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Reading Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

Style Rookie
I By now, most people in the fashion industry recognise Tavi Gevinson, a fourteen-year-old girl from
Chicago who has been writing a fashion blog called Style Rookie since she was eleven. Today, Tavi
is an influential figure in the world of fashion. She is invited to attend the top fashion shows in the
world and often appears in popular fashion magazines.
II Tavi’s interest in fashion began when she was nine years old. She began by pasting cuttings from
fashion magazines into black notebooks, and later moved on to blogging. In her blog, she wrote
about her thoughts on fashion and posted comments about clothes that appeared in fashion
magazines and in fashion shows. She also posted photographs of her own original outfits.
III Amazingly, her blog quickly became very popular. It also began to generate a lot of interest from the
press and from the fashion designers that she wrote about. At first, many people in the fashion
industry believed that the blog was fake because they felt that such a young girl could not have
written such a sophisticated and professional fashion blog. However, they soon realised that
although Tavi was young and inexperienced, she had a remarkable eye when it came to fashion.
IV Tavi’s parents had no idea about their daughter’s blog until she was asked to appear in an article in
the New York Times. Since Tavi was still under the age of 16, she had to ask her parents’ permission
before she could agree. Although they were a little surprised to discover how famous their daughter
was, they did not stand in her way. Since then, Tavi’s parents have continued to support their
daughter’s passion and her father has even accompanied her to many fashion shows.
V Tavi continues to take on new projects. She recently signed a contract with a popular London-based
clothing company that intends to produce and sell a T-shirt that she will design. She also has plans to
launch a new fashion magazine. It would appear that Tavi Gevinson will continue to dominate the
fashion industry for quite some time.

1 Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Find evidence in the text to justify
your answers. (4 x 4 = 16 points)

1. Tavi is very famous.

2. Tavi designs her own outfits.

3. Tavi has never been to a fashion show.

4. Tavi’s parents encouraged her to begin writing a fashion blog.


2 Complete the sentences. (3 x 3 = 9 points)

1. Many people in the fashion industry did not believe that ..................................................................
.......................................................................................................................................................... .
2. The fashion designers that Tavi wrote about were .............................................................................
.......................................................................................................................................................... .
3. When Tavi goes to fashion shows, her father.....................................................................................
.......................................................................................................................................................... .
3 Choose the correct answer. (3 points)
The writer believes that … .
a. Tavi’s fame will not last long
b. Tavi’s blog is unprofessional
c. Tavi will continue to be influential in the world of fashion
d. Tavi is not appreciated enough

4 Find words or expressions in the text that mean: (4 x 3 = 12 points)

1. important (paragraph I) ……………………
2. create (paragraph III) ……………………
3. went with (paragraph IV) ……………………
4. start (paragraph V) ……………………

Optional Reading Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
Tornado Tourism
I An increasing number of travellers from all over the world are trading in their beach holidays for
storm-chasing tours. Many of these tours take place in Tornado Alley, an area in the Midwest of the
United States which is famous for its tornadoes. They are led by meteorologists and experienced
storm chasers and allow participants to follow tornadoes, in the hope that they will actually get to
see one up close.
II Storm-chasing tours last from a few days to a few weeks. Participants travel in vehicles equipped
with the latest high-tech equipment, such as mobile Internet and satellite connections. Tour guides
use this equipment to help them head in the right direction. They are trying to get to a place that will
allow participants to witness the storm without being in danger.
III Although participants in storm-chasing tours say that the experience can be exhilarating, they warn
that it can also be exhausting. “Tornado tourists”, as storm chasers are called, can sometimes drive
up to 600 miles on any given day. They live out of a suitcase and have no idea where they are going
to sleep on any particular night. What’s more, since all storm chasers are heading for the same area,
they often have to fight over the limited number of available hotel rooms. It is not unusual for them
to have to share a room or even a bed with fellow chasers!
IV Participants in storm-chasing tours must expect to be frustrated. They can spend days driving around
before they actually get to see anything. In addition, while they are likely to witness severe weather
conditions on their trip, the chances of actually seeing a tornado are quite slim.
V For people who join storm-chasing tours, a single storm-chasing experience is often not sufficient. In
fact, storm-chasing tour operators note that much of their business comes from repeat customers, and
that a significant number of people who participate in a storm-chasing tour come back. It appears
that storm chasing is addictive.

1 Choose the correct answer. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

1. Storm-chasing tours are suitable for people who … .
a. want to spend their holidays on the beach
b. do not mind spending many hours in a car
c. do not like sharing a hotel room with a stranger
d. expect to see a tornado
2. Many people who join storm-chasing tours … .
a. have participated in a similar tour in the past
b. have the latest hi-tech equipment
c. get to see a tornado from up close
d. live in Tornado Alley
2 Answer the questions. (2 x 3 = 6 points)
1. How do tour guides know where to take “tornado tourists”?
2. Why do storm chasers often have to fight over hotel rooms?

3 Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Find evidence in the text to justify
your answers. (3 x 3 = 9 points)
1. Tour guides aim to take tornado chasers to dangerous places.
2. People who participate in storm-chasing tours have mixed feelings about the tours.
3. People who participate in storm-chasing tours are told in advance where they will
be staying.

4 Find words or expressions in the text that mean: (4 x 1 = 4 points)

1. assist (paragraph II) .

2. thrilling, exciting (paragraph III) .
3. see (paragraph IV) .
4. enough (paragraph V) .

