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There are large no. of cars available in the market. What are
the things that distinguish those from rest. It may be good cars,
advertisement, royal heritage and may be celebrity endorser
who endorse them. Businesses have long sought to distract
and attract the attention of potential customers that live in a
world of ever-increasing commercial bombardment. Everyday
consumers are exposed to thousands of voices and images in
magazines, newspapers, and on billboards, websites, radio and
television. Every branded company of cars attempts to steal at
least a fraction of an unsuspecting person's time to inform him
or her of the amazing and different attributes of the product
(cars). The challenge of the marketer is to find a hook that will
hold the subject's attention. The termcelebrity refers to an
individual who is known to the public (actor, sports figure,
entertainer, etc.) for his or her achievements in areas other
than that of the product class endorsed (Friedman and
Friedman, 1979). Celebrities, like actors (e.g., Amitabh
Bachchan, ShahrukhKhan,Aamir Khan and Katrina
kaif).sports figures (e.g., Sachin Tendulkar,
Mahendersinghdhoni ,Irfanpathan,Abhinavbindaraetc).But
also for less obvious groups like businessmen (e.g., Donald
Trump, Bill Gates) . In addition, they are present in news,
fashion magazines, and tabloids, which provide second source
information on events and the 'private life' of celebrities
through mass-media channels use
ofcelebrityendorserbelievability. If a celebrity can aggrandize
the merits of a brand, he or she can also exacerbate the image
of a brand.

p p 

The objectives of the study are as To identify the influence
ofåfollows: celebrity endorsement on consumer buying
behavior. To studycelebrity endorsement as a source of To
find which type ofåbrand-building.


After going through various sources like magazines,
newspapers, websites I found that lot of research work has
undertaken by researcher regarding effect of celebrity
endorsement. So there is a need to discover this fact. So I
decided to work on this particular aspect.

   p u

Celebritiesare people who enjoy public recognition and mostly
they are the experts of their respective fields having wider
influence in public life and societal domain. Attributes like
attractiveness, extraordinary life style or special skills, larger
than life imageand demigod status can be associated with
Celebrities appear in public in different ways. To start, they
appear in public when fulfilling their professional
commitments example: Mahendra Singh Dhoni, who played
cricket in front of an audience in Twenty-Twenty World Cup.
Furthermore, celebrities appear in public by attending special
celebrity events, example: the movie award nights; special
screening; world premiers of movies or for social causes.
These celebrities have universal presence and appeal, they are
present everywhere, in news, fashion shows and magazines,
tabloids and above all advertisements


Indian Car market industry is booming. With the increase in
per capita earning Indians are buying cars like never before.
According to the Society of Indian Automobile
Manufacturers, (SIAM) sales of passenger cars in India have
exceeded the magical one million mark putting India among a
select group of prosperous countries where passenger cars sell
in such high numbers. Significantly while domestic car sales
increased by 27.4 per cent to 696,207 units from 541,491 units
the previous year, exports rose 56 per cent to 1, 25, 327 units
during this period. Also for the first time in history of the
industry, vehicles worth more USD 1 billion were exported.
Most significantly, passenger car exports have nearly trebled
in four years, from 28,122 units in 1998-99 to 71,653 vehicles
in 2002-3. According to JagdishKhattar president of Siam and
managing director of MarutiUdyog Ltd, India's largest
carmaker, exports are further expected to rise by 15 to per cent
in the current fiscal. Analysts say the news on the exports
front is the most encouraging and by far the best thing to have
happened to the Indian automobile industry. This is because as
more and more Indian-made cars flood foreign shores the low
quality image associated with Indian products will ultimately
fade, encouraging more.Companies offering Product or
Services will need to understand this new face of the
customers. The changing Demographic profile of the
population in terms of education, income, size of family and
so on, are important.


This means to know about the existence of the product in the
market. It is the first stage of the adoption process. The
consumers are exposed to the product innovation. The
consumers at this stage are not interested in more information
about the product.
p -

It is defined as the process by which an individual selects,

organizes and interprets stimuli into a meaningful and
coherent of the world.

In simple dictionary meaning µattitude; means a way of
thinking is a learned predisposition to behave in a consistently
favorable or unfavorable way with respect to a given object.
Attitudes are learned may be because of a previous experience
with the product, information acquired from others, and
exposure to mass media. Attitudes are not permanent, they do
change over a period of time.
The study of consumers helps firms and organizations
improve their marketing strategies by understanding issues
such as how consumers think, feel, reason, and select between
different alternatives (e.g., brands, products);

The psychology of how the consumer is influenced by his or

her environment (e.g., culture, family, signs, media);

The behavior of consumers while shopping or making other

marketing decisions;

Limitations in consumer knowledge or information processing

abilities influence decisions and marketing outcome;

How consumer motivation and decision strategies differ

between products that differ in their level of importance or
interest that they entail for the consumer; and how marketers
can adapt and improve their marketing campaigns and
marketing strategies to more effectively reach the consumer.

