MB Election Top Issues

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Manitoba Election 2019 Top Issues

Health Care Promises

● Restore and expand ‘Life Saving Drugs Program’
● Merge all RHAs with Manitoba Health
● Meth plan includes drug stabilization units, more recovery time in beds and transitional
housing for addicts
● Clinical psychological therapy will be covered
● Restore funding to outpatient physiotherapy
● Shorter wait times for hip and knee replacements
● Open a virtual addictions centre
● All Manitobans to have access to health care within 20 minutes of where they live

● Expand services at Main Street Project to battle meth
● Reopen shuttered ERs at Concordia and Seven Oaks, more hospital beds
● Hire more nurses, add 75 nurse training seats
● Free parking at Manitoba hospitals for the first two hours
● More personal care home spots, including 80 beds at Park Manor
● Expand ACCESS Centre hours to include weekends
● Open a safe consumption site
● $1.5 million more for mental-health counselling services
● Restore special drugs program that would cover medication costs for 1,100 Manitobans
● Ban mandatory overtime for nurses

● New Emergency department at St. Boniface Hospital
● $2 billion more over four years in health spending
● New sobering facility for addicts to treat 30 patients at a time
● New recovery and drop-off centres including one in the Southern Health region
● More addictions supportive recovery units
● Twelve new waiting spaces meth addicts, six new holding rooms for meth psychosis
● Hire 200 more nurses and 80 rural paramedics
● Women’s health care programs aimed at sexual abuse survivors and mental health
● Establish a four-year Bachelor of Midwifery program at the U of M

● Commit 10 per cent of the health budget to mental health and addictions
Crime Promises

● Create a provincially-run Manitoba Police Service
● Special units for Indigenous policing, border security, with a focus on illicit drugs,
anti-gang and organized crime, white collar crime and human trafficking
● 24-hour safe spaces for kids to reduce gang violence

● No specific promises related to crime, they focused more on prevention

● $8 million for drug law enforcement
● More resources for Public Safety Investigations Unit
● Expansion of criminal forfeiture laws
● $10 million to help reduce crime in downtown Winnipeg

● No specific promises related to crime, they focused more on prevention

Taxes Promises

● Cut land transfer taxes by $1,000 for first time buyers, disabled homebuyers
● Keep carbon tax at $20 a tonne

● Appoint an independent commission to review Manitoba’s tax system

● Cancel PST on home insurance, salon services, haircuts, wills, tax preparation
● Eliminate probate fees (AKA death taxes)
● Cut interest surcharge for small businesses who owe tax money to three per cent
● Remove markups for alcohol sold in lower brewers’ taprooms
● Phase out education property taxes over 10 years, starting after the budget is balanced

● Rising carbon tax to $50 per tonne by 2020 and $10 more yearly after
● A 20 per cent tax on beverages sweetened with sugar, put back into health care

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