Optional Reading Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
The One Who Lived
I On 24th December, 1971, LANSA flight 508 was struck by lightning over the Peruvian rainforest.
Of the 93 passengers and crew on board the flight, only 17-year-old Juliane Koepke survived.
II Juliane Koepke was a German secondary school student studying in Lima. She and her mother,
Maria, were travelling to Pucallpa in Peru to join Juliane’s father, Hans, for Christmas. Twenty-five
minutes into the flight, the plane flew into heavy clouds and started shaking. Moments later, the
plane was hit by a bolt of lightning and broke into pieces in midair. Juliane was thrown out of the
plane, still strapped to her seat. She landed two miles down in the dense trees of the jungle.
III Miraculously, Juliane suffered relatively minor injuries. Her collar bone was broken, her eye was
swollen shut and she had large cuts on her arms and legs. When she woke up, she found herself
stranded in the rainforest, alone, still sitting in her plane seat.
IV Yet she did not give up. She realised that if she found a stream and followed it, it would lead to a
bigger river. Once she managed to reach a river, she knew she was more likely to find civilisation
and help.
V The day after the crash, she found a stream and started to wade through it. She trekked for nine days,
through streams filled with crocodiles and piranhas. Finally, she came to a river where she found a
small hut. Starved and exhausted, she collapsed at the door. The next day, she was found by a group
of Peruvian lumberjacks and was taken to a hospital in the next town. There, she was reunited with
her father.
VI After her recovery, Juliane returned to Germany, where she continued her studies. She went on to
become a zoologist.
VII Juliane has never forgotten her terrible ordeal. The events that took place in 1971 continue to haunt
her, especially when she is confronted by plane crashes or similar tragedies in the news. Yet she has
succeeded in leading a happy and productive life. This perhaps is her greatest achievement.

1 Choose the correct answer. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

1. According to the writer, it is amazing that Juliane … .
a. was not badly injured in the crash
b. was found by a group of lumberjacks
c. chose to study zoology
d. returned to Germany
2. Juliane … .
a. was not affected by her experience
b. did not allow her experience to ruin her life
c. cannot remember her ordeal
d. tries not to read about plane crashes in the news
2 Answer the questions. (2 x 3 = 6 points)
1. Why did Juliane look for a stream?
2. What difficulties did Juliane face during her ordeal?

3 Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Find evidence in the text to justify
your answers. (3 x 3 = 9 points)

1. Juliane’s mother was killed in the plane crash.

2. When Juliane woke up, she found herself lying on the ground.

3. Juliane was found by a rescue team.


4 Find words or expressions in the text that mean: (4 x 1 = 4 points)

1. thick (paragraph II)

2. isolated (paragraph III)
3. brought back together (paragraph V)
4. trouble, disturb (paragraph VII)
Optional Reading Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
The Future Is Here
I It looks like a normal classroom – children sit at their desks as the teacher gives them instructions
about what they have to do. Except this is a class with a difference. The students are not being taught
by an ordinary teacher. Instead, their instructor is the Engkey – a small, penguin-shaped plastic
II The Engkey was developed in South Korea as part of an innovative plan to incorporate robots into
the country’s classrooms. In particular, the government is hoping that robots like Engkey will help to
teach Korean children English.
III The Engkey is controlled by a human teacher outside the classroom. Because the human teacher
controlling the robot can be located anywhere in the world, students have access to highly skilled
and qualified English-speaking teachers that would otherwise be unavailable to them. What is more,
some teachers believe that many students are too shy to speak English to a real person because they
are afraid of making mistakes. They claim that students might find it easier to talk to a robot. Other
robots use voice recognition technology to help students practise their English pronunciation and
dialogue. These robots can help teachers when simple and repetitive training is required.
IV Supporters of teaching robots claim that the robots will help to motivate students and improve their
concentration in the classroom. They also note that robots are an inexpensive way to ensure that
teachers get the help they need.
V However, these robots have a long way to go if they are indeed going to be helpful. One of the main
difficulties with the existing robots is that they are only able to help students practise very specific
conversations. If a student says something that has not been programmed into the robot, the robot
doesn’t understand and cannot reply.
VI Yet even if robotic technology improves significantly in the future, it is not probable that computers
will ever be able to develop the level of understanding that is needed to be a successful teacher. It
would appear that human teachers are here to stay.

1 Choose the correct answer. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

1. The Engkey … .
a was developed in an English-speaking country
b. has replaced teachers in South Korea
c. is used to teach English
d. can be located anywhere in the world
2. The writer of the article believes that robots … .
a. can’t be improved
b. will eventually take the place of teachers
c. can’t help teachers
d. have limited understanding
2 Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Find evidence in the text to justify
your answers. (3 x 3 = 9 points)
1. All of the robots are linked to human teachers.
2. Robots are cheaper than human teaching assistants.
3. The robots can have real conversations with students.
3 Complete the sentences. (2 x 3 = 6 points)
1. The Engkey may be helpful for shy students who..............................................................................
.......................................................................................................................................................... .
2. Using voice recognition technology, robots ......................................................................................
.......................................................................................................................................................... .

4 Find words or expressions in the text that mean: (4 x 1 = 4 points)

1. original (paragraph II) ……………………
2. situated (paragraph III) ……………………
3. needed (paragraph III) ……………………
4. likely (paragraph VI) ……………………

Optional Reading Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
Virtual Romance
I Mark and Jenna met and fell madly in love. After a short and intense romance, the couple married. It
seemed like the perfect love story, except that Jenna and Mark don’t exist. They are avatars, online
characters that exist in Second Life, a popular Internet fantasy world. “Jenna” is actually 40-year-old
Mary Emmett, a single mother from Newcastle in England. In reality, “Mark” was created by Steven
Jackson, a 35-year-old teacher from Liverpool.
II Second Life is an online fantasy world. Its residents live in a parallel world which is just like real
life, only much better. It’s a world where people become whoever they wish to be. In Second Life,
they can have the kind of experiences that they would never have in real life. Some, like Jenna and
Mark, fall in love.
III As the avatars’ relationship develops, their creators spend hours online controlling everything they
do. In fact, people become so involved in their avatars’ romance that they often begin to neglect their
real-life commitments and relationships.
IV In some cases, the real people behind the avatars arrange to meet in real life and find that their
feelings for one another are just as strong as they are in the online world. Often these online
relationships do not transfer into the real world; when the people behind the avatars actually meet,
they usually find that they have very little in common.
V However, despite the fact that a relatively small number of people actually find a romantic partner in
online games, people continue to look for love online. Psychologists claim that people enjoy the
control they have in these relationships. They like the fact that they can reveal what they want about
themselves. Furthermore, they suggest, it is very easy to get close to someone online as people may
feel more comfortable telling their secrets to a virtual person than to a real one.
VI More than 15 million people around the world are involved in online fantasy games and more are
joining every day. But if people are really interested in finding love, perhaps they should switch off
their computers and begin living in the real world.

