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According to my theory, Space-Matter-Energy (and other Expressions of Reality in Our Local Universe like
Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Anti Matter, Exotic Matter etc) are representations of Quantized Infinitesimal
Singular Entities called Quanta/Atoms of Reality.

Size of Infinitesimal and Infinite depends on Local Universal Perspection, i.e., Quantization depends on
Local Universal Perspection.

Expansion of Space, Wave-Particle Duality, Virtual Particles popping in & out of existenc, Gravitation and
other force fields, Gravitation lensing, etc can be given better explanations with these set of theories.

Matter-Energy represents higher densities of Quanta/Atoms of Reality, &

Space represents lower densities.

Michelson Morley Experiment assumed aether of space to be a viscous fluid, that gets dragged by Mass-
Energy, but low densities Quanta/Atoms of Reality that forms Space are non viscous, and doesn't get
dragged by motion of mass.
i.e., Quanta/Atoms of Reality can be moved by force acting perpendicular to it, but usually don't have
viscous drag.

Futher Details:
Absolute Reality is Immutable, finitized perspectives are the one that varies.

Each individuality is unique, and should represent it's infiniteness or Unit Value; we perceive individuality
relatively, considering there incomplete meaning/relative perspection, in order to operate different
individuality with different techniques of logics.

Short Intro:
Time & Values exist only in finitized perspective of Absolute Totality.

In Absolute Perspective of Absolute Totality, Time & Values lose their meaning & significance.

So, Time & Values can have only Finitized-Local Universal Conversations.

According to my theory, Space-Matter-Energy( & other Expressions of Reality in Our Local Universe) are
various densities of Quantized Infinitesimal Singular Entities called Quanta/Atoms of Reality.

Expansion of Space, Wave-Particle Duality, Gravitation & all other Physical Phenomenon in Our Local
Universe are outcomes of the above.

These Quanta/Atoms of Reality are representative of Process Value-Time of Our Local Universe.

Space-Matter-Energy are expressions of Our Local Universe's Process Value-Time, like Color represents
different wavelength in Our Relative Perspections of Reality.

Space represents lower densities, Matter-Energy represents higher.

Wormholes represents much lower densities.

Quanta/Atoms of Reality acts as an Ideal Fluid, turbulences are rare, & weren't detected in Michelson-
Morley Experiments.

Quantization of Our Local Universe is like a floating variable.

We're inside a cocoon of OurTime frame, Our Time frame of Parallel/Alternative Present.
Entities existing in Our Present Time frame of Reference represents Parallel/Alternative existence of Singular
Quantized Entity.
In Absolute Perspective of Absolute Totality, Time & Values lose their meaning or significance.


(Infinitisimal+Infinitisimal+….)Infinite terms=1

Where, 1/Infinity=Infinitisimal.

Zero or nothing is absence of values.

Absolute Origin of Absolute Reality isn't Absolute Nothingness, but the Absolute Totality of all
Raw/Unrealized Options.

Absolute Totality can be perceived through two broad perspective:

1. Real Component- Absolute perspective of Absolute Totality, represents all Raw/Non-realized

2. Imaginary Components-Relative Finitized Perspective of Absolute Totality.

In the Absolute perspective of Real Component of Absolute Totality, Value & Time lose their meaning and
significance, also from the imaginary component's perspective, Real Component of Absolute Totality can
be considered as Immutable, Eternal, Immortal & Infinitely Infinite Singular Entity.

Time and Value have meaning and significance only in (Imaginary) finitized perspectives of Absolute
Totality of Reality.
Perspection can be considered as Conscious/Non Conscious
collapse/realization/interference/Interconversion/interaction of waves of Raw Unrealized Probability
waves function.

According to my theory, Space-Mass-Energy (and other Expressions of Reality in Our Local Universe like
Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Anti Matter, Exotic Matter etc) are representations of Quantized Infinitesimal
Singular Entities called Qanta/Atoms of Reality.

Size of Infinitesimal and Infinite depends on Local Universal Perspection, i.e., Quantization depends on
Local Universal Perspection.

Expansion of Space, Wave-Particle Duality, Virtual Particles popping in & out of existenc, Gravitation and
other force fields, Gravitation lensing, etc can be given better explanations with these set of theories.

Matter-Energy represents higher densities of Quanta/Atoms of Reality, &

Space represents lower densities.

