AE Board Review Part3 - MSWord2003 Long Paper 2011

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Select the best answer.

Give only one answer for each question.
Shade the corresponding box of your answer in the answer sheet.
Do not make any unnecessary marking in the answer sheet.



1. Power system that utilizes more than one energy sources such as solar, wind and biogas.

A. Multi-source system B. Power grid C. Hybrid D. None of the above


2. Part of aerogenerators in wind farms that converts rotational movement to AC electricity.

A. Alternator B. Dynamo C. Inverter D. None of the above


3. The rotating part of microhydro power plant placed across water flow.

A. Guide vane B. Turbine C. Penstock D. None of the above


4. Expression of relationship among current, resistance and voltage or electromotive force.

A. Continuity equation B. Ohm’s law C. Electricity equation D. None of the above

Answer: B

5. Ultimate source of all energy forms.

B. Sunshine B. Earth C. Sun D. None of the above

Answer: C

6. The application of electricity in rural areas including the home, farm and farmstead.

A. Power application B. Rural electrification C. Power distribution D. None of the above

Answer: B

7. The current rating of American Wire Gage (AWG) No. 10 wire.

A. 30 amp. B. 20 amp. C. 15 amp. D. None of the above


8. The standard size of drop wire (post to building wire) for farmhouses and households.

A. 2.3 sq. mm B. 5.5 sq. mm C. 10.4 sq. mm D. None of the above

Answer: B

9. How many square millimeters is AWG No. 10 wire?

A. 8.0 B. 2.6 C. 5.5 D. None of the above

Answer: C

10. Energy harnessed from dead volcanoes.

A. Volcanic energy B. Renewable energy C. All of the above D. None of the above

Answer: B

11. Solar irradiance at the Earth surface.

A. 100 watts/m2 B. 1,000 watt/m2 C. 10,000 watts/m2 D. None of the above

Answer: B

12. In the BiGSHOW acronym of renewable energy coverage, the “S” stands for

A. Sunshine B. Solar C. Strong wind D. None of the above

Answer: B

13. Solar irradiance multiplied by its duration is called

A. Solar insulation B. Solar insolation C. Solar irradiation D. None of the above

Answer: B

14. In the Philippines and most of southeast Asia, the daily solar energy or insolation is about

A. 15 kwh/m2 B. 10 kwh/m2 C. 5 kwh/m2 D. None of the above

Answer: C

15. The reciprocal of resistance.

A. Capacitance B. Inductance C. Conductance D. None of the above

Answer: C

16. If the unit of resistance is ohms, what is the unit of conductance?

A. Mhos B. Hertz C. Langleys D. None of the above

Answer: A


1. An electric pump has total resistance of 9.5 ohms. If its power source is from a 220-volt
outlet, what should be the amperage of its safety fuse? Assume 27 % surge current.

A. 45 amp. B. 40 amp. C. 30 amp. D. None of the above

Answer: C

I = 1.27 V/R
= 1.27 (220/9.5)
= 1.27 (23.16 amp)
= 29.4 amp., use 30 amp.

2. What is the power generated by a micro-hydropower plant having a gross head of 80

meters and reliable discharge of 50 liters/second. Assume typical efficiency.

A. 23.5 kw B. 28.5 kw C. 38.5 kw D. None of the above

Answer: A

P = 9.8QHE
where P= power output in kw, Q = discharge in m3/s, H = gross head in meters,
E= efficiency, typically 60% for micro-hydro

P = 9.8(0.05 m3/s)(80 m)(0.6)

= 23.52 kw

3. Give the estimated mechanical power output of a windmill having a rotor diameter of 8
meters if wind velocity is 3 m/s.

A. 0.136 kw B. 0.246 kw C. 0.316 kw D. None of the above

Answer: A

P = 0.1AV3, by rule of thumb
where P= power output in w, A = rotor cross-sectional area in m2, V= wind velocity in m/s

P = 0.1[3.14 x (8m/2)2][3 m/s]3

= 135,648 w

4. What is the electrical energy consumption of a 10-kw coconut oil expeller plugged in a
220-volt source if it requires 3 hours to expel oil from 1,000 kg of grated copra?