1 Choose the correct answer. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

1. Second Life … .
a. is less exciting than real life
b. is nothing like the real world
c. allows people to act out their fantasies
d. is not very popular
2. The writer of the article believes that … .
a. people shouldn’t look for love via computer games
b. online fantasy games can improve real relationships
c. it is a good idea to look for love online
d. online fantasy games help people to appreciate their real lives

2 Complete the sentences. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

1. In an online relationship, you are in control because you don’t have to ...........................................
.......................................................................................................................................................... .
2. People who do not like telling secrets to real people are more likely to ...........................................
.......................................................................................................................................................... .

3 Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Find evidence in the text to justify
your answers. (3 x 3 = 9 points)
1. Avatars control their creator’s actions.
2. Online fantasy games can have a negative effect on real life.
3. Many people find real love in an online game.

4 Find words or expressions in the text that mean: (4 x 1 = 4 points)

1. powerful (paragraph I) ……………………
2. inhabitants (paragraph II) ……………………
3. pay no attention to (paragraph III) ……………………
4. expose (paragraph V) ……………………

Optional Reading Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

Online Advertising
I Susan Mathews was looking for a new bag, so she went online and began looking at the bags that
were on offer. She found one that she quite liked and put it in her shopping basket. Then the phone
rang. She abandoned her online search and forgot all about the handbag – at least for a few hours.
Imagine her surprise when she visited an online blog later that day and was greeted by an advert for
the very same handbag that she had looked at earlier.
II Susan’s experience is an example of “personalised retargeting”. This is an advertising technique
which sends Internet users adverts for specific products that they have recently viewed. It is
becoming increasingly common as a growing number of companies are beginning to make use of
this method of online advertising.
III Defenders of the new technique claim that there is nothing new about personalised retargeting. After
all, they say, companies have been tracking people online for years. The companies use this
information to determine which products an individual is more likely to buy.
IV However, there are many Internet users who are disturbed by this latest advance in online
advertising. They dislike being tracked from site to site as they browse the Web. As a result, they are
demanding that tighter controls and regulations be imposed on the digital advertising industry to
protect their privacy.
V The future of personalised retargeting techniques is still uncertain. Some advertising professionals
feel that it may not be wise for companies to adopt this advertising technique. They believe that
companies should not draw potential customers’ attention to the fact that companies have detailed
information about them. According to the experts, while it is important to encourage consumers to
purchase products they have viewed online, this has to be done without making them feel that they
are being watched.

1 Choose the correct answer. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

1. Personalised retargeting has enabled companies … .
a. to monitor users’ online activity
b. to send people adverts for products they have looked at online
c. to get detailed information about Internet users
d. to find out about Internet users’ hobbies and interests
2. Some advertising professionals are against the use of personalised retargeting because
a. it may make people feel uncomfortable
b. it gives people detailed information about a specific product
c. it encourages people to buy products online
d. people like to feel they are being watched

2 Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Find evidence in the text to justify
your answers. (2 x 3 = 6 points)
1. Companies have been using personalised retargeting techniques for years.
2. Personalised retargeting techniques are here to stay.

3 Complete the sentences. (3 x 3 = 9 points)

1. Susan Mathews was surprised ...........................................................................................................
.......................................................................................................................................................... .
2. In the past, companies have monitored people’s online activity in order to .....................................
.......................................................................................................................................................... .
3. Some people believe that the digital advertising industry should be regulated so that .....................
.......................................................................................................................................................... .

4 Find words or expressions in the text that mean: (4 x 1 = 4 points)

1. searching (paragraph I) ……………………
2. particular (paragraph II) ……………………
3. worried (paragraph IV) ……………………
4. not clear (paragraph V) ……………………
Optional Reading Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
I Thor Freudenthall’s film adaptation of Jeff Kinney’s popular series of books, Diary of a Wimpy Kid,
is amusing and witty. It is not as good as the original books but it still raises important issues about
what it means to be
a teenager.
II The film follows sixth-grader Greg Heffley as he starts middle school. Greg is the second-smallest
kid in the class. He has parents who don’t understand him and a teenage brother who makes fun of
him. He also has a best friend, Rowley, who has no idea of what it means to be “cool”. Greg decides
that he must become popular with his classmates. In order to achieve this, he tries to make Rowley
change so that he will look cooler. While Greg thinks of ways to make himself more popular, his
friendship with Rowley suffers. Ultimately, Rowley becomes more popular just by being himself
and Greg learns an important life lesson.
III Zachary Gordon and Robert Capron are well cast as Greg and Rowley. Both actors look just like the
uncool kids they are supposed to be, while Devon Bostick is also great as Greg’s older brother.
IV Much of the success of the Wimpy Kid books comes from the fact that they are presented as diaries
with blue lines and blocky handwriting. In particular, Greg’s cartoons and drawings of his friends
and classmates are an important part of the books and helped to make them popular. Wisely, the film
includes some of these drawings, which it inserts at various points of the action. By including these
graphics, the director reminds viewers, many of whom are fans of the books, of the connection
between the books and the films. In addition, the graphics help to describe Greg’s emotions in a
moving and amusing way.
V Adults watching the film may not be amused. They may find many of the comic scenes boring and
But the film is not aimed at them. Diary of a Wimpy Kid is a film about children, for children. And
children will love it!

