement with Detroit
Poor economic conditions were not always the Water and began to implement the plan to use Flint
norm for Flint. The city thrived for years thanks to the River water.117
operation of a large General Motors plant, but that The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
changed when the company downsized the plant in (MDEQ) then approved permits to upgrade Flint’s water-
the 1980s.113 treatment plant, enabling it to treat river water. Mike
This case is about a series of decisions that led to the Glasgow, a lab supervisor at the water treatment facility,
contamination of Flint’s water supply. Michigan’s gover- sent an e-mail to the MDEQ saying “the Flint water treat-
nor at the time was Rick Snyder, and the mayor of Flint ment plant was not ready to start treating Flint River wa-
was Dayne Walling. In 2016 the governor created a six- ter and would do so only ‘against my direction.’” He told
member task force that included experts on issues an investigative committee that no one responded. Wa-
ranging from public health to environmental issues to ter from the river began to flow to residents’ homes in a
investigate Flint’s water supply.114 Assume you are a matter of days. Although Glasgow thought this was a
member of this task force as you analyze this case. bad idea, and “nobody asked his opinion in any official
way,” he apparently stopped protesting.
Glasgow “testified he expected corrosion-control
BACKGROUND ON WHAT HAPPENED chemicals to be used in the treatment process, but the
Snyder ran for governor in 2010 on the strength of his state didn’t require the chemicals. The plant would not
business and management experience and the prom- have been able to add the phosphates in any case . . .
ise “to bring outside experts to transform financially because it didn’t have the necessary equipment and
languishing municipalities. To do so, he was able to would have had to wait three to six months to order
use an existing law that allowed the governor to ap- and install it. . . . There was a deadline we had to meet.
point an ‘emergency manager’ to trump locally elected I almost feel like everything was just happening so
officials on key policy decisions.”115 This is an impor- fast . . . so many different things to look at . . . it was
tant point because Snyder appointed two emergency somewhat easy for these things to be overlooked.”118
managers who played key roles in this case.
According to The Wall Street Journal, one of the
first orders of business for the emergency manager in WHAT HAPPENED TO THE WATER?
2011 was to “find a cheaper source of water than the The water began to turn brown and smell of chlorine.
Detroit Water and Sewerage Department, which had Residents like LeeAnne Walters began to notice
been raising rates for years.” Flint’s City Council voted changes within her family. Everyone began to lose hair,
7–1 in March 2013 to “leave the Detroit system and and the children came down with a host of problems.
use a new system proposed by Genesee County to Walters told a reporter that “the twins, 3-year-old Gavin
draw its own water from Lake Huron.” The move to the and Gerrett, kept breaking out in rashes. Gavin had
new system was made official by emergency manager stopped growing. On several occasions, 14-year-old
Ed Kurtz in 2013, and state treasurer Andy Dillon JD suffered abdominal pains so severe that Walters
­approved $81 million in financing. The decision was took him to the hospital. At one point, all of LeeAnne’s
expected to save the city millions of dollars.116 own eyelashes fell out.”
Kurtz then commissioned a study to find whether The city ultimately came to Walters’ home and
the Flint River could be used as the water supply while tested the water, but according to experts, it used an
the pipeline from Lake Huron was being built. The inaccurate method to do so. Officials also suggested
study panel concluded that the river water was one op- that the problem was due to plumbing within the
tion, but it presented challenges. It’s not clear whether ­Walters home and not to water source contamination.
other viable options were considered. Scott Kincaid, a It turns out that Walters’ family and many others
member of Flint’s City Council, told The Wall Street were suffering from the effects of lead in the water

