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M.AJ.Sc. (MATHEMATICS) (Semester-!) 2014-15 & Onward ‘There shall be tive papers. Each paper shall have 100 mars, Overall aly of marks will be 500. Paper | Description "Tihany | Seat] Advanced Abstract Algebra (!) Max. Marks 80 Subnormal series. Composition series. Jordan-Hoer theorem, | extensions. Separable ly closed fields, fexiensions. Fundamental torem of Gals theory. Unit-V Solution of polynomial equations by ol dagree 5 by racicals, the gene, equation 3 ‘lion, Adtison- Wesley, 1993, Algebra, Ve We“ Matiemancs 5 Te MSe.IM.A. Course (First Semester) PAPER Real Analysie () Max, Marks 80 Sequences and series of functions, pointwise and uniform convergence, Cauchy jon for storm convergence, Walersirass Mest, Abe's and Dirchlet's tests for Uniform convergence, uniform convergence and continuty, detiion and simple joe of Riamann-Steltes infogral, uniform convergence and Riemann-Stiles jan unos convergence and differentiation, Welerstiass. approximation theorem, ‘Pont series, uniqueness theorem for power series, Abel's and Tauber's theorems ‘Rearrangements of terms of a series, iemann's theorem. Functions ol soveral varables, ineer transformations, Derivatwes in an open subsat Of Fin, Chain cule, Partial dervatves, inlerchange of the order of diferent Derivatives of higher orders, Taylor's theorem, Inverse function theorem, Impleit function theorem. Unitiv Javebians, extremum problems with constrain, Lagrange's mutilier method Diferon unit Parivons Recommendéd Boo! fo Principle of Mathe 1976, International 2 eal Ansysic By References unit is; Narosa Publishing House, New Dali, 1965, 4. TIM. Apostol, Mathematical Anal 2 Gabel Kiambauer, Mathematica! Analyse, Marcct Deklar, Inc. New York, 1975, 2 au. White, Real Analysis: en inttaduction, Adcisan-Wesley Pubishing Co. Ine. 71968. 4 Gide Berra, Measure Theory and lt ioy Eastern Lmted, 1981 q 5. E Hevill and K, Stromberg. Real and Abstract Analy ‘Springer, 1968. 4 @ PK. Jain and VP. Gupta, Lebesgue Measure and. jon, New Age Intemational ( LUnritad Published, New Delhi, 1986 Reprint 2000). 7.” LE Natanson, Theory of Functions of a Peal Variable, Vol. |, Frederick Ungar Publishing Co, 1961. 8, Achar’ L. Wheeden and Antoni Zygmund, Measure and Integr An Introduction to Real ‘Analysis, Marce! Dekker ine.197. 9, JH Wiliamson, Lebesgue integration, Holt Rinehart and Winston, no. New York. 1962 40. A. Priedman, Foundations of Modem Analysis, Hot, Rinehart and Winston Inc., New York, 1970, +1. PR Halmos, Measure Theory, Van Nostrand, Prin ton, 1950. [2. TG. Hawkigs, Lebesgue's Theory, of Integration: is Origins end Develepment, Chelsea, New York, 1978, 13. vaihy, nroduction to Prabablity and Meesure, Macmillan Company of India| Lic, Dath, 1977 14, ‘The’ Elements of integration, John Wiley & Sons, Ine. New York, 1986. sley Publishing Company, Inc. 1969. tegration, Noresa.Publching House, ing Co.Ltd, Now Dot, e | Wahematcs ee M.SeM.A. Course (First Semester) PAPE Topology ‘Countable and uncountable sets. Infinite sets ane eile numbers ards ethnee, Setvoeder Seaton those, Coes ee Continuum hypothesis. Zorn’s lemma, well-ordoring theorem. bel topological spaces. Closed sas Closure” Dense ou terior, exterior and boundary. Accur is sub-bases,Subsoaces a iterate methods of detning 2 Operator and Nalgnboa Unita os of Kutatowshi Closure lors an homecrrrpi spaces. Lindel’ theorems, Sepatehe forse Unita Unitay LW Compaciness. in metic spaces. Equa ompacinass and sequel conpactness i mets sna eens Cennectednees on the teal in Recommended Books: James P.Munies, Topol Sr dames Fs polegy, A Fst Course, Pr 2. K.D.JoshiInroduction to General Topology, sence Conetied spaces 12. Gamponents, Locally connected spaces. os He of India Pa. Lid, New ley Eastem Lic, 1983, References 4. J, Dugundi, Topology, Alyn and Bact #, Puan Topology, Alyn and Bacon, 1955 rernted in Inia by Proce Hall of nda 2. George F-Simmons, Inteducton to Toy Sese Si ton to Topology and modem Analysis, MoGraw-Hil Book 1 499 G Young, Topolosy, Addison i isorMhiey Reading: 1961 "y. General Topology, Van Nostrand, Reinhold Co. New ‘York,1995, Steen and J. Seobach, Counter ex \ Steen and + Counter examples in Topology, Holl, Rinchart and Winston, 3 2 5. & W.Thron, Topotogieally Structures, i pologically Structures, H 8 8 nd Winston, New York, 1966. Welty shes at ’érvin, Foundations of General . Topoto wat 10. EX.Spaner, aged Topology MeGran il New Yorkisce 7 NOW VORI954 S. Willard, General Topology, Addison Wesley, Reading, 1970. to Topology, celenN TiSe tathematcs Prakashan, Delhi Uniti Homomoxphism of semigroups a Semi Subsemigraup PAPERAV Max. Marks 89 n. Cauchy's integral formula. Higher m Cavers y and Liouvill’s theorem, 2. Tayie’s thearem, Laurent’s series. Isolated eg, Complete, Comple Algebras as Lattices. Venous Boolean ide Subaigebras, UnitiV Diect Products and Homomorphisins ‘Mintarms. Boglean Farms and The Products \Cancrical Ferns. Mirimiz Boolean Algebra to Switching ‘Map Method Grammars and. Lang fe Latioes. Boo educible elements, Atoms Equivalence, Minter Bs 5, Su Applications. of 5). The Kamnaugh ara lemma. The argument principle. Rouche’s fom. Evaluation of int to arg 2, logz and 2a, Properties and Branches of many Grammars, Rewriting Rules. ted by a Grammar, Reguis, and Languages. Regular sets ng Lemma. Kloone's Theorem. Notions of Synla ions, Conversion of infix Expressions ta Polish Notations, The Notation, Definitions and soe iHorwit's weorem Riemann apsing Hit, 1979. ble, Springer Recommended Books: 4. Elements of Discrete Mt 2 ies BY LU Discrete Matheral Baok Co, 1897, al Structures with Applications to sdon Press, Oxlord 1990, ccnplae finale, ical Structures for Computer Science, (9 eultion), Computer te nes and Bart ose Science Press, New Yarke Seymour Lepschutz, Fi Gompany, New York al} exition (1983), MeGraw Book sey, 1977 raisian Book Agency, Delhi, 1994, a Book Co. f Jox Variables: Inraduction | and Apo Be eee a Theory. Languages & E 1008, Computatien, Naresa Pub) t BCo,, 1959 6 u, Elements of Deserate E Funetions of one Complex