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Teenage Pregnancy and HIV Prevention

The Puerto Princesa City Health Office conducted a seminar on the prevention of
Teenage Pregnancy and HIV at our school on September 3, 2019. They told us that our city is
has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in the region with 1,611 cases of teenage
pregnancies. They even told us the risks of Teenage Pregnancy like anemia, hypertension and
premature delivery. They also told us about HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus. That HIV
can be transferred through certain body fluids like semen, vaginal fluids, breastmilk and blood.
Teenage Pregnancy and HIV are causes of problems in our society. A lot of people not only here
in our city, but also in different parts of the globe experiences this.

Teenage Pregnancy can be caused by the influence of technology. 37% from having text
mates, 26.1% from having online friends, 31.3% from pornographic materials and 53.6% from X-
rated movies/videos. I was kind of expecting this since a lot of teenagers nowadays are naturally
curious, even me. But some of them lack control because I’ve met people my age who also has
online friends and text mates. I have met people who read and watch pornography but none of
the people I’ve met had been pregnant. I think that it’s only because of technology, but because
of the lack of knowledge about this. They think that what they are doing is for love but in fact, it
is for lust. Teenagers seems to confuse love and lust but there is a saying that “True Love waits.”
HIV is mostly caused by unprotected sexual intercourse and sharing of needles. Parents
who has HIV can pass it unto their children. It attacks the immune system of our body making it
harder for the immune system to fight other viruses. It cannot be cured but it can be prevented
from getting worse. In my opinion, HIV can be avoided if only people, before having sex with a
person they don’t know, use protection and by just buying new syringes and throwing old ones.
It’s just that simple. I was thinking that when we were listening to the seminar. It’s all about
control and knowledge. They always lack it. Think about the important things before pleasure. I
feel that by doing just that, we can prevent this.

In conclusion, having this seminar is important since it relays important information to

people so that they don’t do the mistake other did. Because Like I said earlier, all of this can be
avoided by having control, awareness and knowledge. Teenage Pregnancy and HIV has a lot of
risks in your body plus it affects your image. Hopefully people can realize this before they make
a mistake. Let us avoid mistakes and create a future where people have a healthy body and a
healthy mindset.

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