Michelson Morley Experiment assumed aether of space to be a viscous fluid, that gets dragged by Mass-
Energy, but low densities Quanta/Atoms of Reality that forms Space are non viscous, and doesn't get
dragged by motion of mass.
i.e., Quanta/Atoms of Reality can be moved by force acting perpendicular to it, but usually don't have
viscous drag.

This laminar nature/lack of turbulence(which limits vortex formation) of Quanta/Atoms of Reality is the
reason for rarity of wormholes, which could act as hyperloop for Deep Space Voyages.

Everything exists as raw unrealized possibilities until we perceive it.

It doesn't mean that perspective is changing the reality, the reality is independent of perspective, & the
reality remains the same, but an infinite wave of possibilities with which reality can be perceived get
materialize/collapses/realized into a singular option.

We might represent conscious part of Boltsmann brain, but there might be other sub conscious entities
guiding & controlling us.

Everything physical are different representations of Process Value-Time of Our Local Universe.
We perceive Space and Time as separate entities, we worry that space will end somewhere, but are
carefree about Time suddenly hitting infinity and coming to a sudden halt.

Time is The dimension of Our Local Universe, every other Expression of Reality of Our Local Universe like
Space-Mass-Energy are various representations of Cumulative Time Content.

Primeval Atom(s) are like peephole or floodgates between Our Local Universal Perspective of Reality and
Absolute Reality.
Relative Perspectives are finitized sliced perspective of Absolute Totality of Reality.

Singularities/Primeval Atom(s) are peephole(s)/ floodgate(s) between our Finitized Local Universal
Cumulative Perspective and The Absolute Reality.

Beginning and end have meanings that depend on how it's being perceived.

It's like the food chain, older meaning constantly gets diluted with newer ones.
Energy, Consciousness, Natural or Artificial it all depends on perspective.

If a video game character thinks that it's alive and Conscious, then it will be based on its own perspective &
it's Relative definitions.

But for us, those definitions might seem irrelevant.

Video game universe's doomsday might be just a laptop shut down for us.

the only certainty in a video game universe might be the processing time, according to which all processes
in those universes are working.

Every process and everything else is working according to process value-time.

Similarly, in our universe things should be similar.

Only Time might representative of Absoluteness in Our Local Universe, not local time, but local Universal
Process Value-Time.

i.e., Everything physical are different representations of Process Value-Time of Our Local Universe.
Time is The dimension of Our Local Universe, every other Expression of Reality of Our Local Universe like
Space-Mass-Energy are various representations of Cumulative Time Content.

More Detailed Explanation:

Images below give a brief introduction to my theories:

Absolute Origin is a concept, which by it’s definition implies that, not even nothing didn't exist before it.
Absolute Origin of Absolute Totality is the Absolute Beginning before which not even Absolute
Nothingness didn't exist; every meaning, perspective, value, time originated in Absolute Origin of Absolute

By the definition of Absolute Totality at Absolute Origin can't be Pre-biased, because not even nothing
existed before Absolute Origin.

=>Absolute Origin should be in Absolute Unbiased Conditions.

By it's definition, Absolute Origin can't be a Specific Preferred State.

=>State of Absolute Origin represents not only Absolute Nothingness but also all raw unrealized options.
i.e., meanings, including the meaning of Absolute Nothingness originated from Absolute Origin.

Being in Absolute Unbiased Condition, Absolute Origin should represent Absolute Totality of All
Raw/Unrealized Options, which under different perspective might be perceived as different

Symmetry represents Unbiased-ness

=>Absolute Unbiased perspective of Absolute Origin represents Absolute Symmetry.

By Noether's theorem, continuous symmetry & conservation coexists.

=> Absolute Symmetry leads to Absolute Conservation of Absolute Perspective of Absolute Totality, and
also this represents Absolute Totality at Absolute Origin.

Absolute Perspective of Absolute Totality (which is also The Absolute Totality at Absolute Origin) is
Immutable, Eternal & Immortal.
=> From the Absolute perspective of Absolute Totality at Absolute Origin, Time & Values loss their
According to my theory, Space-Mass-Energy (and other Expressions of Reality in Our Local Universe) are
representations of Quantized Infinitesimal Singular Entities called Quanta/Atoms of Reality.

