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Problem 5-1

Material Balance Water Influx


Given the attached pressure, production, injection, rock and fluid property data,
determine the following:

1 The minimum aquifer size.

2 The annual water influx volume.

3 What % of annual production is replaced by water influx?

Problem 5-1
Material Balance Water Influx


Initial Oil in Place N stb 4,075,000,000

Initial Reservoir Press psia 3230
Init Water Saturation Swi frac 0.23
Oil Compressibility Co *10 -6 /psi 9.6
Water Compressibility Cw *10 -6 /psi 3
Formation Compressibility Cf *10 -6 /psi 4
Oil Formation factor at init conds rb/stb 1.217
Water Formation volume factor rb/stb 1.029

Pressure Cum Oil Prod Cum Water Prod

Year psia stb stb
1975 3180 47,000,000 0
1976 2930 68,900,000 100,000
1977 2730 219,800,000 300,000
1978 2500 403,000,000 1,000,000
1979 2470 586,600,000 4,300,000
1980 2460 770,800,000 11,800,000
1981 2510 941,600,000 25,800,000
1982 2485 1,107,700,000 41,200,000
1983 2520 1,270,400,000 59,600,000
1984 2560 1,422,100,000 75,000,000
1985 2645 1,560,100,000 93,900,000
1986 2780 1,683,600,000 116,100,000
1987 2846 1,802,700,000 145,200,000
1988 2930 1,908,900,000 181,700,000
1989 3022 1,985,600,000 218,900,000
1990 3100 2,055,500,000 264,700,000
1991 3090 2,116,900,000 315,800,000
1992 3080 2,173,300,000 375,400,000

436665797.xls Data

Cum Water Inj


436665797.xls Data
Material Balance
Summary of Reservoir Production and Pressure Data

Initial Oil in Place N stb 4,075,000,000 ct= 12.082

Initial Reservoir Press psia So= 0.77
Init Water Saturation Swi frac 0.23
Oil Compressibility Co *10 -6 /psi 9.6
Water Compressibility Cw *10 -6 /psi 3
Formation Compressibility Cf *10 -6 /psi 4
Oil Formation factor at init conds rb/stb 1.217
Water Formation volume factor rb/stb 1.029

Pressure Cum Oil Prod Cum Water Prod Cumm Water Inj
Year psia stb stb stb Year Oil Prod Water Prod Water Inj
1975 3180 47,000,000 0 0 1975 129 0 0
1976 2930 68,900,000 100,000 200,000 1976 60 0 1
1977 2730 219,800,000 300,000 41,100,000 1977 413 1 112
1978 2500 403,000,000 1,000,000 161,900,000 1978 502 2 331
1979 2470 586,600,000 4,300,000 290,900,000 1979 503 9 353
1980 2460 770,800,000 11,800,000 425,800,000 1980 505 21 370
1981 2510 941,600,000 25,800,000 588,900,000 1981 468 38 447
1982 2485 1,107,700,000 41,200,000 751,800,000 1982 455 42 446
1983 2520 1,270,400,000 59,600,000 919,000,000 1983 446 50 458
1984 2560 1,422,100,000 75,000,000 1,078,000,000 1984 416 42 436
1985 2645 1,560,100,000 93,900,000 1,226,000,000 1985 378 52 405
1986 2780 1,683,600,000 116,100,000 1,375,000,000 1986 338 61 408
1987 2846 1,802,700,000 145,200,000 1,511,000,000 1987 326 80 373
1988 2930 1,908,900,000 181,700,000 1,652,000,000 1988 291 100 386
1989 3022 1,985,600,000 218,900,000 1,800,000,000 1989 210 102 405
1990 3100 2,055,500,000 264,700,000 1,931,000,000 1990 192 125 359
1991 3090 2,116,900,000 315,800,000 2,041,000,000 1991 168 140 301
1992 3080 2,173,300,000 375,400,000 2,161,000,000 1992 155 163 329


Rates (Mstb/day)
Material Balance Rate-Time
Oil Prod
Water Prod
Water Inj





1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994

436665797.xls Performance Plot



1. Rearrange general material balance equation to solve for W e (below). 1. Atur kembali persamaan keseimbangan material umum untuk dipecahkan untuk Kami (di bawah).
2. Insert water injection term. 2. Masukkan istilah injeksi air.
3. Every year, solve for W e. Annual influx is the change from year to year. 3. Setiap tahun, pecahkan untuk Kami. Gelombang tahunan adalah perubahan dari tahun ke tahun.
4. The minimum aquifer is one that is large enough to supply all of the W e with an average DP = DP reservoir. 4. Akuifer minimum adalah salah satu yang cukup besar untuk memasok semua Kami dengan rata-rata DP = DP waduk.

