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INDEPENDENT THIRD PARTY REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF ENGINE PERFORMANCE, FUEL ECONOMY AND EXHAUST EMISSIONS ON GASOLINE AND DIESEL ENGINES WITH THE, ADDITION OF HYDROGEN AND OXYGEN (HHO) GAS. REPORT PREPARED FOR, EMPIRE HYDROGEN ENERGY SYSTEMS INC. Best ( ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES BEST ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES PAUL (Warde), Thomas, Ph.D. Special Projects Hydro Science 9610 - 39 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta ‘TOE ST9 Phone: 780-700-9200 February 2012 INDEPENDENT THIRD PARTY REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF EMPIRE HYDROGEN FUEL ENHANCEMENT SYSTEM ™ TABLE OF CONTENTS DISCLAIMER, ita BACK GROUND. a a 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. d, EXPRR MEN DURE OF HNO GENERATOR, ROAD TESTING, i r 2 EMISSONS TESTS. ll et 12 TESTIMONIALS. - a esa ld FUTURE OF HHO ON DEMAND. sie ae 15 CONCLUSION, 16 February 2012 2 DISCLAIMER This third party independent review and evaluation was prepared as an account of work conducted by Paul (Warde), Thomas, Ph.D. on behalf of EMPIRE HYDROGEN ENERGY SYSTEMS INC. Alll reasonable efforts were made to ensure that the work conforms to accepted scientific, engineering and environmental practices, but I, Paul (Warde) Thomas make no other representation and give no other warranty with respect to the reliability, accuracy, vali fitness of the information, analysis and conclusions contained in this Report. Any and all implied or statutory warranties of merchantability or fitness for any purpose are expressly excluded. EMPIRE HYDROGEN SYSTEMS INC. acknowledges that any use or interpretation of the information, analysis or conclusions contained in this Report is at its own risk, Reference herein to any specified commercial product, process or service by trade-name, trademark, and manufacturer or otherwise does not constitute or imply an endorsement or recommendation by me. February 2012 3 BACK GROUND When hydrogen gas and oxygen (HHO or Hydroxy gas) produced by the Empire Hydrogen Fuel Enhancement Systems is used as an additive in gas or diesel engines it will increase the performance of internal combustion engines, both gas and diesel, with improved fuel economy, reduced exhaust emissions and increased power. The on-board hydrogen-oxygen (HHO system) produces gas on demand (that is only when the engine is running), which is then introduced into the air intake manifold of diesel or gasoline powered vehicle engines. The system produces HHO gas on demand from an on board, self contained system, through the electrolysis of distilled water. It should be noted that the HHO gas is not used as a replacement for gasoline or diesel fuel as this would consume a huge amount of electrical energy in order to produce the gas in sufficient quantity to do that. In this case HHO gas is used only as a catalyst and in a very small amount, only a few parts per million. This small quantity can be produced using a relatively small amount of electrical energy supplied by the vehicles alternator, thus not creating a significant increase in engine load. The small volume of HHO gas is introduced through the vehicle’s air intake manifold where it is combined with the vehicle’s existing fuel/air mixture either diesel or gasoline. Although it was difficult to determine the exact amount of HHO introduced to the fuel mixture of the test vehicles, due to alternator voltage and amperage fluctuations, it was noted that the amount produced by the Empire Systems was sufficient to bring about an improvement in all of the vehicles tested. The addition of HHO gas acted as a catalyst causing the gasoline and diesel fuels to bun more rapidly, more completely and at a higher ignition temperature. The volumes delivered into the air intake of the test vehicles by the Empire System did not change the performance of the test vehicles when increased above the factory settings. Experiments were conducted to establish the minimum amount of HHO required to achieve the performance improvements for various engine capacities. HHO volumes where then increased and vehicle performance noted, no changes were recorded indicating that HHO gas does not have to be precisely measured and injected into engines in order to bring about considerable improvements in economy and