Grade 9 Project Sep

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NAAM : ……………………………… GRAAD 9 (….)


Vraag 1/Question 1

Vir elk van die volgende grafieke/For each of the following graphs:
(a) Sê of die grafiek diskreet of kontinu is.
State whether the graph is discrete or continuous.
(b) Sê of die grafiek ‘n lineêre of nie-lineêre neiging het.
State whether the graph has a linear or non-linear trend.
(c) Sê of die grafiek toenemend, afnemend of konstant is.
State whether the graph is increasing, decreasing or constant.
(d) Skryf die maksimum en minimum waardes neer (afgelees vanaf die vertikale
Write down the maximum and minimum values (as read from the vertical axis).


(a) ________________________
(b) ________________________
(c) ________________________
(d) ________________________ (5)


(a) ___________________
(b) ___________________
(c) ___________________
(d) ___________________ (5)

Vraag 2/Question 2

‘n Vooraanstaande kundige in Kaapstad glo dat as minder koolhidrate geëet

word, ‘n persoon gewig kan verloor. Koolhidrate is kosse soos pasta, graan of
brood. ‘n Navorser het hierdie stelling ondersoek deur sy eie koolhidraat-inname
oor ‘n periode van 12 weke te verminder. Die grafiek toon sy liggaamsmassa
gedurende hierdie tyd.
A leading expert in Cape Town believes that eating fewer carbohydrates can help a
person lose weight. Carbohydrates are foods like pasta, cereal or bread. A
researcher investigated this claim by cutting out his carb-intake over a period of 12
weeks. The graph below shows his body weight over time.

2.1 Wat is sy massa aan die begin van die navorsing?

What was his weight at the start of the research?

2.2 Wat was sy massa na ongeveer 4 weke?

What was his weight approximately after 4 weeks?

2.3 Gedurende watter week was sy massa 84,5 kg?

During which week was his weight 84,5 kg?

2.4 Verduidelik die verandering in sy massa vanaf O na A.

Explain the change in his weight from O to A.

2.5 Verduidelik die verandering in sy massa vanaf A tot B.

Explain the change in his weight from A to B.

2.6 Is die data diskreet of kontinu? Verduidelik.

Is the data discrete or continuous? Explain.

Vraag 3/Question 3

Vusi verlaat sy huis om 8:00 en ry per fiets na Mark se huis. Na 30 minute, 10 km

van sy huis, kry hy ‘n pap band en moet gevolglik die res van die pad stap terwyl
hy die fiets stoot. Vusi bereik Mark se huis nadat hy vir ‘n uur en vyftien minute
gestap het om die laaste 4 km af te lê. Vusi spandeer 15 minute daar om die pap
band reg te maak en daarna drink hy tee saam met Mark vir nog ‘n uur. Op pad
huis toe, nadat hy 5 km gery het, moet Vusi na dertig minute stop om die band
op te blaas. Dit neem 15 minute. Vusi bereik sy huis teen 12:00, betyds vir
Vusi leaves home at 8:00 and cycles to Mark’s house. After 30 min, 10 km from his
home, he gets a puncture and so he walks the rest of the way, pushing the bicycle.
Vusi reaches Mark’s house after walking for an hour and fifteen minutes to cover
the last 4 km. Vusi spends 15 minutes there fixing his puncture and then he has tea
with Mark for another hour. On the way home Vusi has to stop after 5 km and 30
minutes to inflate the tyre. This takes 15 minutes. Vusi reaches home at 12:00, in
time for lunch.

Voltooi nou die grafiek en dui alle punte met die gegewe
hoofletters aan.
Complete the graph and show all points with given capital letters.

3.1 Trek ‘n lyn van die begin A tot waar hy ‘n papband kry by punt B.
Draw a line from the start A to where he gets a puncture at point B. (1)
3.2 Trek ‘n lyn van punt B na punt C waar hy by Mark se huis aankom.
Draw a line from B to point C where he arrives at Mark’s House. (1)
3.3 Trek ‘n lyn van C na D wanneer hy Mark se huis verlaat.
Draw a line from C to D when he leaves Mark’s house. (1)
3.4 Trek ‘n lyn na punt E waar Vusi die band opblaas en na punt F
wanneer hy die laaste skof aanpak na sy huis by punt G
Draw a line to point E, where Vusi inflates the tyre and to F when he starts
the last lap home, point G. (3)
3.5 Bereken Vusi se spoed vanaf die punt waar waar hy die huis verlaat het
totdat hy die pap band gekry het.(A tot B)
Calculate Vusi’s speed from when he left home till he got the
puncture.(A to B)
𝑨𝒇𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑫𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆
𝑺𝒑𝒐𝒆𝒅 = 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒆𝒅 =
𝑻𝒚𝒅 𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆

3.6 Bereken Vusi se spoed op pad huis toe totdat hy stop om die band op te
blaas.(D tot E)
Calculate Vusi’s speed on his way home until he stopped to inflate the
tyre.(D to E)

NAAM : ……………………………… GRAAD 9 (….)


1. Hierdie projek moet op Vrydag 16 September 2016 aan die begin van
die Wiskunde periode ingehandig word.
This project must be handed in on Friday 16 September 2016 at the
beginning of the Maths period.
2. Dit moet jou eie werk wees. Ooreenkomste tussen leerders se werk
sal gepenaliseer word.
It must be your own work. Similarities between pupil’s work will be
3. Hou streng by die instruksies.
Strictly keep to the instructions.


Op die gegewe assestelsel – ontwerp jou eie prent wat aan die volgende vereistes
On the given set of axes – design your own picture which adheres to the following

 Dit moet in al 4 kwadrante wees/It must be in all 4 quadrants

 Dit moet die asse by heelgetalle sny/It must intercept the axes at integers.
 Alle afsnitte moet aangedui word/All intercepts must be shown.
 Dit moet uit ten minste 9 reguitlyne bestaan – ten minste 5 daarvan moet
in die vorm 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑐 geskryf kan word(nommer hul 1-5) en ten
minste 2 daarvan moet horisontale lyne wees(nommer hul 5 en 6) en ten
minste 2 moet vertikale lyne wees(nommer hul 7 en 8).
It must consist of at least 9 straight lines – at least 5 of the lines must be
written in the form 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑐 (number them 1-5) and at least 2 of the
lines must be horizontal (numbers 5 and 6) and at least 2 must be vertical
lines (numbers 7 and 8).
 Versier en/of kleur jou prent in/Decorate and/or colour your picture.

Aanbieding, netheid en korrekte uitvoering

Presentation, neatness and correct following of instructions. (8)

Skryf die vergelykings van die lyne 1 tot 9/Write the equations of lines 1 to 9.


1. __________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________
8. __________________________________________________
9. __________________________________________________ (14)


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