Mazda 323f Ba Owners Manual PDF

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A Word to Mazda Owners ‘Thank you for choosing a Mazda, We a! An Authorised Mazda Dealer kos your We assure you that all of s at Mazda have ‘Mozda design and build yohiles with Vehicle hes. So when maintenance oc ser. sin ongoing imerest in your motoring ples complete customer satislaction in mind. Vice is necessry. thas the place 30. Sinead in your fll satisfaction wath your Manda peoduet Tohelp ensine enjoyable and troublesrce Our nationwide network of Mazi pees ‘operation of your Maria read this manual sionals is dedicated to providing you wh ‘Mazda Motor Corporation ctefilly and follow itsrecommendations. the best possible service. HIROSHIMASJAPAN Important Notes About This Manual ‘Keep this manual inthe glove box as albany reference forthe fe nd enjoyable ise af your Maza, Sh hile leave this manual with it forthe ext Owe a you rexel te ve. All specifications and description are accurate at the time of printing. Because improvement isa constant goal at Maza, we reserve the right to make changes in specifications at any time without notice and without obligation. How to Use This Manual Wee nant robelp you get the most iiving pleasure from your vehicle. Your owner's Imanval, when read from eover 10 cover, i do that in many ways. stations complemom the words ofthe ‘manual to best explain how ta enjoy your ‘Mazda. By reading your mama, you can Findoutabouthe features, sbeut important Safety infixmation, and about driving une er various toad conditions, [Relerences to left hand an right hand are ‘made asi facing in the same divction the Vehicle faces. Although this manual ex- plans aright-handlrive model, tals ape posto ef-heaive real. Index: A gor place to sat isthe des, analphabetial listing of al ssferration in your mana ‘Scetions: This manual has ton sections ‘Sretion | wough9 begin witha heat stot coments soyou cen usally ella plance if that section has the information you Your'l find several WARNINGS, CAU TIONS, and NOTES inthe manual. AX WARNING A WARNING indicates @ situation in tehich serious injuryor death coulre= sult the warning i ignored. Z\CAUTION A CAUTION indicates sitation in hich injury ordamage toyour vebicle, forth ould result ithe caution isis noted NOTE A NOTE provides information and Sometimessuggestshow to make bette sc of your vehicle How to Use This Manual Graphic symbol Table of Contents Your Vehicle at a Glance Knowing Your Mazda Protecting Your Mazda Di In wse of Emergeney Appearance Care Maintenance Customer Information Specificatio Index a Your Vehicle at a Glance Your Macias compen vehicle. tthe design Ateeayhowt considers your sey an comfort pareaunt Thieequies mony coral looks, fraphicrsmbuls mchanivr ard comfort ay Poimments tht mes! 40 be understood for Section 1 i tee tis information to Jesse wt wick nee eta ep ae ou mesoring ox Oveniow Insiuvent Pal Ovensew ors [Lagpige Comparsnect Your Vehicle at a Glanes Instrument Panel Overview Your Vehicle at a Glance eftchand delve model Tasos pase) Lida conmt Dincion eer gegee27) rng ANE page 30 consi isse 99) Scere eres ever inp tay Gaue 210) Stange 158) ‘ook eone ener (pe238) Liher(ouce 441 pang tose ese 15) ‘Your Vehicle at a Glance Doors Front (Passengers side) ide) Front Divers ‘Your Vebiele ata Glance Luggage Compartment Knowing Your Mazda ‘heey desman drs and ishighly neces an) 0 wnner-emi acrapans. Selon 2 de rerbrs the sae nyt we your Mata hy, lake, nde, interior Thing, tear, ad Thisecontsversingortattcoddsomeey Keys Dror Locks Power Wi Bonne Ratase Fist Hile Cap Front Seats Re Seat Sec Bok Sixers Swopkemenary Restrain Syst Steetog Wee Interior Lig Mip Lights Lassee Compurtacne Roof Carrier Connectors 2 Koowing Your Mazda Keys. Witho umobiizoe wit levee ‘Both keys porate al tocks. 22 ‘The keys operate all locks. (vit tom ilizer system) le number stamped on te plate at tach ta the hey st detach this pate and Noveitinasafe place —not nthe vehicle ‘ou ned to lake a replacement Alsowritedownthe cose numberand keep it in another safe und handy plaee, but not in the Nehiele Ifyourkey i os, consul your Aumhoviset ‘Mada Dose. WARNING A\CAUTION Toavovd damaging the key, don’t drop st edon’t get 80, and co expe ‘olany Kind of magnetic Feld Kegsand Childrens Leaving sell claldren in a veticle the ignition key is dangerous. This contd resulr in someone being Daily injured or even killed. They could play with power windows or ther controls, or even make the ve Iicte move. Don't leave the keys in sour vehicle with tall children. Knowing Your Mazda Outside Door Lock ther from door ean be locked oF un Teeked with kes “Turnthe hey toward the front touncek, towant hs back to liek LLM the handle so open am unkocked docs. To lock a tear door, push the inside 1oek bution and elase the door, NOTE, Aways remove the ignition key. close all windows, and Jock all doo's when leaving sour vehicle unattended, This discourages intaers and thieves, Inside Door Lock + Tobe eithor door, push the door lock, ‘+ Tounloc, poll 23 ‘Knowing Your Mazda + Tocopen, pull the handle. 2 WARNING Unattended Chitérens Leaving a child or ar animal wnet- tended ina parked vehicle can be dan serous, Socither take all children and fimals with you or leave a respon- sible person wth thera In hot weather, lanperatures [ase parked vehicle can become high enough t0 cause Drain damage or even death. 24 Some mae 1m Power Door Locks* Y Locking, unlocking, with key All doors lock automatically when the river's passengers dw: i ocked with aakey, They all unlock when eer is une locked with ke Y Locking, unloeking, with door-lock burton All doors are simoltaneously locked when tbe driver'sdoorlockbattonfspushed. All {doors all unlock when is pulled NOTE you ny to Tock a front daot-foek bur ton when adoor is pen he Hock button ‘wil unlock automaticaly Knowing Your Mazda eS a) 7 nih sre Keyless Entry System™ “This system looks anc unlocks the doors, Diroetthe beam owas he receiver Press the apperpriae bution on the wanmiter for locking and unlocking. A\CAUTION ‘To avoid damaging the transmit don'teup it dor get in wet ad don't expose ito heat oF sunlit NOTE 1+ The keyless entry system will oper Ale up foabout3 meters from ther ceiver, but this range may vary be ‘eause oF loeal eandiors. ‘The system doesn't operate when the ignition switch is i the ON(T) position. ‘Upto 2iansmiterscanbe used with the keyless entry system. Ifyou want mor, cons an Authorised Mazi, Dealer (Right-hand drive mode You have 30 soconds wo open a door ater unlgeking ie withthe remote Unlock dovie. Aer that, all dours stulomatically rolock, ‘Battery replacement Lf the keyless entry system seon't work at orm range in aay location, the battery probably needs changing, 1 Romove the serew in tho transmitter, 2 Lift olf the cover and remove the bat Pat in the new patty (CR2025 oF the ‘equivalent with the + facing up 4. Reinstall the transmiter cover withthe ssimenotin, 2-8 Knowing Your Mazda Y service TF you have 4 problem with the keyless ‘nif sysor, costs Aurel Mads Doser, your transmitter i ost vrstolen, visitan Authorised Mazda Dealer as sco a pos Sie fora replacement and te make the okt teansiiter inoperative, 26 Power Windows Rear Door Child Safety Lock ‘This lack is intend ta help prevent chil: dren from accidentally opening the rear doors, Use it whenever child ides in the vehicle IH yo slide a eh sfey lo to the lok. sition bore closing tha door, the dor Eannot be opened a theese The deur feat be opened only by Ting the outside handle, , 1 Povicr Window Master Control “The ignition switch must be inthe ON (I) position forthe power windows to qperate Power windows may be opened or elosed by the poner window mastercontrot onthe dryers door. ‘No, each door witha power window has fa swich woopen and Knowing Your Mazda One-Touch Poser V (Driver's Window) dow Powter win Tak itch \ SS ZX WARNING Using he Lock Suto Unintentional window operetion can ‘ence iniry,sokeep the lock switein ‘he OFF postion except when a pass- jer ncedsio opera @ wind ‘When te switch is psod firmly the win- how will move tots fully open peston, To step the winoss partvay, if he swith, 4S WARNING ere Pveridocs x Gitar evar viedo a be den “AUT gerous, A person's hands, head, or |W Power Window Lock. CAUTION Erinuctssailbecaugt the ee twat renin sertan gy THs | Wilt ockswichinbe ON poston ll sing app epecaty chive | prado bie nay Sous Mate tir ae opning tobe Sndng a tate Wa ae ovine OFF posi, Onli dns min cane Spee To prevent burning out the fose and claniaging the poser window system, ‘on'topen arclose more thant in owsat once 27 ‘Knowing Your Mazda Z\ WARNING ‘Children ond Power Windows: Allowing children to play with power windows can be dangerous. So we higidy recommend that you don't allow it They could seriosty infure themsctves or someone ele 2B ssomi ni 1 Front Passenger Door Power 1 Rear Door Powor Window Switeh* ‘Window Stet To open waviow, nish the lower part of To opon the window, push down on its its switch. To close. push the upper por switch, To else, pul i1up, Knowing Your Maze wT Koya Wi Key Operated Hatch + To opan the hatch, inset the key and tum telockwise, + To close, use bor anus to push the Itch down anf he Tock saps shu Don’ shan it. Then pull up anit to mae sur it's se ZX WARNING Open Hiei: Anopen arch inarmoring vehicle will ‘ous exhaust yas tobe dravn into the bin. This gas contains CO carbon monoxide), which is colourless, dourtess, and highly poisonons, ond it eam cause unconsciousness nnd death. So beep the hatch closed when ‘riving Remote Hatch Release 1p release the hate from ins the ve hicle, pull up ie velease Fever next othe chiver's seat 29 Knowing Your Mazda Bonnet Release 1, Pall the release handle to unleck the 2. Pall up the safety caleh and Tift the 3, Use the support rac to kd the bunet bonnet bonnet one. Beforecloing the brvinet, secure the nin “To close the bonnet: + Checkout the woderhonnct area to make etal illercapsare mplace and hat A Foose ems have been romowe + Close the boner so that it Tooks secure lx 2-10 Immobilizer System* “The iminohilizce system will ease your ena sul ii Nasbeen srt without the proserkey, therefor helping prevent the thet of Your vanile, I the system is working propery the warning Tight will coe om when he gnc tion sich is tured tn the START posi- tion. The