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128 Shortcuts for DaVinci Resolve 14 (Windows)

View and Color Alt+V Paste attribute

Q Source / Timeline Viewer Ctrl+A Select all

E Extract Current Node Shift+Ctrl+A Deselect all

- Apply Grade From Two Clip Prior Delete Delete Selected

= Apply Grade From One Clip Prior Shift+Delete Delete With Ripple

D Enable / Disable Clip A Pointer

F Match Frame T Trim

G Add Flag B Blade

H Toggle Hand / Selection In Node Window Ctrl+B Razor

Alt+Ctrl+G Grab still F9 Insert

Alt+Ctrl+F Play still F10 Overwrite

Alt+Ctrl+P Previous still F11 Replace

Alt+Ctrl+N Next still F12 Place On Top

Shift+F11 Fit To Fill
Playback Shift+F12 Append At End
[[] Go to Previous Keyframe Y Select Clips Forward On This Track
[]] Go to Next Keyframe Alt+Y Select Clips Forward On All Tracks
J Play Reverse Shift+Y Select Nearest Clip/Gap
K Stop Shift+Ctrl+L Linked Selection
L Play Forward Alt+Ctrl+L Clip Link
; Go to First Frame D Clip Enable
´ Go to Last Frame Ctrl+\ Split clip
/ Play Around Current Frame Alt+\ Join clip
Home Go to Timeline Start Ctrl+R Retime clip
End Go to Timeline End Alt+Ctrl+R Reset clip
Arrow Up Previous Clip / Edit V Select edit point
Arrow Down Next Clip / Edit U Edit point type
Arrow Left Step One Frame Reverse Ctrl+T Add transition
Arrow Right Step One Frame Forward , Nudge Edit One Frame Left
Period Nudge Edit One Frame Right
Shift+, Trim/Step Multiframe Left
I Set Mark In Shift+ Period Trim/Step Multiframe Right
O Set Mark Out [Shift]+[[] Trim Start
X Mark Clip [Shift]+[]] Trim End
M Add Marker E Extend Edit
F Match Frame
N Snapping
F9 Insert Edit
Shift+S Audio Scrubbing
F10 Overwrite Edit
F11 Replace Edit File
F12 Place On Top Edit Shift+Ctrl+N New bin
Backspace Delete Selected Ctrl+N New timeline
W Dynamic Trim Mode Ctrl+S Save project
T Trim Mode Shift+Ctrl+S Save project as
Y Select Clips Forward On This Track Ctrl+I Inport project
U Edit Point Type Shift+Ctrl+I Import AAF, EDL, XML, ...
A Normal Edit Mode Ctrl+E Export Project
V Select Nearest Edit Point Shift+Ctrl+O Export AAF, XML,...
B Select Blade Alt+Shift+T Publish All Changes
N Snapping On / Off Shift+Ctrl+T Publish Changes for Selected Clips
, Nudge One Frame Left Alt+Shift+U Update All Clips
. Nudge One Frame Right Shift+Ctrl+U Update Selected Clips
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+Shift+Z Redo
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+V Paste
128 Shortcuts for DaVinci Resolve 14 (Windows)

Slip Audio/Eye
Alt+, Slip Audio One Frame Reverse
Alt+ Period Slip Audio One Frame Forward
Alt+Ctrl+, Slip Opposite Eye Left
Alt+Ctrl+Period Slip Opposite Eye Right

Track Destination Selection

Alt+1 Track Destination Selection V1
Alt+2 Track Destination Selection V2
Alt+3 Track Destination Selection V3
Alt+4 Track Destination Selection V4
Alt+5 Track Destination Selection V5
Alt+6 Track Destination Selection V6
Alt+7 Track Destination Selection V7
Alt+8 Track Destination Selection V8
Alt+Ctrl+1 Audio Destination A1
Alt+Ctrl+2 Audio Destination A2
Alt+Ctrl+3 Audio Destination A3
Alt+Ctrl+4 Audio Destination A4
Alt+Ctrl+5 Audio Destination A5
Alt+Ctrl+6 Audio Destination A6
Alt+Ctrl+7 Audio Destination A7
Alt+Ctrl+8 Audio Destination A8
Alt+Shift+1...8 Lock/Unlock V1...V8
Alt+Shift+9 Lock/Unlock all video
Alt+Shift+ F1...F8 Lock/Unlock A1...A8
Alt+Shift+F9 Lock/Unlock All video
Alt+F1...F8 Auto select / Deselect V1...V8
Alt+F9 Auto select/ deselct all video
Alt+Ctrl+F1...F8 Auto select / desect A1...A8
Alt+Ctrl+F9 Auto select/deselect all video

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