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21ST CENTURY Best Practices Guide

Table of Contents
Introduction 3

Modern Marketing Dilemma 5

Current Marketing Challenges 10

Modern Marketing Performance Management 13

Practical Attribution Application 16

Successful Marketing Leadership 18

About 20
Action Plan 20

Marketers have long been challenged to prove how their actions, The old marketing order believes that it’s too di cult to understand or
campaigns, and initiatives are responsible for generating business measure the in uences holistically during the customer journey.
The customer journey seems like a black box – the prospect enters it
This isn’t a new challenge – late 19th century retailer John Wanamaker, and immediately disappears from sight. We toss content, digital experi-
a marketing pioneer considered by many as the father of modern adver- ences, and every creative tactic we can into that black box, hoping the
tising, once said, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the prospect stumbles across them.
trouble is I don’t know which half.”
Sometimes the prospect exits the black box and becomes a customer,
Intuitively, marketers understand that their e orts in uence business but other times not.
results, but marketers have not endeavored to learn the degree to
It seems there’s no way of knowing which content, through which
which they do so for a variety of reasons. Some haven’t had to because
channel, in uenced the prospect while inside the black box, so marketers
strong business results let them o the hook.
must use instincts and what little intelligence we can glean to tweak what
More than a few fear knowing the truth. Others don’t feel they have we throw into the black box.
the resources to pursue an answer, and still others believe that under-
At best, we see some incremental improvements, and there’s tremen-
standing the relationship between marketing e orts and business results
dous uncertainty about connecting activities to results.
is unknowable with any degree of precision.

Whatever the reasons, the myth that marketing cannot truly under-
stand the impact of what it does perpetuates.

Challenging the abilities of the marketer is the increasingly complex

customer journey. A larger portion of this journey is intentionally
completed without vendor inter-action and therefore hidden from the
marketer. It is the norm for it to occur across multiple devices and through
a multi-channel media stream.

Imagine the power of connecting these dots, of knowing the causes and
effects of marketing’s work. The purpose of this manifesto is to express the vision for
this new marketing order and call marketers to it. In this
How much more intelligently could we optimize the multi-channel mix
data-driven, multi-channel marketing world in which we now
most of us use?
operate, marketers can eliminate the guesswork about how
How much farther could we stretch our marketing budgets by knowing
their activities are creating results.
what exactly is and isn’t working?
How easy would justifying the marketing spend be when we’re not
guessing which efforts produced results, and to what degree?
How would it feel to be right at home in an ROI discussion about our
When someone asks, “what have you done for us lately?” to have an
authoritative answer that puts to rest any doubt?

This is the new marketing order, and it’s not futuristic science fiction, but
something marketers can embrace here and now.

To accomplish this goal, this manifesto will discuss the modern

marketing dilemma and status quo, and then describe the different kind
of thinking required to manage modern marketing performance.

Modern Marketing Dilemma

In the history of marketing, there has never been a more exciting, chal- A More Complex Customer Journey
lenging, rewarding, and apprehensive time for the marketing profession
Another challenge to the modern marketer is the evolu-
than right now. Clare Price, VP of Research at Demand Metric, puts it this
tion of the customer journey, which now occurs not just
way in the Outlook Study:
through multiple channels, but multiple devices as well.

Multi-channel Marketing
There was a time when marketers would direct mail a
“More than ever before, Marketing has direct control over
piece to a list of prospects, and then wait for responses.
the sales/buying process and with it the customer journey.
Marketers could easily do the analytics and tracking to
That change has given Marketing more opportunity to
match responses to the mailing, determine the conversion
prove its value to the company, while at the same time
rate, cost to acquire a customer, and the ROI. It was easy
increasing pressure to deliver results with measureable
to understand what produced the conversion because,
advances in performance and productivity.”
not only was it the last thing the consumer saw, it was the
Clare Price
only thing the consumer saw.
VP of Research at Demand Metric
When the internet evolved into a marketing platform, the
old metrics were used, with help from cookies and tags
to track everything and detect conversions. Initially, this
The set of things about which the modern marketer is concerned with
approach worked, but as the number of online channels
simply continues to expand. Consider just the tools and technologies
continues to proliferate, the challenge for the marketer
marketers have at their disposal, as illustrated in the Marketing Technology
is to get clarity of insight into what’s happening because
LUMAscape (Figure 1, Page 6) published by Luma Partners in 2014.
of this media stream.