light will poou when te engine sar. iho light lasties rapid, fails toeomie on, ‘orcomesonandstayson tidcatesasys- tem malfunction, any af these ace comet an Authorisel! Micdn Dealer a8 Soon as posible Kaowing Your Mazda NOTE “+ Signals from a TV or rao station, ‘orfroma transceiver, could intro with your immobilizer system. If ou are using the proper key and Sourengine fils start check the ‘warming igh. IF Hahing, tara she key to the OFF position and try ‘again. the engine daesa't stat af ter 3 or more ties, conuct a Authorised Marda Dealet. Uf the wang light Mss conn fusly while you are driving, don't Shur off the engine. Gow a ‘hothorised Mazda Desir an have Tichecked, Ifyou shutoff theengine “bile he ligt is flashing you won't beable to restart Waban dive moder = ‘SECURITY WM Operation {When you start the engine with « key the system recognizes, the system wil allow The engine contious to run. However, if somenne aera to start he engine with sav unrecognized Key, the system will tall the engine immediately after sarin senna, Qe Knowing Your Marca 212 Tatchand rive made 1 Maintenance youhavea problen wiht immobilizer sytem or the key, consult an Authorised ‘Mazda Dealer, Z\CAUTION ‘Toavoil damaging the key, don't drop ig don’t get Wwe, ad don"t expase it ‘any kind of magnetic Feld NOTE ‘© The keys camy an electronic cae, For this reason, and to assure your safety, seplacement keys. require some waiting time Jo obtain. They fre only avaiable throwgh at ‘Authorised Mazda Dest Always cary a replacement key, in ase one is ost If key i [os can- tact an Authorised Mazda Dealers sons possible ‘+ The dealer will reset the electronic odes your remaining Keys. Star ing the veh with a koy that has poi been reser will ot be possine, Knowing Your Mazda Fuel-Filler Flap Ruel-Filler Cap Toopen,pulihe emote fusl-fiMer ap re- «To remove, tum i anticlockwise The capean be hooked on the inside of the lease up, foesfiler flap when retelling. # To reploce, tue it clockwise andi ic clicks Kaowing Your Mada ZX WARNING AX WARNING AXCAUTION Pressure sometimes builds up i the uel tanh IP ths happens an the fuel ‘cap isremoved gic fut cam sproy (ot Pe can bar kina exer and ease ihess wien ingested. To pre Yonteny ofthis from happening, sow {loose the eapsightly and wait for any hissing sound to stop. Thet re~ Enel apo: Faelrapour con be hazardous. Before ‘refuelling, Sop the engine. Aut ale ays keep sparks nd flames a from the filler neck 21d ‘Alwuye ase only a designated Mazda fel cap oF an approved equivalent, tvailabe at Authorised Mazda Dealers, The wrong cap can result in a 8005. salfanetion ofthe fuel systom ane the emission control system. Bront Seats Knowing Your Mazda Seat Slide ‘Tomove tron sat forward or backward ras he lever an sie the sea AS WARNING Driver's Seat Adjustment: Adjusting the driver's seat while the vehicle Is moving could cause the riser to tse contrat of the vehicle. ‘Adjust this seat only shen the vehicle fs stopped. 1m Seat Recline To change the seat-back angle, lean for vara slightly and raise the lever Then lean bck tthe position you want and release ke sue the fever returns to ts 0 position ZA\ WARNING Rectang: Siting in reclined postion in amos ing vehicle can be dangerous because you dow’ gt the fll proteetion from Seat belts In a collision oF sudden Stop, you can slide under the lap belt and suffer serians inter injuries. Formaxinum protection, st ell back and upright Knowing Your Mazda Adjust albend restraint osha the op paal- Fels the top of the user's eats, never the users nak, Z\ WARNING {es dangerous (0 drive with the head resraintsadjusted oo tow or removed, Wit no support behind your head, Mi Heed Restraint Height Adjustment Ml Head Restraint Angle Adjustment | ur meek could be seriouslyinjuredin (Driver's Seat) ‘aonllision. Atways drive withthe head ‘+ To mige whe restraint, pull it up. restraints properly adjusted. ‘To adjust the head sesteain ange, apply 1+ To lower, press the stopeatch release pressure to the fop ofthe head reste and push the head restrain owe 2416 Knowing Your Mazda Stacking luggage or other, cargo Ihigier then the seat backsean be dane -gerous. During a suiden stop oreo Zion, it con become a projecile thar ‘may hit and injure passengers. Don't stack things higher than the seat backs, Seat Front Height Adjustment W Seat Rear Height Adjustment (Driver's Seat) ‘© To rate the font ofthe sat, pull ho # ‘To caise the rear of the seat, lea for Jeverand push slightly against he Seat ward, then squeeze and lift the release ek lever ‘To lover the trom o the sea, pull the + To lower the rear of the seat, squeeze lever and lean forward slighty and lower tho releas lever DIT Knowing Your Manda ‘Ast aed restraint so thatthe tp paral: Tels the top ofthe asee's cary never the user's nk, 2X WARNING 1m Head Restraint Hoight Adjustment “Tease ead resting, ult up ‘© To lower i push icdown, 2AB ‘sone wo Heat Restraint Adjustment: Is dangerous 19 drive eth the head festraintsadjustedtoo loworremoved: With no suppare behind sour head, your neck coutdveseriouslyinfuredin ‘acellision. Atwaysdrive withthe head restraints properly adjusted, 1 Split-Folding Rear Seat ‘Tho ear seut back fod Power o provide rite space in the higaage eompartnen ‘Push the burton and told the Sear buck Forward, Be caret thatthe seat belt buckle doesn’t et eaught benveen the sea back and cushion, Knowing Your Mazda 4 Tose the seatback, it it and push ie firs ints place, Becarcul thatthe scat bet doesn’t get caught between the seat back and cushion ACAUTIO! 4X WARNING Don't tet the seat belt of buckle get caught between the sest cushion 2nd eat back when folding the seat. The seat belt and buckle could be damaged. 4X WARNING Unlocked Seat Backs: An unlocked seatback can be danger: ous. Ht ean cause passengers and ob Jeets to be throw about during @ Stulden stop oF collision, causing se vere injury. Pull Hard On the seat Docks to make sure theyre locked in place Eolded Seat Bock Siting or lying in the luggage com- partment or folded seat backs i dangerous way to ride. During @ Sinden manoeisre ore eotizion you could be thrown around inside the ve hicte and seriousty injured. Don't ide In the luggage comipartnient or on Jelded seat backs. 4 WARNING Folding Rear Seat Lath: The folding rear seat cannot be un- latched from inside the ingeage com: partment Ijehildren playing with the Folded seat hacks should clin inside the lngeage compartinent and clase ‘he backs, they would be locked inthe inggage compartment. Keep children ‘vay from folded seat backs. 219 Knowing Your Mazda Scat Belt System ‘Seat bells help decrease the possibility or severly of imury during accidents and sudden stops. Mazda recommends thatthe driver and passengers wear seat bets ata “The Front seats have a Iapishoulder eke ‘These bols have rovacons with inertia Jocks tht kep them out ofthe way when snot m sc. The lock allow th bells 16 raincomfortable on users batthey lock in postion daring & collision, ‘The rear sea has lplshoulder bets Ihave reteators with inonia Tacks forthe door side eeu anda lap elt with manual adjustment forthe centre seat 2-20 AS WARNING \ WARNING ‘Seat Bets: Passengersnot wearing eat belts dur- ing a collision can be injured rach ‘worse than those wearing seatbelts ‘They ca hit things inside the vehicle oreven bethroma omit. They can be ‘Sorfously injured or killed. Indhe cane collision, passengers wearing. sect belts might be much safer ‘fod Seo! Beis ‘Twist sear bells cam cause injury. I ‘collision, the ful width of the belt isn't available 19 absorb the impact This puts more foree on the bones be- neath the helt, which could break ther: for eause other serious injury. Don't ‘wear tse seat bets Z\ WARNING ZX WARNING Damaged Seat Bets: Ain accident can damage a seatbelt in use, The belt webbing can be wee: ened and retractor: end anchors can bbe ent or broken. Therefore @ dam= ‘aged seat belt may ot provide a= ‘equate protection ina colton. Have {professional iaxpect al seatbelt sys- ‘tems ta use daring an accident byfore they are sed agar, (sig one ear bel for mare than ome ‘person at time ts dangerous. A seas Delt ured inthis way can't spread the impact forves properly and the #0 ‘pessengers could be crushed together land serio injured. Never nse one Sell for more tham one person at a 1 Front Seat Blt Protensioner System For optimum prosscton your vehicle i ‘equipped with front seat bat pretensions In greater than moderate fatal oF nea frontal evident the pretensioners ake up slack im he ron seat bel NOTE ‘© During 4 modecae frontal or wea frontal mpaet, you will hea noise san wil fal the seat balepretension ffs removing slack from the front seat Blt. 4 Scme smoke will be else when the preversioncrs tive. This smoke does not idicae a fie “©The seat elt pretnsionses will function only once. Aiter that they thst he place Have an Authorised Manda Desler do this werk Knowing Your Mazda ZS WARNING Protensioner tion IY your Macias in ars ecient that Dias nor strong enough ro aetvaie the ‘scat belt pretensioners, the sesormay Mill have been distorted, Without re- airs the pretensioners may not work hen necessary. After any accident, dave the vot belt pretensioner systet inspected by an Authorised Mazda Deater, 1 Front Seat Belts Totaste 1. Grasp the buckle and tongue plat. 2, Slowly pull ou the kp'shouler el, 3, mete pte ite the buckle unl you heat click 221 Knowing Your Mazda 2 WARNING Positioning the Shoulder Portion of (de Seat it: Failure to postion the shoulder por- fiom of the seat belt properly reduces ‘he amount of prowetion In an acel- dent and tuereases the ehane of t= Jip. Make sure the shoulder portion ‘of the sear belt i positioned across {our shoulder near Your neck, not 0% our neck or upper arm. ken sage —A\ 2.22 ZX WARNING osioning the Lap Pertion ofthe Seat Belts The lap portion of the seatbelt worn 400 high cane dangerous. Ina cols sion, this would concentrate the i pect force direedy on the abdominal fred, causing serious tnjars, Wear the ap portion of the belt srsly and as dow es posite ounfasten: Depisss the hackle release Knowing Your Marda ‘Y Shoulder belt adjuster “This adjass the shonlder bole angle for tone coment fi. Simpy push he but top, move it to the desived postion, sind then rolease it. Make sure the adjuster is docked. 