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END­TIME MESSAGES FROM JESUS – Sabbath Morning Evangelism   Volume 6

1 End – Time Messages From Jesus

2 The Infallible Book About God

3 The next time you pick up a Bible, whether it be bound in paper or

the most expensive Morocco leather, you should pause a moment
and remember that you have in your hand a miracle.

4 For this is a book of which we have absolutely no original copy

and, for all we know, there is none in existence anywhere. We
would have no Bible at all if it had not been for the fact that men
have cherished it and have gone to great lengths to preserve it—
and some have laid down their lives for it.

5 It would not be so remarkable that we still have a Bible which is in

all likelihood very much as it was in the original, except for the
fact that over and over attempts are still being made, as late as the
“Cultural Revolution” in China, when the government sought to
find and burn every Bible in China, and very nearly succeeded.

6 The Bible is the guidebook to abundant life right now and to

eternal life in the future. It tells us how to live, how to have power
in our lives. It is the story of Jesus, the loveliest story ever told,
and how He can bring light and joy into our lives.

7 It is the word of God. Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, “For this

reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you

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8 “…the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it
not as the word of men…”

9 “…but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively 
works in you who believe.” 
1 Thessalonians 2:13 

10 Let us take a little time to think about the wonder of this book.



12 There is an old story about Napoleon who was traveling by ship

with a group of his friends. An argument arose about the Bible.
Some—in fact, most of those present—scoffed at it, but there was
one man who sturdily defended it. Finally Napoleon turned to him
and said, “Give us in a word, proof for the truth of the Bible.”
“Sire, the Jews,” answered the defender.
Whether or not this anecdote is true, the answer is true.

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13 “The Jewish people is over three thousand years old.
Archaeology has long since verified this startling tradition…”

14 “…which our grandfathers took on faith. Many thinkers have

tried, and are still trying, to account for this survival of a folk,

15 “…a religion, and a culture through three millennia of nearly

impossible historical conditions…”

16 “…The fact itself is unique in history as the velocity of light is

in physics. It needs explaining.”
Herman Wouk, “This Is My God”, p. 22

17 In existence before its country. Here was a nation that came into
existence before it had a country. It began with a promise God made
to Abraham. “Now the Lord had said to Abram:

18 “Get out of your country, From your family And from your
father’s house,…”

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19 “…To a land that I will show you. I will make you a great
nation; I will bless you…”

20 “…And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing.”

Genesis 12:1, 2

21 This is only one of several similar promises God made to Abram. It

was a strange promise because nations ordinarily come into
existence through people living together in a geographical area. Try,
if you wish, to think of a nation that did not arise in this fashion.
But the Jews began with a wanderer, Abraham, long before they
had a land they could call their own.

22 Joseph—a prime minister of Egypt. Abraham’s grandson, Jacob,

migrated to Egypt through circumstances that make one of the most
gripping stories of the Bible.

23 Egypt was the glory of Mediterranean civilization. Its architecture

and sculpture have never been surpassed and in some instances
never equaled. It was the most powerful nation on earth and the
most highly civilized, and would be for centuries to come.

24 That a family of shepherds driven into such a country by famine

should ever escape and become a nation that would endure for at
least 3,000 years seems ridiculous, but the history of what happened
is still more amazing.

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25 The dispersion of the Jews. As we have mentioned, the Jews
became a nation before they had a country and that is a matter of
history. But, in addition, they were driven out of their country 1,900
years ago, and for almost that long that country has been occupied
by other nations.
Every country into which they were driven has persecuted them,
and some powers have tried to exterminate them; for instance,
Hitler, in our time.
In spite of these paradoxes they still exist as a distinctive and virile
people, and even today, only a small fraction of them live or ever
hope to live in Palestine.