Quanta/Atoms of Reality represents Singular Wave/Particle nature of Infinitely Infinite superimposed

state of Primeval atoms. There should be at least some form of linearity between the logic of Mathematics
and the logic of Physical world, otherwise, they aren't ta rue representation of each other, then our
perspective of at least that logic

If we assume that Physical Logic and Mathematical logic are linear (we don't have proofs to assume
otherwise & physics-mathematics are still used to take logical calculated decisions), then there should be a
physical equivalent for Mathematical Infinitesimal represented by Quanta/Atoms of Reality.

If measurements are “ways of quantitatively or qualitatively ascertaining”, then linearity between

mathematical and physical logic should ascertain the existence of Quanta/Atoms of Reality.

This Quanta/Atoms of Reality represents Process Value-Time of Our Local Universe.

Mass-Energy represents wound up parts of the clock.

Dark Matter represents the physical form of entropy, stalemate quasi-static condition of Space-Mass-
Energy Interactions.

Absolute Totality is Superimposed Summation of all Probability waves of Raw Unrealized & realized
options, every Real-Imaginary, all Possibilities-Impossibilities, All Past-Present-Future, etc ere in da
dissolved state as components of Absolute Totality.

Options get realized by their constructive interference through Universal Cumulative Conscious

What we perceive as creation is the realization of existing options.

Let's consider the example of Newton's laws of Motion:

In simple words,

Newton's First Law :An object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon
by an external force.
Newton's Second Law of Motion :Force is defined as rate of change of momentum.
Newton's Third Law of Motion :Every action has Equal and Opposite Reaction.
Newton's Theories are special case of Law of Equi-Preference as mentioned below:

In Absolute Totality, Value, Time, Space, etc lose their significance, they are tools of perception, like colors
assigned by us to some narrow set of the electromagnetic spectrum.

What we perceive as colors or voice are qualia perceived/manifested by Our Collective Consciousness in
response to a narrow range of electromagnetic spectrum or narrow range of pressure variations.

Additional Details:
The time which we perceive is the Process Value-Time which acts as a representation of Space-Mass-
Energy Interactions, a lion share of Time perceive is a representation of Mass-Energy interactions with
It's not just Space that's intertwined with Time to become Space-Time, but Space-Mass-Energy (and
other expressions of Reality of Our Local Universe like anti-matter, dark energy, dark matter, exotic
matter, etc) are also intertwined with Time to form Space-Mass-Energy-Time.
Depending upon the degree of intertwining, different expressions of Reality are transcribed into existence
like Space-Mass-Energy (and other expressions of Reality of Our Local Universe like anti-matter, dark
energy, dark matter, exotic matter, etc).
Let's take the example of Anti matter:

Why there's shortage of Antimatter produced in our time line?

We could annihilate matter and anti matter to create high density Energy source.
But, Scientists have only detected only miniscule amounts of anti matter yet, even in high energy collisions,
they are produced in miniscule amounts( in nanograms) yet.
Reasons for disparity in the amount of matter-anti matter might be because of below reasons:

Image showing hypothesized analogy between Energy-Matter-Anti Matter production to kVA-kW-kVAr

produced in Power Plant Alternators(AC Generators), as a crude representation of beverage with foam in a
Image credit: Free Image on Pixabay - Beer, Cold, Drink, Refreshment
Edited only for demonstration.

According to my hypothesis, Antimatter is reactive component formed while Energy-Matter

Energy should had convert fully into Matter if there wasn't any variations in magnitude of Energy, but
variations always exist in a dynamic system
Because of very large values of Energy involved, magnitude of variation compared to actual magnitude,
variations can be considered as negligible.

But this variations in Energy act as reactive component to actual process, and create out of phase matter or

Charge and massiveness(matter and anti matter nature) might be algebraic opposite for matter and
anti-matter, but Energy-Matter conversion that created/is reason for matter in our local universe
followed vectorial summation principle.
This is similar to power production in power plant generator/alternator.
Direct or steady Voltage current doesn't create reactive power, this produces only active components and
inefficiencies; but Alternate Voltage-Current on top of this creates Reactive Component of power.
This hypothesis can explains lower concentrations of anti matter compared to matter.

This hypothesis maybe used to boost up antimatter production.

In true sense, Space-Mass-Energy (and other expressions of Reality of Our Local Universe) are various
expressions of Process Value-Time of Our Local Universe.
Let's consider a simpler version of this train of thoughts to understand how Time can be perceived differently.