4X WARNING Positioning the Shoulder Portion of (he Sear Bei: Failure to postion the shoulder por- tion of the seat belt property reduces the amount of protection in an acel- ‘dent ond increases the chance of i- Jury. Make sure the shoulder portion ‘of the seat belt és postioned across your shoulder near your neck, not on your neck or upper arm. ¥ Lapyshoulder belt ‘To fasten: 1. Gansp the tong plate anc pl 10 the Sesired length 2 Inserts plat ico the buck vai yout beara click, ‘The retractor wil take up excess belt and rmaiolan tension 223 Knowing Your Mazda “To uofaston: Depress the hatton on the buckle NOTE, ‘Tho ap sck IWabelt doesnt flly eta inspectit ey | | fools - 2 /~ ee " | pea | A\ WARNING Via bat | Post the Shoubier Portion of 4s WARNING To fasten: the Seat lt icc rrain ae Raia ye oan arena J, Pull he tongue to the desired leigh Hom of the eat bet property reduces | | Tye tan portion of the ssot bet worn | 2, Incr tint tie buckle unl you hear fe annum of practon tan ae | | ioighcon de dager fuacaie | ick lent and inereacs ihe chance of i- | | Sy this would concentrate the i Stes, Make sre the shoulder poraon | | St ts would concentra the in (the seat elt is positioned across | ee eet on ce your shoulder near your neck, noton | | 1p portion afohe belt ugly and as ‘Jour meck or upper arm Eide 2.24 Knowing Your Maa 4. To lengthon tho belt hold the tongue ot To unfastens “aright enplera tho webbing and pull 0 shorten pall the onsen af the web- Depress the bution on the buokle bas. ZX WARNING Wearing u rt A lap belt worn too high van he dane _gerons. Ina collision, this would con Centrote the inypact foree directly an the abdominal area, eansing serious Inj. Wear te tap belt smugly andas, low as possible. 2.25 Knowing Your Mads Restraint of Infants or Small Chitdren ‘Seating uit forint and smal hidden are avaiable and we recommend tha any Such appara be ome that fits your vehicle well Fefirejnstling this kind of sea, be sre to-read the instructions provided hy the 2.26 arog Child Restraint Waring Fabel Hught-hand drive mode) (Por veblcdes with pasengerside air bags) This ighly-visibe label warns aginst the use of rearfacing child restuints in the Teont sea Tier fing Child Restraint Warning ae! (ethane md) g | 7) A\ WARNING ‘Rear fasbug Chita Restraint: Extreme Hazard! Do not use a reare veard facing child restraint on a seat protested Ban airbog in front of it The restrcint ean be it by the depley- ing ar bag and knocked eut nf post finn A child in the restraint would be seriously injured or Killed, Never use (1 reareacing child eesteaint in the from sear. Supplementary Restraint System —Driver’s Side Ina Frintend accident te supplementary restrain’ system withaciver's side atta is designed to provide protection forthe river in addition to to thyee-point sect belisystem. ZX WARNING ‘The Amporiane of Seat Beis: The ir bag must have asitence from tthe seatbelt system to provide es best protection. Alome,the ar bo may not brevent severe Injury in an accident, Vehicle occupants should always wear seat elt. Knowing Your Mazda AQ WARNING ir Hag Activation; The air bag wil inflate onty during a {frontal or near frontal colision thats at east moderate in force. In other Kinds of accidents, such 0s. side ‘impact, rear impact or rollover, on the seat belt can protect the driver because the air bap will not activate. Vehicte occupants should alvays wear seat belts to help reduce she possibly Of injury during a sudden sop or an ‘accident. Sova childeen those under 18 kg (40 Ibs. should be protected by a child restraint system. “The supplementary restraint system a two base subsystens 1) Thea he systom with inflator and aie bag 2) The elerie system with enah sensors and diagnostic module ‘The airbag is mounted inthe cone of he steering wheel, bat 18 out of sight unit activated, ssomemotis, 227 ‘Knowing Your Mazda WE How the Air Bag Works When airbas rach sensors dove preter ‘than moderate Fomial impact, an electrical Corre s sent othe inflaton Nitrogen ga is provuced to inflate tho bag. Alter the inflation, the ai bap quickly detlates 2:28 Z\ WARNING NOTE, Seating Postions Siding tow clove the airbag toroge compartment or placing hands on i Inereases the rsh of injury If ihe cir bag inflates, The driver should hold ‘onto only the steering wheel rim, adjust the seat s far hack as posible, end alvay stupcat eset + During a severe front-eod impact, yout ill hea a Toud inlation noise fd some smoke will be released Neither sill ease inj smoke doosn't indicat a + Tho airbag will function only once. After the air bag will not work ‘again and must be replaced. Only an Authorised Mazda Dealer cca eplace the syste Knowing Your Mazda ZX WARNING ZX WARNING ZX WARNING ot Air Bag Inflator: Immediately after inflation ofthe bog, the infltor in the steering wee is very hot. To. protect yourself from Arurns, don't touch the internal com ponents ofthe air bag storage area af- Ter the bag has inflated. Meditcctian of the Supplementary Restrins Sistem: Modifying the components or wiriag ofthe supplementary restraint system i dangerous. You could accidentally Activteitormakeitinoperable, Dea’? ‘make any “modificanons to the Supplementary resirint system. This includes installing tri, badges, and anything ele over the steering wheel hub I also includes inselfng extra efeciric equipment on or near stem components and wiring. Ai dag Storape Areas Attaching ax object to an airbag stor ‘agearea or placing one in front of tis dangerous, In an accident, the abject could interfere with air bog infleion orinjure the occupants. Always keep the ar bag storage area free of object ZX WARNING AicMag Inspect Col If your Mazda was in a collision nat strony enough fo inflate the alr bag, parts on which the sensory are ‘mounted may be distorted. and with atrepisthesysem mayntoperte Have an Authorised Mazda Dooler smaike a very careful inspection of the system, 2.29 Knowing Your Maz Righcband ‘drive model © Constant Monitoring ss AIR BAG. ‘These components ate monitored by the supplementary restraint system warning light: + SAS unit + Airbag module + Related wiring AA diagnostic mocile continvowsly moni- Ifthe supplementary restraint system is lors the system's readiness, This begins OK, the warning Hight comes on when the when the igoktin ised on andicontn- gnc i red on a ale Ube engine is hos while te vehicle is being driven, cranked, Affersbour6 seconds goes ut. A system malfunetion is indicated when this light constantly lashes oF stays on or fit doesn’t come oma al. [Fone of the happens, comull at” Authorised. Magda Dealer as soon as possible. The system ‘may not Workin an aeeident, 2.30 Tatchane drive mode ZX WARNING Z\ WARNING ‘Supplementary Restit Syste Sere Don't ir) 0 selfsorice the system. Tempering with it could cause ito e- fivate, and this could result in injury. For servicing and repairs, have att Authorised Mazda Deaterdo te ork Aic Bag Disposat: Dinpasing ofan cir beg ean be dangers ‘ous, Untess all safety provedures are Jalfowed, injury con result. Ack ot ‘Authorised Mazda Dealer how to safely dispose of an air hg er how serap an ir bag equipped rhicle Knowing Your Mazda 1 Maintenance This supplementary restraint system is niseaaiee-ive, Buti any ofthe follow ing overs, lake your vehicle to. an Authorised Mazda Dealer as soon as pos sible ‘Warning light flashes 4+ Warning Hite says 00 4+ Warning tishtdoosm’teome on when the igsition is armed on + Airbag infltes NOTE Should you sel your Mazda, we unge you to tell the new owner it his a Supplementary sesraint system and that he or she shoul hecome Eailiae ‘with all insructions aboot in the Owner’: Mam, 231 ‘Knowing Your Mazda Supplementary Restraint System* —Driver’s and Passenger’s Sides Ina frome evident the supplementary A WARNING resirunisysient with airbags isdesipned to provide protection for the driver and Trt Seat pusienger in addition to ths thres- | Al Bae Activations point sot bit stem, Tho alr bags will inflare only during a Jrontal or ear frontal alison thats ‘Rghichand drive waded ft least moderate in force I ater i finds of ecient woh side 4S WARNING tele oneal ‘The lmporiance of Sent Bets: eons hear bes nc eee The air bags mest have anitance | | Yenite occupant thou cheer wear from the seas butt ye to provide | | sears help reduce the poset | Reseacing Chld-Resteaint their bes praction tong airbags | | ef mers devine a sudten stop or on | Warning Labo ‘ny not prevent severe infers ne | | cide ‘evident. Vehete occupants should “Thishighly-vsible bel wars agin the fiwape wear seat bts ose of teerfacing child retin inthe Salohiten. thos anders kg 4s), oa should be protected by a child restaist 2:32 ‘some modes ‘Cankanecesad SI teste matte (SAS an) | ‘Knowing Your Mazda Z\ WARNING Rearsfocing Child Restrnt: Extreme Hazard! Do aot wse a rear ward facing child restraint on a seat protected by an airbag in front of The restraint ean be his hy the deploy ing air bag and kanaeked out of post- tion. A child in the resiaint would bo seriously injured or killed. Never use 4 rear-facing child reviwint in the Iron seat. System Description The supplementary restaine sysen es two basi subsysiems Lo The ae bag system with intator and ir ues 2) The electric system with crash aad diagnostic mvadule “The airbags ao onounted in he cenre of the searing Wheel and passenger skle of the instrument panel, but thes aro Out of sight uni activated. W How Air Bags Work ‘When cba cresh sensors detect a greater shan moderate froma impact, an eletrieal curren isseat othe inflators, Nios 's produced to inflate both bags. After the inflation, they quickly deta 2:33 ‘Knowing Your Mazda 2X WARNING NOTE, 2X WARNING ‘Seating Postion: Siting tov closet an air-bog storage ‘compartment or placing hands on it inereases the risk of infury if the alr bags inflate. The driver should hold ‘ante any the steering wheel rin Front seat occupants should adjust thelr seats as far back as possible ard ‘always sit upright against the seat hacks. 