458 PART 2 Groups

supply. These effects are more severe for children and of Gov. Snyder’s administration, were bound to have
can lead to “irreversible neurological consequences.” real consequences.”124
The lead exposure continued for 17 months despite The power and authority of the emergency manag-
repeated complaints from Flint residents. ers making the key decisions also affected the chain of
Flint officials sent a notice to all residents in January events leading to the tragedy. And officials from two
2015. It said “that the city’s water contained high lev- state agencies—the Department of Environmental
els of trihalomethanes, the byproduct of a disinfectant Quality and the Department of Health and Human
used to treat the water. Over time, these chemicals can Services—contributed as well. They were warned by
cause liver, kidney, and nervous system problems.” Miguel Del Toral, an official from the US Environmental
The notice warned “that sick and elderly people might Protection Agency, that Flint had not put anticorrosion
be at an increased risk, but it said the water was other- safeguards in place to protect people from the Flint
wise safe to drink.”119 River water. These state officials also ignored warnings
The city continued to tell people throughout most of from Marc Edwards and Dr. Mona Hana-Attisha. Finally,
2015 that the water was fine. Mayor Walling said, “The the decision to approve permits to improve Flint’s
city water is safe to drink. My family and I drink it and water-treatment plant by the Department of Environ-
use it every day.”120 mental Quality was flawed. Officials apparently misin-
Other evidence suggest otherwise. Tests by Marc terpreted the “federal Lead and Copper Rule, which
Edwards, an expert in lead corrosion at Virginia Tech, required the city to control corrosion in pipes to pre-
revealed lead concentrations “more than twice the vent the leaching of lead.”125
level the EPA classifies as hazardous waste.” This Local officials played a part in that they went along
led to an investigation by Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, a with the decision to use the Flint River water as an
pediatrician at Hurley Medical Center. Her findings interim supply while the pipeline to Lake Huron was
demonstrated that children under age five had lead being constructed. Photos show them toasting the
concentration levels that had doubled or tripled since decision.126
the city switched to using Flint River water.121 The governor and his staff demonstrated a lack
There was even a spike in Legionnaires’ disease of oversight. One report noted, “Neither the gover-
in the Flint area. From June 2014 to November 2015, nor nor the governor’s office took steps to reverse
87 people were hospitalized, and nine died. poor decisions by MDEQ and state-appointed emer-
Although there is no clear scientific proof that the lead- gency managers until October 2015, in spite of
contaminated water caused these illnesses, one mounting problems and suggestions to do so by se-
expert concluded, “It’s a ‘reasonable conclusion’ given nior staff members in the governor’s office, in part
the link between poor water quality and Legionnaires’ because of continued reassurances from MDEQ
disease in scientific studies elsewhere.”122 that the water was safe.” The MDEQ also was
Residents of Flint have had many hardships trying faulted for “failing to enforce drinking water regula-
to live with the problem. Consider the cost of using tions, while the state health department was criti-
bottled water for drinking and washing dishes. Tak- cized for failing to ‘adequately and promptly act to
ing showers was also problematic due to the fre- protect public health.’”127
quency of skin rashes associated with bathing in As of August 2016, reported that “nine
tainted water. A survey showed that 80 percent of current and former state and local officials face
the residents substantially changed their bathing counts ranging from willful neglect of duty to conspir-
habits because of the water crisis. According to a re- acy over allegations they withheld information from
port in The New York Times, “Some have found the public about lead contamination in the city's
cheap memberships at gyms just outside the city and drinking water.”128
use them to bathe more than exercise. Others waited
in a long line last month [March 2014] to receive con-
traptions called Pump-N-Sprays: nozzles and foot APPLY THE 3-STEP PROBLEM-
pumps that can be attached to 5-gallon bottles of SOLVING APPROACH TO OB
water as makeshift showers.”123 Step 1:  Define the problem.
A. Look first at the Outcomes box of the Organizing
WHAT DID THE INVESTIGATIONS Framework in Figure 11.7 to help identify the
REVEAL? important problem(s) in this case. Remember
Tax cutting and the desire to save money played a role that a problem is a gap between a desired and a
in the damage to Flint. An economist from Michigan current state. State your problem as a gap, and
State University concluded that “tax cuts of this magni- be sure to consider problems at all three levels.
tude, some of which were passed during the first year If more than one desired outcome is not being

Decision Making and Creativity  CHAPTER 11 459

accomplished, decide which one is most C. Now consider the Processes box shown in
important and focus on it for steps 2 and 3. Figure 11.7. Consider concepts listed at all three
B. Cases have protagonists (key players), and levels. For any concept that might be a cause,
problems are generally viewed from a particular ask yourself, Why is this a cause? Again, do this
protagonist’s perspective. Take the perspective for several iterations to arrive at root causes.
of a member of the task force investigating this C. To check the accuracy or appropriateness of the
problem. causes, map them onto the defined problem.
C. Use details in the case to identify the key Step 3:  Make your recommendations for solving the
problem. Don’t assume, infer, or create problems problem. Consider whether you want to resolve it,
that are not included in the case.  solve it, or dissolve it (see Section 1.5). Which recom-
Step 2:  Identify causes of the problem by using ma- mendation is desirable and feasible?
terial from this chapter, summarized in the Organizing A. Given the causes identified in Step 2, what are
Framework shown in Figure 11.7. Causes will appear your best recommendations? Use the content in
in either the Inputs box or the Processes box.  Chapter 11 or one of the earlier chapters to
A. Start by looking at the Organizing Framework propose a solution.
to identify which person factors, if any, are B. You may find potential solutions in the OB in
most likely causes to the defined problem. Action boxes and Applying OB boxes within this
For each cause, ask yourself, Why is this a cause chapter. These features provide insights into
of the problem? Asking why multiple times is what other individuals or companies are doing in
more likely to lead you to root causes of the relationship to the topic at hand.
problem. C. Create an action plan for implementing your
B. Follow the same process for the situation factors. recommendations.


Should Apple Comply with the US Government’s

Requests to Unlock iPhones?

This case considers the long-term implications of document demands, including information the ter-
­Apple’s decision to deny local and federal requests to rorists had stored in Apple’s cloud service,” it was
unlock data on iPhones. It all started with the terrorist not enough. The terrorists had quit backing up their
attack perpetrated by Syed Rizwan Farook and his phone, which forced the FBI to find a way to bypass
wife, Tashfeen Malik. The couple killed 14 people in Apple’s security features. Apple had no way of do-
San Bernardino, California, in 2016. ing this. 130 Apple refused to comply with the re-
The FBI wanted to see the contents of Farook’s quest, leading to a court order demanding that it
phone in order to gain information about others who create the software needed to bypass the phone’s
may have been involved with the terrorist attack. It security features.
wanted Apple to “create a special version of the In an interview with ABC, Apple CEO Tim Cook said,
iPhone’s software that only works on the recovered “The government shouldn’t be able to force Apple to
device. Apple has to sign it with its secret keys in order compromise the privacy of hundreds of millions of
to install it on the subject’s iPhone. This custom version iPhone users in order to unlock a terrorist’s iPhone.”
will ‘bypass or disable the auto-erase function’ so it will He added that it would “force Apple to create ‘the soft-
not wipe the phone after a number of failed passcode ware equivalent of cancer.’” The company further con-
guesses.”129 tends that “coding a ‘back door’ in the iPhone would
Although Apple had already provided the compromise the security of hundreds of millions of its
­government “what it has that fits the usual kind of customers.”

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