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Grammar – Reported Speech

1 Choose the correct answer in reported speech.

1. “Cindy took the baby to the doctor yesterday.”
a. He said that Cindy had taken the baby to the doctor the day before.
b. He said that Cindy took the baby to the doctor the day before.
2. “The game will be over soon.”
a. The coach said that the game would be over soon.
b. The coach said that the game will be over soon.
3. “I don’t want your help.”
a. Tom said that he doesn’t want my help.
b. Tom said that he didn’t want my help.
4. “Were they sleeping during the film?”
a. My boyfriend asked if they had been sleeping during the film.
b. My boyfriend asked if they were sleeping during the film.

2 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. Make any necessary changes.

1. “Jim hasn’t visited me for a long time.”
Tony said that ................................................................................................................... .
2. “The party will begin at eight o’clock.”
The girls said that ............................................................................................................. .
3. “Open your books, please!”
The teacher told the students ............................................................................................ .
4. “The biscuits are baking in the oven.”
Mum said that ................................................................................................................... .
5. “Let’s ask Matt to bring a pizza.”
Karen suggested ............................................................................................................... .
6. “My family has already been to Paris.”
The man told the travel agent that .................................................................................... .

3 Complete the sentences with the correct verb and reported speech.
1. “I’m the best student in the class,” Bob said.
Bob boasted / reminded .................................................................................................. .
2. “The neighbours made a lot of noise,” Janice said.
Janice complained / admitted ......................................................................................... .
3. “Don’t use my computer!” the boss said to her secretary.
The boss warned / suggested .......................................................................................... .
4. “Please buy a newspaper,” Guy said to Daniel.
Guy told / threatened ...................................................................................................... .
5. “I will punish you the next time you are late.”
Dad threatened / ordered ............................................................................................... .
6. “We didn’t invite Larry to the meeting.”
The girls boasted / admitted ........................................................................................... .

4 Rewrite the questions in reported speech.

1. “Is Mark buying a new car?” Sara asked.
2. “Has the water boiled?” Clive asked.
3. “What do you want to order?” the waitress enquired.
4. “Why must they go to bed so early?” Aunt Ruby asked.
5. “Will the concert start on time?” Peter wanted to know.

5 Write the sentences in reported speech using the words given. Make any necessary changes.
1. The hotel clerk / say / the bellboy / take / suitcases / later
2. The officer / order / the people / leave / the building / immediately
3. William / suggest / try / the new Chinese restaurant

6 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

1. “I walked the children to school,” Judy said.
Judy said that she ............................................................................................................. .
2. “The television is making a funny noise,” said Joe.
Joe said that the television ............................................................................................... .
3. “Brad has just called for an ambulance,” the nurse said.
The nurse said that Brad .................................................................................................. .
4. “I don’t eat tomatoes,” said Erica.
Erica said that she ............................................................................................................ .
5. “We must remember to buy the birthday present,” said the girls.
The girls said that they .................................................................................................... .
7 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
1. “Don’t leave before the bell,” the teacher said to the students.
2. “The price of the tickets will be higher,” said Mike.
3. “Let’s have a picnic on Sunday,” suggested Lorraine.
4. “You may need to fix the engine,” said the mechanic.
5. “The shop wasn’t selling anything nice,” said Rosie.

8 Rewrite the questions in reported speech.

1. “How often does the bus leave?” the traveller wanted to know.
2. “Have the workers gone on strike?” the reporter asked.
3. “Why didn’t the doctor check your temperature?” Mother wondered.
4. “Can you give me directions to the station?” the driver asked.
5. “Which dessert are you going to choose?” the waiter wanted to know.

9 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

1. “The exhibition is going to open next week,” the museum guide announced.
2. “Take your dirty shoes off now,” my sister ordered me.
3. “We never read those books from the library,” the students admitted.
4. “My assistant sent the letter last month,” the manager said.
5. “Call the office about this problem tomorrow,” said the secretary.
6. “Tom broke his leg on this pavement yesterday,” Jack said.
7. “Can I put the package here?” asked the delivery boy.
10 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech using the reporting verbs below. Make any
necessary changes.

suggest • tell • advise • remind • warn • admit • complain

1. “It’s all my fault,” Olivia said.
2. “My football team has lost again,” Ethan said.
3. “You should apologise to your friend,” Sharon said.
4. “Don’t hit your brother again!” Dad said.
5. “We cleaned the kitchen,” the children said to their mother.
6. “Let’s not decide anything now,” the lawyer said.
7. “The festival starts in May, not in June,” Grace said.

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