234 Daring a severe fron-end impoct, you wil bear a loud inflation noise ‘and some smoke wil bo released Neither will cause injary, amd he smoke does indicate afr ‘Tho airbags will function ontyonce, Afr that the alr bags will not ‘work again and must be replaced, Only an Authorised Mend Dealer ‘can replace the syste. Hat Air Bag Infltors: Immediately after inflation of the bags, the inflators in the steering whee! and in he instrument panel are tery hot. To protect yourself fram drurns, don" touch the internal coms ponents of the a bag storage areas tfter the bags have inflate. Knowing Your Mazda 2X WARNING 2S WARNING AS WARNING Restraint Sytem. Modlifsing the components or wiring of te supplementary restraint sysiem B dengerous. You could accident Gaetivateit or make i iroperable. Don't ‘make any modifications othe supple mentary resrein system. This eludes insaling trim, badges, oF any:hing eke aver the air bag storage areas. It fey includes installing extra elecre equipment an or near sytem compo nents or ing Air Bag Storage Area: Aluaching an objectio an air bax stor- ‘age area or placing onein from ofits dangerous. tn an accident, the object ‘could tnierfere with ar bag inflation fr injure the vecupants. Always keep the air bag storage areas free of objects. Air Bag Inspection efter a Collision: Uf your Mazda was in @ collision not ‘rong enough to inflate te air bags, parts on hich the sensors are ‘mounted may he distorted, and with= ‘out repairs the systema aay mot operate sehen mecessary. Have tn Authorised Mazda Dealer ‘marke avery careful inspection of the 2:38 Knowing Your Mazda 1 Constant Monitoring Tlie components are monitored by the sopplementary restrant sssiem waraing Tigh © sAsunit + Airbag modules + Related witing A diagnostic module continuously snoni- lors the system's realness. This begins ‘shen the ignition & turned on and contin tie while the vehicle being driven, 2:36 atcha Acive mee Tight bond drive mat a AIR BAG 1 the supplementary eesusiny system is (OK, the warning light comes on when the ignition is turned om or afer the engine i tanked. \ferlbour6 savant goes ct {A systam malfuneton i indivated when {his light constantly lashes or stays on iPitdossr'tcome ov at all Mame of these hhappens, consult an. Authorised Mazda Dealers soon as possible, The system may not work in an seciden 2 WARNING 2S WARNING ‘Supplementary Renita System Ser Don't iry 0 self-service the system. ‘Tempering with it could cause ito 0 iva, and this could result i ina. For servicing and repairs, have an Authorised Mazia Dealer do the work Ale Bag Disposal: Disposing ofanairag canbe danger- ows. Unless all safety procedures are allowed, injury can result. Ask an “Authorised Mazde Dealer hie to Safely dispose of an airbag or how to scrap an ai bog equipped vehicle. Maintenance ‘This supplementary restraint system is itenance-fre But it ay ofthe lolioni= Ing occurs, take your vehicle Io an Authorised Mazda Dealer as soem aspx sible Warning ight ashes + vam stays on ‘+ Waming lightdoesa’tceme on when the inition is tamed fm = Sirtags inflne NOTE Should you sell your Mazda, we urge yout tell the new owner jt his a Supplementary restraint system and that be or she should become famiior wih all insteuetions boat iin the Oviner's Manual 237 Knowing Your Mazda Steering Wheel TIL Wheel ‘Tochumge the angle ofthe steering wheel pill down the Jock release unde he ster ing value, adjust the shee, ard push up the relesse lever look the column, Afr adjusing, posh the wheel up and down to be certin is locke 2.38 ZX WARNING Adjusting the Ti Wheel: ‘Adjnsting the tit wheel while the vex hicle is moving can be dangerous. ‘Moving tupanddown can very easily fate the drier to abruptly tur othe left or right. This ean lead to toss of ‘control or an aceident. Nevor adjust the il wheel whe the velcle is mov- ing tom “To sun the horn, press the centre of the ieering whee! or either horn bateon on the sides ofthe steering whee! ‘Cheek the hom’ opotation regula Koowing Your Mazda Mirrors 1 Outside Mirrors (Cheek the miroes' angles before diving AS WARNING Convex Mirrors: What you see ia the convex mirrors willbe closer than i appears If 0% don't remember this when changing ames, you could hit a vehicle. Be sure | —y Marval control mirror tolook over your shoulder orto heck our inside’ mirror before chamging | Ty adjust, move the mitrr*s conte ever, lanes Jos inside the door 239 Knowing Your Mazda ( ¥ Poser control mirsor V Folding mirror ‘he ignition switch musi hein he ACC) youve folding onside mire, eit or NAD postion {old fat agains: the vehicle when pushed toward i Taal 1. Move the selector swith 1 the eft or right w choose the mitor 2. Depress the perimeter switch inthe a> propriate direction. “To lock the conta, leave the selector site inthe mille positon. 2-40 ZX WARNING yi Drfoing with the outside mirrors {folded tn recites your rearview and ould result in a Sorious aectdent. AL. tvays return them to the driving posi- lion hefore driving the vehicle ng Your Mazda LY Mircor defroster® “Touran te min defor tm thei: nition on ard push the rear wins de Aoster switch (pape 4-33). 1 Antiduzzle Mirror Adjust the inside mtr to centre om the scone through the wat window Do this with the amidazateTever in the dy pos: Pushihe ever Tore for day diving Pull i buck toedce glare from headlighis &\ WARNING Blocked View: Cargo stacked higher than the seat ‘backs con be dangerous. It can block ‘your view in the rearview. mirrer Which might eause you to hit enether car when changing lanes Don't iach things higher haa the seat backs oneal Kuowing Your Manda Sunroof* ‘The rear of the sunroof ean he tied pe toprovide mote ventilation, ‘To tt, push he uleswiteh + To close pil she it swine, ZX WARNING Power Operation of Sunroof “The sunroof can be openod or closed ele Inicaly only when the inition site sin the ONC position + To open to any postion, pul the side ssvteh towand the ean ‘ Foclose, push the side switch forward 242 Some motes Open Sunroof: An open sunroof can be dangerous. eas, arms, or other Body parts ex tnded through the sunroof coud hit something while te vehicle is moving ‘and cause death or serious inj. Don't let pasiengers send up on ex tend anything through the open tan roel Also, @ passenger not wearing seat ‘eutscan easily Be tos fromthe e- hele during an accident. Make sure all passenger! wear seat belts. A\ WARNING (Closing te Stanoofe A closing sunroof ean be dangerous, The hands, ead, or even neck of @ person - especialy ¢ child - could be aught i as it loses, caning ser fous injury: Make sure the opening fs clear before closing the sure Knowing Your Mada Interior Lights nshade “The surshalecan be opened and elosed by Td when the suneoo! is closed “The sumhade opens automaticaly when the sonreot is opened, but mu be clases by an AXCAUTION The sunshade doesn't tl To avoid ‘damaging the sunshade, don't push up OFF — Light ot DOOR — Lightonwhenadoorisopen ON ight on 243 Kaowing Your Mazda Map Lights Luggage Compartment The B ‘he map lights are switched on or off by Luggage Compartment Cover pressing the switches ‘Toreac the logzage compartment, use the straps o tb up the compartment cover Thiseover ean be removed for more 109m, Todo this yostnfastn te strap: thes if sand pull tet 2d Knowing Your Mazda Roof Carrier Connectors HE Langage Compartinent Light Light ot (ON — Light on when hatch is open 3 | Protecting Your Mazda ox peopl ite ro save money. With a oto Ute fre day ef oper Probes op onthe Uist of raat asi ta righ Bind of fuel an 201 ving nor ful thn you need ‘Ssaiana ona norMaonee Fie dlscertr prover cana fnasel driving conditions alo Wasrate selene te bel ny be fou Before Diving Running Peiog Money-Saving Suggestions Special Driving Coeitons Vohisle Informacion Labels Protweting Your Mazda Fuel Requirements Use omly unleates! petrol with an octane rating of at least 95 (Resear Octane Number} conforming to DIN 31 607, CAUTION mission Control System ‘Your vehicle equipped with an emission contol system he catalstie converte i Lochs ssiem) that erables your ve hicle to comply. with existing exhaust emissions requirements, NEVER USE LEADED FUEL, {es harmful othe catalytic converter ‘The lead wllaecumulaon theosy2en sensor und the eatalyst inside the com This will result in a malfunction af the {emission contol system, casing oor performance ZX WARNING Parking Over Things That Burn: The exhaust system gets very hot in normal use. If she vehicle i parked ‘aver something flammable, such es ey grass, she exhaust sytem could nite. The resulting fro ould case Serious injury or death so don't park yor or near enything flammable 32 ZAXCAUTION Ignoring he following precautions ‘ould cise load to accumulate on the Satay st inside the converter oF ease tho converter © hot, Either condition will damiage the converter fase poor performance + USE ONLY UNLEADED FU ‘+ Don't drive your Mazda with any sign of engine malfunction, Don’t coast th the ignition of + Don't descent sleep gras in ‘sith the ignition of + Don't uperateche engine st high ie foe more than 3 motes. ‘+ Don'tiamper withthe emission eon ‘nol systens All npections tn a jusinecn's must be mate by & ‘al fied technician Engine Exhaust Gas (Carbon Monoxide) Ve: engine ning. dst the heating A WARNING oresong steer Engine Exhaust; Suow under a vehicle that is Enginceshaustcontains carbon mon: ‘vide, which isdangerousto iahale It ‘ean even Kil + Carbon monoxide is eotourtess and odourless. If you smell exhaust Jures of any hind inside your ‘Mazda, immediately consult an ‘Authorised Maida Dealer Af yon must drive even though you mall frnes Keep al windows fly ‘open, nO mater ow cold the weather is Ueheengineisruninactosed arco, such ava garage, eshaet gay cat tasilyenterthe cabin, Don’t run the ‘engine in closed areas, When the velicle ts stopped for Jong in an open arca vith the (Continved) Mopped with the engine running ‘ca trap exhoust gas. This gas has fumes containing CO (carbon ‘monoxide hat cam enter the eabit ‘and Kill anyone in it Be sure (0 ‘lear avay sow from bench and ‘arotnd your vehicle Protecting Your Mazda Before Driving Before Getting in + Be sure the windonss, cuts miror, apd ootste Hiss are clean, + Ingpect inflation pressures and cond + Look underthe vehicle foray sign of a leak. If you plan to reverse, make sure noth inp will bein your way, Nore Fgine il, engine cvolant, brake clutch fluid, washer flu, and other uid levals Showld be inspected daily ‘weekly, or at refueling, depending on the ule See Mainonance, Sochon 7. 