Neuro Embryo

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NERVOUS SYSTEM — CNS> braun + spinal cord , proGchd by Kani ard wtebrot column + PNS > rnemens outsile CNS + Craruat [Spiral news , cernecls bra and SC wut peaphecst Structures ANS > pati uw eNSend PNS, newnorns Mok tanewale musts avd _epithetum i se evelopment of Nervous System eee = first inclicalion 1 37 weele sntwal plate + rturel groove chivelop Or 4 posteuc. aspect trilammar embryo _ Nofrehord and paraxial mésodem woluce cctootecm to differentiate unlo newal plait © ‘ : 5k - teurel tube =? CNS. - neutat evest cetls =z PNS + ANS ux Newutalien » formation bf néural plate: + tube ltt wean Aa iA: been the cegren of Ut 40 6 pase. of sormilis & cranial 43 => future brain b Caudad ‘Ly => future sbinal cowl o Mato ieee OT Ta << Gras Re ary revere To rrrect 7 UD UPL poy so gerne Fo pred Terre HORE sdarmr—P 25 TPO eee rds aman a De = fiston of neural fold and fomalion of neunot tube bequrs ab the sth comule. (proceeds cranuat to cauctrt) = lumen of tube becomes neural canal pohich communicalis with amncotic cavely - Openung at the vostral end closes at 25thday - Caudal newopore closes at 21 day. - Closure of newropore coun cides with establishment of Vascular circutatien for the ee kan = Ces of coatt of newat ed BS brain + SC — neural canal 3 wentyicular gystim (brain) Central canal (Sc) *& DEFECT = NONCLOSURE oF NEVEAL TOBE - Probably 5 SPINA BIFIDA Cy¥STICA Be Qo + Site 2» MERD ENCE PHALY /ANENCEPHALY som Sika 2, 4, A ap CRANIORACHISCHISIS ~ Closure inferior tp $2 occurs by Setondany meuralation 9 OD Verrn>S FPR avd) «ay nW105 : 2g. neu uw ie Tone JO veqouras Aro spial ro, be Iau 49 ums Development of Spinal Cot x | = pumetst SC develops from caudal pact of neexal plate an caudal eminence -laltal wat op neat Libe thiecen reducing Me Size & Dre canal until ently a endel conkol Canal excel at 4 Le 10 weels: - Retincie Acid is essential fer memuogen@sis = watt tube consuls of tuck secs epee columnar epitheum x VENCRICUIAR ZONE (NZ) 4 neawepithebal cotls - epenclymotl Laye & gue ae le nement ancl micuogual cells In SC x MARGINAL ZONE (Mz) boule par of meuoepitheliol cell bb becomes while mallee of Sc INTERMEDIATE zone (IZ) b& Olid ng preunoepithohol colls O79 VZ Lif feentoale info neuroblast b mantle layer blew V2 and MZ ly neuroblast + cytoplasmic precesses = Neurons - Qlioblasts |SpongivblasG ave supporting ceils »_ formed from rewiroepitebal cells aptix rere lart formation Stops ALaP WITHIOS UDO PUSIOP MH" shvoypu? veyvy xo? 24+ 9 ened k Hopruguer)}o = ee So a eye oD gesca —aeqad oye. > erp SIR eas = sa. ma mG - Gl eoblase wariqrale from V2Z—> 12-3 Mz - Globlasts => astrocytes i ol.qodenAvocy let 7 (ONE Be Mewcebithelal ets cease prccucung nNewnoblasu eed qucblas: Chey form epencly mal colls: — Eperdymat cotls > Eperdyma (tinng @ confial canal) + MICROGLIA & scactered through cohele ane qrey matter b dewed from rresenchizmal celts b micraglia invacte EMS aftr bloc veriels have aaa aS originale in bene mavyeco & part of mononuclear phagecytic ceel popilertion | — protferalien of rerucepithelial coll precluce prick coat and thin roof and floor plates. > Plfkrential thickening of lala eoalts produce a longituctinal groove on each sicle + SLLcus LIMITANS - Qilews limitans Seperalis the clorsal (alar) plates and ventral (basat) plates . - etary and basal plates procluce longitudinal bulges. - Rlar + afferent functions , Basal > efferent functions. ee a SIF Ope “Zw Hz ez wou aresbrus 252309! : Sac + Geet bodies in alar plats > Dorsal qreq ann columns => Dorsat qray hornsin TS > afferent nuclei - ae the atar plates eerge the dorsal mectian septum forms J + Celt bocles i basal plate: > ventval + latual Grey columns => rental /laral grey columns wy TS | axons of ventral horns grow out of $C and form Vented yoots of Spinal newer + basal plates enlarge @nd bulge eet ventrally on He median plane This focms the Ventyal Median Sepium