Which elements best create awareness, promote, and produce FIGURE 2: THE NEW MULTI-SCREEN WORLD; Published by Google

The influence of the old way of assigning credit for conversion persisted:
last click attribution. This form of attribution assigned full credit for
conversion to the last piece of media in the stream, regardless of how
diverse the media stream was.

But marketers need a much more precise understanding of how all

media is performing, so they can make better decisions and develop
better strategies and tactics.

Marketing Across Devices

In addition to the broadening array of channels
marketers have at their disposal is the proliferation of
devices. Consuming content across multiple devices is
now the norm for most people. It may start with a mobile
device, but often ends somewhere else, as the infographic
from Google illustrates in Figure 2 to the right.

This proliferation of devices is a boon to consumers,

but a challenge to marketers who need to track all the
activity, regardless of the device on which it occurs.

The Data Deluge & Big Data Marketing

With the proliferation of channels and devices comes a While it sounds simple, exploiting the data in practice isn’t always
deluge of data. easy. The amount of user-level data increases with channels and
For marketing organizations that are already very data
centric, this rush of data is seen as a good thing, although Where once it was relatively easy for marketers to understand
it’s availability still poses some challenges. the performance of the one or two channels they were using,
they’re now faced with a barrage of data arriving in real time and
The simple fact is that without data, optimizing the media
from every direction.
mix can only occur through educated guesswork.
Turning all this data into actionable information requires skills,
To have any sort of precise view about media perfor-
bandwidth or tools many marketers just don’t have or don’t think
mance requires availability of the data, the systems and
are available.
tools to understand it, and the will to go where the data
leads you. To cope, some marketers simply attribute conversion credit to
the last element touched or clicked. This approach, however, is
wholly inaccurate, primarily because the volume of media is so
Turning all this data into actionable information
substantial and varied.
requires skills, bandwidth, or tools many marketers
just don’t have or don’t think are available. The longer the media stream, and the more varied it is, the
less likely it is that last click attribution accurately reports the
performance of that media stream.

Marketing ROI and Accountability

No modern marketer disputes that the rules and norms What the organization really wants to know, particularly those in
of marketing have changed with the advent of online the C-suite, is:
How do any of these metrics translate into something we care
What hasn’t changed is the need for marketing to provide about?
accountability to the business for its performance.
What revenue is directly attributable to marketing campaigns?
The challenges of the 21st century marketing environment
What is the marketing ROI?
make accountability more difficult to prove.
What incremental revenue can marketing produce with addi-
It’s unacceptable for marketing to ask the rest of the orga-
tional funding?
nization to just “take our word for it” when asked how
effective its campaigns are. Marketing is expected to fully participate in such discussions,
just like the other parts of the organization do.
There’s no shortage of data that marketing can present
to the organization as evidence of its efforts: impressions, To address all of these marketing challenges, marketers need
clicks, unique visits, and an entire marketing dashboard of a technology platform that gathers and matches data at a
various metrics exit. user level across multiple channels and device types, letting
marketing change the channel mix as needed while still
tracking conversions accurately.

Current Marketing Challenges

Silos and Multi-channel Optimization
Because there are more marketing channels and devices at our disposal FIGURE 3: MEDIA ELEMENT RESPONSE CURVE
today, the marketing landscape is quite fragmented.
With so many digital paths marketers can choose to reach their targets,
it’s almost impossible to understand the impact each one is having. 16

Marketers have tried to come up with ways to measure their efforts,

but these efforts at best result in silos.

The silos of marketing data are reflected in the way many modern 12

marketing organizations are structured. Today we see separate functions
for analytics, offline, digital, and others. 10

These are essentially silos that reinforce how reporting is done. The 8
result is that there is no single source of data or system of record for
marketing leaders to use to understand how the marketing function is

Marketers often use response curves to predict how a campaign will 4

perform, and they are built on the assumption that past results predict
future performance. A sample response curve is depicted in Figure 3. 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


In a single media element (channel) marketing campaign, a response In this scenario, a number of media elements entered the stream and
curve is a useful tool for predicting performance. had various levels of influence.

Most modern campaigns, however, are not one-dimensional but However, the response curve is deaf, dumb, and blind to their existence.
multi-channel. Using the response curve to optimize a campaign is analogous to diag-
nosing a car’s mechanical problems by looking only at the tires.
Marketers that use a response curve can unwittingly become hostage to
it, attempting intra-channel tweaking and modification that at best yields Sometimes it works, but usually it doesn’t. Better solutions are needed
basis point-sized improvements. for true multi-channel marketing.

