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ASAIO Journal 2011

The Effect of Prolonged Intradialytic Exercise in Hemodialysis

Efficiency Indices

Optimal hemodialysis (HD) dose is very important to pa- indices of adequacy have been incorporated into the current
tients’ health and survival, and various indices of adequacy clinical practice to monitor dialysis efficiency.1
have been incorporated into the current clinical practice to An HD treatment is characterized as “adequate” when the
monitor HD efficiency. Exercise during HD could facilitate patients are fully rehabilitated from uremia symptoms, have
solute removal; however, it is still unknown whether pro- good nutritional status, sufficient production of red blood cells,
longed intradialytic exercise could further improve HD maintain normal blood pressure, and the development of neu-
efficiency. Ten stable “high-functioning” HD patients volun- ropathy is prevented.2 The most popular HD adequacy index
teered to participate. The patients were studied under two is the Kt/Vurea, which represents the urea clearance at t time of
scenarios during HD: 1) supine exercise (cycling) for 3 hours HD treatment per unit of urea distribution volume. A good Kt/V
at 40% of maximum exercise capacity and 2) no exercise as is translated into better solute removal and this has been
usual. Blood sampling was acquired pre- and post-HD in both associated with less organ toxicity since in the medium long
scenarios to calculate the HD efficiency indices. All patients term the vital organs are generally exposed into less toxicity
completed the exercise regime with no adverse effects. reducing thus the severity of systemic damage.3 HD efficiency
Rather, all efficiency indices significantly improved in the can be improved by manipulating HD procedure in ways such
prolonged exercise scenario, compared with the no-exercise as increasing the duration or frequency of HD session, increas-
one. In particular Kt/V, urea reduction ratio, and creatinine ing the HD solution flow rate, and by using high-flux HD
reduction ratio significantly improved by 20%, 11%, and
Survival in patients treated with HD is influenced by the
26%, respectively, while potassium plasma levels were re-
dialysis dose and unfortunately the statistics are disappointing
duced by 77.5% (p < 0.05). In conclusion, prolonged low-
for such a “lifesaving therapy.”4 The results of the HEMO study
intensity intradialytic exercise improved HD efficiency, with
show that the minimum recommended dialysis dose is also the
no adverse effects. HD patients should be encouraged to
best possible attainable and therefore interest is now turning to
participate in exercise regimes not only for the known long-
alternative approaches modifying the HD session to improve
term benefits regarding their cardiovascular health but also patients treatment and survival.5
for the acute effect of exercise in the HD adequacy. ASAIO Intradialytic exercise also influence HD efficiency when it is
Journal 2011; 57:213–218. implemented either chronically6,7 or acutely.8 A single bout of
60-minute intradialytic exercise at submaximal level improved
T he uremic syndrome is a consequence of a failing kidney HD efficiency by 14%, corresponding approximately to a
function that leads to the accumulation of body fluids and 20-minute extra HD time.8 For the past three decades, intra-
byproducts which in turn induce systemic damages in a dialytic exercise programs have been applied in many HD
concentration-dependent manner.1 Hemodialysis (HD) is a units worldwide to improve the patient’s general health and
substitute to transplantation therapy that occurs three times a quality of life. Benefits from an exercise training program
week for approximately 4 hours per session and lasts until the include improvements in muscle size and composition, func-
patient receives an allograph or for a patient’s whole life. tional capacity and cardiorespiratory fitness, blood pressure,
Optimal HD dose and dialysis frequency is very important to cardiac dysfunction, and improving mental health.9 –13 Such
patients’ health and survival and for these reasons various improvements have been also observed after daily HD (six
sessions/week) or nocturnal HD (for a review, see Ref. 1);
however, such treatment options require specific and com-
plex organization including training centers for patients,
From the *Departments of Nephrology, School of Medicine, Uni- in-house nursing assistance, and 24/7 technical assistance
versity of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece; †Department of Life and Health
Sciences, University of Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus; ‡Center for Research and support.14
and Technology-Thessaly, Greece; §Department of Sport Science, So far, there are no available treatment options that can be
University of Thessaly, Trikala, Greece; and 储Department of Biochem- applied within an HD protocol without modifying the duration or
istry, School of Medicine, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece. the frequency of HD. Even though such approaches could be
Submitted for consideration September 2010; accepted for publica-
tion in revised form February 2011.
very effective in terms of HD adequacy, they alter patients’ life
Reprint Requests: Christoforos D. Giannaki, PhD, University General schedule; reduce quality of life leading inevitably to a very low
Hospital of Larissa, Nephrology Clinic, Hemodialysis Unit, Mezourlo adherence. Although brief intermediate exercise during HD
Hills, GR 41-110 Larissa, Greece. Email: can improve dialysis efficiency by 14%,8 it has not yet been
DOI: 10.1097/MAT.0b013e318215dc9e examined whether a single bout of continued low-intensity