A. 0.03 kwh/kg B. 0.05 kwh/kg C. 0.07 kwh/kg D. None of the above

Answer: A
Ec = PcTo / Wi
= 10 kw (3 h) / 1,000 kg
= 0.03 kwh/kg

5. What is the peak solar power generation per charging channel of a solar battery charging
station equipped with 12 units of 75 watt-peak 12-volt solar module? The system is
divided into 3 charging channels, each channel has 4 modules connected in parallel.
Assume 80% overall efficiency.

A. 2.4 kWp B. 240 Wp C. 260 Wp D. None of the above


P = No. of Modules/Channel x Module Power Rating x Eff

= (4)(75 Wp)(0.8)
= 240 Wp


1. An industrial heater has 8 pieces heating plates of 6 ohms each. Plates are arranged in
series. If the heater power source is from a 220-volt outlet, how much current will flow?

A. 3.5 amp. B. 4.6 amp. C. 5.2 amp. D. None of the above

Answer: B

R = R1 + R1 + … + R12
= 8 (6 ohms)
= 48 Ohms

I = V/R
= 220/48
= 4.58 Amp.

2. How much should be budgeted annually for the electrical consumption of a 20-kw
coconut oil expeller drawing 92 amperes current and having an electrical consumption of
0.04 kwh/kg copra? It expels 250 kg of copra per hour and operates 16 h/day at 264
days/year. Electricity costs PHP5/kwh. Use 10% cost safety factor.

A. PHP132,560 B. PHP 232,320 C. PHP100,160 D. None of the above

Answer: B

Budget = Elec. Consumption x Input Rate x Time x Elec. Cost x (1+Safety Factor)
= (0.040 kwh/kg)(250 kg/h) (16 h/day x 264 days/yr) (PHP5/kwh)(1+0.10)
= PHP232,320/yr

3. What is the peak amperage of a solar battery charging station equipped with 16 units of
75 watt-peak 4.16-ampere solar module? The system is divided into 4 charging channels,
each channel has 4 modules connected in parallel.

A. 32.2 A B. 25.4 A C. 16.6 A D. None of the above

I = No. of Modules/Channel x Module Amperage Rating
= (4)(4.16 A))
= 16.64A

4. What is the system voltage of a solar pumping system equipped with 2 units of 75 watt-
peak solar modules? Each solar module has 4.16 amperes maximum, open circuit voltage
of 21 volts maximum and nominal voltage of 12 volts. Modules are connected in series.

A. 48 VoltsB. 36 Volts C. 24 Volts D. None of the above

V = No. of Modules x Module Nominal Voltage
= (2)(12 Volts))
= 24 Volts

5. Estimate the hydraulic power output of a multi-bladed windmill when windspeed is 3
m/s. It has 0.3 rotor power coefficient, 90% transmission efficiency, 90% pump
volumetric efficiency and 6 meters rotor diameter. Air density is 1.2 kg/m3.

A. 38.8 watts B. 26.4 watts C. 65.7 watts D. None of the above

Answer: A

P = 0.5 x Air density x power coef x trans. eff x vol. eff x rotor sweep area x wind velocity3
= 0.5(1.2)(0.3)(0.9)(0.9)(3.14x32)(33)
= 38.8 watts

6. If a 10-meter high multi-bladed windmill for vegetable farm has a minimum running
windspeed of 1.5 m/s, what is the minimum windspeed for the rotor to start turning?

A. 3.1 m/s B. 2.7 m/s C. 1.9 m/s D. None of the above


Vs = Running windspeed / 0.564

= 1.5/0.564
= 2.7 m/s

7. A horizontal-axis windmill for poultry farm water pumping has a rotor diameter of 8
meters and registers a running torque of 920 Newton-meters. What is the torque needed
to start its rotor turning?

A. 2,852 Nm B. 1,908 Nm C. 2,628 Nm D. None of the above


Ts = 3.14 x Running Torque

= 3.14 x 936Nm
= 2,852 Nm

8. How many 75 watt-peak solar modules are needed for a solar powered incubator having a
power rating of 144 watts, system voltage of 48 volts and amperage of 6 amperes? All
solar modules used have 12 volts nominal voltage and 4.6 amperes peak amperage.