Variable, D.Van ] 5 N. Dea. Graph Theory er Sciences. Prantice Nostrand Co, 1957 Caratheodory, T Hom, Compiox Function Theo 13 Company, 1954 of Functions (2 Ves.) Chelsoa Publi mA Academic Press, 1968, + Science Pr(2002) 1956. femaiyezna, 1952, Press, Londen, .A.D.Sc. (MATHEMATICS) (Somesters Complex analyse, lox Analyse, Narosa Publishing House, 1097 marks. veral aly of marks wil Advanced ise ~— peserinticn ie ‘Sess- | Practical | Tor Max, Marks 80 ogies roves & Monoids-Dr Units Formal Logie-Statements. Symbolic Represent Preah ee ‘Genaat and Algebras Topsleay wp] Too Maula Gs vanced Complex Araysis ao cutee (Second Semester) ’ ‘vanced Owerte Mather Ce ' sive VivaProject 105 Toa 8- Unite Max. ttarks a M.SeJ01.A. Course (Second Semester) sal, Properties of he Pitan i PAPER! Unite Advanced Abstract Algebra Max. Marks 89 5 nit! Modules - cycle. medulas, Simple modules. Serisimole medles, Schulers q Moses oe dos, Nowtheran an arinian mod bert Completion ofa enea® emma Fyiederoum arin. theorem. Uritoem modules, 6 Reimann and cbesee Newiher-Laseer theorem. Unit The Four denvatvee, a of nose transformation, characteristic recs : " : | unity Pe smn pect fo a measure, tition Theorem. Di 0! Bounded ferentiation and far transformations. Invariant subspaces Sent tansiormatians. Index of nilpetency. Measure, Almost mary cecomposition theorem. Jordan and Ninkowat requ, spaces. Convex 8. Completeness of rotons. Jensen's 1 Comergencen Uniform convergence Recommended 8: Princpte of Ms ora re principal ideal domain and rane, Fundamental structie Tey onersted modules over a Principal ideal domsin and te ly generated abelian groups. ‘Goneralises. Jordan form over any fel Books Ri BeOS Re crana, &X.Jain, G Nagpal: Basic Abstract Algebra, Cambridge University isordaas prose 5 iysis, Marcel Deka. Ine TN Herstein Tosies n Albegra, Wiey Eastern New Deti.2995, F Quant Zameeruadin and Surjeet Singh : Modem Algebra ‘wuartin, Aigeatra, Pr PAL Cohn, Aigebra.Vols sone, 1982,1980,1991 NiJacobsan, Basic Algebra, WNL Froeman, 1960 (also published by Hindustan Publishing Comaary) ‘ con, Adelson Wesay, 1088, : a ey ups, Voli-Rings, Narosa Pubaehie : 388) on, Holt Rina an 6. 399) Sen, Fundamental of Abstract Algebra, Me Graw-Hl m Analyse Won eye ne Now York, 1962, Measure Theory, Van Ni chat and Wingo ne de 2 Hat of aia Pt Ut, New Deth.2c00 Lebespue's These Nesta, Princeton, 1850, i é est igre wih MATLAB. Now of egret te gh and Ds 1 veig)00" artasaathy,Inedveon oP velopment, Chelsea a, Slanwaon taa tne Geran Ne ior io Probbity and Weare, Maciten Comp 9, Skimarone inne Ost Aigoora, NerosaPublung House, 109 B Re a fn Con ein 10. Nuc Sab of hoor, Deen chapman and Wal, 1868. Ste Cand peel 1 Stora eos ingry. GTM Vo.204, Sarge, 200 ie 8 ors ns Nr Yo, 1060 I rea, me 6 12 16 Coen lstures on Modules. and Rings, GTM Val, 188, Springer Verlag 1900, a caroany DS. Passman, A Wadeworth and GrooksiCole Advanced 800. n, Norasa Publishing House, MSciM.A. Courso (Second Semester) General and Algebraic Topology PAPER. Max. Marks 80, Adivancod Complex Analysis fandard sub-base and its characterizations “Tychonolt product topology in terms of Projoation maps. Separation axioms, Unit — We Prosuc spaces. Connectedness and product spaces. Compaciness and product Zora Spaces (Tychonot' theorem). Co Embedding and mettization. Embed: Unysoin metrization theorem. Metz ‘The. Nagata-Smimnov 0 Smimov. metization theorem. unitiv Note and Titer Topology and conergence of nets, Hausdorfinss, and net Me arcs and nets. ites and. thet convergence, Canonical way of comvering | UnitlV fate filers and vice-versa, Ulratiters and Compaciness. Tne fandamenal group and covering spaces-Homotopy of pats, The fundament Froan Covering spaces. The fundamental group ofthe ole and the fundamertl theorem of algebra embedding neorems and Paracompactness:Loc jon theorem. Paracompactness. "The sor-Jensen formula, The and the Great pe nt oni) and the Recommended Books: Forornmes RMunkres, Topology, A First Cou | Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Lid. New | 2omoe 1, a2000 ucono Gan Topolny, ley Ease Lid, 198 bg ie eters os epley, Ama Ba Sc nn by Pico tons, niroduction to Topology andmedern Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book 2 Compary. 1983, ‘ Isis, Adateon Wesley, 1977 +3. Sioberg and Young, Topoiogy, Addcon-Wiey Resting, 196% WAS. Fokas, Comey Va x PRene Genera Topobogy, Van Nosrand, Feinnokd Co. New Yor 1906 6 South As 270 Appieations, ¢ Eee eet aback, Gourtr examples 11 Toosoay, Hat, Rnahart and Winsen, | ions ol one Complex Variale, 0,Ven 6 i 7. gy Part | (Tra Reading, 1968, fk 3. ALEngelking, General Topak Scertfic Publishers, Warszawa, 1977 S 86 8 ndations of va Prose Ine, Now York 1964. fig ese, Read B A essloy, vi Brown Pubtaher, 100 fe. Stomimary, Feurdastren {sy Heder ay ne 1985. S Smmamy, Foun sy, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1963. on Sas ee erieetenN 396%. [+ oe Se/MA. Course (Second Semest PAPER a Advanced Oicrte Mathemates osa Publishing "House, 1997. Book Agency, Del a General Topol ology, D.van Nos ‘al & Bacon, Inc. Bos Nan Company, Naw York. 1963. New York, 1961 Nocrdholf Lid Groningen, 1963 Nav Bhavat Prakashan, Det Wee. wanenatcs yrd_cycle. Mini ms of Graphs. Eu units ried undirected Graphs, ted Tre08, ines and their rhines. Reduced Mé nit ‘automata and equivalence atts unit aly Machines, Turns recommended Books 1 cok ate Mathematics By CLL 5 and N.Chandrashokaren | Rete Tr ractures with Applications to | | 5 Sage aloay science, (Brd editon), Computer 18:Se/M8.8, Course (Thied Semest ion 1983), MeGrawctil Book OAPER Integration Theory and Funetional Analyst 1G ook Co. Max. Marks 80 7 nM oy, kanqeves §} iteration Theory ped met suaty singlar measures. Radon sa) Bo0k Co oy eTgiyesenaton theo Hao Sct Sciences Presek pars japon, Ragult yous funetions. th iy compact 90°08. “support, Fiesz-Markcl thoorem. st space Of normed ase’ Lemme, basic ar gpaces, Banach spaces ard paces and. iS compietencss, ea mangeral normed neat unity fear spaces of Books Recommended + Books Feeimos, Measure Theory. Van Nostand, Pre 3 Bechoudhary and &.Nanda, Fur 1988. 