23 Protecting Your Mazda After Getting In +» Areal doors closed? c inside an outside mens ae + Iseveryore’s sai belt fastens? {© Doall the lights work? Check all anges. {© Check a wing Highs when he ini tion sth if the ONT position. ‘+ Release the parking brake and) make sare the brake warming light goes of. Always be does Mazda, iy Fair th your 34 Running-In [No special runing in is necessary. but @ ‘ow precautions inte fist 1,000 km (600 smiles) may ato the pertormanes, esan- ‘om, a ie of yout Mal Don't rice the engine Pont malnain ome constant speed for dona, Avoid unnecessary hard stops, Avo fullhnote stars Don’t iow ats, ‘Money-Saving Suggestions How you operate your Mazda determines snow fart will rave ona tank of fuel, Use hese suggestions 1 help save Money on Fel and repairs. «© Avoid Long warmups. Once the engine rum stanly, begin cving. Avoid fase tas Keop the engine tuned. Follow the) mainorance sehodule (page 7-2) and) have an Authorised Moz Dealer per form inspections ana servi ‘Use the sit conditioner only. when] necessary. Slow down in rough roads, esp the tees properly inflate, Don’t cary unnecessary weight + Don’t st your for on de brake pat while ding, + Koop the wheels in corct alignment «+ Keop windows close at high speeds 4 Slow down when diving in ersswias and headwinds ZX WARNING Coasting: Turning off the engine to coast down ‘ahd ean be dangerous. This causes the loss of power steering and pover Inake control. Any loss of steering oF of braking control could canse an faeeident. Never tara off the engine ‘an coast down ail, Special Driving Conditions mi Hazardous ing |Whon diving on ice or in water, snow, ‘md, sano similar haar: * Becautiousandatlow extadistance for braking * Avoid sudden braking and quick steer ing, + Beake withthe pal by asi ight up down motion, Don't constantly nok the pedaldown. + tTyou getstuc, shittto I(L) oF2(S)and aveelerate slowly. Don't spin the front wheels, ‘+ For more tacion in starting, ase sad rock salt. chains, capeting. or other onslipmaceria wader theft wheels Protecting Your Mayda 2X WARNING Downshittineon Slippery Surfaces: Downshiping into first gear with a ‘manual iransasie or into low with art automatic transaxle while drising on Slippery surfaces can canse ein aceie dent. The sudden chenee in gre speed could cause the iresto skid. Be care~ Fiat winen downshipiing on slippery surfaces NOTE Use saw chains only on the front wheel 35 Protesting Your Maza 1 Rocking the Vehicle If you must roe the vehicle fee ifr ‘sri, or mud depress the aceleratt STghtly and. With at ransavle, genlly move the selector lever hick and fri fon Dt0 R With manual transeate, gently move the shiver back ai Forth rom first 0 r= AX WARNING Shinning the Whee: Spinning the wheels wten the vehicle is atuck could cause a rev explode. Don't spin the wheels, and don’t allow someone to Hand behind @ wheel sehen pushing the veicle. verhecting,tausaxle Flare, and ie sari, Winter Delving Conny emergency pear, including tyre chain, window Seraper, ares, sal Shvel jumper lends, and a smal bay of] sand oF sal ‘Ask aMazda desler ty perform the fo lowing precaution Have enough antifreeze inthe raion Inspectihebatery dit leuds.Coldre duces ballery capaci Use only cold-wetster engine vil (pe 7-14), Inspect the ignition system for dame sin Ioose conection. Use wuher Mid mace with oni freeze but don't use engine cool anureeze for washer fluid (page 7-20} + Dont use the parking brake i it might ‘rose Instead shi th park than a omic tansasle and to fist oe reverse ‘vith 4 manual. Block the rer wheels, Protecting Your Mazda W Snow tyres Not When snow tyresare used, select the size | Cheuk out local regulations befone us land construction specified on the tyre} ing viuled tees Pressure label. It is strongly recon mended that suow gyres be used oi ll four wheels, or poor handling may £°- sult, Please also note the inflation pressure recommended fom the tyre maker ZN WARNING Snaw Tress Snow tyres used vith reguler tes should hethesanse size aml ype os the regular (ores. If adie fores ore mised ‘sith uoncredlls, or fires of differ. co sizes are installed, the safety and handling of your vehicle may be ad: versely afevied. Make sure stow tres ‘and regular tyres on the sare vehicle are al the seam sce and type, a7 Protecting Your Maza Tasldor pe) Hexagon pe [tev Trea Tsay Ias6aRIt TaaaaR Ts Issean 3 Hewagse npe ane " Laer spe NOTE Side view Although Mazda secomninds Halder peor hexagon type icc ing chats, | Tyee chatn specification ‘YTyre chains ai chains within installation specifics “Tyre chain sleetion tion may be used ‘when installing the te chains, tbe di tance betoeen the tyre teed and the cha Cheek local regulations before using 1yre rust be within the presribed iit in th chains following table Maza recommends ler type or hexa- mye steering chains Slactthepeupor ‘ype avcordng 1 your tyre sins. Protecting Your Mazda _ Dinan AXCAUTION “ese baw x 8 | | 6 Chains may serach or chip aS | aR ee | waa | |” shale nese seh [ssosers | “i988 093) cusins on steal wheels only. W5isSR13 | wax tao | max 140 [Bees gue [git | J cic terns Installing the chains Follow the chain manufactree's instruc Fir¢semove the hoe] covers, othe chain tran wll rates hem, ‘Seuro the chanson the fontiyrosas ti ly as possibie;reihton them after driving 12.) halometre (1-1/2 mil Don't use chains on the rear tees Don’t go fester shan 50 kh GO nph) othe chain manufacturer's secommended. limit, whichever is Tower Drive carefully ane avoid bumps, oles and sharp turns. Avoid locketwhec! braking. Don’t use chains on the tempor” ness they may damage the Vebile and the Gre, Don't uss eins on roads chat ate free of snow or ice. The tyes and ‘Sains cond be damaged mb ugin Flooded Areas Avoid driving in Mood ares te water isiher han the bottom othe Whee Drive through water slowly and allow for extra sopping clistince because wet brakes ‘don't grip wel Aft deiving in water, ry the brakes by ently applsiag them Sevsral times while moving lows. 39 Your Mazda Trailer Tosving “Your Mazda ws designed and built pris marily to cary passengers an cargo. If you must wow @ wller, follow these insrucions because driver and passenger Sally depends on proper equipment snd Saleddving habits. Tossing atealer Willa feet hnling. braking. curabily, pero mance, and economy. Never ovetlod vehicle or waler. Consul aan Authorised Mazda Doser if you nee Farther details. 3-0 ¥ Running AXCAUTION Bon'ttow a trailer during the rst 1000 {im (600 mile) ot your new Mazda. If you do, yo may damage the engine tama differential, wheel earings. fant other povser ia components ¥ Weight limits “Thetotal trailer welght,grosseombined sveight and trailer tongue load must be ‘within the prescribed limits. Ina high-altitude operating environment, ‘engine loses powcr us elevation increases In these conditions, a reduction of 104% per 1,000 m (3,280 fect) fn otal trailer It and gross combined weight fs Protecting Your Mazda ‘TRAILER TOWING-LOAD TABLE Because vehicle weights vary. adjusitents imate ride to mee he equlrement inthis table == “| tea = ‘Medel Tee gine Rosie engine Site engine om — i Mx | AIX | MIN | SIN Taller ail sorat mange | Ta is 400 (80) [sees WEIGHT O1A8) Tralee a 1.200 2.440 ‘GRoss cf COMBINED \ 23815 16193) fe | oak | ae. | a ent ma =) 62%) | ro | sos | ginsy - a = Pape 5 ax.00 ae (06-152) TOTAL TRAILER WEIGHT Sanat weighs oft wakr a avo (GROSS COMBINED WeIGirr Simona way nepused owas ‘TRAILER TONGUELOAD. Mix’ Mast eanoie bile wih lasing mle ich, vedic pase, avec oe ‘ciaht ctl on haere sae ty chasing he weg eben Wee aig Tea SIL Protecting Your Mazda NOTE, those. specified may cate. serious handling and performance problems ‘hat coutd reat in pervawal tary oF ehcle damage, or both. Always keep {or foals within specified tits. 312 2 WARNING AX WARNING Tow Loads: Trai i Artepling to tow leads greeter then | | Loading the tater vith more weight in the reer than in the fonsis danger. ‘ous. Doing so could eause you to lose ‘control The traiter tongue toad manst be d8~66, cs “The otal trailer weight and tongue Load cearbe determined by weighing the trailer on platform seals ata highway ‘reighinp sationoratuckingeompany fo prevent the dangct of taller Sway from erosswings, ough toxls, or other ¥ ‘railerhitet When towing a trailer, use a germine Maza trailer hitch. Bolt Holes for securing dhe trailer itch ‘ust be dled. Coniact your Authonsed Mazzle Dealer for moro ioformalion. Protecting Your Mazda ‘Talk Hitch station aren nie ac S 16463) IO a RTAS SS 8) Lei Viyres ‘When towing airaller, make sue all ree are inflated fo the recomended cold ie ress, as inccated cin the tyre pressure ‘hart onthe driver's Uoor Trailer tye size, load rating, and inflaton pressures should conform to tyre manufacturer specifica tons 2 WARNING Using a temporery spre tre om your vekicle when towing a trailer could ree sun tyre failure, fos of control, and fry to viele oveuparus. Never se "1 toriporary spare when toving, Bld YY Safety chains Safe chaios mst used asaprecaation- Tewsure should the taler besong Stony teed. They scald Groshunder the vale tongue natch ib Ehehich Leave sek tallow fll tas. Con ieee published by your tale or hich manatee fre tal YY trailer brakes Ifthe total tralier weight exceeds 400 kg (880 Is) for 15, 18 lite engines or 470 kg (1034 Ths) for 20-ire engine, alee brakes ae required. If your trailer has brakes, make sure they meet regulations. ‘wale ahs AS WARNING AXCAUTIO! Connecting a hydraulic trailer brake ‘pw ect tothe veh rake Dov' comes er tang tn |_| St wire icq bat directly tothe lighting system of your ‘Mazda, This may damage your ve hicle’s electrical system and systems. "To conacet the lighting sy tem, consult an Authorised Mazda Dealer ing amd possible injury: Don't connect @ hydraulic wrailercbrake system jour vehicle's brake system. ¥ Trallerowing ips Before driving ‘© Yaily that your Madi: maintains a new-ponmal aiude When a leaded or unleaded teller 1¢ connected. Don't dive if has an abnormal from-up oF front-down position. Inspect for incor rectiongue oa, worm suspension pars, and trailer overloading. Have te ve hile inspected “ty an Authorised Mazla Dealer, ‘+ Make sure the male cargo is sere to prevent i fom shitting ‘Make sure the mizors meet al govern- mien regulations, Lsspect the, Before starting out, inspect the oper tion of al vehicle and ter lights and all vehicle to-tikr connections. Stop and reinspoct all lights and connections after diving @ shor distance Driving * Your Mazda willhandte itteremty with 8 toler