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Respected sir/madam,
I am student of DBA in lovely professional University . As a part of my
assignment I want to collect the data related to demographic,
geographic and financial data of customers. I assure you that I will keep
this information confidential.

1. Name :
2. DOB:
3. Place:
4. Gender:
5. Education Qualification:
o Below Matriculation
o Higher secondary
o Graduate
o Post graduate
6. Martial Status :
o Married
o Unmarried

7. Working:
o Yes
o No
8. Employment status:
o Wages
o Self employed
o A homemaker
o Military
o Retired
o Unable to work
9. Type of organisation where you work :
o Private company
o Public company
o Government company
o Foreign company
10. House ownership:
o Own house
o Rent
11. Number of members :
o Less than 5
o More than 5

12. Source of your monthly income:

o Employment
o Business
o Retirement
o Others
13. Your annual income range:
o Less than 100000
o 100000 – 500000
o 500000 – 1000000
o More than 1000000
14. Number of depends into family:
o Below 3
o Between 3-5
o Above 5
15. Number of earning members in the family:
o Below 3
o Between 3-5
o Above 5
16. Do you have any account in bank?
o Yes
o No

17. What type of bank account do you have?

o Checking account
o Savings account
o Individual retirement arrangement
o Certificate of deposit
18. Do you have any credit or debit card?
o Yes
o No
19. What are your savings objective?
o Children’s education
o Home
o Children’s marriage
o Retirement plan
o Health care
o Others
20. Where do you invest your savings
o Shares
o Mutual funds
o Insurance policy
o Fixed deposits
o Others

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