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Vol. 9, No. 2, 2014 msp



Aluminum cellular structures have been fabricated by combining a two-dimensional [0◦ /90◦ ]2 arrange-
ment of square Al 6061-T6 alloy tubes with orthogonal tubes inserted in the out-of-plane direction. By
varying the tube wall thickness, the resulting three-dimensional cellular structures had relative densities
between 11 and 43%. The dynamic compressive response of the three-dimensional cellular structure,
and the two-dimensional [0◦ /90◦ ]2 array and out-of-plane tubes from which they were constructed, have
been investigated using a combination of instrumented Kolsky bar impact experiments, high-speed video
imaging, and finite element analysis. We find the compression rate has no effect upon the strength for
compression strain rates up to 2000 s−1 , despite a transition to higher-order buckling modes at high strain
rates. The study confirms that a synergistic interaction between the colinear aligned and out-of-plane
tubes, observed during quasistatic loading, extends to the dynamic regime. Finite element simulations,
using a rate-dependent, piecewise linear strain hardening model with a von Mises yield surface and an
equivalent plastic strain failure criterion, successfully predicted the buckling response of the structures,
and confirmed the absence of strain-rate hardening in the three-dimensional cellular structure. The sim-
ulations also reveal that the ratio of the impact to back-face stress increased with strain rate and relative
density, a result with significant implications for shock-load mitigation applications of these structures.

1. Introduction

Light sandwich-panel structures are widely used in stiffness-governed design, where large bending
stresses must be supported with minimum elastic deflection [Allen 1969]. Since the flexural modulus
of a sandwich panel increases with the square of its core thickness, the primary purpose of the core
is to maintain separation of the face sheets at minimum mass [Vinson 1999]. By combining carbon
fiber-reinforced polymer composite face sheets with lightweight Nomex and other polymeric cores, very
high-flexural modulus structures have been developed for a variety of applications [Shahdin et al. 2009].
Advances in fabrication methods have led to the emergence of sandwich panels whose faces and cellular
cores are made from high-strength metallic alloys based upon aluminum [Kooistra et al. 2004; Queheillalt
et al. 2008], stainless steels [Ferri et al. 2006; Radford et al. 2007], and titanium [Queheillalt et al. 2000;
Elzey and Wadley 2001; Moongkhamklang and Wadley 2010]. These sandwich structures also have
high flexural strengths and moduli, and offer significant advantages over monolithic plates of equivalent
mass in a variety of dynamic loading scenarios [Xue and Hutchinson 2004; Deshpande and Fleck 2005;
Dharmasena et al. 2009; 2013; Wadley et al. 2013].
The benefits of metallic sandwich structures during localized impulsive loading arise from their high
flexural strength and significant plastic strain energy dissipation. Some of the incident kinetic energy

Keywords: cellular structures, 6061 aluminum, impact testing, dynamic loads, material rate-dependence.


is stored as the plastic work of core compression, but for edge-clamped panels, a substantial fraction is
also dissipated by plastic stretching of the core and face sheets [Zok et al. 2004]. Numerous cellular core
topologies have been investigated for dynamic loading applications, including honeycombs with in-plane
stretch-resistant square [Wadley et al. 2007] or triangular [Wei et al. 2008; Dharmasena et al. 2011] cells,
as well as more-compressible prismatic topologies based upon corrugations (with stretch resistance in
only one direction) [Rimoli et al. 2011]. Concepts such as flex honeycomb [Bitzer 1997, pp. 1–9] or
lattice truss cores [Kooistra et al. 2008] have been proposed for curved sandwich panels, but these cores
are significantly less stretch resistant.
The sandwich-panel approach is not widely used to mitigate automobile impacts. Instead this com-
munity has focused on crash box (tube) designs that absorb the kinetic energy during frontal vehicle
impact [Hanssen et al. 2000b; 2001], and reduce force transmission to levels that remain below the
injury threshold for vehicle occupants. An ideal crash box design provides close to theoretical plastic
energy absorption at predictable (constant) force through progressive buckling and plastic deformation
of the box/tube structure. However, the crush response of tubes is highly impact orientation-dependent
[Abramowicz and Jones 1997; Pingle et al. 2011]. More-isotropic aluminum foams [Reyes 2008] and
foam-filled tubes [Reid 1993; Baumeister et al. 1997; Hanssen et al. 2000a] have therefore received
attention for these structural impact problems. These foam-based structures are highly compressible, and
can undergo compression at nearly constant (plateau) stress to plastic strains of 60% or more, making
them efficient impact energy absorbers. However, they possess little (or none) of the in-plane stretch
resistance that is utilized in sandwich panel-based mitigation approaches.
The compressive stress versus strain response of cellular structures is frequently found to depend upon
the rate of straining [Dannemann and Lankford 2000; Deshpande and Fleck 2000]. This can arise from
material strain-rate hardening [Wadley et al. 2003], changes in the deformation modes of the cells [Maiti
et al. 1984] and from inertial effects [Calladine and English 1984]. To eventually design a structure whose
energy absorption and stress transfer are insensitive to the rate or direction of compression, it is necessary
to understand the significance of each of these factors to the overall response. The objective of the study
reported here is to investigate the dynamic crushing of a cellular structure made from a three-dimensional
arrangement of square cross section, extruded tubes of a heat-treatable 6061 aluminum alloy, shown in
Figure 1(a), that exhibits negligible strain-rate hardening. The structure contains [0◦ /90◦ ]2 oriented in-
plane tubes that provide in-plane stretch resistance, while the through-thickness tubes resist compression
in analogous fashion to that of a crash box design.
A recent study of the quasistatic compressive response of three-dimensional tube structures [Holloman
et al. 2013] revealed a synergistic interaction between the in and out-of-plane tubes that enhanced the en-
ergy dissipated by the structure’s component tubes. The compressive energy absorption was comparable
to that of axially loaded tubes, but had superior stretch resistance [loc. cit.], and a more omnidirectional
crush response than a collinear tube array. The study also showed that by using different wall thicknesses
for the in-plane and through-thickness tubes, it was possible to independently control the in-plane stretch
resistance and the through-thickness crush strength. The large nodal contact areas also improved load
transfer within the core, and between the core and face sheets. The topology also afforded multifunction-
ality [Evans et al. 2001] such as cross-flow heat exchange via the open channels that extend within the
structure [Tian et al. 2007]. The study described here investigates the dynamic out-of-plane compressive
response of the same structures. The dynamic crushing resistance and collapse mode mechanisms are

(a) Notched 3D tube structure

a) Notched (b) Unit
b) Unit cell cell
3d tube
structure l2
l2 l

l t y


y t
x l

Figure 1. (a) A three-dimensional tube structure with the vertical tube notched to fa-
cilitate dip braze bonding. (b) The unit cell of the three-dimensional structure with the
notch geometry incorporated. For all experiments reported here, x = y = 6.35 mm.

explored via direct-impact Kolsky bar experiments that utilize high-speed photography. Finite-element
analysis is also used to investigate the dynamic deformation modes, and to estimate the stresses at the
impact and distal faces of the structures.