Energy drives the Mass-Energy interactions.

Energy represents the momentum of m×c.
Mass represents momentum of m×0.
Other velocities v are grey states created by Mass-Energycombinations.
Below image shows a layman representation on why Mass-Energy systems find it difficult to achieve speeds
more than c.
Image credit: Free Image on Pixabay - Smoke, Historic, Travel

Einstein's Equation E=m×c^2 under current understanding is defined as Mass-Energy Equivalence, my

theory extends this approach to cover Mass-Energy Equivalence with Space-Time and further more.
If we consider E=m×c^2 only as Mass-Energy Equivalence, then we have failed to see the presence and
importance of “c^2” in the “E=m×c^2”.

“c^2” represents Space-Time((dx/dt)^2) Entity.

Square of “c^2=((dx/dt)^2)” represents the fact that “Energy-Mass” represents an Integrated value of

c is usually equated to 3×10^8 m/s, but i have used c in my equations as speed of causality which
represents relationship between relative absolute change in Space dx and relative absolute Change
in Time dt; the relationship dx/dt should reasonably represents Elemental Speed of Space-Time

Speed of light should be a representative of Relative absolute sense of Speed of Causality in Our Present
Local Universe.

I'm aware of E^2=(((m×c^2)^2)+(p×c)^2), that this equation applies more accurately to Mass-Energy

But, mathematically we can conclude that (((m×c^2)^2) & ((p×c)^2) are partial representations of E^2,
also that (((m×c^2)^2) & ((p×c)^2) are also equivalent entities, otherwise they can't be meaningfully
added; we can with reasonable accuracy presume that (((m×c^2)^2) represents Mass-Energy entities or
particle nature, & ((p×c)^2)represents wave nature.
Also, under context in consideration here, proving Energyis Equivalent to Energy-Mass (of Mass-
Energy systems) should be reasonably same as proving Mass & Energy are Equivalent.
Also, c^2 is an important element in E=m×c^2.

c^2 differentiates Energy from Mass.

Mass-Energy aren't equal but equivalents.

But, E equals (((m×c^2)^2)+(p×c)^2).

So, c^2 can't be an insignificant entity, it should represents physical essence that physically
differentiates Mass & Energy.

Taking E=m×c^2 as Expression of Mass-EnergyEquivalence makes it reading partial truth.

Equations needs to be read in a complete sense of it.

E=m×c^2 represents relationship between E , m & c^2(square of speed of causality).

We usually measure physical quantities by effects of their actions; in a crude sense, E=m×c^2 is total
measure of effects produced by mass acting at speed of causality, and it represents Energy during the

There're much more detailed explanations to each of my decisions; but my answer will become more and
more longer, and will go out of contextual importance for the question asked.

If E=m×c^3, that means in that Local Universe Energy-Mass represents double Integrated states of Space
Time, higher density/condensed states.
This might be state of matter in Black Holes/Singularity, where E=m×c^n, where n is greater than or
equal to 2 and in wormholes value of n should be less than 2(most probably less than 1).
(Unlike Time, Space-Mass-Energy are Real Physical Property/Phenomenon.

Mass is a property represented by Cumulative Potential Energy Content.)

(If c^2 was a dimension less quantity, then considering c^2 as a Mathematical Entity without physical
significance would had been more reasonable.
If c is significant, then c^2 should be significant too.
Mass and Energy aren't equal, but Energy and m×c^2 are equal.
c^2 is the Dynamic Essence that changes Mass(Static Entity) to Energy (Dynamic Entity).
Energy represents Mass entities that can interact with Space-Time.

Energy is a representation of Mass-Space-Time Interactions.

E= (m×(dx/dt)^2) & m=(E×(dt/dx)^2)

(Energy represents momentum of (m×c).

Mass represents (m×0).

Mass and Energy are like binary states of Momentum/Speed in Our Local Universe.

We use Energy to move Mass-Energy Systems.

Under Normal Conditions, Maximum Momentum that can be achieved by diluting Mass-Energy System
with Energycan be (m×c). We may need infinite dilution for completely purging out Mass Components
with Energy Components in the System.

Because of above reasons, Mass-Energy systems can't remain stationary in space unless dynamically
Further addition of Energy to the System after achieving speed of light will only momentum by increase
mass with constant speed to (M×c).

