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Guidelines for the debate

Prepared by: Christina Marie E. salak

Vincent L. Hernandez

Debate title: "Philippines friendship with Chine, Favorable or unfavorable"

1. Each of the leader will be delivering their introduction about their stand.The length of the
introduction will be 3 minutes per team. Each,leader is allowed to use any materials that will help
them to deliver their team introduction.

2. Phone is not allowed , but printed research and books is allowed.

3. After the team leader finishes their introduction, the leader of the negative team will ask the
leader of the affirmative team. One question and follow up question is allowed. The question is
allowed to be answered in the length of 1 minute, while the follow up question is allowed to be
answered in the length of 30 seconds. If your time is about to end you will be hearing a clap. (Vice

4. It is not allowed to ask question, answerable by yes or no.

5. The chance to ask question will be given to all members of the debating team. leader will be
asking the leader, the member of 1 will ask the member 1, and so on.

6. Each member will be given a number, and their correspondent number to the other is the one
they will be asking. One question and follow up question is allowed. The question is allowed to be
answered in the length of 1 minute, while the follow up question is allowed to be answered in the
length of 30 seconds.

7. It is allowed that certain member will not ask the opposing team.

8. If one of the member does not know the answer on the question, the member next to him is
allowed to help him in able to him to answer the question.

9. After the all member will be able to ask question, the team will be giving 2 minutes to summarize
their topic.

10. The leader of affirmative will be giving their summarization, followed by the leader of negative
team. Each leader will be giving 3 minutes to deliver their summarization.
Debate title: "Philippines friendship with Chine, Favorable or unfavorable"

40 30 20 10 GRADE
1. Completely Mostly clear Clear in some Unclear and
Organization clean and and orderly in parts but not disorganized
and Clarity - orderly all parts overall throughout.
main presentation. Grade: 2. Use
arguments of Argument -
and Reasons are
responses are given against
outlined in a the resolution.
clear and
orderly way.
2. Use of - Very strong - Many good - Some - Few or no
Argument - and arguments decent real
Reasons are persuasive given, with arguments, arguments
given against arguments only minor but some given, or all
the resolution given problems significant arguments
throughout problems. given had
3.Use of cross -Excellent - Good cross - - Decent Poor cross -
- examination cross - exam exam and cross - exam exam or
and rebuttal - and defense rebuttal, with and/or rebuttal,
Identification against other only minor slip rebuttal, but failure to point
of weakness team's ups. with some out problems
in other objections significant in other
team's problems. team's
arguments position or
and ability to failure to
defend itself defend itself
against against
attack. attack.
4. - All style - Most style - Few style - Very few
Presentation feature were features were features were style features
Style - Tone used used used were used,
of voice, convincingly. convincingly convincingly none of them
clarity of convincingly.
precission of
arguments all
contribute to
attention and
them of the
team's case.
Total Score divided by 4 = Average Score

Judge Name :

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