2. Experimental protocols

2.1. Test structures. A two-dimensional structure was first assembled by laying down a colinear layer of
6061 aluminum alloy square tubes, each spaced a tube width apart. A second, similarly spaced, layer was
then orthogonally placed on the first, and the assembly sequence repeated to create a [0◦ /90◦ ]2 structure.
The three-dimensional topology, shown in Figure 1(a), was then assembled from the two-dimensional
structure by inserting additional tubes in the out-of-plane (vertical) void space between the cross-ply
oriented tubes. The out-of-plane tube was notched, as shown in Figure 1(a), to facilitate complete fluid
penetration during subsequent dip brazing bonding and heat treatment [Holloman et al. 2013]. Since
the notches affect the buckling response, additional three-dimensional samples were fabricated using
regular out-of-plane tubes without notches. Samples consisting of just the regular and notched vertical
tubes (called one-dimensional structures here) were also fabricated and tested. Following the dip brazing
process, all the structures were slow-aged at room temperature for 96 hours to the T4 condition and then
peak hardened (to the T6 condition) by heating to 163◦ C for 18 hours, followed by water quenching.
Figure 1(a) shows that when the cellular tube structures are bonded to 4.76 mm thick face sheets to
create sandwich panels, they have a large core-to-face-sheet interfacial area with potentially beneficial
consequences for the robustness of intensely loaded panels. The structure’s relative density, ρ̄, given by
the ratio of the volume occupied by metal to that of a unit cell — see Figure 1(b) — was calculated for
each sample. A summary of the geometries and relative densities of the samples investigated is presented
in Table 1.

Sample core In-plane Out-of-plane

Topology w (mm) h (mm) t (mm)∗ l (mm)∗ t (mm)∗ l (mm)∗ ρ̄
1D 19.1 76.2 – – 1.52 19.1 6.7∗∗
2D 57.2 76.2 1.70 19.1 – – 16.3
3D 57.2 76.2 1.45 19.1 1.45 19.1 20.1
3D 34.4 55.4 0.74 11.5 0.74 11.5 11.6
3D 57.2 76.2 3.47 19.1 3.47 19.1 42.7
1D unnotched 19.1 76.2 – – 1.52 19.1 7.3∗∗
3D unnotched 57.2 76.2 1.44 19.1 1.44 19.1 21.0
∗ Variability in the tube wall thickness resulted in reporting a mean value per sample with a
standard deviation in tube wall thickness of ±0.14 mm.
∗∗ Corresponds to relative density contribution to the three-dimensional structure.

Table 1. Tube core geometries (sample core widths and heights, w and h, and mean
tube wall thicknesses, t, and tube widths, l) and relative densities (ρ̄).

Tensile tests were previously performed on the tube wall alloy in postbrazed and peak-hardened con-
dition [Holloman et al. 2013]. The experimental curve (measured at 25◦ C with a strain rate of 10−4 s−1 )
is shown in Figure 2, and is later used to deduce the coefficients for a constitutive model for numerical
simulation of the tube structures.

T = 25oC


Cauchy stress (MPa)




Quasistatic experimental result

Piecewise linear hardening simulation (ε = 10–4s–1)
Piecewise linear hardening simulation (ε = 103s–1)
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06

Logarithmic strain

Figure 2. Measured tensile stress-strain relation for a sample of the 6061-T6 alloy ex-
tracted from a tube structure. The predicted responses of the constitutive model for strain
rates of 10−4 and 103 s−1 are also shown.

2.2. Dynamic testing. The dynamic out-of-plane compressive response of the core structures was mea-
sured from a series of direct-impact Kolsky bar tests, where the force was measured on the sample’s
back face with a strain-gauged Kolsky [1949] bar while synchronously recording the strain with a high-
speed video camera; see Figure 3. Each specimen was attached to the end of a stationary 2 m long,
7.62 cm diameter Kolsky bar using Loctite Super Glue. A striker projectile was accelerated with a gas
gun towards the front face of the specimen, and the force transmitted by the sample was measured by
diametrically opposed strain gauges placed 0.76 m from the impact end of the Kolsky bar. The striker
diameter was equal to both the inner diameter of the gas gun barrel and the diameter of the Kolsky bar.
The gas gun barrel measured 4.50 m in length; to achieve an impact velocity, v0 , of less than or equal to
75 ms−1 , the projectile was positioned 3.2 m from the exit of the barrel. Higher velocities were achieved
by placing the striker projectile 3.8 m from the gun barrel exit. All initial velocities were measured near
the barrel exit using two sets of laser velocity gates as shown in Figure 3. That figure also defines all
other relevant geometrical parameters of the test setup. The Kolsky bar was made from aluminum alloy
6082-T6, with yield strength 310 MPa and measured longitudinal elastic wave speed c = 5108 ms−1 . A
time window of 485.5 µs was therefore available for measurements before elastic reflections from the
distal end of the Kolsky bar complicated interpretation.
The precision of the measurements was derived from multiple calibration tests. An example of one of
the results is shown in Figure 4(a). The aluminum Kolsky bar was impacted by an aluminum projectile
that had a diameter of 7.6 cm, a length of 54.0 cm, and a mass of 6124 g. In this example, it impacted
the Kolsky bar with an initial (preimpact) velocity v0 = 7.3 ms−1 . Figure 4(a) sets time t = 0 as the
first arrival of the stress pulse at the strain gauges, and shows that the rise time of the stress pulse at
the gauge location was 35 µs for the bar/strain gauge system used here. This rise-time limitation only
became significant at the highest impact velocities, where substantial specimen compression could occur
within the first 5 µs after impact.

Momentum Specimen
trap Strain
7.62 76 8.6 5.0

5.7 m
Aluminum 6082-T6 Kolsky bar Gas gun barrel
200 Aluminum or
steel projectile Laser gates
Signal conditioner measure
(Kistler 359TA) velocity and
Phantom V16 trigger camera

Trigger signal

(Tektronics TDS3014) All dimensions in cm

Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the Kolsky bar arrangement used for dynamic testing.


Front face velocity v(t ) , (m / s)

a) b)
35 µs 160
Measured Measured
60 stress pulse Simulated
Stress (MPa)

50 V0 = 157 ms–1
30 Theoretical 104 ms–1
stress pulse 60
20 73 ms–1
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000

Time (µs) Time (µs)

Figure 4. (a) Transmitted stress versus time history of the aluminum Kolsky bar follow-
ing impact by a 54.0 cm long, 7.6 cm diameter aluminum striker with a mass of 6.124 kg
and velocity v0 = 7.3 ms−1 . The axial stress in the aluminum Kolsky bar (predicted
by one-dimensional elastic wave theory) was 51.3 MPa (the dashed curve). (b) The
measured front-face velocity for a three-dimensional tube structure with ρ̄ = 20.1%.
Simulated data is also shown.

Elastic wave theory [Johnson 1972] gives the axial stress transferred to the aluminum Kolsky bar
in this test as ρcv0 /2 = 51.3 MPa, where ρ = 2755 kg·m−3 is the density and c = 5108 ms−1 is the
extensional wave speed of the aluminum Kolsky bar. The predicted axial stress pulse — the red dotted
curve in Figure 4(a) — is within 16% of the first stress measured peak (61.2 MPa), and is reasonably
close to the average measured stress. The measured calibration test stress drops to zero at t = 236 µs,
which corresponds to the arrival of the elastic stress pulse reflected from the free end of the striker.
Russell et al. [2010] have shown that the striker projectile kinetic energy governs the compressive
strain of the crushable sample and the transient velocity imposed upon the impacted end of the specimen.
For the samples tested here, impact experiments were performed at nominal impact velocities of 75, 100,
and 150 ms−1 . A steel striker of mass M = 2.5 kg was used for impact velocities v0 of 75 and 100 ms−1 .
It imparted sufficient momentum to crush most of the samples beyond their densification strain. An
aluminum striker of mass M = 0.75 kg was used for tests at impact velocity v0 ≥ 150 ms−1 . High-speed
video images of the samples were recorded using a Phantom V12 high-speed camera to measure the
compression rate, to identify failure modes and to confirm that the striker kinetic energy was sufficient
to provide a constant-velocity sample compression up to a nominal strain of at least 50%. Figure 4(b)
shows a typical impact face velocity result for a three-dimensional structure with ρ̄ = 20.1%; the front-
face velocity rose quickly upon striker impact to a peak crushing velocity and then fell slowly during
continued crushing. The actual crush velocity was always slightly less than that of the striker just prior
to impact, and remained relatively constant during crushing to the densification strain. As the relative
density was increased to ρ̄ = 42.7%, constant velocity compression ceased at core compressions of 20%
and the samples were not completely crushed even with the more-massive striker. In the results to follow,
we designate each test by the incident impact velocity, v0 , of the striker.