and a cleep longitidurcl fs Gecove — VENTRAL MEDIAN FISSURE-clevelops on the lateral surface of Sc. Development of Spinal Ganglia = unipolar meuron’ 4 the SG (dorsal root ganglia) ave derived fromm neural crest cells = axons are bipolar at first but 2 processes soon uni Uy a ae shaped fashion - both processes have Structural chavacteustics OF AXONS = p&ipheal process ts a Aeredvile ble cenctuction ef 1's tocvards the cau badly. | eseyiinessof darevae PO vine pad Uumjor TpGesmIA fp rasaaqaensaqug 24 Even youu ponds PAUe? paqeper aut jo ybua anzue sup spuejar 3S - eg reunds fo rebwoya pouowisay ¥ DE 7 These periphec! processes of Spiral Gangiion Cells pass in the Spiral newes to Aemsory enclings in Somatic | Visceral structures - the contval processes enler the SC andl constitule the Aorcak reets of spinet nevves- | Development of Spat Meninges ~ elevelap from cette of the nevral crest and meterctiyme bles r 20 fe 35 days ~ GED mniGralt to Surround newal tube (primordia of brain od ( ferm primomial meninges 7 lenat Lauer pickene to form euva male S - rGenal lager iA cormposel of pix make ard arachnoid eater (léptomeninges) and ts called pix arachnoid. - fla FilleA spaced! develop (> leptorneninges that covlese to forre SUBARACHNOID SPACE - -onigin of PIA and avachnoid mater from a single layer is neticeléd bY ARACHNOID TRABECULAE in acliull. Ly numerous Aelicale stvan of or that Pass blo pia anc avechnoid - CSF BRAIN FLEXURES = During Stweek , brain qvows vapialy and bends Veutrelly with the head folat - Bendung produces midbrain flexure On the midbrain requen and Cervical flexure at the hindbrain and SC junction -unequal growth of brain produces Poatine flexure bw these ey ieci tne eppesiietetrecton leeds tothinning of He hindbrain roof - = Suleut limitans extends cranially at the ridloram/forebraun junction Su hindbreun = Blar and basal plates euly iv mioibrain and WP wh aumanf STEP IOI uCys Fanoreq axed ara Jogos UP San PRI Fue PaaPzai4s 3) apo oor 516 saan ° (a rxaF eugvad out prodde) eit Pus spin $1 Uspoydasuzekus Jo quod yex7s01 = -A4SGh = Me = HINDBRAIN * Cervical flexure b Aemavectis hindbrain from Se b levetof Supevior reootlet of C1 * ontine Flexure 6 futwre pontine vequen b divide hindban ile caudat (Onyetencephaten ) and vestvad parts ( metencephaton ) & myelencephaleng > meclutia oblonga L metencephalen => pons + cerebetlun beat = MYELENCEPHALON 9 1K319 — caudal pout ssembles Lhe SE olevelepmentatly ara - neurat eanet forsraA small central canal of the | | oneurobiasts frem olay plates migralé inte the mayginal zone and fern tsolated aceas Of qrey matter b Grade nucter mectictly ty Cuneale nuclei laterally | ventral See recliitia. echt a. Pan on Phen bundles — PYRAMIDS. . <2 ey VI qpuy, a Pury rar WAHT UNINESINI te —| = restrat part of myelencephalen is wide: and flat (oppose the pontine flexure). Hase Sis roof plale is stretched ancl thinned = trs The cavity of this part becores vhomboidal — future 4 venmicte- = Walls of medulla meve lakevetly and altar picts become laterat to barat plas = Motor nucle develops mectially te sensony nuclei k # Newoblasts basal plates => metor neurons = Organized le 3 METENCEPHALON — walt form the pons and cornebellum — Camiliy forms tne Stipewsr pact of Y™ ventucle > Peatine flexure causes dive genes of laleial soatls of pone -~ 404 Shreade Grey matter in the flcor of the Gh ventricle ~ baset plate — motor nucler—> 3 columne - Dorsal part of Alar plates form cerebellim - first the cevebellam swellings project wo Lith ventricle - lakes they enlarge and fuse and overlap the pons 4 mecbulla -neuoblasic from jntevrnediate zone of alar plales migra to the marqgurat 20n€ and differential inte nen se ofits CEREBELLAR CORTEX. 