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Moodle2WordQuestions – English template

[chasis xi tsm option]

Question 01(MC)
Gaya yang terjadi pada saat rem teromol bekerja adalah MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. gaya gravitasi 0
B. gaya centrifugal 0
C. gaya centripetal 0
D. gaya gesek 100
E. gaya puntir 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 02 (MC)
Penyebab suspensi depan/belakang terlalu lemah MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Pegas sudah lemah 100
Peredam kejut mengalamai
B. 0
Kekentalan minyak peredam kejut
C. 0
tidak tepat
Jumlah minyak peredam kejut
D. 0
E. Adanya gas yang bocor 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 03 (MC)
inovasi rem dengan adanya sistem rem tidak bisa mengunci adalah

Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. ABS 100
B. combi brake system 0
C. EFI 0
D. booster rem 0
E. FI 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 04 (MC)
Gaya redam shock absober jenis single action hanya terjadi pada saat MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. memendek 0
B. gerakan menekan 100
C. menarik 0
D. bounding 0
E. expansi langkah 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 05 (MC)
Langkah yang paling tepat bila suspensi belakang terdapat kebocoran oli adalah MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. ganti seal 100
B. ganti pegas 0
C. ganti pelindung debu 0
D. tambah oli 0
E. kencangkan baut baut 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 06 (MC)
Maksud suspensi sebagai fungsi menahan beban statis yaitu MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade

Maksud suspensi sebagai fungsi menahan beban statis yaitu MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. memindah gaya pengereman 0
B. kenyamanan berkendara 0
C. penompang berat kendaraan 0
D. meredan getaran dari roda 100
E. penambah daya kerja mesin 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 08 (MC)
Apa arti kode DOT yang tercantum pada minyak rem MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. departement of tranfortation 100
B. departement on tranformator 0
C. defragment on tranfortation 0
D. defragment of transistor 0
E. delivery on transformer 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 10 (MC)
Sensor ABS terletak di MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. kaliper rem 100
B. reservoir 0
C. pompa 0
D. hidraulik unit 0
E. tromol 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 11 (MC)
cara mudah mencegah rem ABS bermaslah adalah merawat dan membersihkan

Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. cylinder 0
B. hidroulik 0
C. roda 0
D. sensor 100
E. tromol 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 12 (MC)
posisi selenoid valve yang terletak pada hidroulik ABS di kendalikan oleh

Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. hidroulik unit 0

B. ABS control modul 100

C. pompa 0

D. reservoir 0

E. putaran 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 13(MC)
data kecepatan roda yang di ambil oleh wheel speed sensor kemudian disalurkan ke MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. ABS control moduk 100

B. hidralik unit 0

C. pompa 0

D. reservoir 0

E. tromol 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 15 (MC)
keuntungan rem ABS MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. tidak memerlukan minyak rem 0
B. kanvas awet 0
C. elegan 0
D. modifikasi 0

E. mrncegah terkuncinya roda saat 100

jalan licin
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 17 (MC)
Akibat oli terlalu kental pada rem maka rem akan MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Tidak berfungsi 0
B. Gerak kurang lancar 100
C. Kanvas rusak 0
D. Selip 0
E. Aus 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 18 (MC)
Komponen rem cakram yang bertugas menekan kanvas adalah MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Plat rem 0
B. Plat penekan 100
C. Stuut rem 0
D. Bearing 0
E. Silinder roda 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 19 (MC)
Special tool (SST) yang berfungsi untuk menahan pada saat mengendorkan dan
mengencangkan mur rem adalah
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Nut holder 100
B. Gear holder 0
C. Puller 0
D. Tracker 0
E. schuitcmatch 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question20 (MC)
Fungsi dari ESP (elektronik stability progam ) yaitu MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. mengatur kanvas rem 0
B. mengatur minyak rem ke kalifer 0
C. mengontor kecepatan pengereman 0

D. memperbaiki stabilitas kendaraan 100

saat jalan
E. mengatur stabilitas rem 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 21 (MC)
alat yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi tanda pengereman dan mengirimkan signal
ke ABS komputer adalah
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. valve 0
B. anti lock warning ligt 0
C. akuatif 0
D. swict lampu rem 100
E. reservoir 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 28 (MC)
dua sisi dari kampas rem tromol sama2 bergerak untuk memberikan gesekan
maksimal yaitu

Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Tromol biasa 0
B. Tipe Single shoe 0
C. Tromol tipe double leading shoe 100
D. Tromol tipe leading shoe 0
E. Tromol dan tipe drum tromol 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 31 (MC)
Prinsip kerja sistem rem adalah terjadinya perubahan MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
Energi kinetik menjadi energi panas
A. dalam bentuk friction. 100

Energi panas menjadi energi kinetik

B. dalam bentuk friction 0

Energi kinetik menjadi energi panas

C. dalam bentuk tekanan. 0

Energi gesekan dan energi panas dalam

D. tekanan. 0

E. Energi panas menjadi energi dingin 0

General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 35 (MC)
Pada sistem rem tromol, bagian yang sering terjadi gangguan adalah MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Brake panel 0
B. Brake shoes 100
C. Brake cam 0
D. Brake arm 0
E. Felt seal 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 37 (MC)
Jarak main bebas pada penyetelan rem belakang adalah MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. 20 - 30 cm 0
B. 20 - 31 cm 0
C. 20 - 32 cm 0
D. 21 – 30 mm 0
E. 20 – 30 mm 100
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 38 (MC)
Batas ketebalan kanvas rem adalah MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. 20 mm 0
B. 2 cm 0
C. 22 mm 0
D. 22 mikrometer 0
E. 2,0 mm 100
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 39 (MC)
Dibawah ini bagian-bagian komponen sistem rem adalah MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Kanvas rem 0
B. Drum tromol 0
C. Shoe 0
D. Brake lever 0
E. suspensi 100
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