A. 4 Modules B. 8 Modules C. 12 Modules D. None of the above

Answer: B

Ntotal = No. of modules in series x No. of modules in parallel; no of modules rounded up

= (System voltage/Nominal voltage)(System amperage / Module amperage)
= (48/12)(6/4.6)
= (4)(1.3 rounded up to 2 to avoid under current)
= 8 modules

9. What should be the tilt angle from the horizontal of the glass solar collector of a hybrid
biomass-solar dryer located somewhere in Surigao, Philippines, having a longitude of
125 degrees and latitude of 9 degrees? Since Philippines is in northern hemisphere, the
solar collector faces south or opposite hemisphere for maximum energy collection.

A. 10 degrees B. 9 degrees C. 12 degrees D. None of the above

Answer: A

Angle = Latitute of the site; but minimum of 10 degrees for self cleaning
= 9 degrees; but constrained to 10 degrees minimum for self cleaning
= 10 degrees minimum

10. Geothermal, biodiesel and windfarm renewable energy projects are evaluated for
financial feasibility but only a maximum of 2 projects can be implemented. Each of them
requires PHP900,000,000 investment. The financial internal rate of return (IRR) are
28.2%, 9.8% and 9.6% for geothermal, biodiesel and wind project, respectively. Annual
money discount and inflation rate is 10.2%. Which project shall not be implemented?

A. Biodiesel project B. Windfarm project C. All of the above D. None of the above
Answer:C (since IRR of biofuel & ocean projects < monetary discount & inflation rate)

1. Farm Electrification by Robert H. Brown, E.E., A.E., latest edition
2. Philippine Agricultural Engineering Journal, Vol. XXX (2)
3. Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards (PAES)
4. Renewable Energy Journal, various issues & authors
5. Manual for Micro-Hydropower Development, DOE and JICA, 2004
6. Electrical Power Calculations, AUDELS, latest edition
7. Handouts and fact sheets from various sources



1. In agricultural engineering, what is meant by FMR?

A. Farmhouse maintenance and repair B. Farmstead main road

C. Farm-to-market road D. None of the above

Answer: C

2. What is the normal freeboard percentage for water tanks and open channels?

A. 2-3% B. 40-50% C. 10-20% D. None of the above

Answer: C

3. Which shape of concrete canal needs more reinforcing bars at the lower part of its wall?

A. Parabolic B. Rectangular C. Circular D. None of the above

Answer: B (since its wall serves as retaining wall)

4. For class A mix, give the bags of 40-kg cement needed per cubic meter of concrete.

A. 9 B. 7 C. 5 D. None of the above

Answer: A

5. What is the proper mix class for solid concrete open channel bed and walls?

A. Class AA B. Class A C. Class B D. None of the above

Answer: B

6. What concrete canal cross-sectional shape has its sides serving as soil retaining wall?

A. Semi-circular B. Trapezoidal C. Rectangular D. None of the above

Answer: C

7. In class AA, A, B and C concrete mixes, how many cubic meters of gravel is required to
produce 1 cubic meter of concrete?

A. 1.0 B. 0.8 C. 0.6 D. None of the above

Answer: A

B. MODERATE - none
C. DIFICULT - none



1. The equivalent amount paid by the World Bank for carbon emission reduction projects.

A. Carbon credit value B. Emission value C. Carbon trading value D. None of the above

Answer: A

2. The acronym of the Inter-Governmental Panel for Climate Change.

A. IGPCC B. IPCC C. Any of the above D. None of the above

Answer: B

3. Best type of biogas plant for large animal farms having effluents with low volatile solids.

A. Fixed dome B. Floating type C. Covered lagoon D. None of the above

Answer: C

4. Plastic sheet for constructing balloon and bed lining in covered lagoon biogas plants.

A. Acetate B. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)

C. High density polyethylene (HDPE) D. None of the above

Answer: C

5. By how many times is methane destructive to the environment than carbon dioxide?

A. 2 times B. 10 times C. 21 times D. None of the above

Answer: C

6. Energy system consisting of the digester, gasholder, mixing tank and sludge tank.

A. Biogas work B. Biogas plant C. Fermenter D. None of the above

Answer: B

7. Flammable gas derived from anaerobic fermentation of any organic matter especially
animal manure or manure-biomass mixture.