3. Finite element analysis protocols

Finite element (FE) techniques have been used to study the dynamic compression of one-, two-, and
three-dimensional tubes. The aims of this aspect of the investigation were to

(i) validate the analysis method by comparing the predicted and measured dynamic crush resistance of
the tube structures,
(ii) investigate the dynamic collapse mechanisms responsible for the mechanical responses of the cellu-
lar tube structures,
(iii) determine the stresses imposed on the front (not experimentally measured), and
(iv) rationalize the absence of strain rate strengthening of the structure.

3.1. The FE model. All the tests were analyzed using finite element simulations conducted using the
explicit version of the commercial, nonlinear finite element package IMPETUS Afea Solver® [Hanssen
and Olovsson 2013]. The geometry and relative density of the modeled tube specimens were designed
to be the same as those of the measured specimens, reported in Table 1, but following the usual practice
[Zok et al. 2005; Radford et al. 2007; Fyllingen et al. 2010], small imperfections (described below) were
incorporated in the models to account for manufacturing defects, such as tube misalignment and tube
wall thickness variability, seen in the tested specimens. The modeled sandwich structure geometry was
merged with a modeled Kolsky bar of the same dimensions and with strain gauge placement as shown
in Figure 3. The Kolsky bar model included a cylindrical gridded region, at the same location as the
experimental strain gauges, where the axial displacements and forces could be inferred.
The FE models were constructed using cubic hexahedral elements. The meshing specifics are summa-
rized in Table 2. A mesh sensitivity study indicated that an in-plane nodal spacing approximately equal
to the tube wall thickness (t) was sufficient to provide converged solutions for impacts with tube core
structures. One cubic hexahedral element was therefore used through the thickness of each tube wall.
The nodes of the adjacent tubes were merged prior to the simulation, thus representing a perfect braze
zone with no interface failure criterion [Holloman et al. 2013]. The contact formulation in the software
is based on a penalty formulation. Simulations with uniform-wall-thickness models resulted in higher
strengths than observed experimentally, and so imperfections to the geometries were introduced to trip
buckling and better predict the stress-strain curves. The imperfections were modeled as a displacement
of the lowest-order measured eigenmode to each tube wall. For most modeled structures the first-order
eigenmode amplitude was set at 0.1 times the tube wall thickness; however, the unnotched tube structure
required a larger amplitude imperfection (0.3 the tube wall thickness) to match the experiments.
All the simulations introduced a cylindrical projectile with the same dimensions and mass as the
experimental projectile. An initial velocity (v0 ) was applied to the simulated projectile that matched the
measured projectile velocity recorded by the laser gates in the experiment. Conservation of momentum
during the inelastic collision between the projectile and the specimen resulted in a decrease in projectile
velocity, as shown in Figure 4(b).

3.2. Material properties. The experimentally recovered Cauchy stress-true strain response of the Al
6061-T6 alloy during uniaxial tensile testing is presented in Figure 2. The uniaxial Cauchy stress, σ ,

Hexahedral elements
Topology ρ̄ Cubic Linear Nodes
1D 6.7 2,176 – 88,958
2D 16.3 5,440 – 297,854
3D 20.1 7,264 – 403,838
3D 11.6 5,356 1,936 345,958
3D 42.7 4,592 – 253,294
1D, unnotched 7.3 450 – 28,192
3D, unnotched 21.0 2,240 450 205,376

Table 2. Tube geometries and velocity-time function values used during FE simulations.

versus true strain, ε, relation for an elastic-plastic material under uniaxial straining can be written
ε = εe + ε p = + ε p , (1)
where εe and ε p are the elastic and plastic components of the strain, respectively, and E is the Young’s
modulus. Having performed the uniaxial tensile test, the true stress versus plastic strain curve was
tabulated and used to determine an isotropic strain hardening relation needed for FE simulations. The
transition from elastic to plastic behavior was set at a Cauchy stress of 230.7 MPa. This hardening
tabulation was implemented in the IMPETUS Afea Solver using the general piecewise linear hardening
constitutive model with optional thermal softening and strain-rate hardening. The yield stress of this
model is defined in the form
T − T0 m ε̇eff c
σ y = f (εeff ) 1 − 1+ , (2)
Tm − T0 ε̇0
where f (εeff ) is the piecewise-linear hardening function of the effective deviatoric strain, which was
obtained from the hardening curve behavior. The thermal softening component was defined by the current
temperature, T , the reference temperature, T0 , the melting temperature, Tm , and the thermal softening
parameter, m. The strain-rate hardening component of (2) was defined by a reference strain rate, ε̇0 , and
a strain-rate hardening parameter, c. The coefficients used in conjunction with (2) to model the material
are given in Table 3. The thermal softening and strain-rate hardening components made a negligible
contribution to the yield stress. The yield strength was primarily defined by the piecewise linear hardening
function f (εeff ) modeled using a von Mises yield criterion with isotropic hardening. Using the material
model described above, a uniaxial tensile test was simulated at room temperature for the measured strain
rate and compared well to the measured Cauchy stress-logarithmic strain curve (Figure 2). The response
at a strain rate of 103 s−1 is also shown, and confirms the modest strain-rate dependence of the alloy.
To account for softening created by tube wall fracture on the tensile side of severely buckled tubes, the
Cockcroft–Latham failure criterion [Cockcroft and Latham 1968] was implemented for all the dynamic
compression simulations. Failure was defined to occur when a damage parameter, D, reached unity. The
damage parameter was calculated as
Z εeff
D= max(0, σ1 ) dεeff , (3)
Wc 0

Elastic constant Strain rate Temperature softening Fracture

and density hardening and adiabatic heating parameter
E (GPa) ν ρ (kg·m−3 ) ε0 (s−1 ) c T0 (K) Tm (K) m Wc (MPa)
70.5 0.3 2700 5·10−4 0.001 293 893 1 85

Table 3. Material constants for AA6061-T6 tube wall material.

where σ1 is the first principle stress. The critical damage parameter, Wc = 85 MPa, was obtained by fitting
the simulated measured stress-strain response of a single laterally compressed tube tested in [Holloman
et al. 2013]. The general node-splitting feature in the IMPETUS code was turned on. In this feature the
damage variable is allowed to evolve without any change to the constitutive response of the Al 6061-T6
alloy until D = 1. At that instant, the Al 6061-T6 alloy is assumed to have failed and nodes of the
elements where this failure has occurred are split apart.