intradialytic exercise could possibly lead to further improve- exertion (RPE) developed by Borg.15 Briefly, the Borg RPE scale
ments in HD efficiency markers. The current study aims to is 15-point scale (ranges from 6 to 20), with 6 to denote “no
examine whether a low-intensity intradialytic continued aero- exertion at all” and 20 to denote “maximal exertion.”
bic exercise bout lasting for approximately 3 hours could
further improve HD efficiency markers. HD Procedure

Methods The patients underwent the HD therapy (Fresenius 4008B,

Oberursel, Germany) with low-flux, hollow-fiber dialyzers and
Subjects bicarbonate buffer. The HD session lasted 4 hours. An enoxa-
Thirty-six stable HD patients were screened for the current parin dose of 40 – 60 mg was administered intravenously
study; however, only 10 patients (45.7 ⫾ 10.9 years, 2 fe- before the beginning of each HD treatment session. Erythro-
males) fulfilled the inclusion criteria and agreed to participate poietin (EPO) therapy was given after the completion of HD
to the study. All patients gave written informed consent for session to normalize hemoglobin levels within 11–12 g/dl. The
study participation after full explanation of the procedure. The dialysate temperature was maintained at 36.5°C in both sce-
study was approved by the Human Research and Ethics Com- narios to keep a relatively constant body temperature. The
mittee at the University of Thessaly. dialysate temperature was assessed through a sensor in the
blood line of the HD machine. The HD procedure was per-
Inclusion Criteria formed exactly the same way for both scenarios, while all HD
sessions lasted precisely 4 hours.
The entry criteria for the study were receipt of chronic HD
for 6 months or more with adequate HD delivery (Kt/V ⬎1.0),
stable clinical condition, and arm arteriovenous fistula. Pa- HD Efficiency Indices
tients should have scored on the subjective physical health To calculate HD efficiency indices, blood samples were
component scale in the Short Form-36 (SF-36) health survey collected from the arterial needle exactly before the initializa-
quality of life questionnaire a score ⱖ75 points, which was tion of the HD session as well as from the arterial line after 20
considered as the cut-off point for “high-conditioning” HD seconds of slow blood flow (100 ml/min) according to the
patients. clinical practice guidelines for HD adequacy of the National
Kidney Foundation.16
Exclusion Criteria A single-pool Kt/V was calculated from pre- and post-HD
Patients were not allowed to participate to the study if blood urea nitrogen (BUN) measurements according to the
they had reasons for being in a catabolic state (including Daugirdas second-generation formula17 as follows:
malignancies, HIV, opportunistic infections, infections that
Kt/V ⫽ ⫺In共R ⫺ 0.008 * t兲 ⫹ 共4 ⫺ 3.5 * R兲 * UF/W
required intravenous antibiotics, etc.), within 3 months be-
fore enrollment. In addition, patients were excluded if they where R denotes the ratio of the post-HD to pre-HD BUN
had any serious cardiovascular disease or even experienced concentration, t indicates HD treatment time in hours, UF
a cardiac event or angina in the past, as well as if they had denotes the volume of fluid removed during the HD treat-
symptoms of uncontrolled hypertension or hypotension dur- ment in liters, and W indicates the post-HD body weight in
ing the HD session. kilograms.
The reduction ratios of BUN and creatinine were calculated
Study Design from pre- and post-HD BUN and creatinine concentrations,
The patients were studied under two different scenarios that respectively:
took place during HD in the same mid-week day of two URR: [(urea pre
consecutive weeks. In particular, in the first scenario, the
patient was required to act as usual during a typical HD ⫺ urea post hemodialysis)/urea pre hemodialysis] ⫻ 100%
session. In contrast, the second scenario required the patient to
continuously cycle in the supine position for 3 hours during CRR: [(creatinine per
the HD session. The order of the scenarios was always the ⫺ creatinine post-hemodialysis)/ creatinine pre hemodialysis]
same (the no-exercise scenario applied first) to eliminate any
exercise effect induced by the prolonged exercise regime, ⫻ 100%
which could influence the following week’s testing. In both
scenarios, blood samples were collected before and after the Exercise Regime
initiation and the termination of the HD session to calculate
The exercise regime required the patients to participate in an
the dialysis efficacy indices. The patients were asked to avoid
intradialytic exercise program on a bedside cycle ergometer
any food and fluid intake during HD in both scenarios. In
(Model 881 Monark Rehab Trainer, Monark Exercise AB,
addition, the patients were recommended to maintain a stable
Varberg, Sweden). Exercise session included supine cycling for
fluid intake during the 2-week period of the study.
a duration of 3 hours in an intensity of 40% of the patient’s
maximal exercise capacity. The appropriate level of exercise
Rate of Perceived Exertion
has been estimated through a modified version of Åstrand
To assess the patient’s self-reported level of intensity during Bicycle Ergometer Test Protocol during a previous dialysis
the exercise session, we used the scale of rating of perceived session,18 2 weeks before the start of the study with a cali-

