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Software Engineering
1) System level architecture of the project undertaken.
2) Modules handled
3) Software Development Life Cycle followed
a. Stages of SDLC
b. Input and output entity at each SDLC stage
4) Software implementation model followed (e.g. Agile)
a. What is product backlog?
b. What are story points?
c. Basis what parameters the story points are defined?
d. How to define the scope of each sprint?
5) Top down hierarchy of requirement
6) What parameters define the completeness of a requirement?
7) Difference between functional and nonfunctional requirement
8) Are nonfunctional and performance requirement the same?
9) What is defect density and how is it calculated?
10) Knowledge of Change and Configuration management and tools used.

Programming Skills (C)

1) Name different type of storage classes and their memory handling – Static, Extern, Auto,
2) Where exactly in memory the global initialized, global uninitialized, local and dynamic
allocated variable reside?
3) What happens in the heap memory when a realloc() function call is given?
4) What’s the difference between a NULL pointer and a VOID pointer?
5) What is a reentrant function?
6) Difference between call by value and call by reference?
7) Actual and Formal parameters?
8) What does a loader and linker do?
9) Difference between singly and doubly linked list? Write a node structure.
10) What’s the full condition of a queue and a stack?

Programming Skills (C++)

1) Design patterns used – Creational, Structural, Behavioral
2) What is an Abstract class and when is it used?
3) Difference between a virtual and a virtual pure function?
4) Difference between Data Encapsulation and Data Abstraction?
5) What’s the access scope of protected access specifier?
6) What’s the purpose of keyword volatile?
7) Difference between deep copy and shallow copy.
8) What’s the role of Static keyword on class member variable and how can it be accessed?
9) What is and inline function and friend function?
10) Is it legal to assign a base class object to a derived class pointer?

Embedded Linux and IPC

Prepared By: Anuj Kumar

1) How to detect the memory utilization of a process?

2) How to identify an error in the stack memory?
3) IPC techniques – Pipes, FIFO, Message queues, Shared Memory?
4) What are Sockets, design a socket communication b/w client and server.
5) Say 2 signals hit a process at the same time, how will they be handled? And what effect
will this have on their respective handler function?
6) Process/Thread synchronization techniques – Diff between Semaphore and Mutex?
7) Can we say by any chance Semaphore is similar to mutex?
8) In threads what does join and detach system call do?
9) What is a deadlock scenario in threads?
10) How to debug a thread?

Prepared By: Anuj Kumar

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