26 “The story of the Jews since the Dispersion is one of the epics of
European history. Driven from their natural home by the Roman
capture of Jerusalem (70 A.D.), and scattered by flight and trade
among all nations and to all the continents; persecuted and
decimated by the adherents of the great religions—Christianity and
Mohammedanism—which had been born of their scriptures and
their memories; barred by the feudal system from owning land, and
by the guilds from taking part in industry; mobbed by the people
and robbed by the kings; building with their finance and trade the
towns and cities indispensable to civilization; outcast and
excommunicated, insulted and injured;

27 Yet, without any political structure, without any legal

compulsion to special entity, without even a common language, this
wonderful people has maintained itself in body and soul, has
preserved its racial and cultural integrity, has guarded with jealous
love its oldest rituals and traditions, has patiently and resolutely
awaited the day of its deliverance, and has emerged greater in
number than ever before,
renowned in every field for the contribution of its geniuses,
and triumphantly restored after two thousand years of wandering to
its ancient and unforgotten home. What drama could rival the
grandeur of these sufferings, the variety of these scenes, and the
glory and justice of this fulfillment? What fiction could match the
romance of this reality?” The Story of Philosophy, p. 139, by Will
Durant. (This quotation need not be read; it can be related in the

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speaker’s own words.)
The author of the above lines does not say that this amazing
history is really the fulfillment of a prophecy given before the
events began to happen.

28 What drama could rival the grandeur of these sufferings, the variety
of these scenes, and the glory and justice of this fulfillment? What
fiction could match the romance of this reality?” The Story of
Philosophy, p. 139, by Will Durant. (This quotation need not be
read; it can be related in the speaker’s own words.)
The author of the above lines does not say that this amazing history
is really the fulfillment of a prophecy given before the events began
to happen.

29 God told the Jews what would happen if they disobeyed His law. 
“Then the Lord will scatter you among all peoples, from one 
end of the earth to the other, and there you shall serve other 

30 “…which neither you nor your fathers have known wood and 
stone. “ And among those nations you shall find no rest,…”

31 “…nor shall, the sole of your foot have a resting place; but there
the Lord will give you a trembling heart, failing eyes, and…”

32 “…anguish of soul. Your life shall hang in doubt before you;

you shall fear day and night, and have no assurance of life…”

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33 “…In the morning you shall say, ‘Oh, that it were evening!’ And
at evening you shall say, ‘Oh, that it were morning!’…”

34 “… because of the fear which terrifies your heart, and because

of the sight which your eyes see.” Deuteronomy 28:64-67

35 We should remember that God did not pronounce this judgment

upon Israel to be executed immediately. It was a warning, and only
after many years of disobedience and rebellion did these people
experience these terrible sufferings. And then, God in His mercy
did not cast them off as individuals. People are not lost or saved in
groups; they are lost or saved as individuals who exercise their own
God-given power of choice. Note the following.

36 “Yet for all that, when they are in the land of their enemies, I
will not cast them away,…”

37 “…nor shall I abhor them, to utterly destroy them and break

My covenant with them; for I am the Lord their God.”
Leviticus 26:44

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38 The Jews exist today. And so the Jews exist today. They are found
in all parts of the world. These people should have, by the ordinary
laws of national life, disappeared centuries ago. Many other peoples
have, as the world knows.

39 Where can you find a Babylonian today? There are none, known by
that name. If some descendants still exist they are doubtless so
intermixed with other peoples that they do not know their specific
origins themselves. But any Jew knows that he is a Jew.


41 The Hittites are named in the Bible, but for many decades the Bible 
was criticized for naming a people about whom no one knew 
anything. Finally their history was discovered, but no survivors of 
that race are known to exist—they are erased from the world.

42 Travel to Mexico City and a few miles outside the city you will find
the great pyramids rivaling in size the ones in Egypt. Who built
them? Even the Aztecs, when the Spanish invaded Mexico several
centuries ago, did not know who the builders were.

43 Arnold Toynbee, the great English historian, lists 21 civilizations

that have disappeared. But the Jews live on, exactly as the Bible
said it would.

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Now we come to the most important and amazing chapters in
Biblical research. The most important archaeological discovery
ever made in the minds of many scholars.
In 1947 an Arab goatherd followed a goat into a cave near
the Dead Sea. It is now called Cave One. At least 350 caves have
been discovered in that Qumram area now and in them have been
found 40,000 fragments of ancient manuscripts—many of the parts
of the Bible that are a thousand years older than any copies of the
Scriptures that we know anything about. So many books have been
written about the scrolls that a complete volume has been published
just to list the titles of them.

45 These scrolls are of priceless value. One of them, made of thin

copper, records the existence of a cave that contained 200 tons of
gold and 200 tons of silver. The scroll did not give the location of
the cave. If It has been found, nothing has ever been published
about the find.Parts of every book in the Old Testament, excepting
the book of Esther, have been found in these scrolls, yet nothing
really new about the Bible has been uncovered from the scrolls—
another evidence of the infallibility of the Bible.