brated ergometer. The exercise regime started 30 minutes after Table 1. General Patients’ Characteristics and Functional
the initiation of the HD session and ended 30 minutes before Capacity
the end of the HD session. The exercise regimes were per-
Variables Patients Data
formed under the continuous supervision of an exercise phys-
iologist and a nephrologist, while blood pressure and heart rate N 10
levels were monitored automatically by the dialysis machine. Female/male 2/8
Patients were allowed to watch TV or listen to music during the Age (yr) 45.7 ⫾ 10.9
BMI (kg/m2) 27.0 ⫾ 3.7
exercise session (and the same practices were adopted in both Kt/V 1.09 ⫾ 0.03
scenarios). Years in hemodialysis 3.5 ⫾ 1.9
Albumin (g/dl) 4.2 ⫾ 0.3
Serum ferritin (ng/ml) 216.7 ⫾ 131.3
Criteria of Potential Discontinuation of the Exercise Protocol Serum iron (␮g/dl) 65.3 ⫾ 19.1
Hct 38.9 ⫾ 4.0
The exercise protocol would be terminated in the case of a
Hb (g/dL) 12.7 ⫾ 1.2
patient complaining for muscle cramps, giving an hypotension SF-36 physical health dimension 83.1 ⫾ 7.6
episode, arrhythmias, chest pain, exhaustion or excessive fa- NSRI test (s) 52.1 ⫾ 9.6
tigue, reporting a score in Borg scale ⬎17, or if a repetitive STS-60 (rep) 30.7 ⫾ 3.6
disturbance (alarm) of the HD procedure occurred.
BMI, body mass index; Kt/V, hemodialysis adequacy, Hct, hemat-
ocrit; Hb, hemoglobin; SF36, simple questionnaire; NSRI, North
Subjective Physical Health Assessment Staffordshire Royal Infirmary test; STS-60, sit-to-stand test 60 s.