9, HIE Royson, Pet Aral 280. tostrand fos win Applications. Wiey Eastern Ut racmitian Publishing C2. In, New Verk, «7 Eahiion, 1869 References sere Berberian, Measure and 1986. regtion, Chelsea Pubishing Company, New Yor Tee arenas G. de Barra, Measure The P.K. Jain and VP. Gupta Limited, New Deli. 2000. Fichard L. Wheeden and Antoni Zygmund, Measure talysis, Marcel Dekker Ine, 1977 JH. Wiliamsen, Le TG. Hawking, Labes: Now Yors, 1979. IR. Parthasarathy, Iniroduction to Prebatilty and Measure, Mac Lc, Det, 1977, AiG. Baro, The Elem New Age, Integral: An Into yehart and Winston Ine. New York. 1962. his Origins and Development, Chelsea, 1 Company of India of Sorgo Lang, Analysis | I, Addison-Wesley Put Inder K. Rana, An Intraduction to Measure and Debi, 1997. Real & Complex Analysis, Tala MeGravi berg, Fleal and Abstract rd and LT. Sehwart, Linear O RE. Edwards, ©, Gollman and G. Ped New Det, 1957, PK. Jain, OP. Ahuja and Xtal) Ahmad, Functional Analysis, New Age International (P) Lic. & Wey Easter Ltd, Naw Delhi, 197. AB. Holmes, Gacmotic Functional Anaiyaie and ite Adplieaicne, Springer-Verlag, 1978, XK. sha, Functional Analysis, Students’ Friends, 1986. LV: Kantoroviirand G.P. Aklow, Functional Analy E, Keays2ig,Invoduetory Funct York 1978 BKC Lah AMSiédaul, Functional Analysis wih App Company L emants of Functional Anais, The World Press Pu, Lis, Cal i, 1904, MeGraw-Hill Book xy and Sons, Now Vork, 1958, ‘Naw York, 307% 1990. Publishing Company Ltd, New lanky, Functional Aas Tinsloy Gan & Loco 5o06. io, Blaisdol Publishing Co., 1964 Demiowioz, Applied Functional Analysie, CRC Press Inc. Partial Differential Equations Gravitation: Unit Atraction and potential of rod, cise, sph Books Recommencied 4 M.ScJM.A, Course (Third Semester) Max. Marks 80 value Problem. Now: Mean Value {Eromples of PDE. Cassiieaton, Transport Eau homogeneous Equ Funda as, Properties of He Heat Equation Fundamental Metho: ergy Methods. wv Recnee Baittochore poten in & Gauss’ theorem), Laplace Work dane by 5 putaces, Suriace and solid. harmonics. Surface der harmonics. Lc. Evans, Part 48, AMS, 1998. 2. Ganache Lectures 5 RoNondal Casi SENG an elementary Testce on References padi ditreal equation by 1. Sneddon, F. John, P. Prasad and avian, amarnat el. 2 aT A mamce Pat I, The Englah Language Book Society and Cambridge Unverty Proas 1072 a 3, Hr Geldlen Claseial Mocha ching House, New Dat 3 itGetand and Sv. Farin Cs Pee eid 3. Navayan Chansra Rana’ 8 Pram Chesil Mecho. Nearaw i, 1094 ee as Usui 8. Hand and Janet. Firch, An se University Prose 7. B2 pameay, Newtorian Gravtaon, The Engith Language Book Society and the Camborisge University Press. Whe Naeraise =| 7 ee REFERENCES: MSc/M.A. Course (Third Semester) 1. CE. Weathetbum, An Jensor Cal runcamentals of Computer Scense-Theory and Practical Sepia Une: ten = 4 Seer eogramming anaoata SHEE) ag Gantrige Unersty Pres, 1962,° en i aS Edngon, The renting 4m | a. AELEslagun The Watton Thaw of Rosy, Cantus Urey Pee 3 obec, porter Sa55 : chert Oserted Prograraning Clssea and Scope, nested Gates, Po 2 waiter, oneal neta tet On ene pczaton, airmen and detuci 2X, Naar, svcman Conary ot fading clase templates; class ms, a, We 0, 9, W notations ; Sequential and iy, John Wiley & Sons, ine. 1972. e roe implementation, B-tee (concest on) i Seen ‘ nity Trove: Binary tree- search to iu. General Helatrty for Matnematician, Springor Unit-Y Sorting: nse eect, heap sort and thoi analysis; Hashing 8. JL Synge, lath: The general theory, Nort Holand Publehing Compare fopen and closed. B Bia Then ee ee ignore A eealeiet eda Ga) Dae Gporating Systeme-ncerporaling UNIX and Windows, BPE, Pat Elementary Number Theory: Primes Congruence, Congruence and Mod functions, Mobius Inversion a (tw0) 2o Narks( 10 marks each) jebraic Numbers: ae ise: os Marks brale Numbers: Algebraic Numbers, Conjugates and Diseriminants, Algebraic eesional 0 Marks yalor, Chapter Integral closu Lange Part PAPER (8) GENERAL RELATIVITY & COMOLOGY (1) tax arks ~ 60 steanetormation of coordinates. Tensors. Algebra of Tensors. uNIT-v 107 cece Contaction of faneors ar qutint. aw Symbse. Covarert de é Lane aaseeanap References: Fiemann Chtofl cua rometry properios. Blanch Serge Longe: Algebeais Number Theory, Spr Brann Crs fine apocalthooy of restwty and we Newtonian]. Jean Deve ove: ocal Files, Springer erag 1973 a inten ort &_ M.Ram Murty, Jody Esmonde: Problems in Aigobra Toon of avivalnce and. gencfal covaerce, geodesic Pinca, Naw WM, am Murty, Jody in Algebrae Number" Pine cot reaivate eqanfons of mation. Enstes field equaons a HBF. Swinnoton-Dyer A Bret Guise to Algebraic Nu ¢ oan LP Suleman igebrake Number Theory, Cambridge ny otis end | §. A, Frohieh «Md, Tayo: Algebra Number 1} anet. 6. tan Stenar, David Tal: Agebraie Number Th A Peto, Natok Mossacfusts, 2002 than D. Boker Elementary Number Theory. An Alpe Etran Bor: lemarary Number Thor. An Alba Apponch, WA. Bo 8. Jurgen Neukich: Algebrale Numb Roimannian metic. (es and ge ea) Springer unit ry. Cambridge University Press, 1991 Fy and Fermat's Lasi Theorem (3° eo, Fedor ech deta Unity Energy-moment at tensor of a perlect fluid, Schwarzschild Energy moment | Spor) eomentu ore = SCM aor ecotene Retsner Nort suse" ory, Springer-Veriag, 1999 75 Tae Mamoratcs Se Mathematics Aeprosch, Cambie Mots iam Stein; Algebraic Number Theory, a Compu Universiy Press. 