The "official" definition of consumer behavior given in the

text is "The study of individuals, groups, or organizations and
the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of
products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and
the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and
society.Consumer behavior involves services and ideas as well
as tangible products. The impact ofconsumer behavior on
society is also of relevance. For example, aggressive
marketing of high fat foods, or aggressive marketing of easy
credit, may have serious repercussions for the national health
and economy.

The diffusion of innovation refers to the tendency of new
products, practices, or ideas to spread among people. Usually,
when new products or ideas come about, they are only adopted
by a small group of people initially; later, many innovations
spread to other people. The saturation point is the maximum
proportion of consumers likely to adopt. .


The given process is very complicated though on first sight it

does not look so. Process starts with problem recognition or
with an unsatisfied need. This need can be Psychological,
attitudinal or Physiological but yes it should have the capacity
to be fulfilled bynsuming a particular product or service.

Based upon information search we will generate various

alternatives i.e. which brand or product is affordable for me,
where will it be available comfortably andabove all in
comparison to other brands or products how better or
This stage may result into three situations, first is satisfaction
where customer is satisfied and he got expected results but this
does not necessitates the repeat purchase by the consumer.


Contrary to only favorable outcomes, there are several
examples where the product, even the entire campaign
collapsed due to heavy weight celebrity .Establish the
relationship between the endorser and the product. Following
are few examples:
Celebrity Endorser Company / Product
* Dabur
* Cadbury
Amitabh Bachchan
* Reid and Taylor
* Parker
* Santro
* Videocon
Shahrukh Khan
* Sunfeast
* Pepsi
JuhiChawala * Kurkure
* Titan
Aamir Khan * Coke
* Toyota Innova
* Fanta
Rani Mukherjee
* Nestle Munch
Very well accepted and attractive super stars like
AbhishekBachchan and Amitabh Bachchan failed in turning
their endorsements into success i.e. Maruti Versa similarly
VirendraSehwag also failed to deliver Reliance
Telecommunication with the master stroke of his cricketing
Automobile marketing in India:-
The competitive nature of the automobile industry has
prompted the companies to take up new and innovative
marketing strategies to thwart the competition. The B segment
of cars is the segment which sees maximum competition as the
consumer has a number of models to choose from and it's the
volumes which drive the margins. All the companies as a part
of their marketing strategy offers a range of vehicles in all the
segment to make sure that the customer is driving one of their
vehicles only. Advertisements on the Audio visual medium are
a rage as it gives the car makers an opportunity to flaunt their
cars. Celebrity endorsements and testimonial advertisements
have come a long way and they are also doing their bit to sell
the cars. Super star Shahrukh Khan has been associatedwith
Hyundai Motor Company for a long time and he comes
regularly on television to promote the Santro car. Similarly
Ford has roped in Junior Bachan for the promotion of the
latest offering from the company Ford Fiesta. On a similar
note Saif Ali Khan and Rani Mukherjee is shown chasing each
other with a Chevrolet aveo. Aamir Khan who is considered to
be one of the most talented actors in the industry is frequently
seen changing roles on screen to promote the Toyota Innova, a
car which is generations ahead of its predecessor Toyota
Qualis. Cricketers haven't been left behind in the race of
promoting cars. Fiat Palio had received a great thrust when the
promotion of the car was taken up by the batting maestro
SachinTendulkar.In addition to the publicity and
advertisement which is done by the companies there are
certain innovative strategies which are taken up by the
companies to beat the competition from time to time. Aamir
Khan Tag ± Heuer ± Shahrukh Khan Cadbury chocolate ±
Amitabh Bachan The adding up of any celebrity with any
brand may not always increase the sales volume but if
somehow the image of the product damaged,celebrity
endorsing helps in recovering the image. Like when Cadbury
India¶s reputation as a safe chocolate was almost gone due to
the worm controversy, they used Amitabh Bachan in a
commercial assuring the audience about the quality of the
Cadbury. Similarly when Pepsi & Coke was infected by the
Pesticides controversy, Pepsi used both SRK &Sachin
Tendulkar for damage control & coke used Aamir Khan for
image recovery. Sachin Tendulkar is the first celebrity in India
whose mass appeal is so high that he can endorse product for
any section of the society. The filmstars before year 2000 has
limitedendorsment and didn¶t explore the advertising market
of India
Some success story Cadbury India used AmitahBachan not
only to recover their image from worm controversy but also to
establish itself as the leading company in the Indian chocolate
market. Aamir Khan¶s ad campaign µThandaMatlabCocacola¶
was also a huge hit.

