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Project Scenario Human Rights

General Concept
This ‘Human rights’­project will deal with anger (as a positive force) and commitment. The two central 
questions are:
(1) Focus on a concrete social wrong in your area. What social injustice do you witness in your area and 
how do you feel about this? Which human rights are violated here? 
2) How could you make a change? 

1. Timetable and deadlines of the different phases

1. Introduction Part one article 15 October

2. Video conference round one October

3. Communication in FB group / Whatsapp October - January

4. Research Report Part two article 15 December

5. Video conference round two - OPTIONAL January

6. Taking Action Part three article

7. Report on collaboration Part four article 15 January

8 . Comparison & reflection Part five article 30 January

9. Self-evaluation and teacher evaluation 10 February

Assessment International Jury 10 March

2. Creating the Weebly page

All the virtual Eumind projects use the website-building tool Weebly. It is relatively easy to use and
provides the platform on which all the end products will be shared. You, as a teacher/ school coordinator,
will be responsible for creating a Weebly per class participating in the scenario. For this you need to use
the URL that will be provided by your international coordinator. Go to to get started or
visit for more information and help on how to create your own Weebly.

3. Group Divide and Choice of Topics

Step 1: Group Divide
Before you can begin with the introduction (video), it is important that you divide the students in
your class into at least 5 groups of 3-5 students each.

Step 2: Picking a Topic

Each group will have to start brainstorming about an example of (social) injustice they encounter
in the area where they live. It can help to start by larger themes such as: ‘Gender Equality’ –
‘Basic Necessities’ – ‘Physical Violence’ – ‘Equal Chances’ etc. In the end, students should
make a top 2 of their preferred research topics. This will aid the matching up of groups between
the two partner schools later on.

4. Introduction
After your groups have been formed and they have picked their lists of topics, they can make an
introductory video about themselves or make a written introductory document. Overall you are
free to use any which format you please, but do make sure to:

 Add a group photo/camera shot (NO individual pictures)

 Share some personal info concerning hobbies etc. of each member (NO last names)
 Put Eumind in your video title if you post it to Youtube
 Add the Eumind logo to your written document
Keep in mind that all will be shared online, so do not share anything you would not want to be
posted. Also, this is the first thing your partner school will see from you. You only have one
chance to make a good impression, so try to make it count!

For European schools: owing to the new AVG (GDPR = General Data Protection Regulation )
regulations you might need written permission from parents, so it might be wise to start this
process at the start of the schoolyear. You can also check out the portal for our AVG (GDPR)

When all groups are done, you can upload the introduction to the Weebly so they will be
accessible for your Indian partner school.

TIP: On the Eumind portal you can find the Weebly web pages from groups that participated last
year. You can find their final products as well as examples of their introductions.
5. Group Matches
Eventually it is important to match up the teams. It is thus important to get into contact with your
partner school. Your international coordinator will help you with this, but in the end, the teacher-
to-teacher contact will proof very important for your own experience and the success of the

With the list of preferences from your own student group and that from your partner teacher, see
if you can make logical connections. In the end, each team will consist of one group of Indian
students and one group of Dutch students. Together they will –ideally- work on a comparable
topic, but use their own cultural background as their basis.

As soon as the teams are complete, they should create a communal Whatsapp group (so with
both Indian and Dutch students) to help aid the process of collaboration between the students
from both countries. In the end, students will be asked to share evidence of this collaboration as
part of the final assessment.

They can now start working on creating part 2 of the final product.

5. Part II - The Project - Deadline 15 December

a. Our research.
1. Introduce your topic. Which Social Injustice did you choose to highlight? Try to provide
evidence (newspaper articles, brochures, personal talks, blogs etc.) and explain how you
first learned about the happening of this injustice/abuse in your area.
2. Why does this injustice/abuse demonstrate a violation of the human rights. Which human
rights are violated? To what extent does such a social wrong anger you?
b. Interview two people about the social wrong the group has chosen.
1. A victim of the injustice/abuse (if possible).
If it is impossible to interview a victim, you can interview one of the (grand)parents of a
group member who has a clear opinion about this social wrong.
2. An expert (academic, civil servant, volunteer NGO etc..) who could provide more
information on the chosen topic.

For the final output of your interviews, please choose one of the following options:

- Students can edit one central video in which they include bits and pieces from all the
interviews they conducted (Max 3 minutes)
- Students can write a 300-word summary of each interview. Make sure to add the central
information about who the person is, how old they are and why an interview with them is
relevant for your research.
There is no need to transcribe the interviews or to add raw video footage of all the interviews.
6. Part III – Drawing Attention – Deadline 15 January

Creative - Action
The students can use one of the following means:
 Photographic story.
 Own poem
 Comic /animation.
 Presentation of texts, films … that already exist (with comment on the text/film).
 2 or 3 minute movie to be put on you Tube and embedded in your article

Action - Action
Action-time! Each group undertakes action against the studied injustice. Be creative and
inventive. Your ‘action’ should not be ‘deadly serious’. Creating awareness, a charity-action, a
humorous intervention are ‘actions’ as well. Doing a comparable project on the same day in both
countries are highly encouraged. Always keep in mind that this is a human rights-project.
Each group composes a report of this action. Don’t forget to use (audio)visual material.