in Tow, $9 practice turning. backing, and stopping ina traces + Taketime to get accustomed othe ext Weight and lene * on’ exceed 100 krw'h (62 raph) with trailer in low AXCAUTION the vehicle exceods 100 kim’h (62 mph) with a trailer in tow, the vehicle could be dameged. Protecting Your Macda © Wheneseendingahill shift into ower gear 0 reduce the possibly of over. Tonding or overheating the engine, or heh ‘+ When descending abil shiftinto wlow- ‘er gearand use engine compression aya braking effoet. Pay constant attention to speedanduse the brakes only as needed. ‘ling the brake pedal down fora pro- fongetpevin may cause the brakes to ‘overheat and lone power Protecting Your Mazda Vehicle Information Labels ‘Model plate [yre pressure label _ ‘Chassis number SS Driving Your Mazda Operating sow ete require good de standing ofthe any cinots you mast hrs find ae Seeion 4 deserbec eli hs ned. Steyiniraticn om ase of the igmton sch felching Alo Higtighied ar he gearshift nd hing Inales, power storing, itcuanens at ages, warnings et dicen, mind pers and intron fares Iantion Switch Poss. 2 ‘Stari the Engi Manual Trnsoste Open Autos Taste Brake Sysern Pose: Sicenng resrument Cater Gavges Instenort Pine! Wumnation Warming Lists Beeps izing Comrol \Wingsreen Wipers sd Wishes Rear Window Wipcr amt Wisbe: Rear Wino Detrower Clack Ligh stirs Ghove Box storage Corpses ‘Genre Console Saviors Vaniy Miro AirConitoning Feats Radio Reeetian +54 44 Driving Your Mazda Ignition Switch Positions [ie —— mona “This isthe normal unaing position aftr the engine started. The warning lights Should be inspected before the engine sured (page 4-23), START, ‘The engine sone in his positon. hw crak until you release the key: then 1 tuzns «@ ONC, 42 ‘with ————| immobile SS ACCA) (Accessory) “Thesteerng wieel unlocks an sone eee trical aecessores will ops BLOCKO “The tering whee! lockto protest agains theft, Only in this pesiion van the Rey be removed. NOTE turing the key i ificul, gee the ‘wheel from side side AX WARNING ‘Steering Locks Removing the key Joom the ignition ‘ovlich Locks the steering. [f removed White diving, tvs of steering comical dnd very likely an accident wil oceur, Remove the Key oniy when parked. WARNING Porkine Brake: ‘he antitheft steering coluenn lock is ‘not asubsttate for the parking brake, Before leavin the driver's seat, ale ays make sur the selector lover is at P vith an automate transaste or in firs with a mania transaxle; st the parking brake fully AND stop the n= ine. Unexpecied and possibly sudden Yehfote maverient may accur if these precautions aren't take Starting the Engine H 2 4 Oceupans should fasten toi seat belts Make sure the petking brake ison Manual Transasle—Depress 1 futch pda all the way al Senta neutral Keep the pod depressed while nk ing the engine Automatic Transasle Place the se ecto lever in If you must estar the lenge while the vehicle is moving shift the lever to, Tam the ignition witen 10 STARII—up to 10 seconds at ‘ime—umil the engine sar, Aer starting dhe enging, let i idle for bout 10 seconds, Driving Your Mazda NOTE, In exiremely cold weather, below TSC (O°P), or after the vebicle hes stow lle several days, ft i warm up without operating the accelerator AXCAUTION ay the startor motor for moe ‘han. 10 Seconds ta tune, I the engine Balls or Fails to sar, wait 10 seconds Ddefore trying again. Otherwive, you ‘may damage thesterer motor ameiiain the battery. 43 Driving Your Mala Manual Transaxle Operation NOTE NOTE, ‘Whether ook! or warm, the engine thou be saved without use ofthe xc- cele: IF the engine fails to tart, it may be Sloe (encessive fue inthe engine). Follow thi procedure (1) Depressthe aeteretorallthe way and oid iether (2) Turn the key to STARTUID and hold the —for upto 10 seconds. the en testa, oleae the key ancacceler- ‘or immediately bocase the engine ‘will suddenly re up. a ftheengin also stat eran icwith- ‘out using the aecelerator—forup to 10. secs, « sl falls to start, go through stops 1), @), atl (2) an. 44 (@ouive engine) YYou may hear noise (from de valve tappeis)ttheenginehasnotbeenin use fora few days. At normal operating temperate, this should stop. if it tdesos, consult an Authorised Mazda Dealer 195 KH » DB 2 | 1M Manual Transaxle Shin Pattern “Theshittpanemof de teansaneisconven: tional as shown. Prexs the cluich pedal all che way doven ‘while shifting: then release t slowly A safety feature prevents accidental sitt- ing from $08. The shift ever must be pot in neutral before being shied to R NOTE 4+ Make sure the vehicle is stoppedbe Fone Sing wR + IF shiting into reverse is ditficul Sift mio neural, rlease the lute eda and try agin, AXCAUTION oep your fot off he latch pedal ex 2pt when shifting gears. AlS0, Jom't se the clutch cobold the veils onan Uperale. This will avoid needless let wear ard damage, Deriving Your Mazda 1 Recommendations for Shitting Touse fess fuel and to improve deivablity, xe the gears ony i these sped anges: FIRST SECOND, TARD FOURTH... ETH, From 0 0:24 kn (CS mpiy «From 25 0 40 kmh 25 mph) From 4l 1068 kiv'h 40 moh) From 65 1072 kinth (45 mph) 7k wo casing goed BE Aueomatic Transaxle Controls | Rishthand drive moda i} | Selectgg lever eke baton Teves unsate siting OP. Hata ston ‘ashing hs but gto the fd ode Plahing is gain donc aes th th. +3 oR fon yes? ou Hot ingleator AB soir wre notcing ine nckretoase but AHL shite winouchoiing ithe baton . oe a Deriving Your Nara | Seletor lever | Ro out | ibe ot Shift patcen indicator ase ye Shows settee pskion ike | | TH si ste rit inte ote tao AND stir wins soting inne baton Driving Your Mazda 1 Transosle Ranges ‘The selecwrlevermustbeut PorN tooper he Satter moter Park) Plovksthe transaxle and prevontsthe team wheels fe tating, ZX WARNING ‘The Packing Brake vs. Using P instood of the parking brake ahold the vehicle is unsafe. IF fils {i hold, the veicle will me freel? ‘ond possibly eause an accident. Don't tise P in place of the peeking brake 48 AXCAUTION 2 WARNING “Shitting into Por while the ve is maving can damage your trans ane 1» Shifting into a driving gear or re ferse when the engine i rani faster than idle oan damage the tearsanke Y Rikteverse) Inthe R position, he vehicle moves only asker Teimust be stepped before you fan sift oor front 8, exespl as explained Under Rocking the Velicle (page 3-0 YN (Neutral) No the wheels and trinsasle aro nat Jockeld The vehicle will mi rely even on fe slightest incline uinless the parking Drake or brakes are om Shittng from No Ps Wedangernuste shijifrom N or? int adriving gear when te engine ira Ing faster than te. If tis is dose, the vehicle coald move suddenly, fesing an accident or serious injury [Phe engine is raneung faster than Idle, don't frommN or Pinto drive ing gear ¥ Derive) Dis the normal driving position, From a stop, the transsfe will atomically shift through a pear soquenee YS iSceond) Tho S position is helpful when dewing in slowemoving attic and when clin hil. YidLow Use the [postion when pulling heavy Foads and climbing stoop gras, Shift patterns without hold mode: D= 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ath S= stand, 3rd L=Ist2nd 1 Driving Tips ¥ Passing For extea power when passing another ve hice or climbing step pres, depress the Ssevelerai fully. The nansaxle will shift to tenes! lower gear Y Climbing steep grades from a stop Toclimbasteep gra froma stopped pos - Depress the brske pel 2. ShifttoD,S,orL, dependingon the oad -wvigitand grade steepness ‘Release all brakes while gradually ac celerating. Driving Your Mazda ¥ Descending steep grades ‘When descending a steep grace. shift $ ‘depending on load weight sal sade sleepness. Descend slowly. using the brakes only occasionally to prevent them from overicating. 49 Driving Your Mazda Hold Mote The hold mode stops te automatic spec change operation znd has dee postions fh (Dp sooo (S)-and hist), ‘Y Hold operation Use the hol mode when sting from a stop on slippery surfaces, when diving up seep inclines, and for braking asssance fon ovingraces 40 Pst the hold button wo activate the hold ‘made, Push ia second time to devetivate "Y When the hold mode fs on: Drive! “The tamssale jp held in third TL awtomati- cally downshifts to second ala stop. BO. lever, and reins thin! for smoother a soletation. S (Second) The nansexleishekin second Don't ive fate ham 96 kan (60 mp) in his pos Lite ‘The transac is holdin fist, Dow’ deve faster han $6 kav (35 mph in his pos. ‘Shift-up patterns with hold mode on: D-Hlold = rd (temporarily 2nd for standing start) Selluld = 2nd fixed) L-Hold = Ist ined) Y¥ Hold indicator ‘This ightcomes on when the hold modes select ‘The hold mode ix automatically ancelled when the igitin issaiteed off, AXCAUTION the hold indicator igh Hashes, she lronsanie has an eleetisal problem ‘Continuing io drive your Mazta inthis congtion sould cause damage 0 your waste. Consultan Authored “Maza Dealer ax soon ws possible, ‘Your Marda Letthand | rive mode 401 Driving Your Mazda Brake Systen Foot Brake ‘Youur Muzdalpaspower-assisted brakes that ‘jus automaticaly through normal se ‘Should power assist fal, you ean sop by ‘anrlying eeater force than nore (0 the brake pedal. Bur the distance required 10 sp willbe greater han us ‘When the engine is of, the reserve brake pvier i ese cach time the brake pedal is Soplied, Don’t pump the pec! wher the power assis has been intermpted, except fehen nacessay to maintain steering con trol when sliding on (ce oF other slippery surtaces, AX WARNING ZX WARNING iin Driving with your foot on the brake pedal or continuously applying the brakes wen going down a long or steep hil wil cause high brake ter peratures. Increased stopping dis: Fences or even tout brake future ould result, sold eominaous p= ‘lication ofthe brakes, Shijitea lower ear. Brakes: Driving through water deepenorit0 wet the Brakes may affect their perm formance. cond reset in failure to Sloe down atthe wswal rate arin pel Ting to one side oes the brakes are applied. Light braking will indicate wehether they have been affected. To Uy. the brakes, apply them lightly vahite driving slowly wnt! perform lance fs normal AX WARNING Morn Dise Pads: Worn ise pads witt damage the brake ‘stem and affect brake performance. Your brakes will eventually fl and ow could have a serious accident Consultan Authorised Mazda Dealer «ssn as you hear the pad