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During a collaborative learning session, students are

working and learning together. They are not only
working on academics, but social skills. Students
must adapt to the learning styles, behaviors, and
abilities of others. These are all skills and adjustments
that can carry over throughout life. Improved social
skills in students can improve their relationships with
others in the class. This teaching can also have an
effect on student’s interest. What child wouldn’t
prefer working with a group of their peers over sitting
at their desk with a worksheet? Being able to
successfully adapt collaborative learning into your
lesson plans will allow your students to more
engaged and involved in the learning process, instead
of being just passive learners.
. Students can learn about their strengths and
weaknesses as they work through and accomplish a task in
a small group. As this group inspired learning progresses,
students may the find more success in the classroom. As
they watch and learn from their peers, they may find new
ways of tackling problems. Continued growth in this
manner can only enhance the individual learning process,
and make for happier students. If you are going to
incorporate collaborative learning into your classroom, it
does take some forethought and planning. You can’t just
randomly throw students into groups. At times, you can
allow students to choose their own groups, but you need
to keep in mind do not want students sitting on the
sidelines, not being chosen by their peers. If they are
forced into a group when they feel unwanted, they may
lose interest in the lesson before it gets started. If the
groups are chosen by the teacher or random selection,
you still need to monitor that the groups are running
efficiently. If one student takes over without input from
others, quieter students will fall by the wayside. Over
time, these types of unproductive sessions can slowly
erode at a student’s confidence and interest in learning in
a group setting
• Collaborative learning- where students participate in
small group activities and take responsible for
learning, whereas the teacher is more facilitator than
a sage on the stage leads to deeper level learning
critical thinking shared understanding and long term
retention of the learned material than more
traditional approaches. For such reason collaborative
learning and its supporting technology have collected
a growing interest. However existing distance learning
platforms often provide collaboration tools( like forum
chat wiki etc.) that present some limits they are truly
juxtaposed and not truly integrated with one another,
so collaborative people are exposed to a series of
problems that provide statistical data related to on-
line social interactions of students but often they not
provide an automatic analysis of such interactions. As
a consequence a conceptual framework is needed
that features an integrated set of tools for supporting
collaborative learning process in students and
facilitate the work of teachers. In this context, Multi-
Agent System (MAS).
• Foundation of Collaborative Learning: Theoretical
• This section presents the supporting theories of
CL from social theory of mind, second language
acquisition (henceforth SLA), and learning
motivation. These theoretical and conceptual
foundations of CL, which have steered this study
given that it focuses not only on individual
learner’s cognitive development but on overall
development of learners as well. The order in
which the theories are discussed is determines
according to their relevance and importance to
this study. Details of how these theories are
related and how they are bound up with CL are
explained in turn. In addition, several of the most
important concepts are also explained and
discussed in depth.
• This critical review of the literature explores of
cooperative learning on the academic achievement
social interaction, behavior, and effect of secondary
level English and social studies students. The majority
of cooperative learning research has initially focused
on elementary-level students however, in recent years
more research has been conducted at the secondary
level. This review suggests that cooperative learning
has positive effects on academic students are
accountable only to them when they are accountable
to both themselves and their group and them solely
accountable to their group. It also suggests that
students who engage in cooperative learning are more
likely to work with others even when not told to.
Other research suggests students who cooperative
settings are more likely to accept peers of different
ethnicity class race these findings have major
implications for teachers. Teachers can use different
accountability structures of cooperative learning to
reinforce different skills and values.
• The introduction of this strategy for this subject
will help in improving learning and academic
achievement of the students. This will also help in
making this subject more interesting rather it was
considered earlier by the students. Secondly the
empirical evidences for support of cooperative
learning strategy in subject of education at
intermediate level are unknown. Without
knowing the empirical evidence it is more unlikely
to convince teachers to use this instructional for
teaching the subject of education at higher
secondary level
. A) To be able to know the effects off collaborative
learning through peers

. B) For us to widen our idea about the effects of

collaborative learning through peers

. C) To assess the knowledge of all students on the

positive and negative effects of collaborative learning
through peers

. D) To determine some feedbacks about the effects

of collaborative learning through peers
• E) To solve problems on the negative effects of
collaborative learning through peers.
• F) To seek some information about the effects of
collaborative learning through peers
Republic of the philippines
Department of education
Division of Rizal
Francisco P. Felix Memorial National
High School

. Collaborative Learning is an educational where

learning involves groups of students working
together toward a common goal. It is based on the
concept that learning is social, so group members
work alongside one another, talking and working
through the learning process.

.Collaborative Learning makes students with

different backgrounds race, or up bringing to work
together in a setting that maybe would not be
possible if it were not for collaborative learning. In
order to solve a project’s given problem, children
need to communicate.
Educational is a teaching learning process. Learning
depends upon teaching instruction students cannot be
treated like an empty vessel into which any type of
information can be passed down. A teacher must think of
ways and means of stimulating and encouraging learning
in the students. Hence, cooperative learning is as
instructional methods in which students of all levels of
performance work together in small groups toward a
common goal. Therefore the study aimed to investigate
the effect of cooperative learning on learners as foreign
language (EFL) reading comprehension in government
comprehensive of grade 9 students. The main objective of
the study was to investigate the effect of cooperative
learning on students EFL reading comprehension, so the
study was eliminated to the high school of particularly
grade 9 students of in that school. On the other hand, only
reading comprehension was included in the study and
researcher made tests were used to measure the reading
• A.) What are the goals of the small group activities already
established for this course?
• B.) What are the team sizes for these activities for
efficient learning collaboration?
• C.) How are groups or team formed?
• D.) How will activities be structured to ensure
• E.) What is collaborative learning
• F.) What are the essential goals of collaborative learning?
• G.) What is the role played by interactive technology in
collaborative technology in collaborative learning ?
• H.) Why are collaborative learning activities good for
students with behavioral difficulties?
• i.) What are the ways in which introducing collaborative
learning makes teaching easier and more pleasurable?
J.) How does collaborative work help with assessment?
• Base on the survey or the statement of the problem
the collaborative learning is a group of students that
wants to learn of how to cooperate on other people
especially in students collaborative learning will
enhanced or improve your confidence among many
students through interaction with peers they are
motivated to actively explore and share ideas.
• The collaborative learning encourages students to
acquire an active voice in shaping their ideas and
values and a sensitive ear in hearing others. In
collaborative students inevitably encounter difference,
and must grapple with recognizing and working with
it, and it enhance your involvement in your classroom
because collaborative learning is both socially and
intellectually engaging. It invites students to build
closer connections to other students, their faculty,
course content and their learning.

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