1 Choose the correct answer. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

1. The reviewer believes that the film Diary of a Wimpy Kid … .
a. is better than the original books
b. does not deal with important issues
c. will not be popular with children
d. may not appeal to adults
2. According to the reviewer, the actors in the film are … .
a. bad
b. unconvincing
c. believable
d. disappointing
2 Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Find evidence in the text to justify
your answers. (3 x 3 = 9 points)

1. According to the reviewer, the film has nothing important to say.

2. Fans of the original books are not interested in seeing the film.

3. The reviewer thinks that it isn’t important that the film might be boring for adults.
3 Complete the sentences. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

1. In the film, Greg learns that ...............................................................................................................

.......................................................................................................................................................... .
2. The director chose to include graphics in the film so that fans of the original books .......................

.......................................................................................................................................................... .

4 Find words or expressions in the text that mean: (4 x 1 = 4 points)

1. questions (paragraph I) ……………………
2. in the end (paragraph II) ……………………
3. puts in (paragraph IV) ……………………
4. directed (paragraph V) ……………………

Optional Reading Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
Moving On
I In an attempt to deal with the growing problem of homelessness in New York City, the municipality
has come up with a novel idea. They are trying to help people leave the city, by paying for one-way
tickets out. Now, when families arrive at the homeless shelter in the Bronx looking for beds, they are
asked if they have any friends or relatives who might be willing to help. If they can find a person
anywhere in the country or even the world who will agree to take them in, the city will pay for them
to get there.
II Since 2007, when the programme was launched, almost 550 families have been put on planes, trains
and buses to destinations all over the United States and the world. While the cost of a family’s
tickets can amount to thousands of dollars, city officials claim that it is still cheaper to move these
people than it is to support them in city shelters.
III The programme has met with a lot of criticism. Detractors claim that the city is simply creating the
illusion that it is dealing with the problem. They say that in reality, all it is doing is passing the
problem on to another city. Although social workers do check that the offers of assistance from
relatives are genuine before they approve the relocation, they have no way of knowing whether a
family has a real chance of succeeding in the long term. In many cases, the offer of a place to stay is
a temporary one and the relocated family may soon find itself homeless again.
IV Although the programme may be helpful for some individuals, there can be no doubt that it fails to
address the underlying problems that brought the families to the shelter in the first place. If the New
York municipality is really committed to dealing with the problem of homelessness, it must work to
provide more affordable housing options in the city. Sending the homeless away is simply not a real

1 Choose the correct answer. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

1. The New York Municipality … .
a. has done nothing to deal with the problem of homelessness in the city
b. does not provide shelter for its homeless people
c. is trying to reduce the cost of caring for its homeless people
d. is not willing to help homeless people
2. According to the writer of the article, the new programme … .
a. does not really solve the problem of homelessness
b. has provided affordable housing options in New York
c. does not help homeless people at all
d. deals with the causes of homelessness
2 Complete the sentences. (2 x 3 = 6 points)
1. According to the writer, the relocated families may soon be homeless again because .....................
.......................................................................................................................................................... .
2. The writer believes that one of the reasons many people in New York are homeless is
.......................................................................................................................................................... .

3 Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Find evidence in the text to justify
your answers. (3 x 3 = 9 points)
1. All the people that arrive at homeless shelters in New York are sent to live with friends
or relatives.
2. It costs the New York municipality a lot of money to relocate homeless families.
3. The New York municipality has no idea if the families they relocate really have
to go.

4 Find words or expressions in the text that mean: (4 x 1 = 4 points)

1. unusual (paragraph I) ……………………
2. begun (paragraph II) ……………………
3. a false picture or impression (paragraph III) ……………………
4. does not succeed (paragraph IV) ……………………

Optional Reading Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
Refugees United
I Every year, millions of people around the world are forced to flee their country as a result of natural
disasters, persecution or war. During their escape, many families are torn apart. In many cases,
family members end up in different parts of the world. For these people, locating their lost family
members can be an extremely difficult task.
II In 2005, two Danish brothers, David and Christopher Mikkelsen, launched Refugees United, a social
networking site dedicated to helping refugees find their families. Refugees United allows refugees
direct access to one another, without having to involve anybody else. It gives them the opportunity
to take control of their own situation and to help themselves. What is more, the new search engine
makes searching for lost family members a relatively simple process. Refugees wishing to use the
search engine don’t have to fill in difficult forms. They also experience no language barriers,
because the site has been translated into 23 different languages.
III Importantly, Refugees United caters to people who wish to remain anonymous. Some refugees who
are fleeing persecution may not want to reveal their full name and their location because they are
afraid for their safety. Refugees United allows these people to register online using nicknames or
descriptions of scars which are known only to close family members and friends. By using these
kinds of personal markers to identify themselves, refugees ensure that they will only be found by
people who know them well.
IV Refugees United faces many challenges. Since a refugee will only be able to locate a lost family
member if the person he is looking for is already registered on the site, the Mikkelsen brothers are
working hard to attract more members. They hope to generate awareness about the site by
encouraging organisations already working with refugees to spread the word about the network.
They are also sending posters advertising the site to remote locations around the world.
V Will the new networking site succeed in ending the pain and uncertainty experienced by so many
refugees around the world? Only time will tell …

1 Choose the correct answer. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

1. We can understand from the text that many refugees … .
a. still do not know about Refugees United
b. have already found family members using Refugees United
c. are afraid to use Refugees United
d. do not wish to locate family members
2. The writer of the article believes that Refugees United … .
a. will achieve its aims
b. may help refugees in the future
c. will fail
d. is unlikely to succeed

2 Answer the questions. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

1. Why is it important for some refugees to remain anonymous?
2. Other than using names, how else can refugees identify themselves on the site?