1998 40, GA Jones and JM. Jones, ary Number Theory, Springer, 1998, em Lid, New Delhi Operations aseareh-An Introduction ‘6 U.ScIM.A, Coucso (Third Semester) PAPER: (D) a FUZZY SETS AND ITS APPLICATIONS (0) | Programming Techiicves, A 4 Unita Fuzzy sets-Basie Base operators on Det, 1976. Suction to Fluid i | eS an teara |. § AD Yourn Bounday Layers, AAA Education Sas, Wash asia ae sere rmaiple. The Zadeh's extension principle. Image and inverse image fend Oundations of Fluid Mechanics, Prentice Fal wi eons zy arthmelc Furey numbers. Elements of jon of Fuzzy, relations. Min-Max of fuzzy 5 ‘Comat Fuzzy Relations on Fuzzy sets ‘ari its properties. Treasures, Evidence theory. Necessity measure. Shon Possibity theory and fuzzy sels. Possibility theory All the above four products are Yersus probabilty theory ‘more detas about any ofthe the SoWver has For to cick on ls name brascinnes A Allied Publishers Ltd, New Delhi PAPER IV (A) MSc/M.A. Course (Thitd Semester) PAPER. (B) operations Research Max, Marks 80 of Operations Research in indust of the Simplex Method. Ou Max ttarks - 80 tucling vaveets- Onhonoral cng wavelts- Orthonormal bases gone Stern prefootene’on R. ° f Unit. Proiminares-cit bya single tuneton, Local sine and eo: Oper Linear Programming Simplex Ni Senstity Analysis Other Aigarthes fo Parsmeie Linear Pro Linear Goal Program near Programmrng-Dual Simplex Method, wavelets. The unitary miming. Upper Bound Technique, Inter jon of comp: Lnepertaton and Aeeighment Problems. Network. Analyie-Shorest Scblem, Minimum Spanning Tree Prot Redmon Netware rier, Mrimum Cost Flow Problem. Network Simplex oO cpr eck a Projeot Planning and Control | with PERT-CPM. Srhornma bass o ec = art Sline wavelets oneal ra ‘REFEF periodic splines. Periodization of wavelets defined an renormal 1 to Operations ResBarett Sixt Ector | je ERENCES: 3 wavelets de! J neering Sere, 1995. (This book comes twih a GD containing 2. Giitadiey: Linear Programming, Narosa Publishing House, 1295, i 2 tte. Coninear and Dynamic Programming, Addison-Wesley, Reading Mass ng Research AN (om, Macrillan Publishing Co., Inc., New J ac ee Yieyer Wavelets, a Ve Wickerausos, Adapted uote esley, MAL ALK nae 4. HA, Taha, Oper Yat 5. Kant Swarup, PK. Gupta and New Deli a iS Waianae a Sian, 1990, theory to sofware, ine Research, Sutan Chand & Sons, | | an Mohan, Ope! tn sum a couse Tig semested EAT onaea Theory and Practic ing, Programm Hons. Anatomy of fs Program Development. Funct my of re roeatessions, Assignment Statements, Forma ar ges The repoceee! 5 Declarations, rent Types of Integers: seat Sonatas. Foaling Pont Types. niaiztion, Maing l Gonversions-Casts. En An overview of prograrn | unital jonal Branching The Sw ie Statements, The goto statement. Sone Precedence and Associetity. ita Coil Few Con : ‘The break and cor rere and EXpIES = % 's. Binary Arithmetic Operators. Arithmet Eeen “GperatreCorma, Oper Gperators. Bt petator. Size of Ope! ‘nays -Declaring an Arey Eneryotion ans Deon ‘arrays and Mem sooks Recommended ert A orl oa siting House (SP obtains tson and ly Stele Ji, 0: A ‘ons Wy Kerighan & Dennis tyes). Prertes Hall scheme Sime Duraion- 3H. Boman 10 mars eh) Margolis, ©: A Sa Student Ed je, Tha © Pr Semoster) PAPER-V (5) Graph theory ( vases and eyele raps. rox coverings, ps, eage-coloutngs, programming in C (with ANS! features) M0 serka. 164 Se Wold Data Type. Typedets. Find green’ Operator ne=ME | yur opulation Dynamice neering Approach, Naross gramene Language, and vector spaces: Topological oper ions, dared graph, Binary operations ‘spaces. Tha adjacency matrix. T ‘Spectum properties, The inekdence | Univ: Perfect Graphs: 0 the “SPGC: bn ta CComparabiity graphs. Interval graphs. permutation ular re graphs, ph ranhe, weakly angulated graph. REFERENCES 1. KAParhacarathy, Basio graph theory, Tata Me gfaw Mill publishing company limited 1004 2," R.d:Wilgon, Intoduction to graph theory, Longman Harlow, 985. 3. John Jarek Alon Holion, A Tirst look at graph Theery, Wold Scien yet 4, Frank Hararary, Gap! rosa, New Dé 5, Ronald Gould Snd Benjamin Curnmins, Graph Th ‘Graph Theary with applications to Engin vate Limited, New Deli, 2002, M.ScJM.A. Course (Third Semester) PAPER-V (0) MATICAL BIOLOGY Mati tors. Catt Age Structured Population D\ Evolutionary Aspects, Harvesting and Fish Fioonacc's) Rabits Pr 2nd Eaton (ANS) reproduction, Spread of a favored alle, Heterosie, Frequency-dependent saledtion, Linkaga’ aquilinum, Random gene dit, Evolution a the Genetic System unr ious Disease Max’ Marks - i Simple Epidemia and SIS domice, SIR epidemic disease model ma SIR Endemios, SIR onder [No Dissose related Death, Including Disoase-related Di virulence, Vaclor borne Diseases, ‘atrx, yok] Recommended Books ‘Jefe F. Chast tra Notes for MATH(SES), The Hong graphs, ar Face ecleurngs ah 2 Sprig ions, the classic pail 4 and Bom ‘The Roser AIM Se. (MATHEMATICS) (Semester 2014-15 & Onward lesz. ropcese! of Hilbert spa tbe 600. 988. Description | The- | Sess- a. HLL. Royden, Real Analysi ‘Compulsory Papers jamal Analyse : I J. Schwartz, Linear Oper fs. ALE. Edwards, Functional Anaiysi, Holl Rinehart and hic. so in Funct ison, New York, 1965, Analysis, Functional Analysis, New Age Lv.ke E. Kreyszig, Yar, 1978. B.C Lanin, Elomonts of Functional A AH Sisaiqui, Functonel "Anal Company Ltd. New Del B.V, Limaya, Funetional Anal LA. Lusteni and V. Corporation, New GE. Simmons, Company, Now is, Hindustan Publishing McGraw-Hill Book sis, John Wiley and Sone, Now Vork, 1958 ide, Functional Analysis, 3” 6 JB. Conway, A Course in Fu $200. ning Company Ltd, New Max. Marks 80. [2 A Wilansky, Functional Analysis, Blaise Publishing Co., 1964, J. Tinsley Oden & Leszek F. Demkowicz, Applied Funchional Analysis, CRC Press inc. some offs consequences. Open mapping and f Yl sar spaces. complex fingar spaces and normed Week Sequential Compaciness. Compact in Banach spaces, The closed Range Hahr-Banach linear spaces. M.Se/M.A. Course (Fourth Semester PAPER “II Partial Ditferential Equations and Mechanies ( Max. Marks. is. Besse inequaly Max. Marks 60 al Diterential Equations fH Nonlinear Fist Ordér PDEComplete Integrals, Envel HamionJacebi ns (Calculus of Variations, Hara ~ oO — Books Recommended Transform, Weak Sottions. Uniqueness). Conservation Lav] 43S Lipman. J. La Shocks, ‘LaxOlemk ‘Week Soivions, Uni ae ng Tie Behav m " on of ¥ A res and Aligorihm analysis Practical Examination Scheme fae. Marke=20 Time Du Hes: me) 20Marks{ 10 marks each) 05 Marks a. Poincare Caran Integral invaiant 8 Marks M.ScJM.A. Course (Fourth Semester) jon ef canon els and Poisson bracke ats under cano transfor Bosmclogy ache ple Max Marks - 80 ns with cosmetogtcal Posan br looks Recommended : tom ‘ ate. jematcs, Me State Cosmological models of Ent and comparison wih the atua! universe 1975, e's law, Cosmological princistes, We by UN, Sneddon, F. John, P. Prasad an Language Book Society and Cambridy J, Nerosa Publishing House, Now Delhi es Univ Prentice Hale erm, Perla co inci. Steady ya Jong, Classical Mechanics. Tail pepepencee 47. IN. Natl, General Relativity and Gos 4 Janet D. Finch, Anaitcal Mechanics, Cambridge Universit ivan 48. 