2 - other neurons give vise to contreal nuclei (largest : PenTare ) ~ cells of Alar plates =? Ponting nuclet Cochlear anal Vestibular nuclei Sensory nuclei of Trigeminal nerve. Cerebellum — Evolutionary Developrnent b ARCHICEREBELLUM & flocculonocular lobe b OloesT by connections ¢ with vesh bulaw appavatus (eav ) b PALEoceeE BELLU b vermis and anterion lobe & more recent L, aAssociakd coith Sensory dlata from Limbs lL, NEOCERE BELLUM = & posterior Lobe b newest back : a _ 5 & Concerned with selective eontrol of mb movements 5 —*® Pons -nerve fibers connecting the cerebral and corebellar cortices with the SC pass Hwough the mayvaunral layer. = This reacen of the brainsGm is pons | . mp CHOROID PLEXUS AND CSE ~ thin epenaymatl roof of ath ventride formed from pia mole = this vasewlar layer with the roof forms TELA CHOROIDAE & Sheet of pia covereng lower el part of UM ventricle - = tela _choroidae imvocynales uth wentricie te form CHOROID PLEXUS = irfoldings of the choroidal arteries of the pia SererTar Rratrerns = Wee combs YoNo an pom = eh ae rena — amamay Totes 39 Mo IMF woISIN) ear siraib pets bh Wwof af aroba Lins | : ; ob 2 fous > CORSO On, OM Wier aur Jo eub Wat spabre poy ses BU. BaONAOS peed oy Farad soe riotucure ana S950)}qaarrapi+ me IE - Similar plexuses are pam se eter OT ond Lari) wentrictes ~ Corord plexus SecreTes ventricular flied Rm Perce beerncs CSE portnxctlctions from the brash, SC and pia -avachnoiel. = then roof of 4 ventvicle evagerales at 3 locations. ~ these outpouchings tuprire to form opentrigs . * Meolian aperture — Foraren of Magenolée x lateral apertures — Favamen of Lusehka = they ellos CSE fo enlkr the subarachnoid ehace- — epithelicd Unurg Of chovoid plexus clevelops from neuroepitbelium = Stroma develops from mesenchymal cetls- — _ = CSP absorbed from ARACHNOID WiLL bpretusions of avachnord mater inbe tre dluval venous sinuses - ee tutor layer ered from \. efithetium ef arachnoicl ei um Of Sinus - => MIDBRAIN - mesencephalon - undergoes less change 2 a narrows and forms CEREBRAL AQvE DUCT beonnects 3°44 Ut vent. Aan pleles Of the midbrain inte the tectum " >: they agTeqat te fom 4 large groups. of rewront — the paired SoPEROR § INFERIOR CoLuicoLi b Supecor (puiculi —» visual ve flexes & Inferior CoUicwi —> auditory refteces + Neuroblasts of basal piales => teqmentum of mdbrain ved nuclei 3°41 4% cranial nuctei veheular nucler Substanta migra (some Say from altar) « fibers Growing from the cerebrum form the wus cerebri anteriorly. - these cerebral peduncles become prominent as move: olescanAding fibers (pess through them. Be a etd aot | 55 Raw vabrq pro serps 2,2 © me “OS WE dame areata lo wrong ianp alroy = i. PU RE = FOREERAIN - AE the close Of the rectyal NEUYOPLTE , 2 lafrol outgrowths Coptic vesicle) appear ~ these vesicles ave the primordia of the retinae and Optic nerves . - A second pai ore Peer OF oliverticla — the telencepratic vesicles Arise move dorsally end restralty > they are the primordia b ant. pact of forebrain + eerebyal hemicphore & Diencephalen & post. part of ferebrawn - cavities of tlencephaten and cencephalen conicbulG te the formation of the 374 ventricle => DIENCEPHALON - B cwetlngs olevelop tn the laleal toctls 1 Thalamus 2- Hyothalamus 3. Epithalamus KEPITHALAMIC SULeUS x sepevales thalamus from epttielamus & HYPOTHALMIC SULCUS + Seperates thalamus from hypothalamus Ly not a continuation of Suleui Lindtans: = lavge , oveid MAK Oh Ayo matter = Oleweleps On each bole 9,3 ventiicle and bulges intoit : = ON 10% of brains , the thalami meet and fute in the mrielline across the 3” 4ventricle . - is brictge Q greg maltan is calli INTERTHALAMIC ADHESION = this bridge is absent W 20% of brant * Hypothalamus = arises by proliferation of neuroblasts tn the crlemetioG zone of the cliencephalic esatls ventral to the hypothalmic Suet a = Al pain of nucle: forms pea- sized swellings — MAMMARY BODIES — en the ventval surface of the hypothalamus *& Epithalamus - develope from the roof and clorsal portion of the lalaal call - epithalyic Swelling s become Ssmallix coirth time ee oon ‘(re rare) sont ap ie Bre er PLO Girepeuicgs mo Ja Puy oof sqrelend fl wmornaanig