4. Quasistatic core response

The quasistatic compressive responses of all the core structures investigated here have been investigated
previously in [Holloman et al. 2013], and the key findings relevant to this study are summarized in
Table 4, together with a summary of the dynamic results presented below. The relative density given
to the one-dimensional tube samples corresponds to their contribution in a three-dimensional structure,
Table 1. The compressive strengths of the one-dimensional (notched) and two-dimensional cores were
4.7 and 13.2 MPa, respectively. The addition of one and two-dimensional strengths (17.9 MPa) was less
than the measured peak strength of the equivalent three-dimensional structure (20.8 MPa) with a relative
density, ρ̄ = 20.1%, indicating a substantial synergistic interaction between the colinear and vertical
tubes during quasistatic loading. However, the mechanism responsible for the enhanced crush resistance
of the fully integrated three-dimensional structure was not identified.
The volumetric energy absorption up to the core densification strain (ε D ) per unit volume,1 E v , and
gravimetric energy absorption, E m = E v /ρ̄ρs (where rs is the density of the aluminum alloy), are also
given for each core in Table 4. The theoretical gravimetric energy absorption, E m∗ (the product of the
compressive strength and densification strain divided by ρ̄ρs ), and the gravimetric energy-absorbing effi-
ciency (E m /E m∗ ) are also summarized in Table 4. The energy-absorbing efficiency of the two-dimensional
structures was low as a result of the unstable buckling response of the structure, making the two-
dimensional core poorly suited for impact energy-absorption applications. All other structures exhibited
energy-absorbed-per-unit-mass values near the upper bound for tubes [Holloman et al. 2013].

5. Dynamic compression results

We begin by examining the dynamic compression of the components (single-axial and two-dimensional
tube arrays) of the three-dimensional cellular structure, and then investigate the fully integrated structure
at three relative densities. Finite element analysis is used to resolve the tube collapse modes, identify the
mechanism responsible for the synergistic effect, and estimate the impact-face pressure.

1 Defined as the area under the stress strain response until the onset of densification.

Topology ρ̄ v (ms−1 ) σ p (MPa) εD E v (MJ/m3 ) E m (J/g) E m∗ (J/g) E m /E m∗

1D 6.7 0 4.7 0.72 1.7 9.4 18.7 0.50
notched 72 2.6 0.65 1.0 5.5 9.2 0.59
tube 105 3.2 0.56 1.4 7.7 9.6 0.80
157 3.0 0.68 2.3 12.7 10.9 1.16
1D tube 7.3 0 10.3 0.79 5.3 26.9 39.6 0.68
73 10.2 0.77 1.9 9.6 37.2 0.26
108 11.6 0.75 3.3 16.7 40.8 0.41
157 11.2 0.72 4.3 21.8 37.1 0.58
2D 16.3 0 13.2 0.64 1.2 2.7 19.2 0.14
[0/90◦ ]2 73 15.4 0.62 2.8 6.4 21.2 0.30
104 13.4 0.59 4.3 9.7 17.3 0.56
156 13.5 0.59 4.8 10.9 17.0 0.64
3D 20.1 0 20.8 0.61 10.4 19.2 23.4 0.82
cellular 73 18.2 0.59 8.4 15.5 18.2 0.85
structure 104 17.5 0.56 9.3 17.1 17.0 1.00
157 17.2 0.56 8.8 16.2 16.6 0.98
3D 21.0 0 27.1 0.63 12.5 22.0 30.1 0.73
cellular 74 24.6 0.72 10.8 19.0 30.7 0.62
structure 108 21.8 0.66 10.5 18.5 24.5 0.75
(unnotched) 154 19.5 0.63 9.6 16.9 20.7 0.82
3D 11.6 0 7.3 0.59 3.9 12.7 13.7 0.92
cellular 72 7.0 0.73 2.8 8.9 16.3 0.55
structure 156 7.1 0.73 3.5 11.2 16.5 0.68
3D 42.7 0 49.8 0.45 24.4 21.2 29.4 0.73
cellular 73 53.2 – – – – –
structure 105 51.4 – – – – –
157 56.6 – – – – –

Table 4. Measured mechanical properties (including relative density, ρ̄, impact velocity,
v, and compressive strength, σ p ) and energy absorption values (including volumetric en-
ergy absorption, E v , gravimetric energy absorption, E m , theoretical gravimetric energy
absorption, E m∗ , and energy absorption efficiency, E m /E m∗ ) for tested tubular cellular

5.1. Axially loaded tubes.

5.1.1. Notched tube response. The back-face pressure versus core strain responses of notched tubes
impacted at the three velocities are given in Figure 5(b–d), and compared with the quasistatic
Rt result in
Figure 5(a). The core strain, εc , for the impacted samples was defined as εc = h −1 0 v(t) dt, where
v(t) was the measured sandwich-panel impact-face velocity as a function of time t (measured from

25 25
a) Quasi static b) V0 = 72 ms–1
Nominal stress (MPa)

Nominal stress (MPa)

Measured back face
20 20 Simulated back face
Simulated front face

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
25 25
c) V0 = 105 ms–1 d) V0 = 157 ms–1
Nominal stress (MPa)

20 Nominal stress (MPa) 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
εc εc

Figure 5. The measured and simulated back-face stress versus nominal compressive
strain for a notched (one-dimensional) tube which contributed 6.7% to the relative den-
sity of a three-dimensional structure. (a) The quasistatic compression response followed
by the responses after impact at (b) 72 ms−1 , (c) 105 ms−1 , and (d) 157 ms−1 . Simula-
tion results are also shown for the specimens’ front (impacted) face pressure.

the high-speed photographs), and h the initial core height (85.7 mm). The predicted back-face stress
versus imposed nominal strain results are overlaid on the experimental data in Figure 5, and found to
be in good agreement with the measured back-face stress. Under quasistatic loading, examination of
Figure 5(a) shows a plateau-like stress versus strain response after an initial peak in compressive stress
of σ p = 4.7 MPa. During dynamic impact at 72 ms−1 the stress-strain response remained plateau-like, as
seen in Figure 5(b), but with a smaller initial stress peak of 2.9 ± 0.3 MPa for the three impact velocities;
this is consistent with an absence of strain-rate (or inertial) hardening. However, after the initial peak
in resistance, the measured and simulated flow stresses of the dynamically loaded samples gradually
increased with strain, especially at the highest strain rate, and also exhibited several small additional
stress peaks before the onset of densification (where the stress rose rapidly towards 25 MPa and beyond)
at a strain ε D = 0.62±0.06, which was less than the value of 0.72 measured under quasistatic deformation.
These results are summarized in Table 4.