3 Complete the sentences. (3 x 3 = 9 points)

1. It is easy for refugees to use Refugees United because .....................................................................
.......................................................................................................................................................... .
2. People can register on Refugees United without ...............................................................................
.......................................................................................................................................................... .
3. Posters are being used .......................................................................................................................
.......................................................................................................................................................... .

4 Find words or expressions in the text that mean: (4 x 1 = 4 points)

1. finding (paragraph I) ……………………
2. started (paragraph II) ……………………
3. create (paragraph IV) ……………………
4. distant (paragraph IV) ……………………
Optional Reading Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
Youth for Understanding
In 1998, Bob and Marion Simmons decided to open their Florida, USA home to Iara, a sixteen-year-old
boy from Brazil. Iara lived with them for an entire year, attending the local school with their own son,
Seth. Bob and Marion were amazed by the positive effects Iara had on their lives.
Iara’s exchange was organised by Youth For Understanding (YFU), an organisation which offers
opportunities for young people around the world to spend a summer, term or year with a host family in
another culture. It aims to promote tolerance and global cooperation by enhancing people’s understanding
of foreign cultures.
YFU is a non-profit organisation which is run by volunteers. It assists exchange students with their travel
arrangements, their visa applications and their enrolment in schools and colleges. In addition, it offers
continued support to both the participants and their host families throughout the exchange. So, for
10 example, if the exchange student and his host family are having difficulty getting along, a YFU counsellor
will try to guide them through the problem and to find a solution.
There are many benefits for students who participate in these kinds of exchange programmes. YFU
participants are totally immersed in a foreign language and greatly improve their fluency in that language.
In addition, they gain a deep understanding of another country and its people. These skills often prove very
useful when they later enter the job market.
15 What is more, participants often experience a great sense of personal growth and development.
Participants return from YFU programmes with greater confidence and maturity. The experience also
forces them to become more adaptable and to develop problem-solving skills.
Yet while YFU exchange programmes are clearly valuable for the individuals and families who
participate in them,
20 it is important not to lose sight of their larger goal. If successful, YFU exchange programmes will not just
change individual lives. Ultimately, they may change the world.

1 Answer the questions. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

1. What practical support does YFU give to exchange students?
2. How do exchange students benefit from their experience?

2 Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Find evidence in the text to justify
your answers. (3 x 3 = 9 points)
1. YFU doesn’t make money from the exchange programmes that it runs.
2. YFU is only involved in the initial stages of the exchange.
3. Host families do not benefit from hosting an exchange student.

3 Complete the sentences. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

1. Participants in YFU programmes are more likely to succeed in the job market because ..................
.......................................................................................................................................................... .
2. YFU’s ultimate goal is to ..................................................................................................................
4 Choose the correct meaning. (4 x 1 = 4 points)
1. an entire year (line 2)
a. a short year c. a whole year
b. half a year d. a difficult year
2. enhancing (line 6)
a. increasing c. teaching
b. reducing d. using
3. adaptable (line 16)
a. stubborn c. uncompromising
b. rigid d. flexible
4. ultimately (line 20)
a. at first c. initially
b. eventually d. at the start

Optional Reading Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
Dondé’s Faux Art
I Daniele Dondé is often called the “King of Copies”. That is because he paints copies of paintings by
famous artists. The originals of these paintings hang in the world’s most famous art museums and
are extremely valuable. Dondé’s copies are obviously much less valuable than the originals, yet
many people claim that they are just as good. In fact, it is often difficult to see the difference
between Dondé’s copies and the original paintings.
II Dondé is responsible for a new trend in the art world known as faux art. It aims to make great
masterpieces available to people at prices that they can afford. Unlike forgery, faux art is not created
in order to deceive people. Copy masters like Dondé do not attempt to fool people into thinking that
the copies are the original paintings. Instead they make it very clear that their paintings are “legal
III Dondé was first attracted to the idea of faux art after he decided to sell a collection of his family
paintings. To his dismay, many of the paintings turned out to be forgeries. He decided to discover
who had deceived his family. Surprisingly, when Dondé finally found the forger, Sergio Uggi, he
didn’t hand him over to the police. Instead, he offered Uggi the chance to work for him. Dondé
wanted Uggi to stop creating fakes for dishonest gallery owners who were trying to cheat collectors.
Dondé encouraged Uggi to copy valuable masterpieces in order to make them accessible to the
general public. Uggi agreed and became the first legal artist in Dondé’s faux art movement.
IV Today, Dondé works with over 20 copy masters. He displays their work in exhibitions in major
cities all over the world. The paintings are appreciated by art lovers and collectors alike.
V Dondé began the faux art movement in an attempt to put an end to the kind of injustice that had been
done to his family. He wanted to stop artists from providing dishonest art dealers with high quality
fakes that could be used to deceive people. He could not have imagined that faux art would turn out
to be one of the biggest and most popular art movements in the world.

1 Choose the correct answer. (3 points)

Dondé’s copies … .
a. can be seen in famous art museums
b. are almost identical to the original paintings
c. are more expensive than the original paintings
d. are not accessible to the general public
2 Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Find evidence in the text to justify
your answers. (3 x 3 = 9 points)
1. Dondé is the only faux art artist in the world.
2. Dondé wanted to punish Sergio Uggi for what he had done.
3. When Dondé started the faux art movement, he didn’t know it would succeed.

3 Answer the questions. (3 x 3 = 9 points)

1. How is faux art different from forgery?
2. Why did Dondé begin the faux art movement?
3. What do art collectors think of the faux art movement?

