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Learnings from Activity 1

Our group have learned in the first activity that we need to value the different
aspects of things that life offers us such as the Environment, The Common Good,
Truth, Justice, Equality and Life itself. Though there are many learnings that we
attained from activity, the two that we have learned most from is the respect for the
promotion of the Common Good and the Environment. Our environment is very
important and taking care of it is a must. It is our duty as citizens of this planet to take
actions and responsibility with mother nature. Our country has an entire department
that is entirely dedicated to maintain its health and welfare. It is the DENR also
known as Department of Environment and Natural Resources. The reason of its
importance is because it serves as the source of our own resources and needs such as
food, shelter and other necessities. The importance of the Common Good for us
shares the same importance as the Environment. Promoting the common good also
means that our decisions must be based and must benefit the most people. We can
related to utilitarianism since it is a theory in ethics that focuses on the outcomes of
the decision that you make. It can also mean that the greatest good must be for the
greatest number. We can promote common good in a number of ways. We could
teach children basic things about school and in life just like language, sciences and
basic maths. We could also provide families with information on making healthy food
choices, finding affordable and good health care, and resources that will help them
choose the right foods. Speaking at or organizing workshops that teach people to
manage their expenses, make smart money choices, and find affordable housing also
promotes the common. All in all, the environment and the common good are aspects
the we deemed as two of the most important and two of the six aspects that we
learned the most from. We can always say that if there is respect in all of these aspects
then our way of life will always lead to our success and by “our” we meant success
for us and for those around us.
Learnings from Activity 2


Campus Security is established to protect the academic public and equity of the
institution. The building/campus and facilities, teaching and non-teaching personnel,
the students, documents or records are those in need of protection. Violence and
Injury, at their most intense, put life itself at risk. Document security is associated
with the right organization and security of important documents, records, hard copies,
or soft copies of the institution. Other kinds of security to the institution that need
attention from the campus security are personnel security, student security, events and
VIP security.

Education is concerned with utilizing knowledge for their own benefits and using
what they have learned for their development. Literacy is not quite the same as
education. It refers to the capacity to read and write, while education is discovering
the purpose for everything and utilizing one's reading and writing abilities to enhance
their lives. When measuring the quality of education’s effect on Filipinos, it is a good
idea to measure the “functional literacy” of each individual. An article released by the
National Statistics Office on 2010 states that “ALMOST NINE OUT OF TEN
average functional literacy. Although the numbers are good, there is still some room
for improvement.

Workshop is a process in which people who share the same interest are gathered and
motivated to work together to improve their individual efficiency, skill, or knowledge
by studying or by discussion. Demonstration is a method of articulating concepts,
ideas, processes, or techniques by showing these to the audience or participants.
Demonstration emphasizes and takes advantage of visual more than verbal
qualities. These recreational methodologies utilized by the MAPUA-CWTS facilitate
relevant social behaviour and promote learning in extroverted methods. They are
important when the goal is to be able to teach new knowledge in a more effective or
efficient way.


It is important that students are taught with values and which actions are ethical and
unethical. They are the next generation that will run the country in the future so it is
imperative to teach them morality before getting employed. Role play a strategy
where participants emulate reality by enacting different roles for them to practice
different ways of behaving in a particular situation. Another method is Structured
Learning Exercise (SLE). It helps participants to recall experiences, reflect on its
significance or meaning, collect insights from these experience and let these said
insights to lead into action.

Learnings from Activity 3

All individuals are not destined to lead, but rather they can in any case include a
positive effect inside their association. Pioneers originate from a wide range of
foundations, which brings diverse parts of driving into their associations. For the most
part there is one individual inside a gathering that will assume responsibility and lead.
There are great pioneers and there are awful pioneers, yet Martin Luther King Jr. was
an incredible pioneer amid his time. He was an American Baptist clergyman and
extremist who was a pioneer in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He is
best known for his job in the headway of social equality utilizing peaceful common
defiance dependent on his Christian convictions. What precisely made him an
extraordinary pioneer? Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was an extraordinary pioneer since
a portion of the attributes that he had were insight, self-assurance, and assurance. As a
pioneer, being canny is critical inside an association on the grounds that a pioneer is
required to know a great deal. When you are taught, you ought to have the capacity to
instruct those that you lead. Having self-assurance is likewise a noteworthy attribute
for a pioneer to have. In the event that you are positive about your activities, you will
pick up the trust of your adherents. As a pioneer, they should be sure about
themselves to settle on the correct choices at the opportune time. Dr. Lord's certainty
and balance drew devotees. He was sure about his capacities to lead the African
American people group to one day be dealt with equivalent. In conclusion, the quality
of a decent pioneer is having assurance. Assurance is the longing to take care of
business. Dr. Lord was resolved to satisfy his fantasy of one day being treated as
equivalent. His drive and enthusiasm motivated others to tail him. He proceeded with
his peaceful adventure for the African American individuals.