A sequence of high-speed video images and corresponding simulations for a notched tube impacted
at v0 = 72 ms−1 are shown in Figure 6. The initial strain suffered by the impacted tube occurred by axial
plastic compression of the tube walls at the notches. However, after a small shortening period as the tube
walls at the notch compressed, the initial peak in strength was reached as the tube began to buckle about
a notch, see Figure 6(a). This was initiated at the right-hand notch (nearest to impact end of the tube) at

Figure 6. Observed and simulated deformation sequence for a (one-dimensional)

notched tube specimen impacted at an initial velocity v0 = 72 ms−1 . Impact occurs
on the right side of both the photographs and the FE simulations.

a nominal strain of slightly less than 0.04, and correlated well with the first stress peak in Figure 5(b).
As the nominal strain increased, new notch buckling events progressed from notches at the impact end
of the sample towards those at the distal end, see Figure 6(a and b). At a nominal strain of 0.34, the
tube walls near all the notches had suffered significant buckling deflections, see Figure 6(c), and material
near the impact end had rotated about the notch. Further axial compression resulted in fracture of the
buckled tube wall at the most distal notch, and contact of the tube walls on either side of this notch, as in
Figure 6(d). This self-contact coincided with stiffening of the structure, and a rise in compressive flow
stress to 4.7 MPa at a nominal strain of 0.56; see Figure 5(b). This process then progressed from right
to left along the tube, resulting in densification at ε D = 0.65; see Figure 5(b).
If the four notches had buckled (without tube rotation) until tube wall contact was established across
the 6.35 mm-wide notch, the axial displacement of the 76.2 mm-long tube would have been 25.4 mm, a
strain of 33%. Since the densification strain was about twice this value, we conclude that the combination
of tube rotation and axial compression of the tube walls between the notches contributed about the same
level of strain as notch deformation to the densification limit. We note that simulation images compared
well to those observed with the high-speed camera (see Figure 6). The comparison was best when the
strain was below 0.300. Beyond this strain, tube rotations were increasingly difficult to precisely predict
due to the global nature of failure, and its sensitivity to imperfections. The simulations verified that the
strength was governed by buckling collapse of the tubes, and that this was initiated at the right-hand
notch nearest to the impact.
Increasing the impact velocity resulted in a similar deformation sequence, but the degree of tube rota-
tion decreased with increased impact velocity (see Figure 7). This was observed in both the experimental
data and in the simulation. Since tube rotation is an inertially sensitive failure mode, and was active
during the nominal plateau region of the crush response, its decrease with increase in impact velocity
may be responsible for the more rapid rise in plateau flow stress as the impact velocity increased; asee
Figure 5(b–d). This would prolong axial tube compression (a harder mode) as opposed to tube rotation.
The total absorbed (plastically stored) energy per unit volume, E v , was obtained from the area under
the stress-strain curve shown in Figure 5(b). The integration was terminated at the densification strain,
where the flow stress began to increase sharply due to material self-impingement. This gave a volumetric
absorbed energy E v = 1.0 MJ/m3 . Dividing this by the core density, ρ̄ρs = 0.067 · 2.7 Mg·m−3 =
180.9 kg·m−3 , gives a gravimetric absorbed energy, E m = 5.5 J/g. If the stress achieved at the first
stress peak had remained constant until densification, the gravimetric absorbed energy would have been
the theoretical limit of the structure, E m∗ = 9.2 J/g. The notched one-dimensional structure impacted at
v0 = 72 ms−1 therefore had an energy absorption efficiency of 59.0%. The energy absorption and energy
absorption efficiency of the tubes rose with impact velocity as the cores’ peak strength also increased, see
Table 4, and increased beyond unity (using the first stress peak to define the theoretical energy absorption)
because of the gradual rise in plateau-region flow stress with strain in the most rapidly crushed samples.
The FEA results slightly underpredicted the measured densification strains, most notably for the test at
v0 = 157 ms−1 .
The simulations permit calculation of the front-face pressure for each test, and this is overlaid on
the experimental and predicted back-face responses of Figure 5. The initial inelastic impact resulted in
very large contact stresses on the front-face sheet, and a significant momentum transfer to the lighter
sandwich structure, leading to its loss of contact with the striker. As the tube-crushing reaction forces

Figure 7. Experimentally observed and simulated deformation sequence for a notched

(one-dimensional) tube specimen impacted at an initial velocity v0 = 157 ms−1 .

decelerated the impact face, the striker eventually recontacted the sample, and the stress once again
increased. The repetition of this process is responsible for the series of stress peaks observed in the
front-face stress-strain profiles, see Figure 5.
5.1.2. Regular tube response. The impact response of the vertical tube without notches is shown in
Figure 8(b–d), and compared with that measured during quasistatic testing in Figure 8(a). The initial

25 25
a) Quasistatic b) V0 = 73 ms–1
Nominal stress (MPa)

Nominal stress (MPa)

20 Measured back face 20
Simulated back face
Simulated front face

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
25 25
c) V0 = 108 ms–1 d) V0 = 157 ms–1
Nominal stress (MPa)

20 Nominal stress (MPa) 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
εc εc
Figure 8. The measured and simulated back-face stress versus nominal compressive
strain of an unnotched one-dimensional tube structure which contributed 7.3% to the
relative density of the unnotched three-dimensional structure. (a) Quasistatic response,
and for impacts at (b) 73 ms−1 , (c) 108 ms−1 , and (d) 157 ms−1 . Simulation results are
also shown for the front face of the specimen.

peak stress was again unaffected by the impact velocity, but had a much higher value of ∼ 11 MPa than
that of a notched tube (∼ 2.9 MPa). The flow stress then dropped with continued loading, exhibiting
numerous stress oscillations, until the onset of densification at a very high densification strain, ε D = 0.8.
The simulated back-face stress-strain responses are compared to experimental results in Figure 8, and
are in reasonable agreement with the measurements considering the (small) experimental variability in
the tube orientation. The measured peak strength and energy absorption for the samples are summarized
in Table 4. Even though the initial peak strength was about four times that of the notched structure, and
it had a higher densification strain, the volumetric energy absorption was only about twice that of the
notched structure because of the substantial fall in strength following the initial peak in stress, and the
highly oscillatory plateau region’s response.
High-speed video and simulated images of the collapse process are shown in Figure 9. At low strains
the tubes underwent plastic compression, and the initial peak in strength at εc = 0.04% was correlated with
tube wall buckling; see Figure 9(a). This was followed by failure of the tube-front face bond, rotation of

the tube, and tube wall fracture at the apex of buckles; see Figure 9(b). This process continued resulting
in fragmentation (and loss) of the tube walls. This delayed the onset of material self-impingement, and
was the origin of the higher-than-normal densification strain; see Figure 9(e). The simulated damage
progression in Figure 9 also shows the significant tube rotation and fragmentation of the tube during

Figure 9. Observed and simulated deformation sequence for a one-dimensional tube

specimen with a relative density of 7.3% and no notches impacted at an initial velocity
v0 = 73 ms−1 .

dynamic loading2 observed experimentally. The “spiky” character of the measured stress profile was
also seen in the simulation, and the transient partial load drops were linked to tube fracture events. The
progressive drop in flow stress with continued straining arose from continued fragmentation at the distal
end of the tube until densification at a strain of 0.8.

5.2. Two-dimensional tube array. The measured and simulated compressive stress versus strain re-
sponse of the dynamically tested two-dimensional structure is shown in Figure 10(b–d) and compared to
the quasistatic result in Figure 10(a). The stress versus strain responses at all loading rates exhibit three
peaks followed by densification. The initial peak stress, σ p was again independent of loading rate, which
is consistent with minimal strain-rate hardening. The load dropped after each peak in stress resulted
2 The response of the tube was highly sensitive to small changes in its orientation. When tubes were perfectly aligned,
progressive concertina plastic buckling of the tubes was observed. However, introduction of the small misalignments present in
the experiments resulted in the modes shown in the figures.