performance. Relatively, only a few parts per million of HHO are all that is required, too little is not enough and more is not necessary. Empire have not recorded any damage being caused to any of the engines on their test vehicles by the addition of HHO, they have also searched for any studies or published papers on the subject and have found none. Some of the Empire test vehicles have been running in excess of ‘wo years with no reports of engine damage, which corresponds with anecdotal information found on the Internet. Other improvements were observed on the test vehicles over and above the fuel economy, power and emission improvements: * Carbon build up on the exhaust pipe was eliminated. + Diesel engines appeared to be less noisy. February 2012 4 + Engine operating temperature was very slightly reduced even though the ignition temperature with HHO was increased. This was because the higher temperature and more rapid ignition accumulated less heat (latent heat) than before use of the HHO system. + “Dieseling” or “run on” after turning of the ignition, particularly on the diesel test vehicles was eliminated, In addition to vehicle testing carried out by myself, Empire Hydrogen made available their own test data for review plus a number of published technical papers (some positive and some negative toward HHO systems), that had been provided to Empire by their US based consultant mechanical engineer, The list of papers is as follows: 1. S. Bari and M.M. Esmaeil, “Effect of H2/02 addition in increasing the thermal efficiency of a diesel engine”, Fuel 89:378-383 (2010). 2. Ali Can Yilmaz, et al., “Effect of hydroxy (HHO) gas addition on performance and exhaust emissions in compression ignited engines”, Int J Hydrogen Energy (2010), doi:10.1016/).ihydene.2010.07.040 3. Al-Rousan AA, “Reduction of fuel consumption in gasoline engines by introducing HHO gas into intake manifold”, Int J Hydrogen Energy (2010), doi:10.1016/.ijhydene.2010.08.144 4. S, Samuel and G. McCormick, “Hydrogen Enriched Diesel Combustion”, SAE Paper, 2010012190 (2010). 5. R. Chiriac et al, “Effects of Gasoline-Air Enrichment with HRG Gas on Efficiency and emissions of a SI Engine”, SAE Paper, 2006013431 (2006) 6. Z. Dulger and K. Ozeelik, “Fuel Economy Improvement by on Board Electrolytic Hydrogen Production”, Int J Hydrogen Energy 25:895-897 (2000). 7. G. Balan, “Field study of the effects of the hydrogen generating system on power, fuel economy and emissions in gasoline and diesel engines”, Proceedings of the 1999 Spring ‘Technical Conference of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division, Columbus, IN, Paper No. 99- ICE-178. 8. Chaiwongsa P, et al. Effective Hydrogen Generator Testing for on-site small engine. PhysicsProcedia (2) (2009) 93-100. 9. R. Santilli, “A new gaseous and combustible form of water”, Int J Hydrogen Energy 31:1113-1128 (2006). February 2012 5 10. C. Eckman, “Plasma Orbital Expansion of the Electrons in Water”, Proceedings of the 17th Annual Natural Philosophy Alliance Conference, Long Beach, CA, Vol. 6, No. 2. 11. H, Ymamoto, “Explanation of anomalous combustion of Brown’s Gas using Dr. Mills" Hydrino Theory”, SAE Paper, 1999-01-3325 (1999). 12. 0, Hung-Kuk, “Some comments on implosion and Brown gas”, J Materials Proces Tech 95:8-9 (1999). 13. Y. Hacohen and E. Sher, “An internal combustion SI engine fueled with hydrogen- enriched gasoline”, Israel Journal of Technology 25:41-54 (1989), 14, Park etal, “Vitrification of Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Fly ash using Brown’s Gas”, Bnergy & Fuels 19:258-262 (2005). 15. M. Milen and B. Kiril. “Investigation of the effects of hydrogen addition on performance and exhaust emissions of diesel engine” University of Bulgaria June 2011. 16. Hsin-Kai Wang, Chia-Yu Cheng, Yuan-Chung Lin, Kang-Shin Chen. Emission reductions of Air Pollutants from a Heavy-duty Diesel Engine Mixed withVarious Amounts of 1H2/02. Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung 80424, Taiwan. 17, 8.0. Bade Shrestha. A Before Treatment Method for Reduction of Emissions in Diesel Engines. University of Calgary. 