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180 Kalita, Misra

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.72.845.180 on 1 March 1996. Downloaded from on September 6, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Postural hypotension in a patient with acute
J Kalita, UK Misra

Summary by asking the patient to blow to raise the

A case of acute transverse myelitis with mercury column by 40 mm for 10 s with ongo-
severe postural hypotension is described. ing ECG recording. The ratio of the longest
RR interval after the strain and the shortest RR
Keywords: hypotension, myelitis interval during the strain was 0.9 (nor-
mal > 1.4). Schimer's test was negative and
salivation was normal. Pupils were 3 mm, sym-
Acute transverse myelitis is an acute loss of metrical and reacted normally to light and
sensory, motor and bladder functions without accommodation. The patient's skin was dry
evidence of antecedent neurologic disease or and scaly below the waist and there was no
spinal cord compression.' Autonomic dysfunc- sweating in the groin and lower limbs after
tion in acute myelitis is common and manifests keeping him in a warm environment for
with bowel, bladder and sexual dysfunction, 30 min, although there was sweating on face,
although postural hypotension is extremely axilla and palm. The patient had faecal incon-
rare. tinence and retention of urine although
urodynamic studies were not possible.
Case report His haemoglobin, blood counts and
urinalysis were normal. Erythrocyte sedimen-
A 43-year-old man was admitted with a history tation rate was 32 mm for the first hour. Blood
of acute onset of lower limb weakness which urea, serum creatinine, blood sugar and liver
reached its peak within 48 hours. He also noted function tests were normal. Antinuclear anti-
impaired sensations below the midthoracic bodies, rheumatoid factor, anti-dsDNA and
region, retention of urine and faecal incon- VDRL were negative. Cerebrospinal fluid
tinence. On the tenth day ofhis illness, he had a revealed 60 mg/dl protein, 48 mg/dl sugar, and
syncopal attack when he tried to sit up. There 7 lymphocytes/mm3 without any acid-fast
was no history of preceding fever, vaccination, bacilli, or fungi. Spinal magnetic resonance
sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis or a imaging (MRI) revealed diffuse hyperintense
similar illness in the past. lesions on T2 in the whole of the thoracic spinal
The patient was of average build and nutri- cord and hypointensity on T2 in the conus
tion. His neurological examination revealed medullaris. A few areas of hyperintensity were
wasting of both legs, with flaccid, areflexic seen in all the sequences in the thoracic cord
paraplegia (grade 0 on the 0-5 scale of the which was suggestive of haemorrhage (figure).
Medical Research Council). Truncal power The vertebral bodies were normal. Motor
was below 60% but the upper limbs were pathways to the lower limbs were inexcitable
normal. Pinprick and vibration sensations were on both cortical and spinal stimulation. Central
reduced below the sixth thoracic spinal level motor conduction time to the upper limbs was
and the joint position sensations were absent in normal. Tibial somatosensory-evoked poten-
both lower limbs. There was no vertebral tials (SEPs) were unrecordable bilaterally but
tenderness or deformity. median SEPs were normal. Nerve conduction
Autonomic function tests: the pulse was 82 studies revealed unrecordable peroneal con-
beats/min and regular. After recording the duction due to severe neurogenic wasting, but
resting blood pressure, which was 100/64 mmHg, sural sensory nerve conduction velocity was
the patient was made to sit up with his legs normal (43.9 m/s, 19.0 pV). Concentric needle
hanging down from the bed; immediately after electromyograms revealed fibrillations and
Department of sitting his blood pressure fell to 62/36 mmHg sharp waves in vastus medialis, tibialis anterior,
Neurology, Sanjay and he developed syncope. In a supine position gastrocnemius, extensor digitorum brevis and
Gandhi Postgraduate the patient was asked to clinch his fist for 5 min lumbar paraspinal muscles. Motor unit poten-
Institute of Medical following which his blood pressure did not tials were unrecordable from the lower limb
Sciences, Lucknow - reveal any change. After putting his left arm in muscles. Electromyogram of the abductor pol-
226 014, India ice cold water for one minute the blood pres- licis brevis, biceps, and branchioradialis were
J Kalita
UK Misra sure in the right arm was 100/68 mmHg. normal. The patient was managed by intermit-
Electrocardiogram (ECG) did not reveal sinus tent catheterisation, bulk laxatives,
arrhythmia. On deep breathing (six/min) the indomethacin 50 mg bid, elastic leg bandage
Correspondence to UK ratio of the RR interval during expiration and and physiotherapy, including postural train-
Misra inspiration was 0.8 (normal > 1.2). The RR ing.
Accepted 28 June 1995 ratio during valsalva manoeuver was calculated He was discharged after 15 days of hospital
Postural hypotension and acute myelitis 181

Causes ofpostural hypotension


Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.72.845.180 on 1 March 1996. Downloaded from on September 6, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
* pure autonomic failure
* multisystem atrophy (Shy-Drager syndrome,
parkinsonism, olivopontocerebellar atrophy,
striatonigral degeneration)
* acute or subacute dysautonomia
* central: hypothalamic and midbrain tumours,
multiple sclerosis, Wernicke's encephalopathy,
syringobulbia, age-related changes, spinal
injury, syringomyelia, spinal tumours, myelitis
* peripheral: afferent (Guillain Barre syndrome,
tabes dorsalis, Holmnes-Adie syndrome);
efferent (diabetes, amyloidosis, porphyria,
familial dysautonomia, carcinomatus
neuropathy); miscellaneous (autoimmune and
collagen disorders, Eaton Lambert syndrome,
AIDS, renal failure, Chaga's disease,
polyganglionoradiculopathy, familial
hyperbradykininism, dopamine B hydroxylase
* neurally mediated syncope: vasovagal and
micturition syncope, carotid sinus
hypersensitivity, glossopharyngeal neuralgia

