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Technological University of Panama

Electrical Engineering School

Customer Service and Quality
Panama, 5.September.2019

What is customer service?

The meaning of customer service varies considerably from one company to another.
Contextual perspective range from the marketing logistic required to accept, process, deliver
and build customer orders through to the friendliness of the staff in the services encounter.
There are also historically bound resonances which locate service as a servile activity and
impide aceptance of the view that service underpins the exchage process and influences long
term relatioship to mutual advantage. Customer service can also be seen as a process which
provides time, place and form utilities for the customer which involve pre-sale, sale and post-
sale transactions.
Some factors that are involved in customer service:

• It refers to the friendly, courteous and helpful service
Personalized attention
• It is the direct or personal attention that takes into account the
particular needs, tastes and preferences of the client

Quick attention
• It is the speed with which the orders are taken from the customer, their
product is delivered, or their inquiries or complaints are answered.

• Amenities provided by the company for the customer's good stay.

What is quality?
Quality is a concept that has always accompanied man through his history throughout time
in men has sought how to improve his lifestyle by passing from the age of Stone, age of
metals to reach the industrial revolution. Over time, humans improved the quality of the
response to their basic needs, such as food and safety, for which they appropriated
practices aimed at the continuous improvement of their weapons, their methods of
cultivation, developing their own technology. Machines and tools were built and operators
were instructed to structure a mass production system; however, there were defective
products, as there was no importance to the effects produced by variations in the processes
of production. As a result of the improvement, standards were created with which the
products and some normative to follow are measured and from there one of the many
definitions of quality is born which is:
1. It is the interaction between the way of thinking of the company and the processes
that are managed in it in the day-to-day, and the permanent search for perfection
in each and every person that integrates it with the aim of transforming society ,
meet the needs of the environment and meet stakeholders.

De Vega, L., Álvarez, M., & Bernal, C. (2010). Quality Administration. Bogota: Alfaomega.

Martin Chistopher, P. B. (1991). Relationship Marketing: Quality Customer Service and Marketing
Together. Crandfield, Bedford.

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