18, Birtas, Voicu etal. The effect of HRG gas addition on diesel engine combustion characteristics and exhaust emissions. University Polytechnic Bucharest Romania. February 2012 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Empire Hydrogen Energy Systems Inc. is a privately held company based in Sidney, B.C. and has developed proprietary oxy-hydrogen technology which significantly increases the fuel efficiency and power from internal combustion engines while dramatically reducing harmful exhaust emissions, without modification to the engine itself. ‘The Empire Hydrogen Enhancement System is an on-board accessory for motor vehicles and other devices with intemal combustion engines and is intended to be sold and installed as a complete system by factory-trained distributors / installers. This system will be initially introduced to the Canadian marketplace ut distributors who have been extensively trained by the company’s accredited training manager and his team. The initial target market will include Municipal vehicle fleets, commercial fleets and the transportation market in general. The company approached me, Dr. Paul (Warde), Thomas, Ph.D. of Best Environmental Technologies, to evaluate and give an independent third party report for the equipment and performance of the (Empire Hydrogen Fuel Enhancement System). In-house laboratory tests and vehicle road tests conducted by myself confirmed the test results provided by Empire Hydrogen (The Empire Hydrogen Fuel Enhancement System) and showed a significant reduction in harmful emissions, reduced consumption of fuel and increase power in all the motor vehicles (both gas and diesel) tested. ‘The reduction of fuel consumption in the vehicles tested ranged from 14.9% to 27%. These vehicles were re-tested by me and the results confirmed, It is my opinion that this system can produce fuel reduction efficiencies from 10% to 30% depending on the condition of the engine and the operation of the vehicle. Evaluations were also carried out at Empire's R & D and manufacturing facilities to test the quality of the hydrogen and the amount of HHO produced under different voltages and amperage. The type and quantity of electrolytes was also confirmed and baselined for all lab and road testing. February 2012 1 EXPERIMENTAL LAB SETUP AND TEST PROCEDURE OF HHO GENERATOR The following equipment was used to evaluate the production of hydrogen and oxygen produced by the Empire HHO system. For these lab tests a standard Empire cell was used, with all of the components that would usually make up a complete system as follows: + Standard Empire HHO cell Blow back safety / dryer unit Water reservoir tank Scrubber tank Empire standard electrolyte KOH. Distilled water Empire pulse width modulator The following equipment was used for the lab test in place of a vehicle altemator to provide power to the system: 7655 Switching mode DC regulated power supply. 2 the HHO gas output a standard | litre floating flask was used. © tenn + Tomeasi The first experiment was to establish the volume of HHO gas produced at 13.7 volts and at 20 Amps, the standard settings when the system is used on vehicles. While it is known that the volume of HHO is not critical to the performance of the system when installed on a vehicle it was necessary to know the volume that was being added to the gasoline or diesel fuel, ‘The test established that 2 litres of HHO per minute were consistently produced. ‘The test was repeated using a second cell and the results remained the same at 2 litres per minute. The final test was to measure the output of two cells connected together in the same way as the Empire full size truck systems, the result with two cells, 13.7 volts at 40 Amps was 4 litres per minute, Alll tests were carried out using the standard electrolyte mixture that had been baselined at the outset of testing. February 2012 ROAD TESTING The first phase of the road tests was to obtain fuel economy numbers for each of the test vehicles before the installation of the HHO systems, Empire Hydrogen have chosen to use what they describe as “real life” tests rather than, lab tests or continuous speed track tests, both of which can produce very accurate results, but not results that can be duplicated by vehicle operators, hence their preference for “real life” driving tests. For their “real life” testing Empire have chosen a test route of 162 km (almost exactly 100 miles) and all vehicles are driven from the Empire labs to the destination, the vehicle allowed to cool, the system checked, but not adjusted and then driven back to the lab. The test vehicles are filled at the commencement of the test and at the end and