A. Methane B. LPG C. Biogas D. None of the above

Answer: C

8. The estimated proportion of methane in biogas for digesters using 1:1 water-manure ratio.

A. 25% B. 60% C. 35% D. None of the above

Answer: B

9. The estimated proportion of carbon dioxide in biogas for digesters using 1:1 water-
manure ratio.

A. 10% B. 20% C. 40% D. None of the above

Answer: C

10. The non-flammable component of biogas occupying significant volume.

A. Water vapor B. Carbon dioxide C. Hydrogen D. None of the above

Answer: B

11. Water and manure mixture.

A. Slurry B. Scum C. Sewerage D. None of the above

Answer: A

12. Color of biogas flame during daytime in outdoor areas.

A. Colorless B. Red C. Yellow D. None of the above
Answer: A

12. Estimated biogas produced per kg cow manure for 25-day hydraulic retention time.

A. 0.03 m3/kg B. 0.05 m3/kg C. 0.06 m3/kg D. None of the above

Answer: A

14. Recommended manure-water ratio by volume for economical biogas production.

A. 1:0.5 B. 1:1 C. 1:1.5 D. None of the above

Answer: B

15. The metal-corrosive component of biogas in small amount which smells like a rotten egg.

A. Hydrogen sulfide B. Acid C. Nitrogen D. None of the above

Answer: A

10 | A I T

1. Determine the biogas consumption per day of a household using a 4-inch gas burner at 4
hours duration per day. The gas consumption of the burner is constant at 0.283 m3/hour.

A. 1.1 m3 B. 1.3 m3 C. 2.2 m3 D. None of the above

Answer: A


where C= Consumption, N = No. of units, B = biogas consumption of device, T = Time

C = (1 unit)( 0.283 m3/hr)(4 hrs)

= 1.13 m3

2. Determine the biogas production per day of an animal farm having 10,000 heads of
porkers of mixed ages. Use a retention period of 35 days. The mean daily manure
production of porkers is 2.2 kg/head while the specific gas production for 35-day
hydraulic retention time in the digester is 0.065 m3/kg.

A. 1,430 m3 B. 1,340 m3 C. 1,043 m3 D. None of the above

Answer: A


where P = biogas production potential, N = No.of heads, M = manure production,
G = Specific gas production of the manure for a specific retention period

P = (10,000 heads)(2.2 kg/head)(0.065 m3/kg)

= 1,430 m3

11 | A I T

1. How many heads of breeding buffalo are needed as source of manure to generate 1,000
m3 of biogas a day if the retention period is 25 days. The mean daily manure production
of breeding buffalo is 13.5 kg/head while its specific gas production for 25-day manure
retention period is half of that of chicken dung.
A. 504 B. 405 C. 540 D. None of the above
Answer: B
N = P/(MG)
where N = No. of heads, C = biogas production, M = manure production,
G = Specific gas production of the manure for a specific retention period
G = 0.5 x G for chicken dung at 25-day retention period
= 0.5 x 0.06 m3/kg
= 0.03 m3/kg
C = (1,000 m3)/[(13.5 kg/head)(0.03 m3/kg)]
= 405 heads

2. Determine the required digester volume of a biogas plant that will accommodate manure
from a broiler farm having a capacity of 20,000 heads of mixed ages. Use 30-day
retention period and 1:1 manure-water ratio. The mean daily manure production of broiler
is 0.025 kg/head while its specific gas production for 30-day manure retention period is
0.062 m3/kg. Chicken dung density is 950 kg/m3.
A. 2.52 m3 B. 22.5 m3 C. 25.2 m3 D. None of the above
Answer: C
V = IR, but, I =2Im, Im = 0.8P/GD, P = NMG
where V = digerster volume, I = daily slurry input, R = retention period,
Im =Manure input, D = manure density, P = biogas production
= (20,000 heads)(0.025 kg/head)(0.062 m3/kg)
= 31 m3
Im = 0.8P/GD, since manure is 20% air content
= [(0.8)(31 m3)]/[(0.062 m3/kg)( 950 kg/m3)]
= 0.42 m3
I =2Im, since optimum manure-water ratio is 1:1 by volume
= 2(0.42 m3)
= 0.84 m3/day
V = IR
= (0.84 m3/day)(30 days)
= 25.2 m3

1. Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards, 2nd ed.
2. Biogas Plant Design by Arthur It. Tambong, 1992
3. Renewable Energy Journal, various issues & authors
4. Fundamentals of Environmental Science by G. C. Catchillar, 2008
5. Handouts and fact sheets from various sources

12 | A I T

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