7. PART IV - Collaboration - Report Deadline 30 January

In the section above, we already shortly explain the importance of evidence of the students’
mutual collaboration. Apart from the usage of Whatsapp, Skype or Zoom, and communal
questions, more steps can be taken in the carrying out of the actual research. Some examples

- Dutch students could design posters that the Indian students print/use for their cause
and vice versa
- The teams can work together on designing questions for their interviews. Are there any
questions that the Indian students would like to ask the Dutch expert?
NOTE: To truly add another layer of mutual accountability, you could flip the entire project
and have Dutch students research an Indian example of social Injustice and the other way
around. This way they will be truly reliant on their partners. Make sure to discuss this option
with your partner teacher.

In the end, students are required to write a short report on their experiences regarding the
collaboration with their peers. What went well? How did they stay in touch? Pictures of Zoom
sessions, Skype Calls and screenshots of Whatsapp messages should be added as evidence.

8. PART V - Comparison & Reflection - Report Deadline 30 January

The final part of the assignment is a short entry in which students reflect on the experience as a
whole. They should discuss both the process of creating a report and completing the action and
on working together with students from another country.
9. The Weebly Page
Throughout the experience, all the products that come with the project ought to be shared
online. We work with the website building software called Weebly. It is very user friendly and as
such, students are able to use it themselves.
Every school will create one central Weebly page. Afterwards, all the different topics that the
students picked can be added as seperate pages. Each group will then appoint one editor to
design that page for their group. In the end, the parts that should be present on the Weebly -
possibly in one and the same document - are:
1. Presentation of the group
2. Research/description of process
3. Evidence of the creative action and action action.
4. Evidence of communication
5. Comparison and reflection

TIP: On the Eumind portal you can find the Weebly web pages from groups that participated
last year. You can find their final products as well as examples of their introductions. We also
uploaded a demo to the portal in which we show you how to create your own Weebly.

10. Assessment and Certificates of Excellence - Deadline 10 February

The first step in the assessment process, involves a self-evaluation. For each topic a specific
form can be found in the appendix.

Group leaders and school coordinators check if all assignments have been completed and
research methods have been followed.
Deadline 31 January 2019. The school coordinator will send the self-evaluation forms of the
groups that have completed the project and that deserve a certificate of excellence to the
international coordinator. The international jury members will check the self-evaluation forms
against the criteria.

Can I nominate my student groups to get a certificate of excellence?

Has the group completed the project (except in some cases comparison and collaborative tasks)?
Has the group received a 7 or higher for at least 75% of the elements on the checklist?
Only with a ‘yes’ on both questions, can a group be nominated.

How to nominate the group?

Send the filled in self-assessment checklist as a Word file via mail to
If you want to nominate multiple student groups, combine the self-assessment sheets into one
document. Name your document according to the following format:
EUMIND_[schoolyear]_[project scenario]_[school].doc

Globi will make the initial selection and present it before the international jury, who will use the
form to check the assessment against the criteria
Self Assessment Sheet
First check: December. Final check: January.

Topic School

Group leader





Done Our score Teacher score

Checklist Max Criteria Y/N E/G/S/A/W E/G/S/A/W

Attractive  5p Layout: Is the information well­readable and clearly presented?
Were   multiple   features   of   the   Weebly   website   used   (such   as
pictures, videos, scribd etc)? 

Part one: Group  10p  Did the group provide a clear written or oral introduction?

Part two 25p The facts.

Research 1. Explanation of choice + evidence and sources
2. To what extent does this injustice/abuse demonstrate a violation
of the human rights. Which human rights are violated? Why are you
so angry about this social wrong?
1. A victim of the injustice/abuse (if possible).
2. An expert (academic, civil servant, volunteer NGO etc..)
Summarize the answers.
Part two: 5p Has the research been documented by pictures/videos? Are there
enough pictures/videos and relevant to the topic?
Pictures, videos

Part three 20p Creative way to draw attention.

Is it effective? Does it look good?
Part four Bonus Action-time.
max.10p Was action taken and if so: has it been properly documented and
Part three: 10p. Is evidence of communication with counterparts shared?
Evidence of
communication Pictures of video conference/ screenshots whatsapp?

Part four: 15p Compare your outcomes with the research results of your
Comparison counterparts.

Part four: 10p Write a group’s reflection. What went well? What would you do
Reflection differently? Methods, group work, technical aspects etc. At least 10

If there was a problem with the comparative aspect, We could not compare our article because
please explain it here.
The group will then be assessed on a total of 90
If there was no possibility to work together with peers We could not work together with peers in India/EU because
in a subcluster, please explain it here.
The group will be assessed on a total of 90 points

Do you have any suggestions for a project for

EUmind for next year?

Please explain your idea and some tasks the

students would have to carry out concisely.

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