the mileage recorded. Fuel consumption and distance traveled are used to calculate Litres per 100 km and Imperial miles per gallon, Weather conditions are not taken into consideration unless they are so extreme that results could be seriously impacted. The route also has some sections where heavy traffic is normal, some inclines up to 330 metres and some flat congestion free sections. When they are testing each vehicle may be taken on the test route several times to confirm the results. Empire does nothing to artificially raise the fuel economy numbers, again “real life testing” which is designed to ‘ensures that their future customers will enjoy the same results that were achieved during testing and not be frustrated by trying to reach artificial fuel economy numbers. Several vehicles were equipped with complete Empire HHO systems, installation was carried out in their factory, by their own technicians, but all road testing was carried out by myself or under my close scrutiny. The first vehicle test was to confirm that the production of HHO on the test vehicles was the same as had been measured in the lab, The HHO hose was disconnected at the vehicle air intake manifold and the floating flask gas volume measuring device used. Gas volume ‘was confirmed to be the same on each vehicle as in the lab. Five test vehicles were used for the initial testing as follows: + 2004 MAZDA RX8 (with rotary engine) 2008 FORD F350 SUPER DUTY WITH 6.4 LITRE TURBO DIESEL 2007 DODGE with 5.9 CUMMINS TURBO DIESEL 2000 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 5.4 LITRE GASOLINE. 2007 GMC W5500 TRUCK (WITH 5.2 LITRE ISUZU DIESEL ENGINE) Test results are as follows: 2004 MAZDA RX8 (with rotary engine) + Baseline fuel economy before system install:18.68 L/100 km = 15.122 mpg + Average over 6 test runs 15,28L/100 km=18.475 mpg, + Best single test (not included in average) 12.24L/100 km=23.08 mpg * % improvement = 22.17% February 2012 9 2008 FORD F350 SUPER DUTY WITH 6.4 LITRE TURBO DIESEL. Baseline fuel economy before system install:18.784 L/100 km = 15.03 mpg Average over 6 test runs 15.617L/100 km=18.087 mpg Best single test (not included in average) 13.092L/100 km=21.575 mpg % improvement = 20.341% February 2012 10 2007 DODGE with 5.9 CUMMINS TURBO DI + Baseline fuel economy before system install:17.655L/100 km = 16.00 mpg # Average over 6 test runs 14.2321/100 km=19.848 mpg Best single test (not included in average) 12.082L/100 km=22.598 mpg % improvement = 24.096% 2000 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 5.4 LITRE GASOLINE + Baseline fuel economy before system install:18.107L/100 km. + Average over 6 test runs 14.749L/100 km=19.152 mpg + Best single test (not included in average) 12.24/10 km=23.38 mpg, + % improvement = 22.53% 15.60 mpg, 2007 GMC W5500 TRUCK (WITH 5.2 LITRE ISUZU DIESEL ENGINE) + Baseline fuel economy before system install:24.691L/100 km = 11.44 mpg Average over 6 test runs 21.250L/100 km=13.293 mpg Best single test (not included in average) 18.450L/100 km=15.310 mpg, % improvement = 16.19% February 2012 u EMISSONS TESTS The emissions were measured for each of the test vehicles before the addition of the Empire HHO systems and again after. The instrument used was a portable gas analyzer built by Aplus Autologic model 310-0120 connected to a standard laptop computer. Diesel opacity tests were no cartied out for the test vehicles. It should be noted that when gasoline or diesel engines are in good working order emission improvements may be quite subtle. Engines that are heavily carbonized, worn or in a poor state of tune will show greater improvements in emission levels. Engines in a good state of tune will show less change. The emissions that were measured were: * Carbon Dioxide (CO,), This is a desirable byproduct that is produced when the carbon. from the fuel is fully oxidized during combustion. The higher the number the more efficient the engine is running. CO» does not directly impair human health, but is a ‘greenhouse gas that traps the earth’s heat causing global warming, Because of the frequent mention of CO, in the media it is incorrectly implied that vehicle CO, emissions can be eliminated, but a gasoline engine in excellent running order will produce 14.5% CO; or higher. Lower than 14.5% would indicate a poorly running engine that would be producing more harmful emissions, + Hydrocarbons. (HC) are