c t =c w + c f
= = 7 x 10-6 psi-1
= / ΔP
(eqn 8-28)

N p B o −W e +W p B w
c w S w +c f
Boi c o ΔP+ Boi ( ) ΔP
1−S w

cw Sw+ cf
W e = N p Bo +W p B w−NB oi ΔP( c o + )

Including Wi

c w S w +c f
W e= N p Bo +W p B w−W i B w−NB oi ΔP( c o + )
1−S w

(eqn 8-27)
B o=Boi (1+c o ΔP)
B o =Boi (1+c o ΔP)

436665797.xls Formulas
1975 1976
N stb 4,075,000,000 4,075,000,000
Np stb 47,000,000 68,900,000
Wp stb 0 100,000
Winj stb 0 200,000

Pi psia 3230 3230

P psia 3180 2930
Dp psi 50 300

Swi frac 0.23 0.23

So frac 0.77 0.77

Co psi^-1 0.0000096 0.0000096

Cw psi^-1 0.000003 0.000003
Cf psi^-1 0.000004 0.000004
Ct psi^-1 0.00001208 0.00001208

Boi rb/stb 1.217 1.217

Current Bo rb/stb 1.21758 1.22050
Bw rb/stb 1.029 1.02993

We stb 53335679 60851125

Annual oil production rb

Annual We rb

Ratio of influx / oil production
1977 1978 1979 1980
4,075,000,000 4,075,000,000 4,075,000,000 4,075,000,000
219,800,000 403,000,000 586,600,000 770,800,000
300,000 1,000,000 4,300,000 11,800,000
41,100,000 161,900,000 290,900,000 425,800,000

3230 3230 3230 3230

2730 2500 2470 2460
500 730 760 770

0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23

0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77

0.0000096 0.0000096 0.0000096 0.0000096

0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003
0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004
0.00001208 0.00001208 0.00001208 0.00001208

1.217 1.217 1.217 1.217

1.22284 1.22553 1.22588 1.22600
1.03054 1.03125 1.03135 1.03138

230181979 438113991 664395757 897250090

1981 1982 1983 1984
4,075,000,000 4,075,000,000 4,075,000,000 4,075,000,000
941,600,000 1,107,700,000 1,270,400,000 1,422,100,000
25,800,000 41,200,000 59,600,000 75,000,000
588,900,000 751,800,000 919,000,000 1,078,000,000

3230 3230 3230 3230

2510 2485 2520 2560
720 745 710 670

0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23

0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77

0.0000096 0.0000096 0.0000096 0.0000096

0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003
0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004
0.00001208 0.00001208 0.00001208 0.00001208

1.217 1.217 1.217 1.217

1.22541 1.22570 1.22530 1.22483
1.03122 1.0313 1.03119 1.03107

1124426141 1342229291 1562824755 1767021378

1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
4,075,000,000 4,075,000,000 4,075,000,000 4,075,000,000 4,075,000,000
1,560,100,000 1,683,600,000 1,802,700,000 1,908,900,000 1,985,600,000
93,900,000 116,100,000 145,200,000 181,700,000 218,900,000
1,226,000,000 1,375,000,000 1,511,000,000 1,652,000,000 1,800,000,000

3230 3230 3230 3230 3230

2645 2780 2846 2930 3022
585 450 384 300 208

0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23

0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77

0.0000096 0.0000096 0.0000096 0.0000096 0.0000096

0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003 0.000003
0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004 0.000004
0.00001208 0.00001208 0.00001208 0.00001208 0.00001208

1.217 1.217 1.217 1.217 1.217

1.22383 1.22226 1.22149 1.22050 1.21943
1.03081 1.03039 1.03019 1.02993 1.02964

1960575444 2142403915 2321675864 2493615539 2630502983

1990 1991 1992
4,075,000,000 4,075,000,000 4,075,000,000
2,055,500,000 2,116,900,000 2,173,300,000
264,700,000 315,800,000 375,400,000
1,931,000,000 2,041,000,000 2,161,000,000

3230 3230 3230

3100 3090 3080
130 140 150

0.23 0.23 0.23

0.77 0.77 0.77

0.0000096 0.0000096 0.0000096

0.000003 0.000003 0.000003
0.000004 0.000004 0.000004
0.00001208 0.00001208 0.00001208

1.217 1.217 1.217

1.21852 1.21864 1.21875
1.0294 1.02943 1.02946

2767031587 2893929623 3023501719

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