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Name: _______________________________ Course / Program: _____________________

Section: ______________________________ Date: ________________________________

In the argument section, you are tested on your ability to distinguish between arguments that are strong
and arguments that are weak. For an argument to be strong, it must be both important and directly
related to the question. An argument is weak if it is not directly related to the question, of minor
importance, or it confuses correlation with causation (which is incorrectly assuming that just because
two things are related, they are the cause of each other).
In the section you are presented with a question followed by an argument. You are to regard the
information in the question and in the argument as true. Be aware not to consider your own personal
opinion or general knowledge but regard the argument as true and judge only whether the argument is
strong or weak.
Put a checkmark () in the parenthesis that corresponds to your answer.

1. Question: In order to improve general public health, should the government do more to help reduce
the number of smokers, such as offering free smoking cessation medications?

Argument: No, smokers and smoking-related diseases are already a huge economic burden
to society.

( ) Strong ( ) Weak

2. Question: In order to improve general public health, should the government do more to help reduce
the number of smokers, such as offering free smoking cessation medications?

Argument: Yes, it is the government's most important job to support any initiative that could
improve the life and health of its citizens.

( ) Strong ( ) Weak

3. Question: In order to improve general public health, should the government do more to help reduce
the number of smokers, such as offering free smoking cessation medications?

Argument: No, beginning to smoke is a choice, and it should not be the government's
responsibility to help its citizens quit a habit they have chosen to have, regardless of the
benefits it would have for the general public health.

( ) Strong ( ) Weak

4. Question: Should it be legal to use cannabis for the treatment of patients with severe pain and as
relief of symptoms from chemotherapy?

Argument: Yes, it has been documented that cannabis has beneficial effects in the treatment
of, for example, side effects from chemotherapy. Therefore, it should be legal as long as it is
exclusively a prescription drug.

( ) Strong ( ) Weak

5. Question: Should it be lawful to use cannabis for the treatment of patients with severe pain and as
relief of symptoms from chemotherapy?

Argument: No, cannabis is an illegal drug, and although it may have beneficial effects for
some, it's illegal for a reason — it's addictive and its use can have many negative

( ) Strong ( ) Weak


In this test, you are given a passage of information followed by a proposed conclusion. You are to
regard the information you are given as true and decide whether the conclusion logically and beyond
doubt follows. If you think the proposed conclusion is true, choose “Yes”, if, otherwise, choose “No.”

Put a checkmark () in the parenthesis that corresponds to your answer.


1. Information: Shona's Restaurant is in the middle of town and is one of the few restaurants in town
which is open all day. Shona's opens at 8 a.m. and closes at 10 p.m. Shona's serves traditional food
and they are mostly known for their pies. The blackcurrant pie is their most famous pie, but they
also serve apple pie and peach pie.

Proposed conclusion: Shona's has longer opening hours than any other restaurant in town.

( ) Yes ( ) No

2. Information: Shona's Restaurant is in the middle of town, and is one of the few restaurants in town
which is open all day. Shona's opens at 8 a.m. and closes at 10 p.m. Shona's serves traditional food
and they are mostly known for their pies. The blackcurrant pie is their most famous pie, but they
also serve apple pie and peach pie.

Proposed conclusion: The peach pie is more popular than the apple pie.

( ) Yes ( ) No

3. Information: Michael is a dentist and he treats an average of ten patients a day. He is the most
popular dentist in the city of Greenfield, perhaps because he is the dentist who has been around
the longest. Last week he had 10 cancellations and was unable to fill up the schedule completely,
but he doesn't mind the extra spare time. Next year he will retire and leave the practice to his son,
who currently works in another city.

Proposed conclusion: Some days Michael receives less than ten patients.

( ) Yes ( ) No

4. Information: Michael is a dentist and he treats an average of ten patients a day. He is the most
popular dentist in 3 the city of Greenfield, perhaps because he is the dentist who has been around
the longest. Last week he had 10 cancellations and was unable to fill up the schedule completely,
but he doesn't mind the extra spare time. Next year he will retire and leave the practice to his son,
who currently works in another city.

Proposed conclusion: Michael has only one son. ( ) Yes ( ) No



An assumption is something that is presupposed or taken for granted in an argument. These

questions will present a brief statement/argument followed by a proposed assumption. You
are then to figure out whether the assumption is presupposed in the statement by choosing
“Yes”, if, otherwise, choose “No”.

Put a checkmark () in the parenthesis that corresponds to your answer.


1. Statement: I have decided to go vegan. I hope to improve my health and also save some

Proposed assumption: Animal products are more expensive than vegetable products.

( ) Yes ( ) No

2. Statement: We need to save some money. Therefore, we will go by train.

Proposed assumption: The train is cheaper than other means of transportation.

( ) Yes ( ) No

3. Statement: Freedom of speech is an important right in modern society. It means having the
right to speak one's mind regardless of what one's opinion might be. Any country that tries
to dictate public opinions by law cannot be called a democracy.

Proposed assumption: Freedom of speech is an essential part of democracy.

( ) Yes ( ) No

4. Statement: I prefer running as my form of workout. It is important for me that I can work out
whenever and wherever I want, and that I do not need a gym in order to exercise.

Proposed assumption: Going to the gym is a form of workout that requires more
time than going for a run.

( ) Yes ( ) No
5. Statement: It should be legal for a baby to have more than two parents. For instance, in
cases where a gay couple has a child with another gay couple, both sets of parents should
be able to be the legal parents of the child.

Proposed assumption: There is more to being a parent than just biology.

( ) Yes ( ) No


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