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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade-9 Science

Learning competencies: 1. explain how the respiratory and circulatory systems work together to
transport nutrients, gases, and other molecules to and from the different parts of the body;

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

a. Identify the function of circulatory system and its parts
b. explain the different types of circulation;
c. Appreciate the importance of the heart in the human body and its
significance on the overall function of the other organ systems of the body
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: Circulatory System
Timeframe : 2 hrs
References : Exploring Life Through Science (The New Grade 9)
Materials : LCD, projector, marker, manila paper, book
Strategy : Jigsaw Puzzle

III. Learning Task

A. Prayer and Checking of Attendance

B. Review
The students will have an activity called “Cabbage Relay “. The students will form a circle and
then the cabbage that is made of paper with the corresponding questions written on it will be passed on
while the music is playing, and when the music stops, the last student holding the cabbage will peal a
leaf and then he/she will answer the question written.
C. Motivation
The teacher will ask the students to find a partner (preferably girl to girl and boy to boy). Have
the students locate their own pulse by placing their fingers on their wrist. The teacher will instruct the
students that if they have felt a throb then they have located their pulse. Instruct not to use their thumb
then rationalize why. Next, allow the other partner to locate their partner’s pulse and vice versa. After
recording their pulse rate “at rest”, allow students to do jogging in place then record their pulse rate
“after exercise”. The teacher will then ask at least 3 students to present their corresponding pulse rate
on each activity that the teacher asked them to do.
D. Lesson Proper
The teacher will ask the students in relation with the activity and present the new topic and
The students will be grouped into three, the teacher will give different worksheets in each group
and they will have their brainstorming based on the worksheets and questions given, and the
students will have their presentation to the class right after their brainstorming. (Attached here
are the worksheets of the students)


The teacher will check and clarify the outputs of the students.

The teacher will asks questions as a recap of their discussion and add this information: The human
heart is vital in sustaining homeostasis—the stability or equilibrium in a biological system. In fact, the
heart has a specific anatomy that aids in this function. The way the heart is designed determines the
path that blood must take through it in order to be pumped around the body. Since the heart is an
important organ in our body, we must make sure to take care of it through healthy lifestyle, healthy
eating habits, and stress management.

Ask students to write in a ¼ sheet of paper their memorable experience wherein they experienced a
fast heartbeat and how did they manage to keep their heartbeat back to its normal rate or how did they
kept themselves calm and relax again.
IV. Evaluation

(The Teacher will give a short quiz to the a. Endocardium, myocardium, epicardium
students.) b. Pericardium, myocardium, endocardium
Direction: Multiple Choice. Write the letter c. Myocardium, pericardium, endocardium
that corresponds to the right answer. d. Endocardium, pericardium, myocardium
1. The pumping organ of the circulatory 5. How many chambers does the heart
system. have?
a. Blood pressure b. Heart a. Three
c. Blood d. Blood vessel b. Four
2. The possible cause of heart diseases. c. Five
a. Vices b. Proper nutrition d. Six
c. Exercise d. Healthy lifestyle 6. The movement of blood through the
3. The function of the heart. heart and body is called:
a. Delivers food, oxygen and other materials a. Circulation
b. Routes blood b. Locomotion
c. Maintain body temperature c. Ventriculation
d. Carry blood d. Heart Pump
4. Which of the following choices shows the 7. The beating sound your heart makes
layers of the heart from the innermost layer comes from:
to the outermost layer? a. Blood going in the wrong direction
b. Valves closing 10. What parts act like doors
c. The heart skipping beats that control blood flow in the
d. Your ears playing tricks on you heart?
8. The atria are the “upstairs” chambers of a. Valves
the heart and these parts are the b. Septum
“downstairs” chambers: c. Chambers
a. Valves b. Ventricles d. Dams
c. Pulse d. Candy Hearts
9. What wall separates the left side and
right side of the heart?
a. Ventricles b. Atrium
c. Septum d. The Great Wall
V. Assignment
Research what are the top ten diseases of the heart and give at least 1 example how to
prevent such disease. Write your output on a short bond paper. Could be handwritten or
Read the book on page 30-36 including the types of circulation and make a graphic organizer and answer
the following questions:

Types of Circulation of Blood

In a human body, there are three types of circulation of blood:

Systemic (greater) circulation: The blood flows from the left ventricle, through
various parts of the body, to the right atrium, i.e. from the left to the right side
of the heart through the arteries and veins which traverse the whole body. This
circulation is responsible for keeping the body tissues alive by supplying a
continuous stream of blood to them.

Pulmonary (lesser) circulation: The blood flows from

the right ventricle, through the lungs, to the left
atrium, i.e. from the right to the left side of the heart.
This circulation is responsible for oxygenation of blood.
In pulmonary circulation, the blood passes through the
lungs where Carbon dioxide is eliminated and Oxygen
is added to blood. In this way, the pulmonary
circulation makes sure that systemic circulation
remains effective.

Portal circulation:

It is a part of systemic circulation, which has the following


The blood passes through two sets of capillaries before draining into
a systemic vein. The vein draining the first capillary network is
known as portal vein which branches like an artery to form the
second set of capillaries or sinusoids. Examples: hepatic portal
circulation, hypothalamo hypophyseal portal circulation and renal
portal circulation.
Guide Questions:

1. What is circulatory System?

2. What are the main types of Circulatory System? What are their functions?
3. What are the types of blood vessel?
4. Describe the three types of Circulation.
Group 2
Watch a video and answer the following questions:

Guide Questions:

1. What is the function of the heart?

2. What are the two divisions of the heart?
3. How many quarts does your blood pump every minute? And how
many beats per day? How about per year?
4. Explain the circulation of the blood from the heart to your body.
Group 3
Analyzing the Picture

Smoking Poor Diet

Sedentary Lifestyle/Inactivity Stress

Guide Questions:

1. What does the pictures show?

2. What are the different hazards that may affect your hearts functioning?
3. Describe each pictures and relate it on how does it affect the function of your
4. What are the ways to prevent these hazards of health?

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