The patient’s subjective quality of life outcomes were eval-

uated by using a SF-36 health survey version modified for potassium levels before and after HD in the exercise session
patients receiving HD therapy.19 The patient’s grade in the also appeared to be significantly increased (p ⫽ 0.046) (1.26 ⫾
physical health component was considered as “physical func- 0.16 exercise vs. 0.71 ⫾ 0.22 no exercise) (Figure 4).
tioning” score.20,21 None of the patients complained for any special discomfort
during the exercise regime. Assessed by the Borg RPE scale, no
Functional Capacity Assessment patient reported a score above 17, which would have indi-
cated a “heavy effort.” In addition, none of the monitored
The patient’s functional capacity levels were evaluated us-
parameters showed evidence for discontinuation of the exer-
ing the North Staffordshire Royal Infirmary (NSRI) walk test and
cise session according to the guidelines of the American Col-
by a sit-to-stand test (STS-60), both used successfully for the
lege of Cardiology and the American Heart Association.24 Our
assessment of functional capacity of HD patients.20 Briefly, the
participants were assessed as “high functioning patients” be-
NSRI walk test consists of the time in seconds taken to com-
cause they scored ⬎75% in the SF-36 physical health dimen-
plete a task of 50 m continuous walk, climbing up 22 stairs
sion. Reinforcing the previous statement, the patients of the
(total elevation 3.3 m), climbing down 22 stairs, and walking
current study had also scored high values in both functional
back 50 m to the starting point.22 The STS-60 test is considered
tests (STS60 and NSRI) compared with other studies using the
as a surrogate index of muscular endurance and it assesses the
same methodology.23
number of sit-to-stand cycles achieved in 60 seconds.23
Statistical Analysis
This is the first study to investigate whether a single bout of
The changes in the examined variables between the exercise low-intensity prolonged intradialytic exercise could help im-
and the no-exercise scenario as well as the differences within prove HD efficiency markers. We found that an HD session in
the predialysis data between the two scenarios were evaluated combination with low-intensity exercise was well tolerated by
using paired t tests. All analyses were carried out using the our high-functioning HD patients and resulted in a significant
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software (SPSS for improvement in all examined indices of HD adequacy com-
Windows, version 13.0, Chicago, IL). Data are presented as pared with the traditional no-exercise scenario.
mean ⫾ SD, and the level for statistical significance was set at According to the literature, only one study has so far at-
p ⱕ 0.05. Based on post hoc power analysis, the 10 recruited tempted to investigate the potential effect of exercise on HD
subjects provided an 81.3% power to detect a standardized efficiency.8 In particular, Kong et al.8 using an acute interme-
effect size of 1.01, with ␣ ⫽ 0.05 and critical t ⫽ 2.26.

Results Table 2. Prehemodialysis Values in the Two Scenarios

The patients’ characteristics and functional capacity data are No-Exercise Exercise
presented in Table 1. The statistical analysis of the examined Variables Session Session p
variables did not show any significant differences between the
Weight (kg) 80.4 ⫾ 9.1 80.5 ⫾ 9.2 0.753
“pre-hemodialysis” values for the two consecutive mid-week Urea prehemodialysis (mg/dl) 136.6 ⫾ 38.1 143.4 ⫾ 38.8 0.536
HD sessions (p ⬎ 0.05) (Table 2). Creatinine prehemodialysis 7.8 ⫾ 1.8 8.6 ⫾ 2.4 0.062
Kt/V, CRR, and URR were found to be significantly improved (mg/dl)
in the exercise session compared with the no-exercise session, Potassium prehemodialysis 4.3 ⫾ 0.7 4.5 ⫾ 0.7 0.237
p ⬍ 0.05 (Figures 1–3). In addition, the difference within the