Question 40 (MC)
Komponen rem cakram sebagai tempat menyimpan minyak rem adalah MC
Default mark: 1
Shuffle the choices? Yes
Number the choices? A
Penalty for each incorrect try: 33.3
# Answers Feedback Grade
A. Disk brake 0
B. Master cylinder 0
C. Reservoir tank 100
D. Pad shoe 0

E. Dot 3 or Dot 4 0
General feedback:
For any correct response: Your answer is correct.
For any incorrect response: Your answer is incorrect.
Hint 1:
Show the number of correct
responses (Hint 1):
Clear incorrect responses (Hint 1): No
Allows the selection of a single or multiple responses from a pre-defined list.

[ chasis xi tsm esay ]

Question 1 (ES)
Jelaskan tujuan rem di rancang pada kendaraan.? ES
Default mark: 1
Response format: with
Require text: Yes
Input box size: 15
Allow attachments: 0
Require attachments: 0
Response template Information for graders
Any text entered here will be
displayed in the response input
box when a new attempt at the
question starts.
General feedback:
Allows a response of a few sentences or paragraphs. This must then be graded

Question 2 (ES)
Jelaskan proses perubahan energi saat rem bekerja ES
Default mark: 1
Response format: with
Require text: Yes
Input box size: 15
Allow attachments: 0
Require attachments: 0
Response template Information for graders
Any text entered here will be
displayed in the response input
box when a new attempt at the
question starts.
General feedback:
Allows a response of a few sentences or paragraphs. This must then be graded

Question 3 (ES)
Akibat rem sepeda motor tidak pernag di rawat adalah.? ES
Default mark: 1
Response format: with
Require text: Yes
Input box size: 15
Allow attachments: 0
Require attachments: 0
Response template Information for graders
Any text entered here will be
displayed in the response input
box when a new attempt at the
question starts.
General feedback:
Allows a response of a few sentences or paragraphs. This must then be graded

Question 4 (ES)
urutan memeriksa sekaligus memperbaiki rem tromol sepeda motor adalah ES
Default mark: 1
Response format: with
Require text: Yes
Input box size: 15
Allow attachments: 0
Require attachments: 0
Response template Information for graders
Any text entered here will be
displayed in the response input
box when a new attempt at the
question starts.
General feedback:
Allows a response of a few sentences or paragraphs. This must then be graded

Question 5 (ES)
urutan memeriksa sekaligus memperbaiki rem hidrolik sepeda motor adalah ES
Default mark: 1
Response format: with
Require text: Yes
Input box size: 15
Allow attachments: 0
Require attachments: 0
Response template Information for graders
Any text entered here will be
displayed in the response input
box when a new attempt at the
question starts.
General feedback:
Allows a response of a few sentences or paragraphs. This must then be graded

Question 6 (ES)
Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan water recovery.? ES
Default mark: 1
Response format: with
Require text: Yes
Input box size: 15
Allow attachments: 0
Require attachments: 0
Response template Information for graders
Any text entered here will be
displayed in the response input
box when a new attempt at the
question starts.
General feedback:
Allows a response of a few sentences or paragraphs. This must then be graded

Question 7 (ES)
Sebutkan kelebihan rem cakram.? ES
Default mark: 1
Response format: with
Require text: Yes
Input box size: 15
Allow attachments: 0
Require attachments: 0
Response template Information for graders
Any text entered here will be
displayed in the response input
box when a new attempt at the
question starts.
General feedback:
Allows a response of a few sentences or paragraphs. This must then be graded

Question 8 (ES)
Sebutkan kelebihan rem tromol.? ES
Default mark: 1
Response format: with
Require text: Yes
Input box size: 15
Allow attachments: 0
Require attachments: 0
Response template Information for graders
Any text entered here will be
displayed in the response input
box when a new attempt at the
question starts.
General feedback:
Allows a response of a few sentences or paragraphs. This must then be graded

Question 9 (ES)
Jelaskan rem lebih kuat di tempatkan di roda depan dari pada di tempatkan di
roda belakang.?
Default mark: 1
Response format: with
Require text: Yes
Input box size: 15
Allow attachments: 0
Require attachments: 0
Response template Information for graders
Any text entered here will be
displayed in the response input
box when a new attempt at the
question starts.
General feedback:
Allows a response of a few sentences or paragraphs. This must then be graded

Question 10 (ES)
Apa yang terjadi jika minyak rem pada hidrolik sampe mendidih.? ES
Default mark: 1
Response format: with
Require text: Yes
Input box size: 15
Allow attachments: 0
Require attachments: 0
Response template Information for graders
Any text entered here will be
displayed in the response input
box when a new attempt at the
question starts.
General feedback:
Allows a response of a few sentences or paragraphs. This must then be graded


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