partially burned fuel molecules and combine with nitrogen oxides and sunlight to form ground level ozone and smog. + Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a colorless. Odorless poisonous gas resulting from incomplete combustion of fuel when engines are not tuned properly. + Oxygen (0,) - During combustion the more oxygen that is bumt the better, assuming no exhaust leaks high levels of O; indicate a possible misfire in the engine, * Oxides of Nitrogen (NOs). Caused by excessive combustion temperature in the engine, including: engine being too lean, cooling system problems, Oz sensor problems, EGR problems, timing problems or excessive carbon deposits. The before and after tests were to ensure that all emissions improved after the installation of the HHO system and that none were made worse, results are as follows: Emissions 2004 MAZDA RX8 (with rotary engine): = O% 0.1% reduced to 0.01% + HCPPM 245 reduced to 9 = CO% 0.762 reduced to .027 + CO% 13.85 corrected to 14.25 * NOx PPM 0.07 reduced to 0.00 Emissions: 2008 FORD F350 SUPER DUTY WITH 6.4 LITRE TURBO DIESEL + 0% 18.07 constant 18.60 + HCPPM 8 reduced to 3 February 2012 2 co% CO.% NOx PPM. 0.009 reduced to 0.005 1,59 reduced to 1.27 187 reduced to 75 Smissions: 2007 DODGE with 5.9 CUMMINS TURBO DIESEL. 0% HC PPM co% cO% NOx PPM Q 8a = 18.8 constant 18.5 8 reduced to 2 0.762 reduced to .027 0.008 constant to 0.006 128 reduced to 80 ions: 2000 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 5.4 LITRE GASOLINE 1.4% reduced to 0.24% 21 reduced to 18 0.02 reduced to 0.00 13.83 corrected to 14.2 241 reduced to 37 Emissions: 2007 GMC WSS00 TRUCK WITH 5.2 LITRE ISUZU DIESEL ENGINE * O HC PPM CO% CO% NOx PPM February 2012 18.9% reduced to 17.9% 19 reduced to 5 0.8 reduced to 0.27 2 reduced to 1.79 227 reduced to 88 TESTIMONIALS Thave interviewed the people who have given the performance testimonials attached and have confirmed the performance figures given by them. I have personally confirmed that their vehicles continue to perform as they described in their testimonials. February 2012 FUTURE OF HHO ON DEMAND In my opinion the future for the installation of HHO systems on vehicles, similar to those tested and larger commercial vehicles is very good. Until now, the demand for systems has been satisfied by small operations and hobbyists selling units to people wanting to experiment with the technology, have some fun, and maybe save some money on their vehicle fuel bills. No businesses have undertaken the task of commercializing the technology by designing units suitable for use, particularly on commercial vehicles, with engines ranging in size from approximately 5 litres to 15 litres until now. The late start to commercialization has been mainly due to a few published reports, as well as misinformation available on the Internet, stating that HHO on demand cannot be produced efficiently to reduce emissions or improve vehicle economy. If HHO were being produced in large volumes to use as a principal source of fuel, to replace di or gasoline, that would be true as the load developed by the vehicle alternator to produce that fuel would consume more energy than the energy added by the HHO gas. However, HHO in the Empire system is being used a catalyst only and as such is produced in a relatively small quantity that ean easily be produced without excess load on the alternator. As a catalyst the HHO is only required in a few parts per million to bring about improvements in engine efficiency. The published papers, confirmed test results and correct information on the Internet have brought the Empire HHO system into the forefront of an industry that is poised to finally be taken seriously. Because of the relatively low cost of the HHO systems they should now enjoy widespread acceptance and be adopted for use particularly in commercial vehicles as well as cars, stationary engine and marine applications. With fuel costs continuing to rise, constant concern over pollution and vehicle emissions, a cost effective device that can be used on all vehicles, old and new, should be an attractive solution for very many businesses as well as individual vehicle owners. February 2012 1s CONCLUSION In conclusion, after personally conducting “real life” road tests, my evaluation of the Empire test results and reviewing the results for other vehicles with Empire HHO systems installed I ean confirm