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Applied Probability Fall 2019-2020

Homework 1
Out: Sept 6, 2019 ; Due: Sept 13, 2019 by 4pm
Submit in box outside instructor’s office (9-219A SBA SSE)

These problems should be attempted individually. We allow discussion with (but not
copying from) other students. If there are confusions or questions, see your TA or Instructor.
Attempting the problems individually is important for a thorough understanding of the
course material and also for successfully attempting the exams.

Problem 1: How many different letter arrangements can be made from the letters
(a) Fluke
(b) Propose
(c) Mississippi
(d) Arrange
Problem 2: In how many ways can 8 people be seated in a row if:
(a) there are no restrictions on the seating arrangement?
(b) persons A and B must sit next to each other?
(c) there are 4 men and 4 women and no 2 men or 2 women can sit next to each other?
(d) there are 5 men and they must sit next to each other?
(e) there are 4 married couples and each couple must sit together?
Problem 3: Consider a group of 20 people. If everyone shakes hands with everyone else,
how many handshakes take place?
Problem 4: From a group of 8 women and 6 men, a committee consisting of 3 men and 3
women is to be formed. How many different committees are possible if:
(a) 2 of the men refuse to serve together?
(b) 2 of the women refuse to serve together?
(c) 1 man and 1 woman refuse to serve together?
Problem 5: Consider the grid of points shown here. Suppose that, starting at the point
labeled A (lower left corner), you can go one step up or one step to the right at each move.
This procedure is continued until the point labeled B (upper right corner) is reached. How
many different paths from A to B are possible?

Problem 6: How many different paths are there from A (lower left corner) to B (upper
right corner) that go through the point circled in the following lattice?

Problem 7: If 4 Americans, 3 French people, and 3 British people are to be seated in a

row, how many seating arrangements are possible when people of the same nationality must
sit next to each other?
Problem 8: A student is to answer 7 out of 10 questions in an examination.
(a) How many choices has she?
())b How many if she must answer at least 3 of the first 5 questions?
Problem 9: Seven different gifts are to be distributed among 10 children. How many
distinct results are possible if no child is to receive more than one gift?
Problem 10: A committee of 5 is to be selected from a group of 6 men and 9 women. If
the selection is made randomly, what is the probability that the committee consists of 3 men
and 2 women?
Problem 11: 75% of the students enrolled in Applied Probability enjoy the course, 45%
have it as their core and 30% fall in both categories. Find the probability that a student
selected at random neither enjoys the course nor is it a core for him/her (i.e. the student
just could not find another course to fill up his/her credits requirement)
Problem 12: Ten children are to be divided into an A team and a B team of 5 each.
(a) The A team will play in one league and the B team in another. How many different
divisions are possible?
(b) If, in every possible grouping, A team and B team decide to play with each other, how
many different divisions are possible?

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