wear indi 1 Brake Pad Wear Indicator Wren the dise brake pcs become wor, ‘he bultin wer ndeaors comet he di Dltes. This eauses 2 sereaching ave 19 ‘am that the pads shouldbe eeplaced When you hear this soise, consult an Authorised Mazta Dealer as som as pos. ite aN Parking Brake + To set the packing brake, depress the lake pedal hen pul the brake handle Fully upovae, To celease it, pall the handle up and pres. the bution. Depress the brake pedal: then wer ih handle to the ee Jease position while holding the huten in Relesse the pedal when safe todo 413 AXCAUTE ‘Diving withthe parking brake on witl fuse excessive eat ofthe Buk? It ings oc pa 414 Tight hana @m);*™™ BRAKE ~Telkand drive wodel mi Brake System Warning Light Lethe brake war slight stoysonsier he patking brake i full released, the brake stem bas a malfunction. Refer to Wam- ig Lighistheops (page 423) Driving Your Maza A\ WARNING © Witeantock warning lighsayson | F- while you're ving ARS con- ‘ABS: wants dette assem mal |_| The AMS cannot compensate jor une funeon this oscurs, your takes || La and rectoes een te wilimetoeseemalysitthey te! | | edad. Gone ae ADS. staltiehpoenconat | | Hike mec a tater Lo AuthorseaMazaeDeakasioon | | (rednesdtrephcooras eae sspstbie becouse of wateromihe ocd magus Yon esl hve an wee Pking disanss may te tongeion | | don rey ow ABS $2 ose races enw or rane for | | Sree amps whch ely eve ied ‘anion A vehi wits sonal raking stem may equelers lance to stop under Use condions | [NOTE betas the tyr il Ds wwodge of surface layer when the | | Wientheeagineds jump suredanun ‘hse si evenncs ofp ofr ane ABS ‘Thedsver vi ates vbaioninhe aright onc on Ti Kae pea gaia ea et 8 tate cacy ant does noise fom he rae system Tat es Sxdetea malin fal when ABS opoaee Antilock Brake System (ABS) ‘The ABS contol wit continuously monic torsthe speed ofeach wheel Ifone ts abou ‘o lock up. the ABS responds by antomat- cally releasing and eappiving that wheel's broke. Lave the battery recharged as soon as Possible Somemndes. 41S Driving Your Mazda Power Steering Power steering uses aneray from thee gine. ihe eagine is off orf the power Steering systom becomes inoperative, You ‘an sil ses, but mil require more ef Leyou find steering hein normal diving, consulta Aurhorsed Maz Dealer /AXCAUTION Novertodthe steering whee othe on sreme left or sight for moxe than five (econds with the engine running, This ad damage the power steering 53% Driving Your Mazds Tefchand drive modst Gauges Speedometer ‘The speedometer indicates the torwant speed ofthe vehicle, Odometer (Right-hand drive model) ‘The odometer indicates the total dstanoe the vehicle hasbeen driven trip Meter (Rightshand deive mode) The tip-meter los the total distance the Yehicke is driven unit the eters again reset. Return it to zero by pushing inthe reset bution, You cam use t Bor checking Tie consumption Wiper — 1 Odometer and Trip Meter Y Odometer (Leftchand drive model When this mode i sleet, ODO will be he ignition switeh must be in the ONC) displayed postin, The odometerrecords the total distance the ‘To change a display mex fiom odometer vehicle his been lniven lo ripmeterorvice versa, press the bution ‘The slested mode will be displayed 419 Driving Your Mazda Trip meter ‘When this mode is slesio, TRIP wil be isplayed. “The ripmerer records the otal distance the ‘elicits driven ntl themete isagainse: Set Retor 10°0" by halling the bution ‘depressd for about? secon, Use this meter to measure trp distanoes fant in compating tue consumprion. NOTE, f the power supoly is intemupted blown Tose ar the battery 1s uiscon nected), the record will be erased 420 \Wee Water Temperature Gauge This aaage shows the temperature ofthe engine count Wie needle exeseds normal sange toward WE itindicates overheating AXCAUTION Driving with an overbeated engine can cause serious engine damage (page 3), [iieaniece ——] to tae war 1 Fuel Gauge The fuel gauge shows how mac fue ein ‘he tank. Whee the warning light liam nats, omy about 8.0 fires (2 US gol. 1 & Imp gab remain Nore This gauge continues wo show how much fuel feteyen when the ignition iol a ‘Lefvhand drive model Ng vE @ Tachometer The tachometer shows’ engine speed in thousands of evolutions perm inte (rpm Use it while selecting shit points ard 10 prevent lugging and avereevving (page 5) 421 Deriving Your Mazda Tight-hand drive model Taftchund deve model NOTE Theneadle way movestighily when the ignition switeh is at ACC) oF ONUI) ‘with the engine off Thisis normal and Wwillnotarfactazcuracy once the engine ‘8 running ZXCAUTION owt mun the engine with the tae hometerneele fo toe RED ZONE. “This may came severe engine damage, 422 Taft drive model Instrument Panel Hlunination Woen the park lights or headlights ave (on, mate the thumb-whecl t0 adjest the brightness oF the instrament panel inhi, Warning Lights/Beeps Warning Lights Inspsction Inspect the warning ligh'sby turing one ignition switeh wth the engine off nd the Parking brake om. Consultan Authorised Maze Dealer about any tight tat doesn't After staring the engine, make sure ‘warning lights aro off. Fee stays on i's ‘ygnalling for attention, ‘The brake system warning light shoukd go off utten the parking brake is released . ae System Warning [@ ] “This warming nas two functions Y Parking brake warning “Thelightcomeson when the parking brake |s applied with the ignition in STARTUI) oF ON(ID postion. i goes off when the brake is fully released, Driving Your Mazda ‘¥ Low brake Muid level wart Win ig stays om after the parking brake is fully released, you may have a broke problen Tit stays on: |, Be sure the parking Bre 1s fully re leased 2, this light isstiton drive tote side of the road and park in ste place ‘You may notice that the pedal is hander to push oF that t may 90 clescr to the Noor nether case, it wil ake Fongerte Stop the vehicle With the engine stopped, check the broke Mid level immediately aa ad ‘i ay required (page 7-7), 4 Aller adding uid, if the warning re ‘ainsi, othe brakes ca not operate Droperiy do aot dive the vehicle Have ‘tawedioan Authorised Mards Dealen 423 Driving Your Mazda yon ifthe light goes off, have your Drake system inspected a soma poss: ible AX WARNING Brake Warning Light: Driving with the brake system war ing ight on is dangers, Hindicates thatyourrakesmay not workatellar (hat they could completely fal at any times jth fight remains on ae the brakes inspected immelitely. Don’t drive with his ight on 424 churn System Sa 2 This warning shows a malfunction ofthe aera oro he chargin2 83st, If ve light comes om whe the vehicle fs smoxing: 1, Drive tothe sd of the road and park in use place 2 Tumoffthe engine. Lnspet the altema {or drve belt for looseness and break 3, Ie it’s OK, te ebarging sytem as a problem, Consultan Authorised Mazda Dealer as soon as possible 1 Fagine Oi Pressure | ‘Warning Light “This waming shows low engine oll PRS ‘¢the Hight comes on while the vehicle is smuving’ 1, Driveto the side of the roa! and park in asafe place 2. Tum off the engine nd inspect the en sin oil fevel page 7-15). 14's low od oil 3. I the light emains on even after you uh il, get a tow tothe nemest service Satin or toan Authorised Maza Dealer. Low Fuel Warning Light (Right-hand drive model) ‘This waming light in she fuel gauge signats thatthe fue tank will soon be emp (et fuel as soon ay posible ‘Mi Low Fuel Warning Light ri (Left-hand drive mode!) | A This warning sianals that the feel tank wh soon be empty: The Tighe wil come on when only about 8 fives 2 US ga, 8 tmp 8) remain, Get fucl as soon as possible This warning ight reveals that linle windscreen washer tid remains. Add aid (eage 7-20), M Antilock Brake System | GS] (ABS) Warning ign” (2, ‘The svaming light stays on fora few se onds when thefanition stared the ON (positon, 4 the ABS contol unit determines that ‘me components are operating incorect 'y the contol uni ras the ABS warming Tigh on, Whon the engine is jump-stared 40 charge the bat, uneven rp ecu bd the ABS warming light eames on This ise ta oak battery, mea nal. function Rechange tho battery __Driving Your Mazda % Supplementary Resteain stem Warning Light | ofta| 1s tho supplernemery restraint system is ‘OK. the warming fsht comes on when the 'gnition is ured om o ater the cnsine is ‘ranked. ier about 6 seconds it woes ou A system malfunction is indicated ten this light constarly Meshes or stays on ot iFit doesn't come on at all. If one oF ese huppens, consult an Auborsed Marda Dealer as soon as possible. The system: may no week in an accent AX WARNING ‘Supniementars Reuroint System Serie Don't wy 10 self service the sysem, Tampering with itcould cause tito ‘ivete, and this ould result in infury For servicing and repairs, have an Authorised MacdaDealerdothe work, somemoiie, 4-25 ng Your Mazda 1 immobilizer Syste =) Warning Light* San 1 the immobilizer system is. working properly, he light will come on when the Fenton is tuned to the START positon ‘The Tight will go ont when the engine Ite ihe tlashosrapidls, als to comeon, ‘o¢comes onand stays on, indicates asys- tent malfunction. any of these occur, omer an Authorised Manda Dealer aS Soom as pessble 4-26 “Somemscls W Lighes-On Reminder If you stop the engine and eave te Highs fon, a boop will sound when any dor is pened i Headlight Main Beam Indicator Light “Tis ht indicates one of two things ‘6 The main-beam helights ar on: 4 The ditection indiator lever isin the Fast pass postion. |B Rear Window Defroster’ a Thao ge g “This ight eames on when the tear window defroster ison. tard Warning ter [ZR] Inventor igh A “Ts light flashes whe the ear waming Has svteh is on 1 a oi Ineor (| “This light comeson when the mar fo Is operating aoe eee Ea This light eames om when the root Fox Tights are uperating, This ighecometon when the Wok m selecte Lighting Control ~] ¥ ttentsom reminder Send op It you stop tk engine and leave te Highs © Featsup | on, a hep will sound when any dar i | ‘To prevent discharging the batiery, zine iso, don leave the lights on while the en W Teaatights ‘Toe on tho igh, tmn the knob on the end ofthe conto! ever First stop "Lights and instesment pave), parking ad number pate lights ae on, ‘Sceond stop ‘Head and sit tights atid instrameni panel, Parking and number pe lights see on, Y Weailight main-low beam Dh the tever forwund for main beams, Pall bac fr