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Saturn tests us and will push us to our limits.

Saturn is the lord of Karma who rules over time

Saturn’s lessons are discipline, practice and commitment. It has the power to reward like no
other planet. So during Sade Saati rather making unnecessary negativity about it, work on
Saturn’s favorite departments. Sade is not the punishment but learning.
Now it all depends on your attitude towards saturn’s lesson. Take Sade sati as life’s lessons not
as punishment, but as learning.

However it isn’t that easy for most of us! The ego -that part of us that resists discipline and
rebels- keeps us stuck.

At the end of the day it will make you independent, stable, stronger and tougher.

I found the movie 127Hours is the true example of Saturn’s Sade Saati. It’s a Danny Boyle film based on
a true story of Aron Lee Ralston (born October 27, 1975) who survived a tragic accident in Utah
during 2013

It’s a story of a man who has the Moon and Saturn together in his chart in the sign of Cancer- an
emotional guy - but also a wounded one. Before that fateful expedition his girlfriend had dumped
him so no wonder he was emotionally unavailable. He didn’t tell anyone about his travel plan.

In Utah, he slips down a crevice and a 360KG rock falls on him and traps his right arm. Unable
to free himself and with very little water, he goes through a huge process over the next 127
hours. Finally with a very weak body and hanging between the rock for 127hours he realized
there is only one way to free from this trap that was nothing but amputee his arm.

So he survives – but at great cost. It is important to look when Saturn came to Gemini in transit during
April 2003, Aron’s Sade Saati started and he went through the biggest lesson of his life.

Watch it, as its a powerful story that illustrates the Saturn principle.

#astrosharmistha #astroqueen #vedicastrologer #astrology #horoscope #zodiac #127hours #saturn

#lessons #sadesati #dannyboyl #utah #travel #wildlife #decodeyourlife

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