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Free Speech
Freedom of expression is one of the most fundamental rights. It is
fundamental to the existence of democracy and the respect of human
dignity. It is also one of the most dangerous rights, because freedom of
expression means the freedom to express one’s discontent and the desire
to change it. As such, it is one of the most threatened rights, with
governments all over the world constantly trying to curtail it.
The United States, probably like no other nation, has recognized the
importance of freedom of expression to safeguard democracy and grow
as a nation. However, this does not mean there are no efforts to try to
curtail it. The internet has often been the target of these efforts, as it
provides practically everyone with the ability to communicate their ideas
to wide audiences and escapes the ability of the state to control it.

What are the Human Rights of Ethnic Minorities?
Human Rights are universal, and civil, political, economic, social and
cultural rights belong to all human beings, including members of ethnic
minority groups. Members of ethnic minorities are entitled to the
realization of all human rights and fundamental freedoms on equal terms
with others in society, without discrimination of any kind. Ethnic
minorities also enjoy certain human rights specifically linked to their
ethnic status, including their right to maintain and enjoy their culture,
religion, and language free from discrimination.

Why is Religion so important?
A public opinion reported that 57% of Americans felt that religion was
very important in their lives and 28% thought it was fairly important.
While these are slight declines on previous figures they indicate that 85%
of people considered that religion in some form was personally significant
for them. The result is consistent with earlier polls which suggested that
a large majority of Americans considered themselves as religious.
In the UK religion is a quiet and distant but important presence in their
lives. Although church attendance is in decline, more people go to church
in the UK on Sundays than attend football matches on Saturdays.
Religion has become of far greater importance for all generations. It is a
key element in the culture and one important strand in people’s identity.
1. Read the text about free speech and complete the sentences

a) Free Speech means ________________________________________________________

b) Freedom of expression is essential in __________________________________________
c) Freedom of expression is one of the most dangerous rights because _________________
d) Freedom of expression is threatened because ___________________________________
e) Democracy is based on _____________________________________________________

2. Read Text B and answer

a) What does the sentence Human Rights are universal mean?
b) Why are ethnic minorities discriminated against?
c) What are ethnic minorities entitled to?
d) Should members of ethnic minorities maintain their cultures or should they adapt to the
culture of the majority?

3. Read Text C and complete

a) According to a survey, American people ________________________________________
b) Most Americans are ________________________________________________________
c) Religion has ________________________________________________ in every country.
d) In Britain, religion is seen as __________________________________________________
e) More people go to church on Sundays than to ___________________________________
f) Religion is important in _____________________________________________________

4. Answer these questions

a) Is religion important to you? Explain.
b) Do you go to church quite often?
c) Are Portuguese people religious?
d) What is the official religion and church in Portugal?

5. Link the words from Text A to their translation into Portuguese.

a) Discontent 1. cortar

b) Threatened 2. alvo

c) Curtail 3. fornece

d) Safeguard 4. descontentamento

e) Target 5. salvaguardar

f) provides 6. ameaçador

6. Match the words on the left (Text B) with their equivalents on the right
1) entitled to a) the same
2) realization b) directly and clearly
3) equal c) connected
4) specifically d) keep up
5) linked e) given the official right to have
6) maintain f) the practical achievement

7. Read Text C and find words with the same meaning as the following
a) stated d) important
b) reasonably e) decreasing
c) numbers f) main

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