IPCRF Test Item Bank

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Name of Student: __________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________Date:__________

Grading Rubric for Construction

Total Points: 30

Grading 6 Points 4 Points 2 Points 0 Points Points

Criteria (Mastery) (Satisfactory) (Unsatisfactory) (Incomplete) Earned
Problem *Uses guiding *Attempts to use *Does not use *Waits for teacher
Solving questions to assist guided questions guiding questions to read directions.
with reading but avoids using unless prompted *Disrupts
instructions them. to do so. cooperative work
*Helps other *Seeks out *Does not work and doesn’t show
students and instructor help cooperatively with evidence of
works more than from other students to working
cooperatively to other students or gain support. independently.
seek out help with guiding questions
Reading Successfully and *Attempts to *Rarely uses *Does not read
Directions correctly interpret directions with directions or
interprets sewing directions but project. attempt to work
instructions to does not apply to *Seeks help from independently.
complete each project. teacher only – *Waits for
step. *Reads does not take the instructor to move
*Read directions instructions, but time to read on with project.
before seeking frequently does independently.
help from not start with
instructor. them before
seeking help.
Skills & *Stitches are *Stitches *Few stitches are *All stitches are
Techniques even, occasionally not straight. not straight *Never
backstitched, and become uneven *Forgets to secures stitch with
correct length to or not straight. backstitch or backstitching.
side of fabric. *If *Most lines are secure ends. *Hand sewing does
hand sewn, backstitched. *Hand sewing is not hold together
stitches are *Hand sewing is done incorrectly project
secured with knot, tight, but too big and is messy.
even, straight, and or uneven.
Constructio *When mistakes *Leaves some *Rarely takes the *Multiple mistakes
n of are made student mistakes unfixed. time to fix made and not
Finished attempts to fix *Occasional loose mistakes. fixed. *Loose
Project them. threads, but still *Many loose threads, not
*Loose threads neat and clean. threads, not a ironed, messy
are cut and fabric *Minor holes or finished presentation.
is ironed if puckers in fabric presentation. *Holes and puckers
necessary. *No *Numerous in most seams.
holes or puckers. holes/puckers.
Participatio *Worked quietly *On most days *Frequently left *Always left area
n & Work and consistently worked area messy, did messy, little to no
Ethic on project. consistently and not work work accomplished
*Materials put left work area productively during most days.
away and work clean. *Some throughout the *Poor use of work
area left clean. productivity period on most time. *Unsafe in all
*Productive every issues. days. *Unsafe areas.
day *Uses *Occasional practices were
materials and unsafe practices. frequently noted.
sewing machines
Total Points Earned:
Name of Student: __________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________Date: __________


(Blouse, Skirt, Trousers)
Excellent Satisfactory Needs Poor Points
(10 points) (8 points) Improvement (3 points) Earned
(5 points)
Machine The student did The student The student The student has
Operation not need help needs help with needs help with poor knowledge
with the sewing the machine the sewing of sewing
machine and some of the machine on most machine and
was able to help time. of the days. needs help daily.
Seams Seams are Seams are a Seams are wider Seams are
correct in width little wider than than what are puckered or
and what called for in the falling apart. They
construction. instructions instructions. In are wider than
Correct sides of called for. some places what the
fabric are correct sides of instructions call
together the fabric are for.
Appearance: Assignment is Assignment is Assignment has Assignment is
Clean & Neat clean, pressed, clean and poor appearance. dirty, not
and threads are pressed but pressed, threads
trimmed. threads are not are not trimmed.
Time Project was Project was The student did The student did
Management turned in early. turned in on not finish the not finish the
time. project by the project by the
due date but due date and
project is project is
complete. incomplete.
Clean Up The student did The student only The student The student
not help clean cleaned up their cleaned up their cleaned up room
up their area area when area. on daily basis and
reminded. helped others.
Total Points:
Name of Student: __________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________Date: __________

Rubrics in Drafting Pattern

Item 3 2 1 Score Weighted
Tools (10%) Tools were Lack of one tool, Lack of two or
complete, some are more tools, some
appropriate and appropriate and are appropriate
correctly used. used correctly and not correctly
used. used.
Procedure Used the Used the correct Failed to use the
(60%) correct method. method. correct method.
Procedures Procedures Procedures not
correctly incorrectly followed.
followed. followed.
Pattern (20%) All pattern Some pattern All pattern details
details were details were are not drafted
correctly inaccurately correctly and
measured and drafted. accurately.
Speed (10%) Finished the Finished the Finished the
pattern ahead pattern on time. pattern more than
of time. the allotted time.

Weighted Score = Score x Item (weight)
Score Percentage = Total weighted score x 30 + 70
Percentage Score (3)
3 x 10% = .3
2 x 60% = 1.2
2 x 20% = .4
3 x 10% = .3
Total weighted score = 2.2

Score Percentage
= 2.2 x 50 + 50
Grade = 87
Short Quiz
Direction: Select the best answer and write the letter of your choice on your answer
1. The side of fabric where it is folded before cutting.
a. right
b. lower
c. wrong
d. upper
2. The characteristics is present if grain is lengthwise
a. has less stretch
b. off grain
c. has stretch
d. weak
3. Prints are clearer, on what side of fabric is this?
a. right
b. lower
c. wrong
d. upper
4. In folding, fabrics are folded in what way
a. left side out
b. side out
c. wrong side out
d. right side out
5. These characteristics are present if grain is crosswise
a. has less stretch
b. off grain
c. has stretch
d. weak

Key to Correction
1. c
2. a
3. a
4. c
d. c

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