So, system will convert into form of light beam.)

If c^2 is considered as a Mathematical device/Entity with no physical significance, Mass and Energy will
become Physically Indistinguishable.)

i.e., “E=m×c^2″ really represents “Energy-Mass Entities” is Equivalent to “Space-Time Entities”.

Unlike Time, Space-Mass-Energy are Real Physical Entities/Properties.

But, Mass is a property representing Cumulative Potential Energy Content, like Quark Potential Energy.
Energy resulting from Higgs field interactions etc.

On above premises, let's Consider “E=m×c^2” and “c=dx/dt”

(Energy-Mass Equivalence - This has been proven by Einstein beyond any doubt with best knowledge of
mathematics and physics.)


(velocity=change in position w.r.t change in time), this equation help us understand that it takes 8 minutes
for sun’s rays to reach earth.)

When we combine E=m×c^2 and c=dx/dt or dx=c×dt



i. dx/dt=((E/m)^(1/2)) => Space-Time and Energy-Mass are Equivalent Entities.

Square/Square Root function implies that Energy-Mass is an Integrated Representation of Space-Time.

ii. E= (m×(dx/dt)^2) & m=(E×(dt/dx)^2) =>Mass and Energy with Space-Time can be used to define
each other, even though considering Mass as representation of Cumulative Potential Energy might be more
iii. dt=(dx×((E/m)^(1/2))) => Time can be represented as an outcome of Space-Energy-Mass
interactions/Interconversions.After integration of equation, Space-Mass-Energy can expressions of
Cumulative Time Content.

Or in short,


=>dx/dt=((E/m)^(1/2)) => Space-Time and Energy-Mass are Equivalent Entities.

Square/Square Root function implies that Energy-Mass is an Integrated Representation of Space-Time.

Energy-mass represents equivalent entities.

Energy can be represented as elemental form of mass interacting with Space-Time, speed of light
represents that interactions.

Momentum related to Energy can be represented as (m×c).

Momentum related to mass can be represented as (m×0).

Energy is used to acclerate Mass-Energy systems.

So, even with Infinite dilution of Mass-Energy system with Energy, maximum velocity that can be attained
by the System would be speed of light when 100% of mass in the Mass-Energy System is replaced by
Energy, i.e., 100% constituent of the system is Energy(m×c).

If a system becomes Pure mass (Dark Matter) or Pure Energy, Time can represent only their interactions with
Space, as they won't be any internal interactions between Mass-Energy inside the System, their internal clock
might seem to be in standstill conditions.
But there will always be interactions between Mass-Space and Energy-Space, even though minute
compared to normally occurring Mass-Energy interactions in Mass-Energy systems.

So, Time represents interactions, it can be combinations and permutations of Space-Mass-Energy(& other
Expressions of Reality in Local Universe) Interactions.

Depending on the types of interactions in the System, Time will be perceived differently.

Unlike Dark matter, which is a state of stalemate, and represents very low energy weakly interacting
states, representing almost a static equilibrium, Black Holes are very high Mass-Energy dense states and
represents more of a dynamic state of equilibrium.

According to my theory, Space-Mass-Energy (and other Expressions of Reality in Our Local Universe) are
representations of Quantized Infinitesimal Singular Entities called Quanta/Atoms of Reality.

Quanta/Atoms of Reality represents Singular Wave/Particle nature of Infinitely Infinite superimposed

state of Primeval Atoms.

Quanta/Atoms of Reality can also be perceived as dice or qubits that are singular representations of The
primeval Atom.

Space represents low densities, Mass-Energy represents higher densities of Quanta/Atoms of Reality.

Due to the difference in densities, Space-Mass-Energy interacts to attain an equilibrium, which is usually
dynamic in nature, i.e., Surrounding Space and Mass-Energy exchange their properties to attain

=> Space attain Massivness, Mass-Energy attains properties of Space.

Blackhole matter represents momentum of (approximately(-m×c)), intense gravitation is creating a high

negative sense of momentum, and these negative momentum (negative/vacuum of momentum) affects the
surrounding Space to create strong gravitational fields, so black holes can absorb the momentum of
entities passing in close proximity through black holes fields.

After momentum is absorbed by the black hole, the system inside the field attain a state quasi-static
equilibrium, internal processes in the System seems to be frozen giving a quasi feeling of Time dilation.

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