The reason this approach is flawed is because it cannot account for

the influence of other channels on customers who convert.
Using the response curve to optimize a campaign is analogous
Consider an email marketing campaign, for which a response curve is to diagnosing a car’s mechanical problems by looking only at
built using past performance metrics. The email send occurs and some the tires.
recipients use search to investigate the sender.

A pay-per-click is served to the searcher, who eventually ends up on the

sender’s website where additional content is consumed.

Bringing True Marketing Strategy to the Table How do tactics, devices, and audiences perform across channels and
what is the interplay? Customers experience the media stream across
Marketers desire to be part of the strategic planning and decision-making a variety of devices, platforms, and through various channels. How is
processes in the organizations they serve. Indeed, marketers can bring this interaction occurring, and which types of interaction produce the
brilliant insights and a unique, needed perspective to the “big decisions most conversions? Having this knowledge is essential to optimizing the
table” within their companies. mix of marketing tactics, channels, and devices, but since the data is
The risk for marketers, however, is that the inability to answer some often in silos, it’s hard for marketers to understand the relationships, let
questions about their work with conviction and authority can jeop- alone make decisions to leverage them more effectively.
ardize their leadership role. Ironically, many of these questions seem What is the optimal marketing spending mix within each channel
very operational, but the inability to answer them precisely creates doubt based on a desired business outcome? Most marketers have experi-
about marketing’s ability to contribute insights in other areas. Examples ence to tell them that the relationship between spending and results
of these “tripwire” questions include: is not linear, nor is it exponential. But what is it exactly? Largely
What is the incremental contribution of each marketing channel, above unknown, when there is no precise attribution data. When the organi-
“business as usual?” In the multi-channel world that marketers exploit, zation comes knocking, asking how much marketing needs to spend
rarely do they all influence equally and outside the influence of other to produce an additional $25 million in revenue, it expects an answer
channels. Yet, it’s important to know the degree to which each channel in from marketing that is more than just an educated guess.
the media stream contributes to conversion. Most marketers don’t have
Each of these questions is a legitimate, fair question for marketing. It is
this data for each channel; just for the media stream as a whole.
important for marketing to have the acumen and ability to answer ques-
If it becomes necessary to increase or decrease marketing, which tions like these if they want to retain their seat at the big decisions table.
channels are candidates and what is the expected outcome? Few
When the media world was much simpler, marketing could answer them
marketers have the luxury of never needing to worry about changing
pretty well. In the 21st century, the complex media and device landscape
budgets. Where would cuts hurt the least, or conversely, where would
has made the answers to these questions more elusive, at least when
some additional funding help the most? For most marketers, fluctuating
20th century approaches are used to find them.
funding is essentially a controlled experiment where changes are made,
one channel at a time if possible, to see what happens. It’s far more ideal In fairness, answering any of these questions with precision was once
to have precise marketing performance data about each channel in the out of reach, but the environment has changed. The answers are avail-
media stream to know in advance what impact changes will have. able, if marketers are willing to seek them.

Modern Marketing Performance Management

Marketers understand attribution, at least conceptually, and all marketers Because of these differences, marketers need to consider the whole
have a desire to know how to attribute their efforts to results. stream of media through the dimension of time, as buyers are consuming
it. Using data-driven attribution, fractional credit for conversion is
In marketing campaigns, what typically happens is that the marketing
allocated to those media elements that are tangibly responsible for
measurement methods are set up for each channel, and when someone
helping drive someone toward conversion.
converts, credit is given to the last element in the media stream.
Marketers can now know which ad units were responsible for conversion
This last click attribution approach, however, is inaccurate, giving
and how far out they were seen from the conversion event. They can
marketers a false sense of precision, because the decision to convert
identify the media elements that were “promoters” – moving interested
was driven by the entire media stream that users are seeing, not just
prospects toward conversion, and of course, which media element(s) had
a single element. There is a better way.
the greatest influence on conversion. Data-driven attribution provides
marketers with accurate and actionable marketing data.
Data-Driven Advanced Attribution
Data-driven attribution isn’t difficult to understand, but it represents a
This approach very accurately allocates credit across the full stream of change in thinking and a new way of getting clarity on what’s happening
media that a user sees as they are going through the purchase funnel within a marketing campaign. Last touch attribution is a faulty way of
and interacting with content. Data-driven attribution helps marketers measuring results, providing a false sense of precision.
know what pieces of content or media elements are really responsible
Data-driven attribution provides clarity on exactly what’s happening
for someone converting, and to what degree.
with a marketing campaign, enabling marketing to make better deci-
Marketers understand that different aspects of a media campaign have sions, which leads to better strategies and tactics to improve response
different goals. Early in the campaign, the goal is usually awareness, and conversion rates.
which other elements harvest later in the campaign.