the positive results claimed by Empire Hydrogen Energy Systems. ‘The tests | performed showed that the addition of HHO gas to the engines of the test vehicles significantly reduced harmful emissions and improved fuel economy. Amperage readings taken on the test vehicles also confirmed that the small additional load put on the alternator was insignificant and did not have any negative effect on the vehicles tested. February 2012 16 Best ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES INDEPENDENT THIRD PARTY REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF EMPIRE HYDROGEN FUEL ENHANCEMENT SYSTEM tm 1, PAUL (Warde), Thomas, Ph.D. Of Best Environmental Technologies, do hereby certify that the above statements are true and correct. Signed: Date: Paul (Warde ) Thomas: + Ph.D. University of Puerto Rico, Biology 1990 + Ph.D. University of Guelph, Molecular Science 2003 Hon Ph.D University Conklynne, Chemistry 2004 February 2012 n Total Satisfaction! 1 am totally satisfied with the Empire Hydrogen Energy System which I had installed in my 2004 Mazda RX8 on June 8, 2011. After installation I could immediately feel the difference it was like driving a new car. The increase in power along with the RX8’s handling was an added plus to the Hydrogen Energy System making it that much more fun to drive. Taking the ferry home from Swartz Bay to Tsawwassen with just under a half a tank I drove to South Burnaby then on to Richmond then later on back home to South Burnaby about 110km and the fuel gauge hardly moved. Normally I would need to fill up at some point during this trip. I perform weddings and officiate various occasions which requires driving about 400km per week yet since June 8, 2011 I have seen an increase in fuel economy of up to 27% and my fuel economy is increasing as I continue to drive! T must admit with the increase of power I have a hard time going easy on the gas petal and that is the reason my fuel consumption is inconsistent. However with the reduction in emissions and the increased performance I am happy with the unit and totally satisfied with the results. Here are the numbers we measured on your car November 3, 2011, with and without the HHO system, numbers on the left are with the system off : * 02 0.61%-- * HC * NOX * co * CO2 14.15%- 4.72% (should be 14.5+) The numbers all look good with the system on. Quite good with the system off, but the HC 998 PPM is a bit high, but don't worry it may be caused by some very simple things like the engine being cold and the choke coming on etc....It's an indicator of unburned fuel in the exhaust. Regards, Mitchell Clarke Discovery 4 Life Discover Self, Community, God and Destiny It's a continual experience 604-970-0914 ‘ T 784260911. 778426 0456, #7-10180 MacDonala Park Road Senay. BC. VEL SKS website: ae EM R dR FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE zim Empire Hydrogen Receives Feedback from Total Delivery April 28, 2011 - Empire Hydrogen Energy Systems, Inc. ("Empire Hydrogen”) is pleased to pass ‘on feedback from Total Delivery Systems, which had installed Empire’s Fuel enhancement System on a mid-sized delivery truck a month ago (see 3/22/11 news release) Recently Empire Hydrogen Energy Systems installed one of their systems onto my 2007 GMC W500, diese! box truck. The truck has a capacity of 9800 kg (27,000 Ibs) and has 5.2 litre Isuzu diesel engine that has over 70,000 km showing on the odometer. ‘The vehicle is used for local courier deliveries and is loaded almost to capacity daily Deliveries consist of many short journeys with lots of idling, heavy city trafic driving and a few highway journeys of approximately 60 - 70 Kms. In the first few weeks since installation the fuel consumption has improved by more than 14% which, considering the type of driving done during that period, has exceeded my expectations, Emissions have also been reduced significantly, but the most impressive aspect of the system is the increase in power that has been most apparent when driving up steep inclines, Some of the journeys | make are over local hills with single lanes where my vehicle has previously been the cause of slow downs, particularly when loaded, due to 2 lack of power. With the Empire HHO system installed my truck is now capable of ‘maintaining a higher speed up hills and is no longer the cause of hold ups. Also, | am no longer driving with my foot to the