5. Werberg, Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and applications 0 . of relativity, John Wiley & Sons, Ine. 1972, IMSe/MA, Course (Fourth Semester) 49, JV Narlicar, Inioduction to Cosmology, Cambridge U Fae < 80. LD. Landau and EM ‘operating System and Database Management System 7 ree a yee Theory and Practical MSeiM.A. Course (Fourth Semester) Max, Marks. 1 PAPER. (C) ALGEBRAIC NUMBER THEORY sasigns + Decomposition ard tam fed extensions. (Lange Part-One, C ind Discriminant: Complementary mock ‘The siserimmnant, (S.Lange Per-One, Chapter face, process Gyelatomic Fields): Roots of unity, Quadratic Jywork and disiebuted eystems. ideal classes, Fermat's last theorem. (S.Lange Part Ghapter-3) UNITAY The Structure of Unite: 0 fon. (Murty, Chapter) Univ Zeta Functions: Tne Rloman Zeia Function, Dedekind Zeta Furcton. (Mus, Chapter i Retorences mbosableceanomiss 1 Soae N ming Onda Ni 4, (Genet area Tucker Condiene. Yor Constained 3. Mw. Ram Muy Jody Esmonde: Problems in Aigebraic Number Theory (2 ed). SPengH Loops meeese yer Convex Pret 4. HP. F. Swinnerton-Dyer: A Brief Guide to Algebraic Number Theory, Cambridge} 5° (Sint Eston), University Press, 2001 nis book eames 5. AlPronich, Mu Taylor Algebale Number Theor, Ca Press, 1081. | > 5 eal tan Stewart, Davie Tall : Algebraic Number t's Last Theorem (2% dy.) St (ec pelers Nak Maccabees S002 5s. easing fe Aporoach, W. A. Benjomin, 7. Ethan D. Boll umber Theory, An Algeb Inc, New York, 8. Jurgen Neukrch: Algo Number Theory, Springer-Verlag, 1988 jonal Approach, Cambridge iver ress, 34 q ue work flows, John J course (Fourth Semester) Aeterenes paren (0) BSS Rao, Opti FUZZY SETS AND ITS APPLICATIONS (Il) = mse. Max Marks - 80 Unit Fuzzy Logicsan overview of classical logic, Multvalued logics, Fuzzy propositts ic variables and hedges. Inference from conditional fut] ° gy Pras fon to Fluid Dynamics, Oxford and 16H Pu ishing Company, New Fuzzy implications i el 4 vs ae'cr hazy reer} & Seve, Washington DC, 160, vita uzsy Con Furey coolers. Fuzty le base. Fuzzy ferent] engin, Fuzefcaton vnitaw Botuziea jrcaton memocs (he conte of area, [aie ‘of maxima, an ition. engine} : unity * eling in Fuesy, Envronmertindvisal setslon making. oper” Megarming soter Fees" st puterera cocoon rating, Mutistge gecsion making. Fu ‘eching methods, Fuzzy near programene solves near, noniner, and integer nerenences 5 1 Fuzzy set thon, an is ADbcatone, Ali Pubishers Lid. Now Deh ror Sue, For Jy soe ae ure loge Prentice-Hall ine, New Dat, 1986 i . M.ScJM.A. Course (Fourth Semester) PaPensiv (a) operations Research ( M.SeiM.A, Course (Fourth Semester) i Nox Mare paren) Unie Dynamic Programming ete babe Dynamic programing wavELers (i) Unit Come, theory Seren. Wied Sate eae Sropial Seaton Souton by neat Pro oy di Max Marks - 80 REFERENCES. vit! unit Books Recommended 72. Nav, Wickoehauser i Welesloy, MA, AK. 3 and = o-Low theorem for rames. Frames, fast Fourier transforms. The and cosine bases, Decomaesiion an wavelets ‘agorthns for Wavelets. CRC Press, New joss, A First Course of Wavelets, C HemBndez and Guido W' oademic Pre. 1992 fs GBS-NSF Regional Confere c (Tranby B.D. Rayan.SIAM, 1989, “aysis from theory 10S eines) seit. Course (Fourth S PAPER A) Programming ta € (with A : ‘Theory and Prac! atures) Max. Marks. 100 siorage lesa Fie ve Autor Sorces Aver Arithmetic. Passing Pointers 28 Soman of the Se mnotion Arguments. pecaeeet 2 Eunetion Argomets, Sorina ope ters fo Pointers a Sraces, Dyrame Memory Al Jad JO Random Access The standart ie, Enor Handing shed 2.0/4 Setar En & 1998. ui age eer eee ite, 2 Ein, Pe (a Sora Domaliand PS ing rouse (Sh Pu Hrticon and GW (Steele feat 1908 a a Kernighan & Dennis ee satures), Prentice Hall 1989. Inination Scheme ae ‘Time Duration - 3 Hrs. Zomtaveet 10 mares each) 3 Mars sears “The © Programme Language, 2nd E: M.ScJM.A. Course (Fourth Semester) PAPER-V (6) Graph theor Max. Marks - 80 Unit Perpeciness-presening opera Forbidden Subgraph nbers anc Ramsay graphs Unit foups, The automorphism group, graphs with given group, symmetry concepts, pseudo spectral stud the ism group. Uni Is and Graph Enumeration: The colour polynomial, The bivariate colouring polynomials, Graph Enumeration: Co-ehramatis(co-dichromatic) grap staphs, Graph Enumeration polynomials, Th unt: Unity: Digraphs & Networks: Digraphs, Types af cor Menger's and Kanig’s Thaorem, Degree sequences REFERENCES 74. KRParthasarathy, Basic graph theory, Tata Me oraw 1904 ry, Longman Harlow look at grapn Theory, World Scie Singapers, 72. Franke Harerary, Graph Theory Natosa, New Delhi, 1995, 78. Ronald Gould and Benjamin Cummins. Graph Thor, Caltomia 78. Narsingh Deo, Graph Theary with applications to Engineering and Computer Science, Prentice-Hall India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2002 MSe/MN.A, Course (Fourth Semester) PAPER-V (c) MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY (tH) Max. Marks - 80 is: the Ditusiens Wg: Phenomensiagical Models, Nut ving Boundary Problems, Growth Prot Metastasis, Immune System Response 'od Stage, UNIT-_ Growth and Control ‘of Brain Tumours: Basic Ma Growth and Invasion, Tumour Spread i Invasion in the Pat Brain, Turou Medeting the Effect of Chomotherapy on Tu Modeling Tumour Polyelonaity and Catt na unr | Aside on Epidemies, Simplo Epidemic Veneroal Diseases, Nuli-Group Model is Infoction in Badgere and Cail losie im Badgore and Catia, vuNITv AIDS: Madoling the Transmission HIN), IV: Modeling Combina 1 with Brug Therapy, Modeling the ty to Parasite Infocton, Age Dependent ‘Simple Orug Uso Epidemic Medel and Drug Therapy, Delay Madel for HIV Population Oynamics of quired Imm Epidemic Model and Threshold Crtendn Threshold Analysis, of Epidemics: Simp! 3e