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Name : Ratu Luthfitah H.

Class : VIII-F

Someday,many students are studying

in the school,and the ones of the

Teacher : Good Morning

Students... How are you?
Students : We are fine thank you,and
Teacher : I’m fine too. Okay
today,we have a test,haven’t you?
Student : Yes,we have.
Teacher : Prepare a piece of
paper, don’t forget to write your name
and your class,and you only have 15
minutes to do it. Do you understand
what i mean?
Students : Yes,we do..
Teacher : Okay,number i’m
ready.... write the pattern of tenses
present tenses and write all of the
verb(V1&V2). (mention the question)
20 minutes later...
Teacher : have you done it?
Students : yes we have mrs...
Lufi : Not yet mrs,wait for me.
Teacher : Okay quickly..
Lufi : Mrs,i have done it..
Teacher : Now, please collect the
paper on my table. And i will score it.
10 minutes later...

Teacher : Okay,i finished it. The

first, i will call the one of you. who get
a good score. And she is.... Lufi.
Please, get your paper..
Students : (clap the hands)
Lufi : I’m getting the paper
ma’am.. (walk into teacher’s table)
Teacher : You are excellent Lufi.
Lufi : Thank you ma’am.
Teacher : Lufi,i want to ask
something to you. What do you think
about English?
Lufi : I think English is Easy
and from this test i know more words
and more verb. so,i can speak English
Teacher : i’m really glad to hear it.
Keep up the great work! Yeah,you can
back to your seat!
Lufi : Thank’s ma’am
And than,Lufi make many people
proud of her,family,teacher,and her
-So,if you want to many people proud of you,you must study hard and don’t forget pray to God.

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