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1.- Fill in the blanks with the expressions from the list. Some of
them can be used more than once.



1. We just don’t have the money to do the work, ______________________

necessary you think it is.

2. The graphics in that new computer game I bought are quite good.

______________________ , I soon got bored with playing it.

3. I understand your point of view. ______________________ , I don’t agree

with it.

4. He was refused entry to the country. ______________________ he was

forced to return to Spain.

5. It was the best race seen in the stadium ______________________ Howe

beat Razak in 1989.

6. John had lived in the village for 20 years. ______________________ the

locals still considered him an outsider.

7. The car skidded to a halt ______________________ we were approaching

the bridge.

8. We all sat there gloomily ______________________ Stuart smiled to


9. She was unable to run _____________________________ a leg injury.

10. We have less money to spend ______________________ budget cuts.

11. The company’s success is largely ______________________ the new


12. We won’t be able to come ___________________________ the weather.

13. I didn’t go out _____________________________ I was feeling awful.

14. He took the course _____________________________ get a better job.

15. Trees are being planted by the roadside ______________________

reduce traffic noise.

16. She stayed at work late ____________________________ she could

complete the report.

17. Hot ________________________ the night air was, they slept soundly.

18. __________________________ playing with ten men, we won easily.

19. This shirt is still dirty ______________________ I’ve washed it twice.

20. ______________________ I enjoyed the holiday, I was glad to be home.

21. ______________________ he loses the election, the president will still

control foreign policy.

22. I’ll continue to sing my songs ______________________ I never sell

another record.

23. After Barlow was arrested, his wife and daughters were questioned
by the police ___________________________ they knew nothing about his
business affairs.

24. ______________________ of their poverty, the children seemed happy.

25. ______________________ she fell midway through the race, she won.

26. Advice is given ______________________ students can choose the best


27. She hid the present ______________________ the children wouldn’t find


Exercise 1: 1 however, 2 Even so, 3 However/Nevertheless, 4 Instead, 5

since, 6 Nevertheless/However, 7 as, 8 while, 9 due to/owing to, 10 due
to/owing to, 11 due to, 12 because of, 13 because, 14 in order to/so as
to, 15 in order to/so as to, 16 in order that/so that, 17 though, 18 In
spite of/Despite, 19 even though/though/ in spite of the fact
that/despite the fact that, 20 Much as/Though/Although, 21 Even if,
22 even if, 23 even though/although/in spite of the fact that/despite
the fact that, 24 In spite, 25 Despite the fact that/In spite of the fact
that, 26 in order that/so that, 27 in order that/so that.
2.- In the following text, one or two (once three, but not more) of
the linking words and phrases are correct, and the others are
incorrect. Underline the correct ones.

Mr James Kennedy
The Benson Institute
15, Kimberley Way
London WIP 4ST
20th December, 2015

Dear Mr Kennedy,
The Principal at the college where I work suggested that I should write to you
1 (for to / in order to / so as to / so that) find more information about the
Benson Scholarship for advanced students of English, 2 (as / because / for /
due to) he feels I could be a suitable candidate for this particular scholarship.
I first visited England 8 years ago 3 (then / when / as / while) I was twenty
years old, 4 (immediately after graduating / as soon as graduated / following I
graduated / having graduated) in Chemistry at the University of Rio. 5 (Then
/At the beginning / In the beginning / At first) I could speak no English.
6 (Despite this, / Nevertheless, / Though / Although) I managed to find some
work. 7 (So / Thus / Unfortunately, / Meanwhile,) I could only afford language
classes twice a week, and 8 (owing to / consequently / as a result, / so that) I
had to rely on my own resources to acquire as much English as possible.
9(Really / In fact, / Presently, / Lately) to my surprise I managed to pass
Cambridge First Certificate after only two years, and 10(following, /
subsequently, / after, / lately,) I took the Proficiency exam 11(since / just
before / prior to / on) leaving England four years ago. 12(On / No sooner/
Having / When) returning home, I was lucky enough to find a job teaching
English at the Academy School. I have thoroughly enjoyed my involvement in
the profession. 13(Instead / In addition, / However, / Moreover,) I now feel the
time has come for me to re-acquaint myself with an English-speaking
environment 14(to / in order to / so that / so) maintain the standard of my
English. 115(That is why / Furthermore, / On the other hand, / Moreover,) I
would very much like to pursue my growing interest in English literature.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely.
Ms Maria Nascimento.

Dear Mr Kennedy,
The Principal at the college where I work suggested that I should write to you
1 (for to / in order to / so as to / so that) find more information about the
Benson Scholarship for advanced students of English, 2 (as / because / for /
due to) he feels I could be a suitable candidate for this particular scholarship.
I first visited England 8 years ago 3 (then / when / as / while) I was twenty
years old, 4 (immediately after graduating / as soon as graduated / following I
graduated / having graduated) in Chemistry at the University of Rio. 5 (Then
/At the beginning / In the beginning / At first) I could speak no English.
6 (Despite this, / Nevertheless, / Though / Although) I managed to find some
work. 7 (So / Thus / Unfortunately, / Meanwhile,) I could only afford language
classes twice a week, and 8 (owing to / consequently / as a result, / so that) I
had to rely on my own resources to acquire as much English as possible.
9(Really / In fact, / Presently, / Lately) to my surprise I managed to pass
Cambridge First Certificate after only two years, and 10(following, /
subsequently, / after, / lately,) I took the Proficiency exam 11(since / just
before / prior to / on) leaving England four years ago. 12(On / No sooner/
Having / When) returning home, I was lucky enough to find a job teaching
English at the Academy School. I have thoroughly enjoyed my involvement in
the profession. 13(Instead / In addition, / However, / Moreover,) I now feel the
time has come for me to re-acquaint myself with an English-speaking
environment 14(to / in order to / so that / so) maintain the standard of my
English. 15(That is why / Furthermore, / On the other hand, / Moreover,) I
would very much like to pursue my growing interest in English literature.

3.- Complete the sentences.

1. You may have imagined we were old friends from the way we were talking,

but as a _________________________ , we first met a week ago.

2. Of course we could sell the shares, but _________________________ hand

there is something to be said for holding on to them.

3. I’m not altogether convinced by what you say - _________________________

words, I think you’re making a mistake.

4. We may eventually be justified in making a bid for the company, but

________________________ being, I think we should let things take their course.

5. There are a number of reasons I could advance in favour of the proposal.

________________________ place, it is obviously to our financial advantage.

6. I wish I could share your optimism about the project, but

________________________ truth, I don’t think it will succeed.

7. I don’t really agree with what you say, although I support your ideas

______________________________ extent.

8. The performance was not perfect, but __________________ whole it was a

reasonable attempt at a difficult play.

9. Take the car to the garage and get some petrol, and ____________________
meantime, I’ll go to the post office.

10. How can you possibly vote for such a man when you’ve told me over

_____________ that you can’t stand him?


1 matter of fact, 2 on the other, 3 in other, 4 for the time, 5 In the first,
6 to tell you the, 7 to a certain, 8 on the, 9 in the, 10 and over again.

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