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Ragondongan, Johanah March 21, 2019

ABM 12
Stella & Dot redefines women’s workplace

Women can make their own choices, run their own business, and have
what matters most. Be ing a women is not just that below the belt. We, as women
can handle a bist situation or even a huge company. But too many women
struggle with balancing family life and a successful career but having self- beliefs
and patience in every struggles can lead to a success and achieving what goals
you want to achieve. Just like in business, it encounter some major problem such
as unsold product, decreasing of profit and etc. “ A women is creative”
This Article is about the founder and CEO of Stella & Dot. Jessica
Herrin and Chief Creative Officer Blythe Harris. Stella & Dot is boutique- Style
Jewelry and accessories company utilizes independent consultants. This company
has more that 10000 active stylist worldwide in ranging form Puerto Rico and
Canada to the United Kingdom and Germany. In 2012, Stella & Dot are expected
to exceed $200 million and Company was No. 57 in Inc. In those 500 list of the
5000 Fastes Growing Private Companies. In November, the company received
the ACE Award for retaik Innovation from the accessories Council. In 2003,
three months pregnant with her first daugther and working as senior manager in a
e- commerce at Deil. Herrin began experimenting with the Idea of do-it yourself
jewelry sold through house parties. Time past by she has her company called
Luxe Jewels and creating all the design herself. Until their company bring into
their success and popular in worlwide.
I learned that changing or scrapping ideas in your business is not
necessarily a bad thing it could help you to improve your creativity. Herrin
believes that her collegues really innovated that concept of Direct Selling her
goal was really about putting women in modern age. Things from Article
thatvhad an impact on me include learning new things about business and
overcome some obstacle through simple way. This Article teached me about how
to be successful and it motivate me that we as women can so more thigs about the

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