Not Your Father’s Marketing Method

In this age of rapid commoditization of products, democratization of infor- This produces some short-term results, but the pendulum ultimately
mation, and with consumers controlling how much marketers can influ- swings too far to demand harvesting, causing marketing results to
ence their decision process, advanced, data-driven attribution creates a shrink for one simple reason: too little awareness building is occurring.
strategic advantage.
When this realization sets in, the pendulum swings the other way, often
What hasn’t changed in this modern marketing era is that marketing too far toward awareness building, because decisions about where to
success depends on its ability to drive awareness, interest, desire, and, invest the marketing spend are simply reactions after-the-fact to dwin-
ultimately, action. dling results.

What has changed is this process now occurs in a more complex envi-
ronment, across multiple channels, devices, and at greater velocity.

The internet has changed almost every aspect of the marketer’s work-
bench; things like speed, reach, targeting, and complexity.

The sands of the marketing landscape are shifting under the marketer’s
feet, requiring tremendous agility.

In the old way that marketing executed campaigns, conversion credit

usually went to the bottom of the marketing funnel activities, with top-of-
funnel activities getting little or no credit.

Data from the bottom of the funnel has always been easier to get. Making
campaign decisions on this data leads to heavier and heavier investment
in demand harvesting.

Real-Time Marketing Measurement

Without the data a data-driven attribution solution provides, marketing
organizations will continue to ride the pendulum between demand
harvesting and awareness building, sometimes coming close to the ideal
balance, but always guessing and often erring.

Even when a marketer gets the balance right, it’s always temporary
because the optimal media mix is a moving target, and the old ways of
managing campaigns is analogous to driving forward by looking in the
rear-view mirror.

Having an attribution platform in place that measures how everything

is working in real time produces better results and creates a signifi-
cant competitive advantage.

Without the data a data-driven attribution solution provides,

marketing organizations will still find themselves riding the
pendulum between demand harvesting and awareness
building, sometimes coming close to the ideal balance, but
always guessing and often erring.

Practical Attribution Application

As data-driven attribution sounds great conceptually, but how real
is it? Concepts, while interesting, can only deliver value when they
As a solution, data-driven attribution is just beginning to emerge from the
“early adopter” stage of the solution lifecycle. Bluestem Brands, Inc., a top 100 retailer, is headquartered
in suburban Minneapolis, and is the parent to three fast-
While adoption is not yet widespread, there are organizations like Blue- growing eCommerce retail brands: Fingerhut®, Gettington.
stem Brands that are using it, and there is much to learn from their com® and PayCheck Direct®.
Scott Holthaus is the Digital Marketing Manager at Bluestem,
and when he took his current position in 2013, he encountered
some confusion in the business about how consumers were
interacting with the brands across channels. His first objective
was to try to understand the incremental contribution of each
channel to the results of any and all marketing campaigns.

The Bluestem culture is very data-centric, and a test-and-

learn mentality prevails in the company. This culture created
an ideal environment for Holthaus as a digital marketer
because data-driven attribution appeals directly to that
data-centric culture, and provides the holy grail of marketing
measurement efforts: a precise understanding of how the
company’s digital media is impacting incremental sales lift.

When Holthaus joined the Bluestem team, he noticed that

media decisions and budgeting was based on the last click
attribution model.

Simultaneously, one of the CFO’s objectives was greater efficiency Data-driven attribution was not difficult to justify at Bluestem.
in media spending, so the company had pursued figuring out the Holthaus explains:
ideal media weight as a top priority over the previous 18 months.
“Our CFO is very involved in understanding the major
The last click attribution model made it difficult to determine the
industry trends. When I arrived, he was already aware of
ideal media weight with any precision.
data-driven attribution and had inquired about it. Bluestem
Holthaus brought to Bluestem his experience using data-driven is very focused on results and understanding data,
attribution from a previous employer. He understood the impor- therefore, it was not a hard sell.”
tance of knowing the fractional attribution rate of the full media
stream, so he knew that to fully leverage its media spending Blue- Implementation is also going smoothly.
stem needed data-driven attribution to optimize the marketing
spend. Holthaus states: “The technology side isn’t that bad. I expected it to be
harder, but most of the work is pixel implementation or
“As a digital marketer, this was one of the most important tagging. Implementing tags across channels hasn’t been as
things for us to look at. It’s exciting as a marketer to understand difficult as it might sound. The process has gone smoothly,
what’s driving the incremental impact. Without a data- better than I expected.”
driven attribution model, Bluestem could not get to a level of
granularity of how media is working together in real time.”
Because data-driven attribution is an emerging solution, Holthaus
Holthaus has several industry peers as acquaintances, many in expects most marketers to question the metrics and attribution
prominent retail organizations. When he asks them about attribu- methodology, to have some skepticism. Holthaus concludes:
tion, he’s learned that many of these companies aren’t there yet and “I have seen the data-driven attribution methodology and
are using last click/last touch models, if they’re doing anything at all. I believe in it. It is the right way to look at attribution. It
The experience that Holthaus has with data-driven attribution shouldn’t be too difficult for people to get it.”
has helped him position Bluestem ahead of its peers in under-
standing how each element in the media stream is performing
and what is the ideal media weight.