100 100
a) Quasi static b) V0 = 73 ms–1
Nominal stress (MPa)

Nominal stress (MPa)

80 Measured back face 80

Simulated back face
Simulated front face

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
100 100
c) V0 = 104 ms–1 d) V0 = 156 ms–1
Nominal stress (MPa)

Nominal stress (MPa)

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
εc εc

Figure 10. The measured and simulated dynamic stress versus normalized nominal
strain responses of a two-dimensional tube structure with a relative density of 16.3%;
(a) quasistatic response, and following impact at (b) 73 ms−1 , (c) 104 ms−1 , and
(d) 156 ms−1 .

in low volumetric and gravimetric energy absorptions (Table 4), but these (and the energy absorption
efficiency) increased with impact velocity because the stress drops decreased in amplitude at higher
velocities (Figure 10).
High-speed video observations and simulations (Figure 11) indicate that the initial rise to the first
stress peak was always correlated with the onset of a high-order (short wavelength) buckling mode of

Figure 11. Observed and simulated deformation sequence for a two-dimensional spec-
imen impacted at an initial velocity v0 = 73 ms−1 .

the axially aligned walls of the tube layer nearest the impacted face; see Figure 11(a and b). As the
sample continued to undergo compression, the buckling behavior became impact velocity dependent.
At an impact velocity of 73 ms−1 , buckling of the first-to-buckle (right-hand) layer stopped, as seen in
Figure 11(b), and further strain was achieved by initiation of a low-order mode of buckling of the other
three tube layers. As the compressive strain reached a value of about 0.2, the deformation localized into
the tube layer second from the right in Figure 11(c), and the second peak in stress then corresponded to
the collapse (aided by wall fracture) of this layer. The third stress peak corresponded to collapse of the
tube layer third from the impacted end of the sample; see Figure 11(d). Collapse of the first impacted
layer then coincided with the onset of densification at a strain of 0.62; see Figure 11(e). As the velocity
of impact increased, the initial impact provided sufficient pressure to cause complete (but still high-order
mode) buckling of the right-hand tube layer, and this collapse corresponded to the first peak in stress;
see Figure 12(a and b). The other peaks then corresponded with the progressive collapse of the layers
from right to left, as in Figure 12(c–e).
The simulated nominal stress versus applied nominal strain results shown in Figure 10(b–d) compared
well with the experimental results. While the three peaks in stress are well predicted, the simulations do
not fully capture the unloading instability, suggesting that the simulated tube wall fracture process is not
completely captured by the approximate approach used here.

5.3. Three-dimensional tube cores.

5.3.1. Notched vertical tube response. The dynamic responses of the three-dimensional structures are
shown in Figure 13(b–d) and are again compared to the quasistatic result in Figure 13(a). The three-
dimensional cores’ initial quasistatic peak strength, σ p , was 20.9 MPa, while dynamically it was slightly
less (varying from 17.2 to 18.2 MPa), and independent of impact velocity, see Table 4.3
In general, the dynamically deformed samples exhibited plateau-like compression responses with three
small stress peaks like those associated with the sequential collapse of the two-dimensional in-plane tubes
discussed above. The volumetric and gravimetric energy absorptions of the three-dimensional structures,
seen in Table 4, were independent of compression rate. The average volumetric energy absorbed for
the four loading rates was 9.2 MJ/m3 . This significantly exceeded that for the average absorbed en-
ergy of 5.8 MJ/m3 for the components of the three-dimensional system (one notched tube and the two-
dimensional tube array, see Table 5). The energy absorption efficiency of the three-dimensional structure
was independent of the compression rate, and varied between 82 and 100%. The high efficiency resulted
in part from the rising background stress just before densification was reached. This high efficiency,
combined with the plateau-like compressive stress-strain response to compressive strains of about 50%,
indicates the three-dimensional tube structure to be well suited for impact-mitigation applications.
The rear-face pressure responses from the finite element simulations were in good agreement with the
measurements at the lowest impact velocity; see Figure 13(b). During quasistatic loading, three stress
peaks were superimposed on a constant stress plateau response; see Figure 13(a). However, during dy-
namic loading, the third peak occurred on a rising background stress response and was most pronounced
3 The difference in strength was consistent with small tube misalignments which have a significant effect upon the small
samples tested here. To illustrate, Figure 14(a) shows a high-speed video image of the sample tested at v0 = 73 ms−1 , and
reveals that one of the in-plane tubes’ side-walls (at the top right of the sample) was not in full contact with the underlying
in-plane tube wall, causing it to prematurely fail.

Figure 12. Observed and simulated deformation sequence for a two-dimensional spec-
imen impacted at an initial velocity v0 = 156 ms−1 .

in the sample tested at the highest impact velocity; see Figure 13(d). This rising background stress was
a characteristic of the vertical notched tube response; see Figure 5(c and d). A rise in predicted stress
during the plateau response was also observed, but, for the two most rapidly loaded samples, exceeded
that measured beyond a core strain of 20%. The small drops in flow stress after each peak were correlated

60 60
a) Quasi static b) V0 = 73 ms–1
Nominal stress (MPa)

Nominal stress (MPa)

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
60 60
c) V0 = 104 ms–1 d) V0 = 157 ms–1
Nominal stress (MPa)

Nominal stress (MPa)

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

Measured back face

10 Simulated back face 10
Simulated front face
0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
εc εc
Figure 13. The measured and simulated dynamic stress versus nominal strain responses
of a three-dimensional tube structure (containing notched out-of-plane tubes) with a
relative density of 20.1%. (a) Quasistatic response, and after impact at (b) 73 ms−1 ,
(c) 104 ms−1 , and (d) 157 ms−1 .

with the buckling instability and fracture of the walls of one of the collapsing tube layers of the four tube
layer, [0/90◦ ]2 in-plane tube system.
The collapse mechanisms were investigated by examining a sequence of high-speed video images
and finite element analyses. The result for an impact at v0 = 73 ms−1 is shown in Figure 14. The
initial peak in stress occurred at a strain of 0.10; see Figure 13(b). From the experimental observations
shown in Figure 14(b) this was correlated with both notch-induced out-of-plane tube collapse and the
initiation of buckling of the in-plane tube walls, and was identical to the mechanism previously observed
at quasistatic strain rates [Holloman et al. 2013]. By using the FEA postprocessor to make the in-plane
tubes transparent after a simulation, as Figure 15(a), we see that by a core strain of 0.04, the notched
tube had begun to buckle at the two notches nearest the impacted face. We were also able to confirm that
notch-tripped buckling of the out-of-plane tube was coincident with in-plane buckling, a result consistent
with the earlier observations that the components (single-axial and two-dimensional tube arrays) of the
three-dimensional cellular structure also buckled at the same strain (4%).

Figure 14. Observed and simulated deformation sequence for a three-dimensional spec-
imen with a relative density of 20.1% after impact at an initial velocity v0 = 73 ms−1 .
Two sides of the simulated FE model are shown to more clearly reveal the deformation

Figure 15. Deformation sequence showing the three-dimensional notched and un-
notched structures when the colinear tubes have been made transparent to show the
collapse mode of the axial aligned tubes following impact at an initial velocity v0 =
73 ms−1 .

ρ̄ v (ms−1 ) σ p (MPa) E v (MJ/m3 )

Topology E m (J/g)
Notched 1D tube 23.0 0 17.9 2.8 5.2
with 2D core 72 17.4 4.4 8.2
105 17.3 7.2 13.3
157 16.8 8.9 16.4
Unnotched 1D tube 23.6 0 23.2 6.1 9.5
with 2D core 73 25.1 4.8 8.5
108 25.6 8.7 15.4
157 25.6 11.5 20.3

Table 5. Summed responses of one and two-dimensional cores (including the sum of the
relative densities, ρ̄, the impact velocity, v, and the sum of the compressive strengths, σ p ).
(The sums of the one and two-dimensional cores do not match the measured relative den-
sity of the three-dimensional core because of variability in tube wall thickness resulting
from the extrusion process and an effect of the braze layer.)