4 Find words or expressions in the text that mean: (4 x 1 = 4 points)

1. precious (paragraph I) ……………………
2. available (paragraph III) ……………………
3. shows (paragraph IV) ……………………
4. wrong (paragraph V) ……………………

Reading Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
Turn the Music Down!
I According to a recent study, the number of teenagers with hearing loss has jumped 33 per cent since
1994. Many researchers claim that this widespread hearing loss amongst teenagers has been caused
by their constant exposure to music played through headphones. Whereas in the past, teenagers used
to listen to music at high volumes from stereo systems, today’s teenagers generally listen to music
from their iPods and MP3 players via headphones. Although this means that they no longer disturb
the people around them with their music, it also means that the high volumes are being directed
straight into their ears.
II In theory, people who listen to music through headphones can enjoy their music in peace and don’t
have to hear any other outside noise at the same time. Yet in practice, headphones don’t always work
so well and listeners often find that they can still hear some of the noise they wanted to cancel out.
As a result, they tend to gradually increase the volume in an attempt to get rid of the unwanted
background noise. This is what causes permanent damage to their hearing.
III Experts advise that anyone who wants to protect their hearing should begin by simply turning down
the volume. In addition, they recommend buying some good-quality headphones. These headphones
produce a clear sound which makes it less necessary for listeners to increase the volume in order to
remove interference from the outside world.
IV Yet hearing loss may not be the most serious consequence of headphone use. Some people claim that
many more road accidents are caused as a result of cyclists or pedestrians listening to music through
headphones. They argue that an awareness of your surroundings is extremely important in terms of
road safety and that headphone use dramatically reduces this awareness. It is true that thanks to
headphones, people can listen to music any time and everywhere. Yet headphone use may ultimately
result not only in impaired hearing, but also in an increased number of road accidents. Perhaps the
price is too high to pay.

1 Choose the correct answers. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

1. A recent study showed that … .
a. 33 per cent of teenagers suffer from hearing loss
b. teenagers do not suffer from hearing loss
c. there has been an increase in hearing loss among teenagers
d. teenagers are exposed to loud music
2. The writer believes that … .
a. the disadvantages of headphone use may be greater than the advantages
b. cyclists cause road accidents
c. headphones should be banned
d. headphones remove interference from the outside world
2 Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Find evidence in the text to justify
your answers. (3 x 3 = 9 points)

1. In the past, teenagers didn’t listen to loud music.

2. Hearing loss is caused by listening to music at high volumes.

3. Some headphones are less damaging than others.

3 Complete the sentences. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

1. Experts advise people who use headphones to ..................................................................................
.......................................................................................................................................................... .
2. Headphones may cause road accidents because ................................................................................
.......................................................................................................................................................... .

4 Find words or expressions in the text that mean: (4 x 1 = 4 points)

1. through (paragraph I) ……………………
2. actually, in reality (paragraph II) ……………………
3. result (paragraph IV) ……………………
4. greatly, severely (paragraph IV) ……………………
Optional Reading Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
Cyber Seniors
I In the past, many older people did not use computers. Yet in recent years, an increasing number of
older people in the United States have begun to use computer technology. In fact, seniors are one of
the fastest-growing groups of Internet users in that country. Many of these seniors are taking
computer classes that are provided by community centres around the USA.
II Some seniors are interested in learning about computers because they want to use e-mail to keep in
touch with their loved ones who live far away. Others wish to learn how to shop online so that they
can stay independent for longer.
III Yet mastering computer skills at a later stage of life is not always simple. Many seniors are afraid of
computers and think they are too old to learn. In addition, as people age they often lose some of their
ability to solve problems and to process new information. This makes it much more difficult for
them to learn new things. Finally, many seniors have physical problems which make computer use
more challenging.
IV Teachers of elderly students must be specially trained. They must be made aware of seniors’
physical problems and taught to sympathise with them. Many training programmes include
“sensitivity training”, where students practise using computers wearing dirty sunglasses, with cotton
balls in their ears and with two of their fingers taped together. Interestingly, many of the participants
in these training programmes are teenagers. These teens claim that they benefit tremendously from
the experience. They say that they get a lot of satisfaction from the real improvements they make in
the older people’s lives.
V And the teens are not the only ones who benefit. It appears that teenagers are particularly good at
teaching computer skills to the elderly and find it easy to motivate their senior students. This may be
because teens are very comfortable with computer technology and enjoy using it. It may also simply
be because teens and old people get along well. Whatever the reason, it would seem that if we wish
to help the older generation master technology, it’s a good idea to get teenagers to do the job.

1 Choose the correct answer. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

1. Seniors may have difficulty mastering computer technology because they ... .
a. do not believe they are capable of learning
b. don’t enjoy using it
c. don’t get along with their teachers
d. are no longer able to process information
2. Sensitivity training helps ... .
a. teenagers understand seniors’ emotional problems
b. elderly students to be more sensitive to the learning process
c. teenagers motivate their elderly students
d. teachers understand the difficulties experienced by elderly students
2 Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Find evidence in the text to justify
your answers. (3 x 3 = 9 points)

1. Seniors could benefit greatly from learning computer skills.


2. Teachers are automatically aware of seniors’ physical problems.

3. Teenagers are proving to be successful teachers.
3 Complete the sentences. (2 x 3 = 6 points)
1. Elderly people can stay in touch with their loved ones by ................................................................ `
.......................................................................................................................................................... .
2. Seniors can stay independent longer if they ......................................................................................
.......................................................................................................................................................... .

