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Murder Because Money

By. Istiqlal and co.

Hendra: (Tap Supriadi’s shoulder). Hei,Ondok! Lend me your money. Rp. 100.000 is

Supriadi: Oh, I’m sorry but I don’t have any money right now.

Hendra: Huh, what did you say!? It is only Rp. 100.000 oh come on just give me.

Supriadi: I said it didn’t I... I don’t have money.

Hendra: (Punch Supriadi). Lend me your money!

Supriadi: (Fell down). You!!! (Unsheathe hatchet from his belt).

Hendra: Huh!? (Surprised).

Supriadi: Die!!! (Swing the hatchet).

Hendra: Huh? Argggh!! (Touch his wound).

Supriadi: Hahahaha! Die! Die! (Swing the hatchet a few more time).

Supriadi: Haha... ha... ha... hi!!! (Run away).

Villager A: Huh? Is that Supriadi?

Villager B: That’s definitely him. But why he running like that?

Villager A: Let’s see what’s happen there...

Villager B: H-Hendra?! Oi! Could it be that Ondok killed him? You tell Elder about this.
I’ll call the police.

Villager A: R-right! (Run to Elder house).

Villager A: Elder! Elder! Hendra! Hendra was-

Elder: Calm down! What happened to hendra?

Villager A: (Catch a breath). Hendra... He was killed!

Elder: What did you say? Hendra was killed!?

Villager A: Yes. I and the other saw his corpse when we saw Supriadi run away from

Elder: I see. Now please lead the way to there.

Villager A: Understand.

Villager B: How is it, sir?

Wahyu: Yes, there’s no doubt about that, the fingerprint found in this hatchet is

Elder: So the police are already here...

Villager B: Yes, while A called you, I call the police.

Elder: I see... Sir, please catch the culprit. We can’t sleep at night if the murderer is still

Wahyu: Don’t worry about it. But we need your cooperation.

Villager B: Anything we can help?

Wahyu: Yes, I need to know where Supriadi house is...

Elder: If I may know, why is it, sir?

Wahyu: We believe the culprit is Supriadi.

Villager A: So it’s true after all...

Elder: Well, you two can you show, Chief Wahyu here Supriadi house?

Villager A n’ B: Okay!

Villager B: (Arrive) Ondok! Are you in?

Supriadi: Leave! It’s not my fault. It’s him!!!

Wahyu: Supriadi! Surrender now or I will use force!

Villager A: Ondok! Come out! You should atone your crime!

Supriadi: Leave!

Wahyu: You leave us no choise. We’ll break the door.

(Door Broke)

Wahyu: Restrain him!

Supriadi: Kuh!

(After interrogation)

Reporter: Excuse me...

Wahyu: Yes?

Reporter: We are from Sumeks. We want to have an interview about the recent case. Is
that okay?

Wahyu: Well Of course.

Reporter: Okay then. The first question, who is the culprit and what is the motive?
Wahyu: The culprit is Supriadi a.k.a. Ondok. About the motive, it’s just a simple
heartache. Supriadi annoyed because Hendra punch him.

Reporter: How about the victim –Hendra condition?

Wahyu: Hendra die with few slash wound caused by the hatchet.

Reporter: Thank you, sir. That was the last question.

Wahyu: Your welcome.

≈≈≈ THE END ≈≈≈

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