p p 
The automobile as we know it was not invented in a single day
by a single inventor. The history of the automobile reflects an
evolution that took place worldwide. It is estimated that over
100,000 patents created the modern automobile. However, we
can point to the many firsts that occurred along the way.
Starting with the first theoretical plans for a motor vehicle that
had been drawn up by both Leonardo da Vinci and Isaac
Newton. In 1769, the very first self-propelled road vehicle was
a military tractor invented by French engineer and mechanic,
Nicolas Joseph Cugnot (1725 - 1804). Cugnot used a steam
engine to power his vehicle, built under his instructions at the
Paris Arsenal by mechanic Brezin. It was used by the French
Army to haul artillery at a whopping speed of 2 1/2 mph on
only three wheels. The vehicle had to stop every ten to fifteen
minutes to build up steam power. The steam engine and boiler
were separate from the rest of the vehicle and placed in the
front (see engraving above). This was the beginning of bad
luck for the inventor. During the early history of self-propelled
vehicles - both road and railroad vehicles were being
developed with steam engines. Historians, who accept that
early steampowered road vehicles were automobiles, feel that
Nicolas Cugnot was the inventor of the first automobile.
The automotive industry has certain trends it has to follow,
just like fashion designers and musical composers. In times of
recession and decreasing sales there is less room to take
chances and manufacturers are prone to follow the common
pattern as a safer bet rather than releasing a controversial
product or idea that might or might not be successful.
However throughout the automotive industry's history.They
were the first to build a steam car and a steam bus, to attempt
motor car manufacture, to build and operate petrol driven
passenger service and to import American Chassis in India.

pp pp 

In 1944 Premier Automobiles Ltd incorporated and in 1947
their first vehicle was produced. In 1947 the Government of
Bombay accepted a scheme of Bajaj Auto to replace the cycle
rickshaw by the auto and assembly started in a couple of years
under a license from Piaggio. Manufacturing Programme for
the auto and scooter was submitted in 1953 to the Tariff
Commission and approved by the Government in 1959.
Premier Automobiles Limited, Mahindra & Mahindra and
TELCO received approval. M&M was manufacturing jeeps.
Few more companies came up later.

p pp

Other three Car manufacturers namely, Hindustan Motors
Ltd., Premier Automobiles Ltd., Standard Motor Production of
India Ltd. MarutiUdyog Ltd., Hindustan Motors Ltd., Premier
Automobiles Ltd., Standard Motor Production of India Ltd.
and Sipani Automobiles.
Ashok Leyland Ltd. and TELCO were strong players in the
Commercial Vehicles sector. In 1983-84 Bajaj Tempo Ltd.
Growth and Landmarks of automobile industry in India :-
The automobile industry, one of the core sectors, has
undergone metamorphosis with the advent of new business
and manufacturing practices in the light of liberalization and
globalization. The sector seems to be optimistic of posting
strong sales in the next couple of years in view of a reasonable
surge in demand. The Indian automobile market is gearing
towards having international standards to meet the needs of
the global automobile giants and become a global hub.

The conclusion after this study we can explaine thatdespite the
obvious economic advantage of using relatively known
personalities as endorsers in advertising campaigns, the choice
of celebrities to fulfill that role has become common practice
for brands competing in today's cluttered media environment.
There are several reasons for such extensive use of celebrities.
Because of their high profile, celebrities may help
advertisements stand out from the surrounding clutter, thus
improving their communicative ability.Celebrity endorsement
if used effectively, makes the brand stand out, galvanizes
brand recall and facilitates instant awareness. To achieve this,
the marketer needs to be really disciplined in choice of a
celebrity. Hence the right use of celebrity can escalate the
Unique Selling Proposition i.e. it can act as a source of brand-
building of a brand to new heights; but a cursory orientation of
a celebrity with a brand may prove to be claustrophobic for the
brand. It was found that people love to see celebrities
endorsing their brands so the involvement of common man is
pretty high with these celebrities. So marketers should use the
right celebrity matching with the product. Also it was found
that people love to see sports stars endorsing their automobile
than bollywood stars. This is because of the fact in India
Cricket is very famous and people worship players like
SachinTendhulkar,mahendar Singh DhoniSouravGanguly etc.
So they love to see these players endorsing their automobiles.

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