Transformational initiative is characterized as an administration approach that

causes change in people and social frameworks. In its optimal frame, it makes
important and positive change in the devotees with the true objective of forming
adherents into pioneers. Pioneers who practice transformational administration are
here and there call calm pioneers. They are the ones that show others how its done.
Their style will in general use compatibility, motivation, or compassion to connect
with devotees. They are known to have valor, certainty, and the readiness to make
penances for more noteworthy's benefit. They have a resolute need to streamline or
change things that never again work. The transformational pioneer inspires laborers
and sees how to shape them into essential units that cooperate with other people.
Transformational pioneers have some expertise in attempting to change the
framework, explaining difficulties by discovering encounters that demonstrate that old
examples don't fit or work, needing to comprehend what needs to change, and
boosting their groups' ability and limit. Value-based pioneers in any case, which are
the inverse of transformational pioneers work inside the framework, begin settling
difficulties by fitting encounters to a known example, need to know the well ordered
methodology, and limit variety of the association.

The first of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is to "Be Proactive". This
Habit is tied in with assuming liability for your life and your decisions. A few people
accuse conditions, heredity or their childhood for their activities or conduct. Be that as
it may, proactive pioneers acknowledge they have command over their reactions,
regardless of the end result for them. Utilize this propensity when you need to settle
on vital choices in school. Would it be a good idea for you to drop this course? Would
it be a good idea for you to begin considering now or do it later? "Start With the End
in Mind" requests that you try to imagine what you need throughout everyday life. It
is safe to say that you are presently who you needed to be and doing what you
constantly needed to do? This Habit provokes you to build up an individual statement
of purpose. The third propensity is that you make a move to understand that
individual mission. "Put First Things First" is about time the executives and life the
board - it requests that you choose which are the most vital things to you, and
afterward to organize them first with your every day decisions. When we have a
shortage outlook, we see that there's just such a great amount to go around and that
another person's gain implies less for us. In any case, a success win

Learnings from Activity 4

A group is an organization of individuals who have similar interests or aims, and

who arrange themselves to work or act together. It is not merely a gathering of people
but an assembly of personalities interacting with one another while living. You must
participate or be involved with the activities and the common life to be part of a group.
There are two types of groups. The Primary Group have intimate interactions.
Intimate interactions results into a common sympathy and mutual identification and
“we” becomes a natural expression. If one is part of a primary group, he or she will
live in the feeling of the whole. The second type of groups is called a Secondary
Group, which is a group that does not necessarily involve face-to-face interaction or
intimate and personal relations. Groups are know to have interaction, which have
patterns of mutual influence whether its physical, non-verbal, verbal, and emotional.
Groups also have goals, which are the reasons for the group’s existence; perceived
groupness, in which members see themselves as one; Dynamic Interdependency, in
which members are all actively participating, energized, enthusiastic, and changing;
and lastly, motivation, so that personal needs/gains are being satisfied.

Learnings from Activity 5

A cause and effect wheel is also called “concentric circles.” This helps students in
understanding the relationships between cause and effect, action and reaction. It
explains why something happened or might possibly happen by organizing the most
likely causes into smaller categories. There are steps that needs to be followed in
order to create the cause and effect wheel. The circles should focus on examining or
analyzing the effects in a detailed manner. You can also look at or acknowledge the
possible or potential relationship between ideas indirectly related or connected and/or
contemplate or think about on what may possibly occur if the links were interchanged.
Tools of analysis like the cause and effect wheel, will be able to identify the root or
the main source of the problem right away and come up with a strategy or plan to
alleviate the situation.

The Tree Analysis tool allows you to look at effects and the causes that create or
contribute to those effects. With the tree analysis, you will be able to see different
sides of the particular issue that needs to be tackled. To analyze the problem in detail,
we can use the Tree Analysis tool so that we can make sure to make a solution while
we are well-informed about the issue. The parts are the roots, trunks, branches, and
leaves. Each part of the tree represents one specific problem stage. The roots
represents those issues seen as the “root” causes of other issues. The trunk symbolizes
the primary problems that came from the root problem.The branches show the
secondary matters or concerns that off-shoots from the primary problems that are
cited at the tree’s trunk. The leaves refer to the end-result of the different kinds of
issues or concerns that were cited on the tree’s roots, branches, and trunk.

The Manila City’s geographic categorization lies within the Metro Manila. It is
located near the mouth of the Pasig River and spreads along the shore of Manila Bay.
It is considered as an urban community with a population of 12.8 million (2015
census). It is a city that showcases modernization and industrialization. One example
why it is considered an urban community is because of the modern transportation it
provides. It is also the Capital City of the Philippines where lots of investors invest
their money for businesses, thus making it a business sector. The city also shares a
common goal which is to provide more jobs through increasing the numbers of
investors. The community intends to brought modernization and industrialization not
only to the city of Manila, but also to the different provinces of the Philippines.

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