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Mobile: +91 6300153267

Career Objective

To secure a responsible career opportunity to fully utilize my training and skills, while making a
significant contribution to the success of the company.

Educational Qualification

Qualification Institution Board Year of Pass Percentage

B. Tech K L University K L University 2020 8.00 (3rd year
(CSE) Guntur – 2nd Sem)
Gen B C Joshi CBSE
Intermediate Army Public School 2016 85.80

SSC Nightingale Higher Nepal 85.25

Secondary School Government 2013

Technical Skills

Programming skills : C, Java (Basic), Python (Intermediate), C++, Android Studio (Basic)
R Programming (Intermediate)
Software tools : MATLAB, AUTOCAD
Database tools : MySQL (Fundamental)

Academic Projects
1) Project Title : Blood Alert System
Domain : Android Studio
Description : The App keeps track of blood, alerts donor about their donation date.
2) Project Title : Reservation System
Domain :C
Description People loves to travel from place to place. This project includes reservation
system of Tickets for buses and trains and books hotel.

3) Project Title : Voting Information System

Domain : Java
Description : This project was developed to store the information of the voter of the
different places and different state to identify their personal information like name, age, sex,
city etc. to determine whether the person is eligible for voting or not.

 Internet of Things

 Competitive Programming

 Responsive Website Basics: Code with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

 Data Communications and Network Services

 Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning

 Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

 R Programming for Absolute Beginners


 15 Day Intensive Industry training by SWECHA at K L University.

 First position during department fest SPARK in Project expo for Project “Water level indicator
using ultrasonic sensor”
 Full Scholarship by Ministry of Education Affairs India for B. Tech in K L University.
 Scholarship by Ministry of Education Affairs India for Intermediate in Science.

Extra – Curriculum Activity

 Worked as organizer in University level fest SAMAYAK


 Responsible
 Communication skill
 Project Management and leadership
 Presentation skills.

Hobbies and Interest

 Reading books, Watching TEDx talks, Social work

Personal Profile

Father’s Name : Mr. Ashok Kumar Shrivastav

Mother’s Name : Mrs. Kamala Kumari Shrivastav
Date of Birth : 15-02-1998
Languages Known : English, Nepali, Hindi, Bhojpuri
Address : Sahayadri Boys Hostel, Kunchanapalli, Andhra Pradesh, India – 522502

I hereby declare that the above-mentioned information is true to my knowledge and I bear the
responsibilities for the correctness of the above.

Date: 28/08/2019
Place: Vijayawada (Amit Kumar Sinha)

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