Name: Teguh Widodo Grade: Xi TKR 1 Number: 33 Subject: English

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Name : Teguh Widodo

Grade : XI TKR 1
Number : 33
Subject : English
1. Name : Emha Ainun Nadjib.
2. Birth year :
Jombang, East Java, May 27, 1953.
3. Popular profession :
Muslim Intellectual and a writer.
4. Education :
Elementary School in Jombang in 1965, He
continued at the Gontor Islamic
Boarding School. In 1968 he moved to
Muhammadiyah 4 Junior High School in
Yogyakarta. Then continued at Muhammadiyah
High School 1 in Yogyakarta in 1971. He studied
at the Economics Faculty of Gajah Mada
5. Career :
His career began as a caretaker of Literary
space in " Harian Masa Kini ", Yogyakarta in
1970. Then became a journalist or editor in "
Harian Masa Kini " Yogyakarta from 1973 to
1976. The leader of the Dynasty Theater
( Yogyakarta ).
6. Job :
He also participated in various poetry and
theater festivals and workshops.

Emha who is familiarly called Cak Nun is an

artist, cultural observer, muslim intellectual and
also a writer from Jombang, East Java. He
summarizes and combines the dynamics of art,
religion, political education and economic
synergy. Cak Nun was born in Jombang, East
Java, May 27, 1953. He is the fourth children of
fifteen siblings.
History of formal education is messy, after
graduating from elementary school in Jombang
in 1965. Emha continued his studies at the
Gontor Islamic Boarding School. In 1968 he was
expelled from the hut which he then moved to
muhammadiyah 4 Junior High School in
Yogyakarta and finished the year. Then
continued at Muhammadiyah High School 1 in
Yogyakarta in 1971. He studied at the
Economics Faculty of Gajah Mada University
but only lasted four months. Formally he
stopped studying, but that does not mean
stopping seeking knowledge.
His career began as a caretaker of literary
space in " Harian Masa Kini " ,Yogyakarta in
1970. Then became a journalist or editor in "
Harian Masa Kini " Yogyakarta from 1973 to
1976, before becoming the leader of the
dynasty theater ( Yogyakarta ), and the Kyai
Kanjeng Music Group today. Poet and columnist
in several media.
He also participated in various poetry and
theater festivals and workshops. Including
attending a theater workshop in the Philippines
in 1980, international writing program in Iowa
University, United States in 1984, international
poet festivals in Rotterdam, Netherlands in
1984 and Horizonte 3 festival in West Berlin,
Germany in 1985.

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