Further compression beyond the initial stress peak resulted in the flow stress softening to a strain of
∼ 20%. The high-speed video images and the simulations, shown in Figure 14(c), indicate this corre-
sponded with continued buckling of the second in-plane tube layer from the strike face, consistent with
observations of the two-dimensional in-plane structure at this impact rate; see Figure 11(a). Collapse of
the second layer, rather than that nearest the strike face, appears to have resulted from its higher-order
buckling mode, which requires a higher stress to continue collapse. Following this softening, the tested
structure hardened to a second stress peak at a strain of 0.38 followed by a sharp drop in stress at a
strain of 0.41. The mechanism responsible for the structures’ rapid stress drop can be seen by comparing
the high-speed images and simulations in Figure 14(c and d). It resulted from the buckling collapse of
the third layer of tubes from the strike face. The orthogonal simulated view of the collapse process in
Figure 14 also reveals a significant lateral (transverse shear) displacement as the axial strain increased to
0.4. The simulations also revealed that the second and fourth notches from the impact face contributed
to the shearing of the second and fourth in-plane tube layers. This mechanism is not apparent in the high-
speed video images due to the orientation of the specimen. Further collapse of the structure resulted
in core densification (with additional shear of the second and fourth in-plane tube layers) as the fourth
in-plane layer and the first in-plane tube layer buckled at ε D = 0.61.
It is interesting to note that as the impact velocity increased, the transverse (shear) displacement was
reduced, and at the highest impact velocity the structure collapsed axially with no transverse displace-
ment; this was observed by both experiment and simulation (Figure 16). This change in deformation
mode appears to be linked with the collapse of the vertical notched tube which during isolated testing
(see Figures 6 and 7), exhibited significant rotation and transverse displacement at low velocities, but
deformed in a more axial manner at the highest impact velocity. To investigate this we show the simu-
lated deformation sequence of the axial tubes of the three-dimensional sample tests conducted at 73 and
157 ms−1 in Figure 17. It can be seen that a significant lateral deformation accompanies the low-velocity
test, but at high velocities, the sample progressively collapsed with no transverse motion.

Figure 16. Observed and simulated deformation sequence for a three-dimensional spec-
imen with a relative density of 20.1% after impact at an initial velocity v0 = 157 ms−1 .

The simulations indicate the initial contact stresses between the projectile and the front-face sheet
increased from 764 to 1520 MPa as the impact velocity increased from 73 to 157 ms−1 , and greatly exceed
those at the distal end of the samples; see Figure 13(b–d). Following striker impact at v0 = 73 ms−1 ,

Figure 17. Deformation sequence showing the orthogonal side of the three-dimensional
notched structure after the colinear tubes have been made transparent.

the three-dimensional sample was brought into equilibrium much more quickly than the one or two-
dimensional cores, because of its higher mass and core strength. However, as the initial impact velocity
was increased, larger amounts of energy were transferred to the specimen during initial contact, and the

contact force briefly dropped to zero for impact at v0 = 157 ms−1 as sample face sheet-striker separation
occurred; see Figure 13(d).
Three-dimensional tube cores with relative densities ρ̄ = 11.6 and 42.7% were also tested; the results
are summarized in Table 4. The structure with ρ̄ = 11.6% was observed to fail in a similar fashion as
the ρ̄ = 20.1% structure. At the lowest impact velocity transverse (shear) displacement was present, but
at the highest impact velocity the structure collapsed axially with no transverse shear, which resulted in
increased flow stress. The three-dimensional cores with a relative density of 42.7% were not completely
crushed during dynamic loading, even though the striker was reflected from the specimen (thereby in-
creasing the transferred momentum and applied pressure). While the initial strength could be measured
(and is given in Table 4), it was not possible to determine the densification strain or energy absorbed by
this structure. Simulations indicated that the out-of-plane notched tube in the highest density structure
showed no rotation, ever at the lowest impact velocity, where rotation was observed in the other two
5.3.2. Regular vertical tube three-dimensional case. The three-dimensional core without notches in the
vertical tubes (ρ̄ = 21.0%)4 was tested dynamically to determine the role of the notches upon the response
of the three-dimensional structure. The measured and simulated compressive stress-strain responses for
impacts at various velocities are shown in Figure 18. The samples tested at impact velocities of 73 and
108 ms−1 exhibited several small peaks in stress during the region of plateau response like those seen
in the two and three-dimensional structure with notched axial tubes. These stress peaks corresponded
to the sequential collapse of three of the in-plane tube layers; see Figure 19. Collapse of the fourth
layer coincided with densification (in simulations, the first layer was responsible for densification). The
sample tested at the highest impact velocity, as shown in Figure 18(d), exhibited almost no secondary
peaks and had an almost ideal plateau response to a densification strain of about 0.6 (about the same as
the quasistatic test).
The mechanical properties of the cores are summarized in Table 4. The cores were slightly stronger
than their notched counterparts, consistent with the higher strength of the unnotched out-of-plane tube.
The first peak stress and densification strains were again independent of impact velocity. The average
volumetric energy absorbed was 10.9 MJ/m3 , compared to 7.8 MJ/m3 for the average of the summed
component tubes (see Table 5) indicating much less of a synergistic energy absorption effect in this three-
dimensional structure. The energy absorption efficiencies range between 62 and 82% (see Table 4) for
these cores, making them quite efficient.
Recall that in Section 5.1 a regular tube not in perfect axial alignment with the striker underwent
tube rotation and buckling with fragmentation. Stress drops were observed to accompany the fracture
events. Comparison of the single tube (Figure 8) and three-dimensional (Figure 18) responses reveals
significantly reduced load drops suggesting that vertical tube fragmentation was suppressed. Using the
FEA postprocessor to make in-plane tubes transparent, the out-of-plane (unnotched) tube walls are shown
to have concertina buckled in Figure 15 as opposed to rotation, buckling, and fragmentation fracture
(Figure 9). This appears to be the origin of the extra energy absorbed in the three-dimensional structures
compared to their one-dimensional and [0◦ /90◦ ]2 tube components.

4 Its density was less than the sum of the one-dimensional tube and two-dimensional structure due to variations of ±0.14 mm
in the thickness of the tube walls.

100 100
a) Quasi static b) V0 = 74 ms–1
Nominal stress (MPa)

Nominal stress (MPa)

80 Measured back face 80
Simulated back face
Simulated front face

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
100 100
c) V0 = 108 ms–1 d) V0 = 154 ms–1
Nominal stress (MPa)

80 Nominal stress (MPa) 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
εc εc

Figure 18. The measured and simulated dynamic stress versus normalized nominal
strain responses of a three-dimensional tube structure that used out-of-plane tubes with-
out notches. Its relative density was 21.0%. (a) Quasistatic response, and following
impact at (b) 74 ms−1 , (c) 108 ms−1 , and (d) 154 ms−1 .

6. Discussion

Figure 20(a) summarizes dependence of the initial compressive peak stress, σ p , for the three-dimensional
notched structures and their components as a function of the impact velocity, v0 , and applied strain
rate, ε̇c = v0 / h (upper scale). The results confirm that the structures’ initial compressive strength is
insensitive to the rate of loading for strain rates up to 2000 s−1 . Detailed observations indicate that the
axial compression of single notched tubes proceeds by plastic compression of the tube walls followed
by buckling at the notches and then of the tube segments between the notches; see Figures 6 and 7. The
rotation of the tubes became increasingly relevant after crushing to strains of 20%, and was reduced by
increasing the rate of compression, consistent with a [Calladine and English 1984] Type II structure. The
suppression of the Type II behavior in rapidly compressed samples was linked with a rise in flow stress
with plastic strain during plateau-region compression of single tubes and the three-dimensional structures
that contained them (see Figure 13).