TWASAHAOAAH 772709 5, mr hg | Ie ® Pureat Gland - Aevelops 24 Q median cliverticuium of the caucal Part of the rceof 7 Proliferation of cell en uty watls converts it info a soli , cene - Shaped giana. x Pitudtany Qland ~ hypopwysis from the neuroectoderm of the diencephalon , the neurohypophyseal cliverticetliim - Preuctary gland 4 composed of 2 tissues: be Aclenohy pophy #S = Glandula Hssue Ov ant. lebe arises from oval ectoderm Ps + lob avtses eit — Nervoets tissue or post 2. Neurohy pophy: neuroectoclerm Date {py « By We 34 week the HYPOPHYSEAL DIVERTICULUM pop projects” fer te roof of the stemedeum he floor (ventral wats) PMC One weeks 5 Ce olivere(auliiivs elongates eee) ne, eatyacent Lo eee NAb attochanent to (Che oral epithelium « by His time, i comes in contact otha panes : * Infuncibulum : bdeived from Deo hypophy seed At verticuliem Gwent cloumareth of the diancepnaton ¥ Stale of hypophyseal clivertioutim passes ples the ChenAreficaben Gentexs of the Alevelopors pre sphencsi q § basis phenerd bencs by the Cranium 6 Dunng the 6 week connections of the 1 Célis of ant. wall of the HO protifervale and forms the PARS ANTERIOR - « latix, an extension the PARS TOBERALIS Grows + around the Irfundibulan Stem. «lumen of HD narrows and forms RESIDUAL CLEFT & 20ne of cysts CIEE FOOD i X14 7983329 ayp CHa ~ cetts ty the post. wath gwe rise te PARS INTERMEDIA - Infurdirclum Srmectian eminence > Infundibular slim + Pays NeEvvOSa - etal end infurctibelum calls diffeiae inte PITUDEYTES ade & puma cell o post: lobe b yelaid fo newrogiial all nowe fibers qroe onto pars nervosa from the nei ee WES romaramiy Date 2 @rtbral hemispheres cover tire eee ae ond hindbrain smasenchyne trapped tn the Lengituctinal ficcsne (bloo the hemcsphores froms the CERERAL FALX = * Corpus Stratum & appears 6 week _ & Swelling +2 floor of crebrat hemisphere & C- shaped a i 2 Gfewth and envatune 9 the cerehpal hemispheres ate shape B albal venbucle . hey become C-shaped. ~ caudal end 0 cock hemisphins time ventrally and vestrally forming the TEMPORAL LOBE - + dt carries the latral véortricle (forming La temporal horn) and choroid fissure: - As the wrebval codex cliffeentiater, it dircles into CAUPATE and LENTIFORM NuUcLE/ by fibers - This fiber pothweay — INTERNAL CAPSULE - C shaped. v Caudele nucle — ctongeales and outlines the lafedlentictes — © shaped. bits peacshopet heal ant long beocly le the floor of the frontal hon ard bedyoy te iaGial ventricle. btal mater a Cappel sa 9 reotion oe aah wormenaqvangas — sdoyauay uph ere! a @w) pou bass ¢ (21) DrerPeunee 6 Gan) verrauquen reuoz reside € ooys ere poqrim Jo srrect* mg va =e CEREGRAL commisuRES : b newe fibers connect The covetponding areas 07, Ore ’ Cerebral homisphanres eoith ene another + Cemmisure that cones m the barren Wumtinales — Lhts Jamin extends from Lhe roof pate of oliencephator bo Dre optic chiama — nalinal pathway fom one hemisphere Lo Lhe okher » first commisures to form ove ANTERIOR AND HIPPOCAMPAL commisvkE Ly connect otter parts Q bas commisune connscls Une 4octoy Ce commune connicls dhe vappe e iuppo compet est cerebral comnts: Dee pecan tee Nene aas wre — CORPLS CALLOSUM + (ang b venn : ination Sstretche: blamine tour 1M PELLUCIDUM ¢ to form the sEpTul dhe roof @ bibew Spe TRACT Lorre CHA 4 joun +0 eee fares Ogee Date + Wells of cerebral hemispheres chow 3 typical Je 1 Ventiadar (Vz) oa 2. Intermedia (IZ) 3 Marg vat (2) late lth Aevetee — Subventricutar = Cath frorm (12) migrate lo ( M2) and ferms covtical = fritially | surface of the cerebral hemispheres is Srnccth - ad bhowever Stlei (grooves) between the gyri (tortuous Convulsions) olevelop 6 gyri are infoldings of the tortec & Suleilgga nerease Surface Qvea : L Cortex Covering the external surface of the forpus Striatum grows relatively Stovoty ond in Seon over row - bthis buried cortex un the depth of the LATERAL SoLevs fs the INSULA -

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