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Assignment on Green Business Management


HT.No: 18HX1E0002

Green banking:-

A green bank (sometimes referred to as green investment bank, clean energy

finance authority, or clean energy finance corporation) is a financial institution,
typically public or quasi-public, that uses innovative financing techniques and
market development tools in partnership with the private sector to accelerate
deployment of clean energy technologies.

Importance of Green Banking:-

 Green banking helps in reducing internal carbon footprint as well as external

carbon emission.
 Reputation and goodwill is very important for banks, and being a greenbank
provides them a distinct identity and reputation in the society.

Objectives of Green Banking :-

 To study the concept of “ Green Banking “

 To identify the necessary steps to adopt the green banking.
 To create awareness among bank employees, associates and general public.

Products of Green Banking :-

Special emphasis will be put on green products, such as;

 Green cards
 Green car loans
 Green mortgages
 Green home equity loans
 Green certificates of deposits (CDs) etc.

These products strengthen environmental causes, such as high fuel efficiency,

clean energy and eco - friendly activities.

Green Bounds:-

A green bond is like any other regular bond but with one key difference: the money
raised by the issuer is earmarked towards financing `green' projects, i.e. assets or
business activities that are environment-friendly. Such projects could be in the
areas of renewable energy, clean transportation and sustainable water management.

For example, green bonds might be issued to finance renewable energy and energy
efficiency projects, clean public transportation, pollution prevention and control,
conservation, sustainable water and wastewater management, and green buildings.

Importance of Green Bonds:-

Green bonds are well suited for large-scale sustainability projects such as wind and
solar development, which often require capital investment ahead of revenues, and
which generate modest revenue over a longer investment horizon.

For the foreseeable future, green bond issuers are leaders in developing this space.

Green HRM:-

Green HR is the use of HRM policies such a way to promote sustainable use of
resources in business organizations to make eco friendly and promote
environmental, economical sustainability practices to keep healthier environment
by increasing employee awareness and commitments on the issues of

Green Human Resources Management (GHRM) refers to using Human Resources

Management (HRM) practices to reinforce environmental sustainable practices and
increase employee's commitment on the issues of environmental sustainability.

Green Supply Chain:-

Green supply chain management can be defined as integrating environmental

thinking into supply-chain management, including product design, material
sourcing and selection, manufacturing processes, delivery of the final product as
well as end-of-life management of the product after its useful life.

Importance of Green supply Chain management:-

Due to the impact of environmental issues, consumers will be asking the

companies about how green the manufacturing and supply chain of the products is.

Lowering the cost for waste disposals occur during the supply chain process also
cuts the cost of the process.

Green product:-

Green products are those that have less of an impact on the environment or are less
detrimental to human health than traditional equivalents. Green products might,
typically, be formed or part-formed from recycled components, be manufactured in
a more energy-conservative way, be supplied to the market with less packaging, or
be manufactured from local materials to reduce the need for transportation and
reduce carbon footprints (or all four).


Bread Bags

Bulk Food Bags

Produce Bags

Drink Bottles

Drink Bottle Accessories

Coffee Cups

Coffee Cup Lids

Sandwich Wraps

Shopping Bags


Side Bags

Disposal Bags

Green Marketing:-

Green marketing refers to the process of selling products and/or services based on
their environmental benefits. Such a product or service may be environmentally
friendly in itself or produced in an environmentally friendly way, such as: Being
manufactured in a sustainable fashion.

Importance of Green Marketing:

Worldwide efforts are made to conserve natural water resources. Thus, green
marketing is a marketing philosophy that promotes production and selling of pure
(eco-friendly) products with protection of ecological balance.

It is necessary that businessmen and users should refrain from harmful products.

Objectives Of Green Marketing:-

Green marketing touches every aspect of a business, from production and

packaging to advertising and public relations.

It focuses on directing every marketing strategy towards a single objective – profit

through sustainable development.

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