Successful Marketing Leadership

It wasn’t so long ago that the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) was the Data-driven attribution also has some serious competitive implications. In
shortest tenured executive in the C-suite. The too short job span of a really competitive markets with lots of digital media, companies not using
new CMO was often about 18 months. A new CMO would replace a fired data-driven attribution will suffer at the hands of competitors who are.
one who failed to get results.
Those competitors will have clarity of insight about where conversion
The new CMO would spend about six months at the front-end figuring credit belongs. Those not using data-driven attribution will buy media
out what to do, often by intuition since there were no systems in place that doesn’t necessarily work, while their smarter competitors will buy
to provide clear insights, another six months launching initiatives, and a only what’s working.
final six months looking at results. If the plan worked, the CMO remained
This inevitably leads to a tipping point in any industry where the few
employed. If not, the revolving door to the CMO’s office would spin again.
that are ahead of the adoption curve will accelerate their growth at the
A quantum shift is occurring for CMOs. They are taking more control of their expense of companies that aren’t using data-driven attribution.
destiny by becoming more analytical. Data-driven attribution is playing a
key role in the renaissance of the CMO, providing a comprehensive media
performance platform that gives insights not previously available. Data-driven attribution is playing a key role in the renaissance
of the CMO, providing a comprehensive media performance
With these insights, CMOs are achieving measurable results that are platform that gives insights not previously available.
transforming the marketing team into a revenue-generating center.

In light of the current pressure on marketing to generate revenue and

have accountability, these are the imperatives for today’s CMO:

Marketing Checklist
Get a holistic view. When media performance data does exist, it’s Operationalize the results. Data-driven attribution will provide a
often in silos. Getting a complete view of this data is the first step to new view of marketing performance. This view should influence how
understanding media performance and optimizing it. not just marketing, but also how the entire organization, functions.
Integrate the results into the budgeting and forecasting processes, as
Define the metrics. Marketing must have a set of unified metrics to
well as the marketing technology stack.
evaluate its performance on a fully attributed, contributed value basis
– a true apples-to-apples comparison. Address the elephant in the room. Data-driven attribution can
help you know what to do about the mobile channel, the marketing
Think beyond digital. It’s easy to think of data-driven attribution as just
juggernaut about which many marketing organizations have their
a digital marketing measurement solution. In the real world, campaigns
heads buried in the sand. Organizations that don’t yet have a plan for
often blend offline media with digital to produce conversions. The
the mobile channel – and any other channel they don’t know what
capabilities and benefits of data-driven attribution are not limited to
to do with – can use attribution insights to develop a sound strategy.
just digital media.
Invest to win. Use the insights gained from the implementation of
data-driven attribution to optimize channels in the media stream, as Marketers in any size company are realizing that data-driven
well as tactical optimization within each channel. attribution provides a powerful mechanism to understand
incremental sales lift from each channel, optimize the media
mix, and turn marketing into a true revenue-generating center.
About ANA

The ANA (Association of National Advertisers) makes a difference for indi-

viduals, brands, and the industry by driving growth, advancing the interests
of marketers and promoting and protecting the well-being of the marketing

Founded in 1910, the ANA provides leadership that advances marketing excel-
lence and shapes the future of the industry. The ANA’s membership includes
more than 1,000 companies with 15,000 brands that collectively spend or
support more than $400 billion in marketing and advertising annually. The
membership is comprised of more than 750 client-side marketers and 300
associate members, which include leading agencies, law firms, suppliers,
consultants, and vendors.

Further enriching the ecosystem is the work of the nonprofit ANA Educa-
tional Foundation (AEF), which has the mission of enhancing the under-
standing of advertising and marketing within the academic and marketing
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Demand Metric helps Marketing teams get stuff done with practical tools,
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