Box 1

evidenced by lack of rise of blood pressure on

-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Is cold immersion and handgrip. Spinal MRI
revealed signal changes extending from conus
Figure Spinal MRI, T, sequence showing medullaries to the first thoracic level with areas
of haemorrhage. Bowel and bladder involve-
hyperintense lesion in the dorsal region ment are common in segmental involvement of
spinal cord but postural hypotension occurs
stay. Three months later he was able to sit only in extensive lesions reaching above the
without any symptoms of postural hypoten- fifth thoracic segment.3 Only extensive lesions
sion; there was no improvement in motor or of the spinal cord produce postural hypoten-
sensory symptoms and he still needed intermit- sion because a decrease of 50%/ of pregang-
tent self-catheterisation. lionic sympathetic neurons is necessary.2
Spinal cord diseases very rarely produce pos-
Discussion tural hypotension, which has been reported
with cervical cord injuries,3 multisystem
Our patient with acute myelitis had an unusual atrophy,4 advanced syringomyelia5 and multiple
manifestation of severe postural hypotension sclerosis.2 The higher the spinal cord injury the
leading to disabling syncopal attacks which more severe is the fall of blood pressure.6
interfered with his rehabilitation. Autonomic Postural hypotension following spinal cord
control of blood pressure is complex, being an injury is most pronounced in the acute stage, but
interplay between parasympathetic and sym- later the patient develops a tolerance to upright
pathetic drive. Vagal stimulation produces posture, attributed to an increased sympathetic
vasodilatation and bradycardia leading to vasomotor reflex of the isolated spinal cord and
hypotension which is normally counteracted by an altered renal vascular renin receptor
sympathetic drive, producing tachycardia and mechanism.7 Our patient developed a similar
vasoconstriction.2 The causes of postural tolerance three months after the illness. Decom-
hypotension are given in box 1. pression sickness can also result in acute
In our patient the extensive spinal cord myelopathy which is attributed to occlusion of
damage was evidenced by anterior horn cells epidural veins by nitrogen bubbles leading to
loss (muscle wasting and electromyogram venus infarction of spinal cord.8 The MRI
changes), posterior column (absent joint posi- picture may reveal haemorrhagic changes
tion sense and tibial SEPs) and spinothalamic similar to our patient. In syringomyelia, the
involvement (loss of pinprick sensation below involvement of intermediolateral horn cells and
sixth thoracic spinal level). The corticospinal descending autonomic pathways have been
dysfunction could not be documented because reported to be responsible for postural hypoten-
of severe anterior horn cell loss. These findings sion.5 The progressive course, lack of compensa-
suggest both grey and white matter involve- tion to orthostatic hypotension and characteris-
ment. It is likely that intermediolateral horn tic MRI features would be distinctive.
cells and descending autonomic pathways were Acute transverse myelitis generally results in
also damaged which accounts for severe segmental involvement of the thoracic spinal
dysautonomia in this patient. The involvement cord. Recent MRI studies have revealed a higher
of sympathetic outflow in our patient was level of signal alteration, of more than six to 10
182 Kalita, Misra

segments above the sensory level. We also have

reported similar results on the basis of MRI and Learning point
central motor conduction studies.9 In view of
our observation, postural hypotension of a Postural hypotension, although rare, can occur in

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.72.845.180 on 1 March 1996. Downloaded from on September 6, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
patients with extensive acute myelitis. It is
milder degree may be commoner. Before important to check for postural fall of blood
initiating a rehabilitation programme in a patient pressure before making the patient sit or stand
with acute transverse myelitis, postural
hypotension should be checked. Box 2

1 BarakosJA, MarkAS, Dillon WP,NormanD. MRimagingof 6 Frankel HL, Mathias CJ. Cardiovascular aspects of
acute transverse myelitis and AIDS myelopathy. J Comput autonomic dysreflexia since Guttmann and Witteridge (1947).
Assist Tomogr 1990; 14: 45-50. Paraplegia 1979; 17: 46-51.
2 Zigler MG. Autonomic nervous system in the diseases of 7 Alderson JD. Chronic care of spinal cord injury. In: Alderson
spinal cord. In: DavidoffRA, ed. Handbook of the spinal cord, JD and Frost EAM, eds. Spinal cord injuries. London:
Vol 4 & 5 New York: Marcel-Dekker, 1987; pp 299-317. Butterworth, 1990; pp 104-25.
3 Mathias CJ, Frankel HL. Clinical manifestation of malfunc- 8 Hallenbeck JM, Bove AA, Elliott DH. Mechanism underly-
tioning sympathetic mechanism in tetraplegia. J Auton Nerv ing spinal cord damage in decompression sickness. Neurology
Syst 1993; 7: 303-12. 1975; 25: 308-10.
4 Shy G, Drager G. A neurologic syndrome associated with 9 Misra UK, Kalita J. Transverse myelitis - neurophysiological
orthostatic hypotension. Arch Neurol 1960; 2: 511-27. and MRI correlation. Paraplegia 1994; 32: 593-6.
5 Aminoff MJ, Wilcox CS. Autonomic dysfunction in syrin-
gomyelia. Postgrad Med J 1972; 48: 113-5.

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