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The General Requirements for Company X, that will be established for the branch office.

Company X wants to create a branch in Indonesia which is engaged in the production and sale of (buying)
spare parts / machines (cigarette wrappers) and has a warehouse for the machine.

Services (warehouse storage). This SG company wants to make a repair service which will be exported to
Germany to be repaired (the transaction is only an intermediary sending machines to Germany to be

So their sector includes:

Works :

1. Sales of Machines (imported)

2. Sales of repair machines (imported products)
3. Shipping Machine for repair (export)
4. Warehousing Services

Legal basis:

Perpres 44 of 2016 DNI for PM

Regulation of the Head of the Central Statistics Agency No. 19 of 2017 concerning Amendments to the
Head of the Central Statistics Agency No. 95 of 2015 concerning the Standard Classification of Indonesian
Business Fields.

Minister of Trade Decree 27 / M-DAG / PER / 5/2012 concerning Provisions on Importer Identification
Number (API)

Minister of Trade Decree 127 / M-DAG / PER / 12/2015 concerning Provisions on the Import of Capital
Goods in New Conditions.

No. Role Business Specific Works KBLI Requirement

1 Trade Distributors - 00000 PMA max 67%
that are not affiliated
with production
2 Warehousing and This group 52101 PMA max 67%
Storage includes
businesses that
carry out
storage of goods
before the goods
are sent to their
final destination,
with commercial
3 Machine Repair For This group covers 33122 N/A
Special Purposes the repair and
maintenance of
machinery for
special purposes
included in group
282, such as repair
and maintenance
of agricultural
machinery and
forestry and
machinery, metal
cutting machine
tools and metal
forming and
accessories, other
machine tools,
machinery, mining
machinery and
machinery in oil
and gas fields,
machinery, food
and beverage
machinery, textile
leather clothing
and clothing
machinery, paper
making machinery
and other special
4 Large Trade of Office This group 46591 N/A
and Industrial includes large
Machines, Parts and trading businesses
Accessories of industrial
machinery and
office machines
except computers,
and their
equipment, such
as prime movers,
turbines, wood
and metal
various machines
for industry and
for office use,
power generation
machinery and
machines . This
includes the large
trade of
robots, other
machines for
commercial and
purposes as well
as other services
and computer-
machines for the
textile industry
and computer-
controlled sewing
and knitting
5 Large Trade of This group 46599 N/A
Machinery, includes large-
Equipment and Other scale business of
Equipment machinery and
equipment and
equipment that
have not been
classified in
groups 46591 to
46594, such as
wholesale trade of
office furniture,
cables and
switches and
other equipment
installations for
industrial use,
machine tools of
various types and
for various
machine tools
controlled and
equipment and

Permits for Export-Import of Remanufacturing Goods.

Import (to get API) PermenDag 27 / M-DAG / PER / 5/2012 concerning Provisions for Importer
Identification Number (API)


No Document Services Description

A Declaration that the goods are in a new
Declaration - New condition and are not for sale or transfer
1 Statement letter and non-sale items (Stamped)
2 OSS NIB Main Business Number
3 NPWP NPWP Tax ID number (NPWP)
4 Others SIM Driver's license
5 Others KTP ID Number
Rek. Dinas Perindustrian
6 & Perdagangan SIUP Business license
Rek. Dinas Perindustrian
7 & Perdagangan IUI Industrial Business License
Rek. Dinas Perindustrian
8 & Perdagangan TDI Industrial Registry Number
Rek. Dinas Perindustrian
9 & Perdagangan TDP Certificate of Company Registration
10 Perijinan BKPM IUI - PMA Permanent Business License
11 Perijinan BKPM Izin Perluasan Expansion Permit
12 Perijinan BKPM IUT - BKPM Permanent Business License
No Document Services Description
13 Lain-lain B/L Bill of Lading
14 Lain-lain AWB Airwy Bill
15 Lain-lain Invoice Invoice
16 Lain-lain Sea Way Bill Sea Way Bill

Import (for reconditioned goods) Minister of Trade Regulation 127 / M-DAG / PER / 12/2015 concerning
Provisions on the Import of Capital Goods in Non-New Conditions.


No Document Services Description

Import Plan containing description of Import Plan containing description of
goods, 10 (ten) digit Tariff Post / HS, goods, 10 (ten) digit Tariff Post / HS,
number and unit of goods, country of number and unit of goods, country of
2 Statement Letter loading, and destination port. loading, and destination port.
A stamped statement of the truth of A stamped statement of the truth of
imported goods and delivery of all imported goods and delivery of all
3 Statement Letter data can be fully accounted for. data can be fully accounted for.
Photocopy of proof of mastery of Photocopy of proof of mastery of
4 Others reconditioning workshop. reconditioning workshop.
Photocopy of Survey Report (LHS)
concerning the technical feasibility of
recovery and repair business
5 Others services. Article 3 Paragraph (2)
Recondition Industry Business Permit Recondition Industry Business Permit
6 Others or Repair / Repair Service. or Repair / Repair Service.
7 Others Import Realization Control Card. Import Realization Control Card.
SKEP Ministry of Loading and unloading company
8 Transportation SIUPBM licenses
PI No New Capital Goods PI No New Capital Goods
Recondition Company Group A - HS Recondition Company Group A - HS
10 Old Document 84 and 85 Old (original). 84 and 85 Old (original).


Requirements to become an Exporter

To become an export company, the following conditions must be met:

1. Legal Entity, in the form of:

PT (Limited Liability Company)

2. Have a NPWP (Taxpayer Number)

3. Has one of the permits issued by the Government such as:

• Trading Business License (SIUP) from the Trade Office

• Industrial Permit from the Industry Agency

• Domestic Investment Business License (PMDN) or Foreign Investment (PMA) issued by the Investment
Coordinating Board (BKPM)

This exporter can be classified as:

a. Manufacturer Exporter, with the following conditions:

• As a Producer Exporter in an effort to obtain its legality, it should meet the stipulated requirements,
namely filling out the form provided by the Department of Industry and Trade in the Regency / City or
Provincial Regional Government, and related technical agencies.

• Has an Industrial Business License (IUI)

• Has a NPWP

• Provide export realization reports to the Department of Industry and Trade or designated agencies and
officials (periodically every three months) that are approved by the Foreign Exchange Bank by attaching
statements such as: not involved in tax arrears, not involved in banking arrears, not involved in customs

b. Non-Producer Exporter, with the following conditions:

• As a Non-Producer Exporter to obtain legality, it should fulfill the stipulated requirements, which is to
fill in the form provided by the Department of Industry and Trade in the Regency / City or Provincial
Regional Government and related technical agencies

• Have a Trading Business License (SIUP)

• Has a NPWP

Provide export realization reports to the Department of Industry and Trade or designated agencies /
officials (every three months) authorized by the Foreign Exchange Bank by attaching statements such as
not being involved in tax arrears, not being involved in banking arrears, not involved in customs problems.

We have to identify all licenses that must be completed because some requirements and permits need to
be updated and adjusted to the current regulations, so in order to get a more comprehensive explanation,
we need to research directly to BKPM and other relevant agencies.

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