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Basic Curriculum Reforms from 1989 – 2001

Elementary Education:

 The need reforms in the elementary education became imperative when the results of Survey of
Outcomes in Elementary Education (SUOTELE) came out. A significant finding, clearly showed that
the grader across the nation has mastered only 50% of what the was expected to learn and that
the learned subject were the 3R’s
 Experimental Elementary Education Program (EEEP) to implement and maintain the
recommendation of SUOTELE the EEEP was launched by the Bureau of Elementary Education
program 1978, it was conducted for two years in an experimental basis

Secondary Education:

 Values education was offered as a separate subject. A values education framework was put in
place by the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS)

Best Features:

 The result of EEEP pointed to the validity of the experimental curriculum in the developing the
communication skill of children in view of the reduction of the number of subjects and the
increased time for instruction.
 Values was given importance to the students

Basic Curriculum Reforms from 2002-2011

Elementary Education:

 The 2001 NSEC and NESC were replaced by the 2002 Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) which aims
at empowering the Filipino learners to be capable of self-development through one’s life and to
be patriotic, benevolent, ecologically aware, and godly. It also promotes mutual interaction
between students and teachers, between students and multi-media sources, and between
teachers of different disciplines.
 R.A. 10157 entitled An Act Institutionalizing the Kindergarten Education into the Basic Education
System and Appropriating Funds Thereof: the declaration states that: Kindergarten is “mandatory
and compulsory for entrance to G1.”

Secondary Education:

 The 2010 Secondary Education Curriculum was refined which followed the Understanding by
Design (UbD) framework that covers three stages: Stage 1 – result /desired outcome; Stage 2 –
Assessment; Stage 3 – Learning/ Instructional plan

Best Features:

 The curriculum focuses on the basics of improving literacy and numeracy while inculcating values
across learning ideas to make it dynamic
 In Basic Education, it provides knowledge and develop skills, attitudes and values essential for the
child. It also provides learning experiences that would increase the child’s awareness and
responsiveness to the demands of the society. This also promotes the child’s identification for
his/her love for our nation and the community which he/she belongs. And lastly, it promotes
experiences that develop the learner’s orientation to the world of work and prepare the child to
locally and globally competitive.
 In Secondary Education, it continues the general education which was started in elementary,
prepares them for college, and for the world of work.
 Thus, this curriculum really helps the students to become prepared and equipped to whatever
path they choose in the future.

C. 2002 to 2011

Interviewee: Andrei Gabrielle Arbilon, 16, Grade 10

a. What they liked best in during their elementary and high school days

Andrei liked the fact that it trained him to become an effective leader. Andrei had his elementary
education at Saint Leonard School in Kibungsod, Magsaysay, Misamis Oriental. He said that during
elementary, even though there were only a few students, he was usually chosen as one of the school
representatives whenever there were invites from other schools to compete in quiz bees. Also, when he
reached Grade 5, his teacher always chooses him to be one of the leaders when it comes to group projects.
When he reached highschool, he transferred to Kibungsod National Highschool. Andrei said he had a hard
time coping up with his new environment. Since it was a public school, he had a lot of classmates and
gained a lot of friends. With his leadership skills that he had since elementary, he was also often chosen
as one of the leaders in their school projects or any activities that needed the type of skills that he had.

b. What did they disliked about how they were taught?

One thing he disliked about how they were taught was the time when he was still in elementary
and they had a computer subject, but they did not have enough resources/equipment so they could work
hands on. Instead, their teacher only discussed using the book which resulted them to have a hard time
using the computer when they needed to use one.

c. If they were to choose what subjects to take, what would it be and why?
Andrei really liked his TLE subject that taught them about Electronics. He said they were given
options to choose from, but since he was fond of watching his father fix things that required skills in
electronics, he was inspired to choose Electronics. Also, Andrei is also interested in Arts. He said he would
like to choose a subject that would teach him Art Appreciation because it finds it very interesting and at
the same time, he would be able to enjoy subject.

d. If they were to develop a skill, what would it be and why?

Andrei would like to develop the skill of an Arts Major. He said he liked the idea of having a
creative mind and produce an excellent product from that certain skill, may it be in music, visual arts, or

e. How would you compare your experiences with those you have interviewed? What insights have you

I can say that Andrei had a lot more fun in highschool than what I had. When I was in highschool,
my parents did not allow me to transfer to the public school because during that time, it was really
crowded and there were a lot of bad comments about the things that were happening in the public school.
Compared to Andrei, I was only able to attend a few invites from different schools because our school was
never really that cooperative when it comes to inter-school activities. Also, one things that I have learned
is that no matter where and what school you came from, as long as you have the passion to learn and to
share your talents to other people, nothing could go wrong.

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