2019-09-06 KS3-Ready & PGL Information Evening 2019

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6 September 2019

Dear Parent/Carer,

KS3-Ready & PGL Information Evening

Thursday 19 September 2019

To help parents/carers with the transition from primary to secondary school, we are holding an
information evening on Thursday 19 September, starting at 6.00pm in the school hall and lasting
for about 45 minutes. During the evening, we will explain:

• How to make sure your son/ward is ready for Key Stage 3

• Our basic academic expectations for their Isleworth & Syon journey
• More information about the PGL residential trip in October.

Please note that those parents/carers of students not attending the PGL trip may leave after the
first part of the evening.

To confirm your attendance at this event, you must complete the online response form here. Due
to our limited hall space, places are restricted to two per family. Students are not expected to
attend this event.


There are still a limited number of places available on the PGL trip; the information flyer is
attached on the next page. It is one of our favourite trips of the year, and we find that students

• Enrich their education;

• Benefit from the residential experience;
• Get to know key staff contacts; and
• Enjoy making new friends and bonding with their classmates.

Please note that during the trip, students are always supervised both by qualified PGL staff and
staff from the school. On the information evening, staff will be available to answer any queries
you may have after a brief presentation.

To secure one of the remaining places at this late stage, please make a 50% payment of £115
via Tucasi here by Friday 13 September.

I very much look forward to seeing you on the evening.

Yours faithfully,

Mr M Dargan
Assistant Headteacher – Years 7 & 10
YEAR 7 PGL 2019

• Residential stay in Liddington, Wiltshire - travel by coach

• Run for the last ten years - great opportunity to bond with peers

• Total cost of £230 - includes three meals a day, excellent accommodation,

and thrilling activities

• All payments made electronically

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