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Feedback for Elise

Date of lesson 08/11/2018

Dear Elise,
Thankyou for allowing me to observe a lesson. It was nice to be in your classroom and to
watch you teach. Below is a mix of positives from the lesson and also some suggestions for
how you could improve lessons for next time.

 Many of the students had a good understanding of past learning in this unit which
was pleasing to see. It was nice to hear some of them being able to recall past
learning when providing responses.
 You were using Choppy Whopper tickets to reinforce the behaviours you wanted to
 You used a lot of positive reinforcement to encourage behaviours which is great.
 You showed a photograph on IWB of the class doing the right thing – great strategy.
 Students became restless after sitting on the floor for a while. You could try a very
quick activity when you transition between one part of lesson to the next if they are
losing interest i.e. as simple as stand up, shake your right arm (safely), shake your
left leg (safely), wiggle your fingers, jump on the spot 5 times now sit down again.
You probably know 100 different activities you can use to mix it up / refocus.
 You have a really friendly and caring manner with the children which is pleasing to
 You made a good call to stop the movie at one point as students were restless.
Overall, content was great, the level of organisation great and the use of the whiteboard /
activity. I applaud you both for the work you do with the class as you have some really
difficult personalities and behaviours to manage. For your next lesson I will get another
member of the leadership team to observe you in English if you could please let me know a
good time. Thanks


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