low The maimbeam indjeator fight on dhe instrument pant is Blas. 427 Driving Your Mazda ‘¥ Fiashing the headlights ‘To asa ce elights, pl the lever Sally towand you, The headlight switch ced not the on, and the over will recur to the noe ‘ral position when release “The mainchoan) icator Tigh) on the instrument panel is ve 4-28 ssimemoice Bie [so sa | per Headlight Levelling” “The mumier of riders and weiattof cargs in the luggage compartment change the Ange ofthe healights “the headigh leveling switch xjust this age. Select the prope seting from this har. Driving Your Mazda Running Lights Some countries require moving vehiclesto have dei tights on runniglghts) ring the daytine, Running lighis come 09 automatically ‘shen the ignition switch is inthe OND) position "he hn They tue oft * When the parking lighs ae curved oo Tumand Lane-Change Signals » When the headlights ue lashed, YY Direction indicator Move the lever slightly towant the dite tion of the change—until the indicator Move the signal leer down (fora sight lathes —ondhoutatthee Ienilee wen) cr up fora lefttum) tthe stop posi- the off position what elearce ‘ion. The signal will select after the turiscompiea | a NOTE, Green indicators on the iastrement pane! sow which signa is working, 1 an indicator Tighe stays on without flashing or itt ashes abmoemaly. the Ahieetion indcacar bulb may be bornod seme messi 4229 Driving Your Mazda 1 Front Fog Lights wear Pou Light UUsethisswiteh orn onthe ear f2 "The reat fog light hes your vehicle when visibility is poor bocause of thick figs tm he from fg lights on. “The font fog lights wl function when the Iendlght swatch iso rroturn on the rear fog light, ura the bead Tights on and Hien press the rear fog ight Sten, To urn io, press tga 1 the peas of 4-30 Sexe nde NOTE, your veicte has fom fg its, yo ‘ean turn onthe ear fog hight Wh front foe hs ae ot Windsereen Wipers and Washer Driving Your Mazda NOTE WE Windsercen Wipers Y One-touch wipers ‘Phe ignition sich rst be on. For a single wiping eyeie push the lever Because heavy ice and snow can jam the wiper blues, he wiper motor is protected by a circuit breaker, This Iechanism il automatically stop op ation ofthe Dados, baton For boa Sminutes, 4 this happens, tu of the wipce swith and pak ina sate place, Attor ‘nutes. turn-on the switch and the blades shoul operats normaly I ehey don’, consult ‘an. Authorised! Mazda Dealer as sion gs possible Forward and release it Turn the wipers on by pulling the lever avn 431 Driving Your Mat Rear Window Wiper and Washer - i Windscreen Washer The ignition must be on. Pull the lever tosard you and OK it to pray washer fui. bathe OFF or INT posi Tein the wipers will he sctivated ni che lever is release. a ahe washer doesn't war, inspect the Fal tvel (page 720). 1hits OR, console fi Authorised Mara Dealt 432 2S WARNING owesing Washer Bid: In freezing temperatures, windscreen fmesher laid could freese othe TMindscreen and block your vision, Wintel could easily cause om accident Don't use the wosher without Jest warming the windscreen. | 4 “The rear window wiper and washer ean be activated by the Wich. 1m Rear Window Winer Toturn om the rear wiper tur the Kno to ON The wiper will wipe the Window & Couple af umes: then pauses for Hf se SMS twill then wipe whe window once every secon Rear Window Washer To spray washer fluid, turn the knob wo ‘the 6 position. The wiper comesonaio, mutica. Aftor the knob ts icles the ‘per wil wipe a couplet tines and sp There are 19 washer positions on the Switch: up and down, Fither can be Tf the washer doosn't work, inspect the Mod leve} (page 7-21) IFS OR andthe ‘washer sll doesn't wth, eonsall or Authorised Meza Dealer he eu defrosterlears est, Fog thin ice hom both sides ofthe rear window: ‘The ignition switch mast be OND, Remove all sow trom the rear wind Past the switch to tum on the rear window ‘Selroster; the indicator igh wil come on, Push ee switch again to turn it of A\CAUTION Don’ use shar instriment or vindow leaner with abrasives to clean ros ot ‘ce frum the rear window, ‘They muy damage the conductors inside the win dow 4:33 Driving Your Mazda _ Clock Lighter RESET: Press the RESET burton to clear minutes ‘The clock willbe set on the how, Iethe RESET bation is pressed from 9:01 {09229 forexample, the time wil be reset 109.00, If pressed from 9-20 to 9:59, the time wil be reset 10 10:00. 9:01-9:29 - 9:00 9309.59 = 10:00 ‘To operate the light, press it im and 16- Souting the Time Teaseits When ey foruse,tamomaticl The ignition sith mst bein the ACCA) or ONAD postion. |y pops out the engine is off the ignition switch must HOUR (1: ress the H (hoor buon to change hours. beat ACCC} or ONG forthe lighterioop- MIN Dress M (imine) button fo change min utes. 434 Driving Your Mazda Ashtrays AXCAUTION © Don't hokt the lighter és baa will overeat + Don'tusethe lighter socket fr pag in aeessories such as shavers aml «coffee pots. They may damage i ‘ease electrical filer. Use only enuine Mazda lighter ortheequiva Tent * Lethe lighter doesn’t pop out within 30 seconds, remove’ tt prevent overheating, To remove on ashitay, open it and push down on the lock sping. AXCAUTION Don't use ashimys for subbish, Yow igi sar fie 435 Driving Your Mazda Glove Box 4:36 “Sane mode Driving Your Mazda Storage Compartments (Right-hand drive mode) 4 WARNING rine the. Cun Holders Using the cup holder to old et tye {ids when the vehicle smoving ida serous. If the contents spilled. vou Could be scalded. Never use the cup olde to hod tot liquids when the ve Nici is moving. 1 Driver's Side 1 Passenger's Side ‘Toopen the storage compartment, pall ie Toopenthe storage compstmient, push the release lever release lever Sore ose 4437 Driving Your Maat Centre Console Sunvisors ‘Vanity Mirror all the ook ver and Ti be Hto open Whon you necdasunvbor: lower itvise Towsethevarinyrire tonerieseoe tte centre console, in front or swing it tothe sce comthe passenger's side 438 Driving Your Mazda ] [me ——— aoe anno | Fan Switeh 1 Temperature Control This switch allows variable fan speeds, this lover cons temperuture pt the air eoming through de system by sliding the OFF — Fanott leyereither io theright fort o ote let 1 = Low speed tor cold 2 = Mediu speed 3 High spect 4 Superhigh speed Driving Your Mazda [prec 4.82 cat Ast Intake Selector ‘his selector contols the some of ais. Umer normal conditions Reep the selector in he ouside nr position ‘¥ Recirculated air position (Outs lei shut off nd inside at ro circulated, | - ‘is positon can be wse on csty oad oF in similar conditions. Nakohelpstoprovide quicker heatingond ool of the nero ‘Type ‘Move the selector to the left fo lated ai ype B ana © Push the switen for eecirculted air—the inca ight will come on ¥ Outside air position This postion for normal ventilation se heating ‘Type a Move the selector tothe right for curse Type Band © {the indicator High ison, pash the switch for owisideair—the ight will 20 off Driving Your Mazda 4A WARNING ‘The Recivculuted Ate Position Using the recirculated air positon tiout operating the air conditioner Dil cause the glass 10 fog up. Your Wi Siow will be harmpered, which could fend toa serious accident. Tura he air ‘conditioner on if yo select the rectr= ularted air postion. 1 Function Selector “This sectors used to ince airflow trom 443 Driving Your Mazda ae 1¥ vent position ‘he iris irected toward ihe fs vent hasan individual conto hat can be tse tect the air discharged trom the ‘Warm, coo, or fresh aie isdtected through the vents “¥ Vent-tloor position ‘Theairislnected coward wo the face(s)and the floor ‘The ar 10 she oor is warmer than to the fazer} except when he temperature ever ig set tothe extreme Felt or right position). Driving Your Mazda ¥ Floor postion Y Flour-detrosting position Y Detrosting postion fal anna delved he Moora MosiofteaisdeliveidiotheMootand Most of the ir is dotveed wo the small amount is deliverod 10 the the windesre mnoune is deliv- _windsergen:asnall:mmountis delivered ts Windscreen, Facets) und se vents Fed tothe face) and side vents, he faels) and sie vent, NOTE (Air-conditioning pancl—type ©) Inthis position, the outside ait poston is momarieally solocted, aml when the fan i ony tbe sir conditioner® i aut. ‘nati turned on. Sone mails, 46d Driving Your Mazda Typed Ale Condi Push the switch wo tem the sireoniitioner fon. indeaor light onthe switch will i Fiat wen the far sth is on Pst the ssiteh nce again to tuum the aie ‘onion oft 446 sonesnols System? +11 he vehicle us been parked in direct Sundight during bot weather ran the aie ondiuonecatits coolest seting wiht ‘vindowrsopens This wile warmies pe. + “Toctean misted windows on rainy days. decrvase the hon inside the Vehicle by operating the ar conditioner NOTE The optional air conditioner is filled wvth 344 a7etigerant that will D0 damage the cane layer. ube air eonitioners Yow on eftiger fox his soe other problem, consult fn Authorized Mazda Deset Driving Your Mazda the pos 4. Sete fam svteh to the Uesirel spe 447 Driving Your Maula 1 Heating 1, Start the engine, Set he function selec Tor tothe be syedonetsoscseccnseces is amingten as Sly Be ee Soa Bak SpisPuting Rex Soe 28 Se ecee des. cnere Tbe as Sat Adsmen Stevi Clunn Adeancaccess 208 T Fe Meercnecensaunstl? Smee inee Het gi ze eee co 2se Tichoneer Hecieecilinigiccsccccazl€ Sarat 335 Tampon Sie Tye pecans 217 gorge Gompernets LS penne a 106 Tyre, Fat i Tye, Spare 2 sa Tees Inflation presse Rephcerent Roaten Snow yes Trot Sorege Towing Tiler Towing ‘Transaxe Reng, omic Teonsane, Ao Transaxle, Mand Transmission ce Tanseal) Tip Meter =... 9, ‘Twn and Lane Change Sinais Direction Indicsor «-,,. U Uniereoiing Sis 731 128 329 S130 730 39 sas sis 30 4s 420 49 429 or v Vanity Mors Yohite nvormation Labels w Warning LighsBeeps Aatilock trae system (48S) Brake sytem ness Charging systems Engine 01 presse Immobiier ster, Listts-on remincer Low tet Parking brake - Supplementary resiaint stra Warning lig iapestion Washing cscs Water Temperature Gave Waiter Wee! Replacement. Winisreen Waser ‘Wendsocen Washer Fld Level Windscreen Wiper Blades Replcement 438 36 ard) we 404 425 426 as +42 225 433 4 “0 66. 73) 31 120 72 Winisercen Wiser Wines Diving Winer Blake, Maitaining Wiper Bla, Rear Widow ‘Wiper Blades, Windscraen Page 431 36 7 725 0B 10-7

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