floor. | have not had before and after testing done on 2 dynamometer to measure the BHP, but the increase in power is significant. Finally, | should mention that the HHO system, mounted in a box was installed in under two hours and apart from topping up with distilled water every couple of days has required no additional attention at all Overall, | am very happy with the system and the service | have received from Empire Energy and will not hesitate to put similar systems on my trucks in the future, Signed Rick Story Total Delivery Systems, Incis a courier, delivery and logistics company based in Victoria, BC, with 18 branches throughout British Columbia. The company's fleet size is approximately 100 vehicles of varying sizes, Empire's Oxy-Hydrogen Fuel Enhancement System” can significantly improve the fuel efficiency of an internal combustion engine (gasoline or diesel), and reduce harmful emissions by up to 70%, without modification to the engine itself, More information on the company can be found wna. For more information, please contact: Marcel Brichon, CFA, FCS! Vice President, Corporate Development Empire International Energy Services, Inc Tel: 604.218.3855 E-mail Empire Hydrogen Energy Systems, Inc INTERNATIONAL 5705 76 Avenue Edmonton AB. 168 0A7 Website FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Empire Hydrogen Receives Testimonial on Oxy-Hydrogen Fuel Enhancement System™. September 9, 2010 - Empire International Energy Service Inc. (“Empire”) and its subsidiary, Empire Hydrogen Energy Services, Inc. are pleased to have received a testimonial on the efficacy of its proprietary Empire Oxy-Hydrogen Fuel Enhancement System™ Hi John, {ust wanted to take some time to share with you the results | have seen with ragard to the system you had placed in my 2005 Toyote Tacoma in December 2009. 1) I noticed an initial increase in horsepower — | am not sure exactly how much, but when I throttle down, there isn't any hesitation 2) The emissions | am expelling out of my tailpipe seem to be minimal noxious gas by comparison which only makes sense since | am apparently “Burning” water 3) My average tank of fuel based on 72 liters normally would take me between 500 540 km — Now with the Hydrogen Dry Cell, my average is between 620 - 660 km on the same tank ‘This is @ huge savings in time and money because | don't feel like half my time is ‘spent at the gas station .... YAY !! 4) actually feel like my truck is running smoother. It doesn't have the same light, rumble it used too which is fantastic. Its like someone cleared the airway ‘Anyhow, | hope you can share this with other people as | do on a regular basis ! This is absolutely briliant John Il I look forward to your next evolution | ‘Thank you again Sincerely, James xooo00x Empire's Oxy-Hydrogen Fuel Enhancement System™ can improve the fuel efficiency of a vehicle (gasoline or diesel) by 15 ~ 45%, and reduce harmful emissions by up to 70%, without modification to the engine itself, More information can be found at cinpitehy EMPIRE HYDROGEN TESTIMONIAL [have a 2004 Passat wagon, 1.8 L turbo gas, approx 100,000 km. [had my car converted to Empire Hydrogen approx 2 months ago. This Passat has an onboard computer which accurately measures fuel consumption, including a setting that records “litres per hour” when idling. It always said between 1.3 and 1.4 L/hr. Immediately I noticed that it said 0.9-1.0 L/hr, a saving of approximately + 30% , and the exhaust was mostly water vapour, with no gas smell! This car always gets pretty good gas mileage, usually averaging 8.8 L/100k on the highway, or around 32.1 mpg. On a recent trip over the Malahat Mountain highway from Victoria to WhippleTree Junction S of Nanaimo I recorded 7.4 L/100k or 38.2 mpg for a +15.9 % improvement. I had previously recorded economies up to +14.0 % so the fuel efficiency appears to be improving over time and I expect to reach over 40 mpg soon. This car definitely has more get up and go with less pressure on the gas pedal! In preparation for this conversion I took my car to the ICBC Air Care Centre in Richmond and recorded the “before” fuel consumption and exhaust emission data. I am going to take it back this Summer for the “after” comparisons and then I will do an update on this testimonial. Stay tuned! Peter Northover 250-294-9882 June 12, 2011 pnorthover

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