4 Find words or expressions in the text that mean: (4 x 1 = 4 points)

1. growing (paragraph I) ……………………
2. difficult (paragraph III) ……………………
3. greatly (paragraph IV) ……………………
4. encourage (paragraph V) ……………………

Optional Reading Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
Green Games
I The popularity of the social networking site Facebook continues to grow. As a result, people have
begun to recognise the fact that it is a powerful tool that can be used to encourage people to make
changes that could benefit the environment.
II Recently, a new Facebook game called eMission was introduced onto the site. The game places
players in a coastal environment where they have to build and maintain a virtual habitat, filled with
animals. Players gain points and progress through the game by completing challenges.
III Yet eMission is different from other existing computer games that deal with environmental issues. In
eMission, players do not simply have to try and protect the world’s resources and climate in a virtual
world. In eMission, players must take action in the real world before they are able to advance to
higher levels of the game.
IV In fact, the biggest rewards in the game are given to players who complete environmentally-friendly
actions in their everyday lives. In order to be successful in the game, players must switch to energy
efficient bulbs, have shorter showers and plant real trees. These off-line actions must then be proved
before the player can continue the game. Players can submit photographs as proof that they have
indeed completed an environmentally-friendly action. Alternatively, a player’s Facebook friends can
confirm the player’s claims.
V While an increasing number of people around the world are becoming more environmentally aware,
many of them believe that there is very little that they can really do to help reduce the damage to our
environment. They feel that the issue of climate change can only be tackled through government
intervention and that the problem is too complex for ordinary people to deal with alone. That is
where eMission comes in. By encouraging people to take real action in the real world, the creators of
the new game are striving to make environmental issues more personal. They are hoping to get
individuals to think about climate change and to show them that they have the power to make a

1 Choose the correct answer. (3 points)

The writer of the article believes that … .
a. many people may be influenced by Facebook
b. Facebook will definitely show people that they can make a difference
c. Facebook does not encourage people to take action in the real world
d. it is not necessary to make environmental issues more personal
2 Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Find evidence in the text to justify
your answers. (3 x 3 = 9 points)

1. eMission is the first computer game to deal with environmental issues.

2. People around the world are not interested in environmental issues.
3. Many people do not believe that they can make a difference to the environment.

3 Complete the sentences. (3 x 3 = 9 points)

1. In order to progress through the game, ..............................................................................................

.......................................................................................................................................................... .

2. Having shorter showers and planting trees are examples of .............................................................

.......................................................................................................................................................... .
3. Players of eMission can prove that they have completed environmentally-friendly
actions by
.......................................................................................................................................................... .

4 Find words or expressions in the text that mean: (4 x 1 = 4 points)

1. be good for (paragraph I) ……………………
2. environment (paragraph II) ……………………
3. change to (paragraph IV) ……………………
4. dealt with (paragraph V) ……………………

Optional Reading Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

E-books on the Rise

I In recent years the popularity of e-books has continued to grow. An increasing number of people are
choosing to replace “real” books with digital books, which they download to their e-readers. As a
result, many book lovers are afraid that traditional paper books may soon disappear altogether.
II Readers are not the only ones who are worried about the rise of the e-book. Because many digitised
books are available free of charge, authors fear that free e-books will result in fewer sales of their
books. Yet publishers believe that traditional book lovers and authors have nothing to fear from the
e-book. In fact, they suggest that digitised books will actually help increase book sales.
III It is well-known that publicity of any kind is helpful when trying to draw attention to a new book.
What’s more, people tend to buy books that are recommended by other people. When a publisher
offers a free download of
a particular book to readers, he ensures that people will begin reading the book. Once people have
read the book, they may well tell their friends about it or even write about it in their blog. This helps
to create the necessary “buzz” or excitement that will make people go out and buy the “real” book.
IV Furthermore, supporters of digitised books say that e-books will make many more books available to
readers. Many of the world’s books are currently out-of-print and are very difficult to find. Digitised
books will give people easy access to some of these books.
V Similarly, e-books will also help to protect the books that publishers reject. In many cases,
publishers do not publish books that are less likely to be popular with a wide audience. Digitised
books mean that new authors have a better chance of being published.
VI In short, e-books will not only encourage more people to read paper books, but will also help to
protect the future of many books that may otherwise disappear. So traditional book lovers can relax.
Things are not as bad as they seem!

1 Choose the correct answer. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

1. The writer of the text believes that paper books … .
a. will not disappear
b. will be replaced by e-books
c. should be free
d. should not be published
2. The writer claims that people will be more likely to buy a book if … .
a. it has been advertised in a newspaper
b. they have already read it on their e-reader
c. they hear about it from someone else
d. it is easy to find
2 Decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Find evidence in the text to justify
your answers. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

1. Digitised books are expensive.

2. Publishers are worried about the growing popularity of e-books.

3 Complete the sentences. (3 x 3 = 9 points)

1. Authors are afraid that people will not ..............................................................................................

.......................................................................................................................................................... .

2. Publishers tend to publish books that ................................................................................................

.......................................................................................................................................................... .
3. In order to encourage people to go out and buy a book, it’s necessary ............................................

.......................................................................................................................................................... .

4 Find words or expressions in the text that mean: (4 x 1 = 4 points)

1. completely (paragraph I) ……………………
2. guarantees (paragraph III) ……………………
3. now, at this time (paragraph IV) ……………………
4. say no to (paragraph V) ……………………
Reading Style Rookie
1 1. T – “… most people in the fashion industry recognise Tavi …”
2. T – “… her own original outfits.”
3. F – “She is invited to attend the top fashion shows in the world …”
4. F – “Tavi’s parents had no idea about their daughter’s blog …”

2 1. a girl as young as Tavi could have written such a sophisticated and professional fashion
2. interested in her blog
3. often accompanies her
3 c
4 1. influential 3. has accompanied
2. generate 4. launch

Unit Test 1 Optional Reading Tornado Tourism

1 1. b 2. a
2 1. They drive vehicles equipped with mobile Internet and satellite connections.
2. Because all storm chasers head for the same areas.
3 1. F – “… get to a place … witness the storm
without being in danger.”
2. T – “… can be exhilarating … can also be