Black D> iS of abies Arvong Foxes: Background and Sin togy Based on Wave ’a Rabies Barter, Ar Fox Immunity on the Sot UNITY for the Wich ended Books rey A. Chasnov, Matham: of Sein Biology, Lectura Notes for MATH(365), The Hong nology (2010) Springer-Verlag (2003) Tan Intradaction, Soringor-Verlag (2002) 3° Eci ‘Spatial Made's and Biomecical Application, Springer PT. RAVISHANKAR SHUKUA UNIVERSITY, RAIPUR ‘Scheme of Examination N.AJM.Se. Mathematios (Previous) (Code ~303) ‘2012-14 & Onwards ous) Mathemat are compulsory. =< (es ‘Topology (Code 103) plex Analysis (Code 104), ivaneed Diserote Maihemaiés (0ode DETAILS OF SYLLABUS PAPER-1 (Paper code-0961) Advanced Abstract Algebra Groups - Normal and Subnormal series, Composition saris, ang inseparable extensions. realy closed ‘ions. Galois extensions. fqvaione by radicals. Insol imple modules. Semi-simple modules. Schule's nan modules and tings-Hibert basis ules, and Unita Lemma, Free modules. theorem. Wodderbu NocthenLasker theorem. Unittv Linear transformations tools Matrices of Canonical Forms inear transiormations, — characteristis, subspaces. of nipoteney. theorem. Jara Trverante of @ nilpotent beks and Joréan forms, Unit-¥ Smith normal form over 1 ", S.RNagpaul: Basic Abstract Algebra, Cambridge U ‘igo University 3. VF Reterences: s n, Algeabra, Prt a ‘ann, Aigabra, a 3. NuJaesbson, Basi in Way & Sons, 1982,1980, 100) aa Basic Algebra, Vols. |, WH. Freeman, 4986 {alee sen 4 Geecomeany an, $980 (alee published by Hindustan I-Fings, Narosa_Putishing of Abstract Al ra, Me Grew. nda, 2000, ‘4 15 q 39,5 an 2 in ing Thoory, Wadswevin ard BrooketCol Ravan Salinas: Cate ena Theory, Wadsworth arid BrooksiCole Advanced. Books PAPER- Il Paper code-o5 1 code-0905 Unita Feat 7 lgal Properties ofthe Incr fundamental theorem cf Calls, negate of Rearrangement of functions, theorem. Sequences and series of Cauchy wergence and n, Werstrass is, Abors and Teuber's theorems Functions of several vaiabes, ine of An, Chain rule, Part ae oferchange of the ander of i Stoke's theorem; = Se. athonaties Lebesgue outer measur Ler cebesgue measur foneions. The 6 integrals. THe (rissrentiation Theorem. Measures and ovter Me jon of @ Masur x fa ess of Ue nit ie. Measure spaces. Tone. wensen’s inequal Convergence i unt Holger and teasure, Almost - rudinfrd eaten) MeGrow Hil 1976 ysis By Wel References TM. apostol Me ‘Publishing Co. Ine. 1968. n Limited, 198. fin Springer, 1968 ow Age International (PY u to. Val, Frederick Unger Publishing 1, An Introduction to Real 8 hart ane 1c, New York. 1982 fo. &. Friedman. an and Winston Ine NeW York, 1970. f a1, Bitiatras, Mensure Theory Van 1h EG Hawains, Lebesgue’s, TRO o ew Yor, 1978, ‘Foundations ton, 1950, son gine and Development, Chee rirodueon io Probably anc Measure, Maca Company of india f 43, KA Parthasarathy. tie, Del 14, 8.6. Ba ements ctirtgration 20% Whey & SOM, 48 Garg Lang, Analysis | Sanison Wesley Publish Wroduetion to Measure @ Kana, An Int jysia, Tata McGrew gl & Comex « papesil (Paper code-0969) ogy cout | Somers on wren hype ct tpolet! ost teed sub ees osegary. Accuration PO iS relate topology: sets. Base Subspaces an Teer vanerates 2 topology in terms of te of Kuratowsk! Closure ‘Charact iy connected charactonaat fxioms. and. product spaces rode spaccs ig lem theorems Hawodenoes ’ Canora way of cirwerng Fe 10 jecommended Books st Course By James F. Munkros, Promtice Hi of India Put. L 2. _Inoduction to Gener Feterences ral Topology By K D Josh Wiley Eas fd. Dugundi 4. Duo, Tenclgy. mn Ltd, 1989, on, ten Yor 866, ers, Wargeana, 177, Wily &!Sore, New York, 158 ton. 19 ine, Boson ta6e ary, Nev York, 1969. ja. $.3.Coims, Inoductory Topology: Ronald Press, New York, 1961 J.P. Mamutc, Introduction to General Topology, ®. Necrdhoft Lid.,Groningen, 1963. 20. Kk una, Advanced General Topology. Nav Bharat Prakashan, Delhi PAPERLIV (Paper code-0964) ‘Complex Analysis orem. Cauchy's integral ichy's inequalty and Liow Complex ‘theorem of Schwarz lemma, Lavrert’s 5 tegrals. Branches of many Togz and za._ Bilinear fons and examples of 2's theorem, Mont is properties. Fi unge’s theorem. Miao ‘Continuation. Uniqueness of direct, analytic. cont orem. Analjtic lueness of eral n Schwarz Reflect jon along a curve, Power geries method of analytic ile. Monadromy theorem and is isk Harnack’s inequality and theorem, bri theorem. Hadamard factorization theorem, Unity The. range of an analytic set fem. Mantel Caratheedory and the Groat picard theorem. Univalent ‘l4theorer. conjecture. (Statement only) and tho ‘Recommended Books: 4. Comalex Analysts By LV. 2. 8. Conway, Functions of Eaton, Narasa Pu ors, McGraw - Hi, 1978 1e Complex variable, Springer-Verleg, ‘ rodution to Complex Analysis, Glarendon Press, Oxford 1990. 2. Complex Function Thoory By D.Sarason 3 Uangstin Hahn & Bemard Epstein, Classical Complex Analysis, Jones and Bar Pablshere International, London, 1996. - 4. Shang, Complex Analysis, Acsison Wesley, 1977, $_D. Sarason, Complex Function Theory, Hindusian Book Agency. Dehi, 1994. é bles: Inroduetion and’ Appications, Mark J.Ablowtz and'A.S, Fokas, Complex Vai ‘Cambridge University prose, South Asian Editon, 1998. 7. Evhile, Analytic Function ‘Theory (2 Vols) Gen & Co., 1959, ‘Topisin the Theory.ot Functions of one Complex Variable, O.Van nd Co, 1987. 9, Caratheodory, Theary of Functions (2 Vols. fo. wLHeins, Complex Function Theory, Acadaric Press, eGrawtiil Book Co, 1966, 7. 