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Subject : English

Topic : Animals On The Farm

Subtopic : Storytelling and Puppet’s making

Year : 2

Age Group : 8 years old

Time : 60 minutes

A: Analyze Learners
This lesson is prepared for Year 2 pupils. This class has a population of 30
students. There are 12 boys and 18 girls in the class. The students generally
enjoy Animals on The Farm. While the boys in the class have the tendency to be
fun and playful, the girls differ in that they are shy. The students generally
participate in classes that are highly interactive and settings where the teacher
uses story telling by using puppetry. It has been observed that the use of these
instructional strategies make the lesson more successful than the simple ‘chalk
and talk’. 20% of the pupils are at advance level, 60% of the pupils are at average
level and 20% of the pupils are at weak level. Learning styles in this class vary
from auditory to visual and also kinetic. Students have difficulty maintaining
focus during class. In order to overcome this issue lessons must be adapted to
accommodate the students’ attention span.

Entry competencies
The students are able to use tell the story by using the puppets in the class.
Students also are fascinated by the puppets and the stage. Thus, making learning
via this medium fun and exciting.
Learning Styles
Students learning styles vary from auditory to visual and also kinetic learners. In
order to ensure that the students actually learn, each style must be considered.
There is no recommended text for these pupils.
S: Select Objectives:

Students should be able to:

Pupils able to make simple stick puppets based on the characters in the story.
Pupils able to use puppet to tell a story orally.

S: Selected Media, Materials and Methods

Projector: The teacher will use the projector to allow the pupils to view a video on
‘The Making of Puppet’.
Speakers: With the aid of speakers the students will be able to hear the video
clearly. The speakers will enhance their learning experience.
Computer: A computer will be used to run video on the overhead projector.
Animal Pictures: The teacher use animal pictures on characters in the story.
Video: teacher show a video on ‘The Making of Puppet’ to the pupils as guidance.
Color pencil: To colour the animal pictures.
Glue: To paste the animal pictures.
Scissor: To cut the animal pictures.
Stick: To make the puppets stand.
Board : To make the puppets stable.
Puppet stage: Teacher uses the puppet stage to tell the story so that it can
enhance pupils’ imaginative thinking about the setting of the story.
Puppet: Teacher uses puppets so that the learning process will become more
enjoyable and attractive.

U: Utilize Media and Material

Preview the Materials
The teacher will listen to the video to make sure the video is working and the
audio is clear. The teacher will also ensure that the speakers are working as well.
The teacher will check the overhead projector and the computer ensuring their
compatibility. The teacher also prepares the 3D materials such as puppets and
puppet stage.
Prepare the Materials
The teacher will setup the computer and overhead projector before the class.
These pieces of equipment will then be turned on and tested.
Prepare the Environment
The seating will be arranged so that all students will have a clear view of the
projection. Teacher asks the pupils to gather around and sit on the floor so that
they can hear the story telling and see the teacher clearly.
Prepare the Learners
The teacher will inform the students of the activities planned before the class.
The students will also be informed of the evaluation exercises that they will be
given at the end of the class. By doing this the students will be comfortable when
the class begins.
Provide the Learning Experience
The teaching strategy that will be used is guided discovery. Teacher will tell the
story, and students listen to it. Then, student will memorise back their
experience. Student will explore and discover the content required for the
activities. The teacher will supervise and move around the classroom providing
assistance to groups that require further explanation.
Next, the teaching strategy that will be used is the Discovery Approach.
The students will be placed into groups where they will do activity such as
making the puppets. Teacher show a video on making the puppet as guidance to
the pupils. They will then be asked to retell the story by using their own puppets.

R: Require Learner Participation

Teacher will call each group randomly to retell the story by using their own
puppets. Pupils present in the front of the class.

E: Evaluate and Revise

Pupils will do the exercise on comic strips. Pupils will discuss among the task
among themselves. Teacher wants to test pupils’ understanding and

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