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Association Rule Mining

product recommendations. Data Mining and Knowledge Zaki, M. J. (2000). Scalable algorithms for association
Discovery, 5(1/2), 11-32. mining. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data A
Engineering, 12(3), 372-390.
Oyama, T., Kitano, K., Satou, K., & Ito, T. (2002).
Extraction of knowledge on protein-protein interaction
by association rule discovery. Bioinformatics, 18(5),
705-714. KEY TERMS
Sarda, N. L., & Srinivas, N. V. (1998). An adaptive
Apriori: A classic algorithm that popularized as-
algorithm for incremental mining of association
sociation rule mining. It pioneered a method to generate
rules. Proceedings of the Ninth International Confer-
candidate itemsets by using only frequent itemsets in the
ence on Database and Expert Systems (pp. 240-245),
previous pass. The idea rests on the fact that any subset
of a frequent itemset must be frequent as well. This idea
Wang, K., Zhou, S., & Han, J. (2002). Profit mining: is also known as the downward closure property.
From patterns to actions. Proceedings of the Eighth
Itemset: An unordered set of unique items, which
International Conference on Extending Database
may be products or features. For computational ef-
Technology (pp. 70-87), Prague.
ficiency, the items are often represented by integers.
Woon, Y. K., Li, X., Ng, W. K., & Lu, W. F. (2003). A frequent itemset is one with a support count that
Parameterless data compression and noise filtering us- exceeds the support threshold, and a candidate itemset
ing association rule mining. Proceedings of the Fifth is a potential frequent itemset. A k-itemset is an itemset
International Conference on Data Warehousing and with exactly k items.
Knowledge Discovery (pp. 278-287), Prague.
Key: A unique sequence of values that defines the
Woon, Y. K., Ng, W. K., & Das, A. (2001). Fast online location of a node in a tree data structure.
dynamic association rule mining. Proceedings of the
Patricia Trie: A compressed binary trie. The Pa-
Second International Conference on Web Information
tricia (Practical Algorithm to Retrieve Information
Systems Engineering (pp. 278-287), Japan.
Coded in Alphanumeric) trie is compressed by avoiding
Woon, Y. K., Ng, W. K., & Lim, E. P. (2002). Online one-way branches. This is accomplished by including
and incremental mining of separately grouped web in each node the number of bits to skip over before
access logs. Proceedings of the Third International making the next branching decision.
Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering
SOTrieIT: A dual-level trie whose nodes represent
(pp. 53-62), Singapore.
itemsets. The position of a node is ordered by the
Woon, Y. K., Ng, W. K., & Lim, E. P. (2004). A sup- support count of the itemset it represents; the most
port-ordered trie for fast frequent itemset discovery. frequent itemsets are found on the leftmost branches
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineer- of the SOTrieIT.
ing, 16(5).
Support Count of an Itemset: The number of
Yang, D. Y., Johar, A., Grama, A., & Szpankowski, W. transactions that contain a particular itemset.
(2000). Summary structures for frequency queries on
Support Threshold: A threshold value that is
large transaction sets. Proceedings of the Data Com-
used to decide if an itemset is interesting/frequent. It
pression Conference (pp. 420-429).
is defined by the user, and generally, an association
Yiu, M. L., & Mamoulis, N. (2003). Frequent-pattern rule mining algorithm has to be executed many times
based iterative projected clustering. Proceedings of before this value can be well adjusted to yield the
the Third International Conference on Data Mining, desired results.

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