2 1 Efe rohan eSaw i Boo References eee 3 Geratng, Mahomateal Sturge tor Compu EC Titchmarsh, 7 WA. Veech, & Second Cou SPonrusamy, Fo vorsty Press, London un m 3, W.A. Benjamin, 1967. of Complex Analysis, Narosa Publishing." Hausa, 1 PAPER Paper code 096s Advanced Discrete Mat fe Moncids: ing those. pert Examples of Concatanation operation}. Congruence relation and Oi Their propeties. Latces as Homomrorshisme, Soma gps Grash Theory Svegraphs. Induced Subg and ther propert: & Complete ips Spanning Trees, Cut and Kruskai's Alg Cycles, & od Graphs. Diksra's Algerthm ith. Directed Troes. Sear : Compu strong. Connect Trees. Tree Traversal, ty Thoory-Finte State Machines and Santeria Fa d by a Grammar. Regular, Context-Free, and id Languages. Regular sets, Hey ions. Conv Notation, sion of Recommended Books MeGraw- ill Book Co. ns 10 Computer Science, sLP. Tramblay i ce, (3rd ettion), Computer 1 Press, New York sieg (International) edition 1983}, MeGraw-Hil Book 2 wd Approach, MeGraw Hil Book Co. “ Sere a automala Theoy, Languages: & : te Engineering end Computer Sciences. Prentice 5 and N.Chandashekaran Theory of Computer Science PHY2002) 6 aan ‘Scheine of Examination nta.mise. Final (WATHEMATICS)(Code ~ $04) 2010-14 & Onward vero sat be iv paper, Two comisary and tee opfonal, Each paper eal nave 0 maa. OF paper which has theory and practeal bot, the thon) st shall have 70 Spares have 20 mare. vera tly of marks in pat shat have theory and practe Remark Theory | Practical Beserition [Compulsory Pavers —_ inegration Theary & Funct io = || eapercoce 202) _|,penercae 202) —_ [oa Per | ae Sg = eee cana Rasoarch (Paper code ee) | TOO | (Paper code 242) [700 = “| ep | iy and Cosmology F "rm na Details of Syllabus COMPULSORY PAPER -1 (Paper Code 0966) INTEGRATION THEORY AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS Integration Theory: Unit, Signed measure, Hahn decompr NNikedym theorem, Lebesgue decomposition. Extention theorom (Caratheodory), Lebesgue is theorem, Differentiation and Integr continuous ard sing Baire seis. Ba examples, orm boundedness theorem and sore closed graph theorems. Hahn-Banach thecram spaces and normed linear spaces. Ref Compaciness. Compact Op unity, iis consequences. Open map MAX.MARKS - 100 theorem, mutually singular measures. Racon Riesz representation theorom, jes integral, product measures, Decomaostion into absolutely real near spaces, compix inear wwe spaces. Weak Sequential 1. PAR. Halmos, Measure Theory, Van Nesta 2B. Choudhary and Sudarean Nanda, Funk Ud, 1989, Roytlen, Real Analysis, Macmillan Publishing Co. Princeton, 1950. ral ralysis with Appkcati ss, Wiey Wc. New York, 4h Ed JG. Hawlan, Lebesgue's Theory of Cheigea, Now York, 1978 KA, Parthasarathy, Intoduction to Verlag, New York. Springer-Verlag, ‘and Winston, New Vor. 1968, Functional Analysie, Prentice Hell of India, 1 Functional Analysis, Hindustan Publishing 4 Modem Analysis, McGraw: Book ley and Sons, New York, 1958, ‘ering, Now York, 1971 ingor-Veriag. New York. 1980. COMPULSORY PAPER - (Paper Code 0967) PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND MECHANICS MAX.MARKS - 100 tion Transport Equation-niial value Problem. Now: Laws (Shocks, nese, Fiemanm’s Hopt-Lax_ Fo Entropy Conch Probier, Lang Time “Reprecontation of Si rity uncer Sea ‘nd Legendre. Tran 1s, Gear ‘Surfaces, Real Analytic Principle of least action, Poincare Cart Sol Lee Hua Chung’ theorem Ganorical fequation, Jacob! rackets 200K RECOMMENDED tL. LC. Evans, Partial Oiferontial sdunte Studies in Mathomatics, Volume 18, AMS, 1998, 2 lishers, Mageow, 1975. 3 av 4 fan Publishers, New Delhi, 1979. REFERENCES 1 VES pynanics Part Nl, The English Language Book Society and Cambridge 2. H.Goidsten, ‘ ishing House, New Dati 2. IM. Geliane and S.V. Fomin, Caleslus of 4. AS. Rlameoy, Newtonian Gravitation, The En¢ Mechanics, Tata yan Chandra Rana & Pr 1d Chandra Joag, Classic: 1 etd Janet ©. Fineh, Analytical Mechanics, Cambridge University Press, OPTIONAL PAPER - (Paper Code 0968) () GRAPH THEORY MAK ANARKS -100 spaces: m heomomerphism, cont jacee : The adj £, The incidence mattis, cycle gears Foridgen Subgraph angulated up, symmetry 7 sfectat atdies of the Auiomorphism soup. 2 eolodrng REFERENCES compan Kaa _ . Singapore, T OPTIONAL PAPER (Paper Cade 0969) (0) Program ‘USI feat Theory and Practical (For regular studen uN [An overview Program 3 programming, Pro Develepment. Fund ff integers types. The void Control Flow. The break and cont jons-Precedence thmatc Ops! Operators. Comma lon Operators. Bi ional Operator. Memory Ope mn. Mixing ia Type, Typesets. Find Operator. Size of Operator UNITAN Arrays and Posters D Eneryption and Decry Arguimenis. Accasseing Passing Arrays a8 ‘Arrays, Arays of un enum Daclarations, Furct to Functions, Recursion. The main Fun univ sor Macro Samuol P. Harkison and Gly L. S Hal, 1994 ‘an W. Kernighan & Dens Features), Promtice Hal 1989, fe, The © Programme Language, 2 Edition (ANS! Practical based on the paper Programming in C (with ANS! features) ‘Schedule for Practical Examination Time Du rks aks ark 16. 7. 38. 2 21 22 2 Details of Pra ‘Wate a program for C ical Work ion using Newlen Rapheon third le ing technique. sorting and sting preduct of two rogram for finding irvorse of Matrix ing fr apn 2 program fon the basis of accra oF nat ie a program for apelin fogram for solving rogram for fincing GCD of Jeting & mofication of book recor. prusrice equations using Chinese remainder thaorem, jogers using Eucla algorithm, the transportation pra 1 using Vogel's Approximat Wile a presram Opiimal sequence Algorithm. ‘Wate a program forfinsing program for finding minimum algorithm, Wate a program for find maximum flow through a network using MFP Algorithm. m processing jabs through * machines using honest path of a network using Dik mn. nning trae of a network problem using Kruskal OPTIONAL PAPER-1V (Paper Code 0970) () OPERATIONS RESEARCH MAX.MARKS - 100. ns Reseach in Indust. sm06, Dualty ard of Oper ry of the Simplex ns Research and its Scape, Necessi Mei Linear Prograemmg-Dual Simplex Method. Parametric Linear Paint Algorithm. Linear Goal ing Tree Peobiem jem. Netivork Simplex Method Dynamic programming, Mixed Strategies. Integer Programming Bra Noninaar Programming Ona/ar Tasker Conesiions lor Cor Beparable REFERENCES units. 