Figure 19. Observed and simulated deformation sequence for a three-dimensional spec-
imen whose four vertical tubes had no notches in the axial aligned tube. The sample
relative density was 21.0%, and it was impacted at an initial velocity v0 = 74 ms−1 .

The [0/90◦ ]2 in-plane tube structures failed by plastic buckling of the tubes walls aligned with the
crush direction, and was accompanied by three significant load drops. At low impact velocities, lateral
displacement of the tubes (transverse to the loading direction) also occurred. As this lateral displacement
was suppressed at higher impact velocities, the drop in load was reduced and the average stress prior to
densification increased; see Figure 10.

Nominal strain rate εc = vc /h

0 1000 2000 3000
a Peak strength

Measured stress σp (MPa)

50 3D ρ = 42.7%



20 3D ρ = 20.1%

2D ρ = 16.3%
3D ρ = 11.6%
1D ρ = 6.7%
50 100 150 200 250

Striker impact velocity v0 (ms–1)


b Strength
v0 = 0 ms–1
v0 = 70 ms–1
Relative compressive strength

v0 = 100 ms–1
v0 = 150 ms–1


σ0 / σ0 = (ρ)5/3

0.01 0.02 0.04 0.07 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.7 1

Relative density

Figure 20. (a) Measured back-face stresses for the notched tube core structures as a
function of impact velocity on applied strain rate for the initial stress profile peak. The
horizontal dashed lines correspond to an extension of the quasistatic strength. (b) De-
pendence of compressive strength upon relative density with an empirical fit.

The combination of the notched vertical tubes and [0/90◦ ]2 lay-up to form the three-dimensional
structure resulted in an increase in plastic energy absorption that significantly exceeded the sum of the
energy absorptions of the individual vertical tubes and two-dimensional lay-up; see Table 5. Analysis
of the finite element simulations has revealed that it was a result of suppression of the vertical notched
tubes’ rotation by the in-plane tubes. The axial strain was then achieved by a greater contribution from
plastic compression of the tubes’ walls — a more energy-absorbing mechanism than rotation.
Removal of the notches from the vertical tubes increased the axial compressive strength of the tubes.
Their mode of compression when made from an alloy in its peak aged state was highly dependent upon
the orientation of tubes. The small misalignments present in experiments resulted in a low-order buckling

mode during initial deformation, followed by rotation and progressive fragmentation. Numerous load
drops associated with the fragmentation were observed, and the rotation resulted in a general reduction
in compression resistance. Inserting the unnotched tubes in the three-dimensional structure increased
the strength of the structure over that of a similar-density three-dimensional structure containing notched
tubes, and led to a synergistic effect upon the energy absorption. In this case, detailed analysis of the
finite element simulations revealed that the in-plane tubes suppressed rotation and forced the vertical
tubes to concertina buckle with additional energy absorption.
Figure 20(b) shows that the variation in peak strength, σ p , of the notched three-dimensional structures
with relative densities between 11 and 43% scaled by the strength of the alloy, σs , from which they are
made. The strength exhibits a power dependence upon relative density:

σ p /σs = (ρ̄)5/3 . (4)

This agrees with both the experimental data and FE predictions for the structures tested quasistatically
[Holloman et al. 2013]. The dynamically tested structures at all tested impact velocities scale with
relative density to the power 5/3, and like the quasistatic results, this suggests the response is dominated
by the out-of-plane tubes. By tailoring the in and out-of plane tube walls the three-dimensional structure
can be made anisotropic and the compressive strengths will be based on the power law, (4), as shown
quasistatically in [Holloman et al. 2013].
The simulation procedure used here has successfully modeled both the rear-face pressure versus com-
pression strain response and the mechanisms of core collapse. It was therefore used to estimate the
front (impact) face contact pressure which was not measured in these experiments. During an impact,
the contact pressure and frontal displacement determine the work done by the impact mitigators. The
simulations indicate that the ratio of the front to rear-face pressure is linearly related to the impact velocity
and inversely dependent upon the relative density of the cellular structure; see Figure 21. However, the
front-face pressure is much higher than that at the rear of the specimens and increases with both core
density and impact velocity, suggesting that this structure may be well suited for mitigating high-intensity
dynamic loads.

3D ρ = 11.6%
Stress ratio


3D ρ = 20.1%


3D ρ = 42.7%
0 40 80 120 160 200

Striker impact velocity v0 (ms–1)

Figure 21. Simulated stress ratio based on the initial peak stress calculated for the front
and back faces of the sandwich structures with notched cores.

7. Conclusion

We have fabricated aluminum 6061-T6 sandwich-panel structures with cores made from a two-dimensional
[0◦ /90◦ ]2 arrangement of tubes with either notched or unnotched orthogonal tubes inserted in the out-of-
plane direction. The resulting three-dimensional tube cores had relative densities between 11 and 43%.
A combination of instrumented Kolsky bar impact experiments, high-speed video imaging, and finite ele-
ment simulations using a rate-dependent, piecewise-linear hardening model with a von Mises multiaxial
yield surface and a simplified failure criterion were used to investigate the dynamic compressive response
of the three-dimensional tube core sandwich structure and the two-dimensional and out-of-plane-tubes
from which they were constructed. We have found that:
(1) A three-dimensional tube structure of a given relative density has a near-constant crush strength to a
strain of about 60%. The initial compressive strength is independent of impact velocity for compression
strain rates up to 2000 s−1 , which was verified with the simulated model to be a consequence of the
rate-independent plastic response of the aluminum 6061-T6 alloy.
(2) The core strength exhibited a power-law dependence upon relative density, given by σ p /σs = (ρ̄)5/3 ,
consistent with crush strengths controlled by the buckling of tubes oriented in the applied-load direction.
(3) The vertical tube response of the tubes was rate-dependent due to tube rotation at low impact veloci-
(4) The vertical tube collapse mode changes when placed inside the in-plane tube lay-up, leading to a
synergistic interaction in the energy absorption between the colinear aligned and vertical tubes at dynamic
loading, which was also observed with quasistatic loading.
(5) The finite element simulations reveal that the ratio of the impact to back-face stresses increased with
strain rate and core density, which is a valuable result for shock load mitigation problems.

8. Acknowledgements

The authors are grateful to the U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR grant number N00014-07-1-0764)
for financial support of this research. The program manager was Dr. David Shifler.

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Received 27 Jul 2013. Accepted 26 Dec 2013.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Virginia, P.O. Box 400240, 351 McCormick Rd,
Charlottesville, VA 22903-4240, United States
Department of Engineering, Cambridge University, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1PZ, United Kingdom
Department of Engineering, Cambridge University, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1PZ, United Kingdom
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Virginia, P.O. Box 400240, 351 McCormick Rd,
Charlottesville, VA 22903-4240, United States

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© 2014 Mathematical Sciences Publishers
Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures
Volume 9, No. 2 March 2014

Plane waves at the boundary of two micropolar thermoelastic solids with distinct
conductive and thermodynamic temperatures
Dynamic compression of square tube cellular structures RYAN L. H OLLOMAN ,
Dynamic response of twin lined shells due to incident seismic waves
Solutions of the von Kármán plate equations by a Galerkin method, without
inverting the tangent stiffness matrix
Bimaterial lattices with anisotropic thermal expansion
Origin and effect of nonlocality in a composite S TEWART A. S ILLING 245

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