Figure 3. Urea reduction ratio in the exercise and no-exercise

hemodialysis session. Large rectangles represent the average
values, while smaller shapes represent individual data in the
Figure 1. Kt/V in the exercise and no-exercise hemodialysis ses- no-exercise and exercise hemodialysis sessions. Data are mean
sion. Large rectangles represent the average values, while smaller values. URR, urea reduction ratio.
shapes represent individual data in the no-exercise and exercise
hemodialysis sessions. Data are mean values. Kt/V, hemodialysis
adequacy. applicability of such a prolong regime in such fragile popula-
tion. It is very encouraging that in the current study, 10 of 36
patients were capable of participating in such a trial despite the
diate exercise bout of approximately 60-minute duration ob- fact that HD patients are known for their very low fitness and
served significant improvements in Kt/V and URR as well as functional capacity levels.10 In addition, by using a simple
urea, creatinine, and potassium post-HD rebound. In the study questionnaire (SF36), it appears that patients can be screened
by Kong et al., the Kt/V increased by 14% as a result of a single for their functional status, and if they score above 75% in the
exercise bout and the authors estimated that this improvement “Physical Health” component, they would be more likely to be
was equivalent to extending the HD session by 20 minutes. able to participate in such regime,21 whereas if they score
In the current study, we used a prolonged intradialytic ex- lower, a possible reduction in the duration of exercise could be
ercise regime using “high-functioning” HD patients to assess considered.
whether an additional improvement would occur. Indeed, our The possible mechanism by which exercise could enhance
data revealed that this type of exercise could evoke significant the removal of urea and creatinine is not entirely clear. How-
improvements in Kt/V, URR, and CRR by 20%, 11% and 26%,
respectively, compared with the no-exercise scenario. It seems
that a prolonged exercise regime could achieve better scores in
HD adequacy than the conventional 45-minute intradialytic
exercise regimes. However, it appears logical to question the

Figure 2. Creatinine reduction ratio in the exercise and no- Figure 4. Change between pre- and posthemodialysis in plasma
exercise hemodialysis session. Large rectangles represent the av- potassium concentrations in the exercise and no-exercise hemodi-
erage values, while smaller shapes represent individual data in the alysis session. Large rectangles represent the average values, while
no-exercise and exercise hemodialysis sessions. Data are mean smaller shapes represent individual data in the no-exercise and
values. CRR, creatinine reduction ratio. exercise hemodialysis sessions. Data are mean values.

ever, it is known that large amounts of urea and creatinine are such type of exercise regime with no side effects, resulting in
taken up and stored in low-perfusion tissues such as skeletal significant improvements in HD efficiency markers compared
muscles, skin, and bones.25 On the other hand, exercise in- with a typical no-exercise HD session. Taking into account the
duces vasodilatation and augments muscle blood flow, there- fact that the study was realized using low-flux treatments, these
fore enhancing the perfusion between muscle fibers and findings have the added value of improving overall treatment
capillaries.26 –28 The increased perfusion induced by the exer- efficiency and potassium removal. Further studies should ex-
cise lead to a rise in the exchange between the intercellular amine whether there is an appropriate exercise approach for
and intravascular compartments within the skeletal muscles. low-functioning patients. Hemodialysis patients should be en-
The increased blood flow that follows exercise activity mobi- couraged and motivated to participate in intradialytic exercise
lizes the intramuscular urea and creatinine and transfer them programs not only for the well-known long-term benefits re-
into the systemic circulation and from there and through the garding the cardiovascular health but also for the acute bene-
HD filter outside the patients’ body. It might be also suggested fits in the HD adequacy.
that the vasoconstriction of the nonworking muscles might
induce a stronger stimulus, superior or additive to the vasodi- Acknowledgment
latative one, leading to a reduction of the perfused volume and
The authors thank the nursing staff at the hemodialysis unit of the
thus a better/faster solute removal as a consequence.
University Hospital of Larissa and the General Hospital of Trikala for
A very impressive effect of this exercise protocol was ob- their cooperation. The authors also thank all hemodialysis patients for
served in the removal of the potassium plasma levels. Even participating in this study.
though it is known that exercise increases release of potassium
from the working skeletal muscles into plasma,29 a reduction References
of 77.5% in potassium plasma concentrations was observed
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