46 Doctor Mansoor, head of the department of Semitic 
Languages at the University of Wisconsin, has said, “The scrolls 
will not require the revision of any basic articles of Christian 
faith. They will certainly…” 

47 “…not revolutionize our approach to the origins of Christianity.

On the contrary, they throw…”

48 “…a flood of light upon a few centuries immediately preceding

the advent of Christianity.”
(In a series of lectures on the scrolls at the University of Wisconsin)

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49 This is just another evidence of the veracity and reliability of the

Bible that you can buy almost anywhere that books are sold. How
much we should treasure it—and how little most of us study it.

Almost every student of Greek in the Western world will use the
Greek edition of the New Testament by Westcott and Hort. The
authors of this book were masters of New Testament Greek,
unrivaled in their lifetime. Listen to their testimony.

51 “The great bulk of the words of the New Testament stand out
above all discriminative processes of criticism, …”

52 “…because they are free from variation, and need only to be

transcribed… The whole area of variation between readings…”

53 “…that have ever been admitted into any printed text is

comparatively small… The text of the New Testament stands

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54 “… and unapproachably alone among ancient prose writings.
Doubtful points are out of sight even in critical editions of…”

55 “…classical authors merely because in ordinary literature it is

seldom worthwhile to trouble the clearness of a page.”

56 E. THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES The Bible is true. What

matters most about it is that it changes the lives of those who read it
and accept it.

57 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable

for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16. The Bible is where we find the
will of God; the difference between sin and righteousness.

58 “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than
any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division…”

59 “…of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a

discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
Hebrews 4:12

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60 Read almost anywhere in the Bible and you will find it speaking to
you in a very personal way—just as Paul said in this verse.
But God’s Word was not given to make us uncomfortable or
depressed; it was given to guide us.

61 “Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.” Psalm


62 “For whatever things were written before were written for our 
learning, that we through…”

63 “…the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have

Romans 15:4.


Many years ago the sailors on a ship named the Bounty mutinied,
took the ship away from its officers, put the officers to sea in a
small boat and took the ship for themselves. Mutiny was a capital
offense, as these sailors well knew.

65 They sailed to one of the South Pacific Islands and captured some
women, then went to an isolated island which later was named
Pitcairn. Once there, they unloaded the ship, taking everything they
thought they might need. Then they burned the ship.
Pitcairn became a hell on earth. The men made palm liquor and
under the influence of alcohol violence ran rampant until the male
population of the island was almost gone. Fear, lust and murder

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became the standard.

66 Then one day, Fletcher Christian, one of the more intelligent sailors,
found a Bible in the sea chest that one of the mutineers had brought
from the Bounty. He could read, though not very well. He was
concerned about the little children who had been born and what
would become of them if life on the island continued to be as it
The Word of God pierced his heart and he surrendered to Christ.
He gathered the remnant left on the island, especially the women
and children, and taught them the way of salvation.
When years later the survivors were discovered by the British, they
found what was nearly a heaven on earth. Every one of the
inhabitants was a born-again Christian. The apparatus for making
palm wine had been smashed, immorality had disappeared and life
was safe and happy. The authorities were so impressed, that
amnesty was granted to the island and its people and they were left
in peace.

67 Years have passed since the, in fact many decades, but the influence
of the gospel of Christ is still dominant there. There are few visitors
since Pitcairn is one of the most isolated spots on earth. Not long
ago a visitor was being shown around the island. The guide and the
visitor came to a little building with one room that had been built
years before. It was a jail. Now the door stood open and grass was
high around the building. The visitor took a picture of this
incongruous jail and then stepped inside. “Now shut the door; I
want to see what it feels like to be in jail,” the visitor said to his
The brawny islander pushed against the door. It did not move. He
put his shoulder against it and heaved with all his strength. It did
not budge. The hinges had rusted open. That open door was a mute
but striking testimony to the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

68 It can work for you and yours today.

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69 You can understand the Bible; millions just like you have learned
its message of salvation. It is the story of Jesus and His part in the
plan of salvation.

70 His life can change your life, if you let it, just as it has changed
mine. Tonight, will you determine, with me, to be led by this
marvelous book?


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