3. F – “… have no idea where they are going to

sleep …”
4 1. help 3. witness
2. exhilarating 4. Sufficient

Unit Test 2 Optional Reading The One Who Lived

1 1. a 2. b
2 1. Because she knew that it would eventually lead to civilisation.
2. Streams filled with crocodiles and piranhas, and hunger and exhaustion.
3 1. T – “… only … Juliane Koepke survived.”
2. F – “When she woke up … still sitting in her
plane seat.”
3. F – “… she was found by a group of Peruvian
lumberjacks … ”

4 1. dense 3. reunited
2. alone 4. haunt

Unit Test 3 Optional Reading The Future is Here

1 1. c 2. d
2 1. T – “The Engkey is controlled by a human
teacher …”
2. T – “… robots are an inexpensive way to ensure
that teachers get the help …”
3. F – “… only able to help students practise very
specific conversations.”

3 1. are afraid of making mistakes with a real person

2. help students practise their English pronunciation and dialogue
4 1. innovative 3. required
2. located 4. probable

Unit Test 4 Optional Reading Virtual Romance

1 1. c 2. a
2 1. reveal anything you don’t want to about yourself
2. get close to someone online
3 1. F – “... their creators spend hours online
controlling everything they do.”
2. T – “… they often begin to neglect their real-
life commitments and relationships.”
3. F – “… small number of people actually find
a romantic partner …”
4 1. intense 3. neglect
2. residents 4. reveal

Unit Test 5 Optional Reading Online Advertising

1 1. b 2. a
2 1. F – “... a growing number of companies are beginning to make use of this method ...

2. F – “The future of personalised retargeting techniques is still uncertain.”
3 1. when she received an advert for the same bag she had looked at earlier
2. determine which products an individual is more likely to buy
3. people’s privacy is protected
4 1. looking for 3. disturbed
2. specific 4. uncertain

Unit Test 6 Optional Reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid

1 1. d 2. c
2 1. F – “… raises important issues about what it means to be a teenager.”
2. F – “… viewers, many of whom are fans of the books …”
3. T – “But the film is not aimed at them.”
3 1. you can be popular just by being yourself
2. would be reminded of the connection between the books and the film
4 1. issues 3. inserts
2. ultimately 4. aimed

Unit Test 7 Optional Reading Moving On

1 1. c 2. a
2 1. in many cases, the offer of a place to stay is
a temporary one
2. housing in the city is expensive
3 1. F – “If they can find a person … who will agree to take them in …”
2. T – “…the cost of a family’s tickets … thousands of dollars …”
3. F – “…social workers do check that the offers of assistance … are genuine …”
4 1. novel 3. illusion
2. was launched 4. fails

Unit Test 8 Optional Reading Refugees United

1 1. a 2. b
2 1. Because they are fleeing persecution and are afraid for their safety.
2. By using nicknames or descriptions of scars which are known only to close family
members and friends.
3 1. there are no language barriers
2. revealing their full name and location
3. to advertise the site
4 1. locating 3. generate
2. launched 4. remote

Unit Test 9 Optional Reading Youth for Understanding

1 1. It assists them with travel arrangements, visa applications and their enrolment in
2. They improve their fluency in a foreign language, and also gain a deep understanding of
another country and its people.
2 1. T – “YFU is a non-profit organisation …”
2. F – “… offers continued support … throughout the exchange.”
3. F – “…clearly valuable for the individuals and families who participate …”
3 1. they gain useful skills in the programme
2. change the world
4 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b
Term Test 1 Optional Reading Dande’s Faux Art
1 b
2 1. F - “Copy masters like Dondé ...”
2. F - “... he didn’t hand him over to the police.
Instead, he offered Uggi the chance to work for him.”
3. T - “He could not have imagined that faux art
would turn out to be one of the biggest and most popular art movements …”

3 1. Unlike forgery, faux art is not created in order to deceive people.

2. To make masterpieces available to the general public.
3. They appreciate faux art.
4 1. valuable 3. displays
2. accessible 4. injustice

Term Test 2 Optional Reading Turn the Music Down

1 1. c 2. a
2 1. F – “... in the past, teenagers used to listen to music at high volumes ...”
2. T – “... increase the volume ... causes permanent damage to their hearing.”
3. T – “... good-quality headphones ... makes it less necessary ... to increase the volume …”

3 1. turn down the volume and buy good quality headphones

2. they reduce awareness of your surroundings, which is important in road safety
4 1. via 3. consequence
2. in practice 4. dramatically

Term Test 3 Optional Reading Cyber Seniors

1 1. a 2. d
2 1. T – “... keep in touch with their loved ones ... shop online ... stay independent for
2. F – “They must be made aware of seniors’ physical problems ...”
3. T – “... teenagers ... good at teaching computer skills to the elderly ...”

3 1. using e-mail
2. learn how to shop online
4 1. increasing 3. tremendously
2. challenging 4. motivate

Final Test 1 Optional Reading Green Games

1 a
2 1. F – “... different from other existing computer games that deal with environmental
2. F – “... increasing number of people around the world are becoming more environmentally
aware ...”
3. T – “... many of them believe ... very little that they really can do to help ... our
3 1. players must take action in the real world
2. environmentally-friendly actions players can do to be successful in the game
3. submitting photographs or having their Facebook friends confirm the claims
4 1. benefit 3. switch (to)
2. habitat 4. tackled

Final Test 2 Optional Reading E-book on the Rise

1 1. a 2. c
2 1. F – “... many digitised books are available free of charge ... ”
2. F – “... publishers believe ... nothing to fear from the e-book.”
3 1. buy as many of their books because many
e-books are free
2. are likely to be popular with a wide audience
3. to create a “buzz”
4 1. altogether 3. currently
2. ensures 4. reject

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