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Lesson 1: Resources

Photos of 'someone very special’ to the teacher:

1. What are humans’ basic needs that must be met in order to grow and change?
2. What is an observable change that will occur when you grow up?
3. What is an observable feature that will stay the same when you grow up?

Lesson 1: Assessment
Student Objective 1: Objective 2: Comments
Records one observable feature that Records one observable feature that
will change over time will stay the same over time
Lesson 2: Resources
Station 3: Craft Ideas Craft materials: KWL chart:

Memory Game- Frog life cycle cards:

Green frog eggs Green frog tadpole Red-eyed Tree frog eggs Red-eyed Tree frog tadpole Poison-dart frog eggs Poison-dart frog tadpole

Green frog froglet Green frog adult Red-eyed Tree frog froglet Red-eyed Tree frog adult Poison-dart frog froglet Poison-dart frog adult

Lesson 2: Assessment
Student Objective 1: Objective 2: Comments
Record one prediction of the change that Identify three changes that have occurred
may occur to the frog within the frog’s growth
Lesson 3: Resources

Children’s literature: Craft materials: QR codes:

Lesson 3: Assessment
Student Objective 1: Objective 2: Comments
Create a labelled diagram of the frog’s features List at least three (3) characteristics of the
at the allocated stage of growth of the frog allocated stage of growth of the frog
Lesson 4: Resources
Student QR code to padlet: Class padlet: Frog enclosure:

Lesson 4: Assessment
Student Objective 1: Objective 2: Comments
Record detailed observations of the Compare to their predictions of growth, as
investigation making reference to the four written in the investigation planner, to the
senses as seen in the investigation planner observations made within the lesson
Lesson 5: Assessment

Marking rubric

Excellent High Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Write a final Completes a detailed Completes a detailed Completes final Does not meet the
reflection using at final reflection using final reflection using reflection using three requirements of a
least three (3) words more than three (3) three (3) words from (3) words from the satisfactory grade
from the word wall words from the word the word wall word wall
Correctly state three States more than States more than States three (2) Does not meet the
(2) characteristics of three (2) three (2) characteristics of requirements of a
each stage of growth characteristics of characteristics of each stage of growth satisfactory grade
in the life cycle of a each stage of growth each stage of growth in the life cycle of a
frog in the life cycle of a in the life cycle of a frog
frog and provides frog
elaborations of each
Create a labelled Correctly draws a Correctly draws and Correctly labels each Does not meet the
diagram of the frog’s detailed diagram with labels each stage of stage of the frog’s life requirements of a
life cycle clear predictable the frog’s life cycle cycle satisfactory grade
characteristics and
correctly labels each
stage of the frog’s life

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