01 iy. Paxcoleum. re dual near | fecomposabis and Decoraa Network lows, J HAA. Taha, Operations Research. An ark Kant S New Deli SS. Rao, Optimization Theory and Application: Kumar Gupia and 0.8. Hi New Delhi , PAK, Gupta Company Ltd Nis. Karbo, : New Delhi, Madras UNDOSysiems Products (Vist websHe hip a, UNDO (he linear progra 7 >. UNDO Calable MAXMARKS ts. Onthenermal base: a single tunction ne and cosine bases ‘operators and ted wa Completeness, Cl ion of Lemarie-Meyer wiv some over character zations, Franklin wavelata and Spline wavelets 09 the ro basae of periodic Characterzations in ‘and transforms. The ‘rete version of the local sine ang gorthms for igorthme-The discret storms. The ‘and reconstruction a Cosine bases. Decorpesi w FiornBindez and Guido Weiss, A First Course on Waveleis, CRC Press, New Eugon to Wavelets, Academic Press, 1992 on Wavelets, CBS-NEF Regional Conterenoes in Applied 1s (Tranby P.O. Rayan SIAM, 1999. "Maples wavelet analysis from theory to software, Wellesley, MA, OPTIONAL PAPER -V {Paper Code 0972) 7 )SMOLOGY () GENERAL RELATIVITY AND CO! eS idie it itt" General Relaty-Teansermation of cord a ‘Symmetric and skew symmetric Tensors. Cont qucieit Sr Paula wanepon. Chetotel Symbols. Cvaren derivatives, vnc detvatves and geodestes, Units: Flomann Chistaielcuvatue ensor and Eisen tone + Rvew ot the symmetry properties, Bianchi ier theory of relativity and the Newtonian Theory of ion. Prineple of equivalence and gener ree, goodese principle, Newtonian Lpprosimation of relaivictic equations of motion. Eiston's eld equ Newtonian approx ‘solution and its isotropic form. Pans snoloques Sonaing of ight rays ina praviational fed Foca ocr do Energymomentim tenser of a Govraary cancion. Energy meme NMaxwo equations. Unie: Cosmo é tem ropattes snd compa PoBies an. Gosrclosea proses, Wes postulate. Dei Ween otio. Hubbe: and deceloraon parameters, Reds WeESce"aions Angular size versus redshit relaton and so Flobertson Walker space-time. et ‘field oquations with cosmological fein and De-Siter, thei derivation Tees Maher Unite: REFERENCES: 1. GE. Weatheroum, an Inttaduetion to Riemannian Geometry a ‘Cambridge University Press, 1950, 2. H. Stophon,, General Rel Canbe a. AST Edanglon, THe, al ‘oes 4. LV. Natar, Gonoal Ro wove 5. Rl Adee, M, Bazin M ‘78 6. BF, Shute, A fit course in genera ty Pres, 1090 7. SiWehbeig, Greviaton and Conrelog general theo of rel Inc. 1972, - * 6 SMeN ony Camidge Univorly Press, 1903 penta tor Matherateian, Senger Vora, 1977 "0, UD-Landau sical hey of File, Pergamon Press 080 14 LL Synge, Rel oor, Notts Holand Pubbhng Company, 1076, OPTIONAL PAPER -V (Paper Cove 0979) (1) FUNDAMENTALS OF CoMPUTER sciENCE i (For regulr students on ax ananKs — Unit |. 7 Object Oriented Prograrnming-Classes and Scope, nested classes, pointer class members; Class Overloaded functions and operators; Templates inc inheritance and subtyping, innertanes, Data Structures-Analysis of algorthms, q, W, 0, 0, w notations ; Liss, Stacks, and ‘queues: Sequentiat and inked reprasentetons; Treas: Binary ee. search tree implementation, B-iree (concept only); Hashing-apan and closed; Sorting. Insertion 0M, Heep sort and the W. Systems-Rols of atabase ey nto relational al ing class templates; clase Unit v. REFERENCES : 1. SB Lipman, J. Lajol: C++ Primer, Addison Wesley. up; The C++ Programming Language, Adcison Wesley in Database 8) on Wesley, Ope 1g UNIX and Windows, BPB Publications feiss, Data Structures ard Algorithm Analysis in C+, Addison Wesley. = Waterman ~ Mh APUTER SCIENCE per FUNDAMENTALS OF COT Prac! based oe eP or hte! examination fe @ Duration 2 Firs ene pon (10 Marks each) Prats 9 tre tom each section oe Sessional Shake “petals of Practical Work" section, cpr PROGRAM gram th 1 display operations into stack T Wte a program cree auoe ela opera 2 retin ttn Ss cperaion io Met errmpsh sp orm saet3 She any serersion ee ftom aon, svocton snd Pert aon of parse Form sorting oink rior eroting Binary #85 Sh troe and peritrn Inovder, Preorcer and 11 Wtea progam for merging: i: 1 inte a progam for Merge so A program for quick sor TR. Wate a program for Heep sof ection : Se8htine system commanos cox option o's Commas en, 1. Use yarous ora pu ed a kr and rw command (o), Beats, Aadress Dav ind, ‘Mgestardate ato) Dury it) royeo trae orca ees asl ero era et ery punser im pName rm io eae har) Ph rege, wsdl eres esn chow 2). Dapondr Pepe crp verter ie ompiyee and Ute feet commana tons eivore be Sea see chat, Bata date, one field job varchar (12), retain soo table or aa array vse name John. Smith — eat 1s Wee Nameratcs ame and address of all emplayee whow works for of employees hose adie in University Gamou: the employees who wera bam during the 1950s, the name of employses whose salary & Between 10,000 to 20,000. fe the name of each emplayes whe has @ dependent ‘same frst nome and seme sex as the employes, 30. Retrave the name of employes who have no dependent ‘11. Find the sum of te salaries of all employees, the maximum salary and the minimum salary, 12. Find the sum of the salaries of ‘axinium and minimum eslay. 18, Retava the department numbor ‘aggregate salary 14. Write query to delete athe employee whase name start with the charactor‘ 15. Use command commit ollsack ‘employees of tho 'Researoh’ department as loyee in each department and OPTIONAL PaPER -v (Peper Code 0974) () FUZZY SETS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS MAX. MARKS — 100 UNIT Fury ste-Basiciitions, moo! ets. Convex iuzzy see. teas ARMS 100 fuzzy see Types of fzzy set. Canteen otels, Agebrac aloes eed Sum and cternce, nome and teonoms. The Eton Biren. fe eedaes {terion piel. age and metas trae zero UNIT-IL = Fuzzy numbers. Elemenis of furzy Fuzzy relations on fuzzy sets. Compost and is properties. Fuzzy equivalence (graphs. Similarity rel Fuzzy relation equations. Necessity measure, idence theory ibution. Pos sbilty theory univ Mutticondiional approximate reasoning, The role UNIT-V An niroduction to Fuzzy Cantol-Fuzzy contrat inference engine, Fuzzifcaten. Deluzztication and the various deluzzitestion matocs the etre of area, the cetre of maxima, and the mean of maxima methods), Decks Making in| Envronmert-ndividual decision making, Mh 4 ‘making. Ma decision making. Mutistage decision making, Fuzzy ranking ‘methods. Fuzzy linear programming, REFERENCES 1. Hid, Zmmemann, Fuzzy set theory and its Applications, 129, 2G. Kirand B. Yuan. Fuziy sete and fuzzy ogi, Prentice WSC Watheraice

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