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Topic : Drug Abuse

Subject : Business Ethics

Program : MBA FT (2019- 21)

Submitted To : - Dr. Trilok Sharma

Submitted By : -
Aakash Chavda
191302 (Section – C)
Dated :- 03/09/2019
Growing Problem of Drugs abuse around the world and India

Although stricter rules such as NDPS has been promoted, drug trade and trafficking in India has been found to be
increasing substantially. Cultivation and refining of these drugs for the drug trade gives lucrative returns to the involved
groups. This paper discusses the scenario of injecting drug misuse, their results, use of drug among the students,
International drug trafficking and how it can be prevented pertaining to India as well as the world.

Aakash Chavda MBA student, Institute of Management, Nirma University

Introduction • Making certain that the user maintain a supply of the

Drug addiction, commonly known as substance use disorder,
is a disease that affects a user’s brain and behaviour and • Spending money on the drug, even though the user
leads to an inability to control the use of a legal or illegal drug can't afford it
or medication. Alcohol, marijuana and nicotine also are
• Not meeting daily work responsibilities and cutting
considered drugs. When the user is addicted, he may
back on social or recreational activities
continue using the drug despite its harmful effects.
• Continuing to use the drug, even though it is causing
Drug addiction geeraly starts with experimental use of a drug problems in life or causing physical or psychological
in social situations, but for some people, the drug use harm
becomes more frequent. For others, drug addiction begins
with exposure to prescribed medications, or receiving • Acting to get the drug that the user normally
medications from a someone who has been prescribed the wouldn't do, e.g. stealing, robing
• Spending a lot of time in getting, using and
As time passes, user may need frequent and larger doses of recovering from the effects of the drug
the drug to get high. Soon he may need the drug just to feel
• Failing in the attempts to stop using the drug
good. As his drug use increases, he may find that it's
increasingly difficult to go without the drug. Attempts to • Withdrawal symptoms when attempts are made to
stop drug use may cause intense cravings and make him feel stop taking the drug.
physically ill (withdrawal symptoms).

Despite of the growing economy of countries all over the
Drug addiction symptoms or behaviours include, among globe, the world is facing challenge in the field of illicit drug
others: abuse control. India is no exception to that. Use of synthetic
opioid analgesics in India has grown rapidly in the past few
• Frequent use of the drug — Daily or even several years. PM Narendra Modi recently expressed the concerns
times a day over the issue.
• Having intense urges and for the drug and having India’s location near the opioid exporting countries and
only one thought of the same domestic production of Opium and open international
policies seems to have contributed to the problem. In India,
• Over time, consuming more of the drug to get the
same effect typical drug injecting user is male having age between 15 to
35, uneducated and unemployed. Around 20% of users are
• Taking larger amounts of the drug over a longer female. Some users are of less than 18 years age also. In
period of time India, most common drugs used are moderately potent
opioids such as buprenorphine, nalbuphine,

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dextropropoxyphene, and dicycloverine, which are diverted Harm reduction
and trafficked for misuse.
Experts recommend coupling family therapy with
interventions for people who inject dugs, including attempts
to reduce harm. Currently an estimated 5.6% of India’s
Effects injecting drug users are receiving opioid substitutes, with the
help of community based programmes supported by NGOs.
Injected drugs, which are injected into veins with injection
Such substitutions programmes offer safer alternatives of
has a very bad effects on the families and society. Economic
illicit drugs. However, there dangers associated with poor
constraints, lower self esteem and social disharmony are the
monitoring and regulatory systems.
results of the same. Increase in the rates of crime, domestic
abuse, women safety and vehicle accidents are the effects of “India is one of those places where an addict could easily
drugs misuse. procure injectable buprenorphine for intoxication, but the
same person would find it very difficult to get buprenorphine
Users of this kind of injected drugs are prone to die from
tablets for the purpose of treatment,” Ambekar said.
overdose and have higher risk of morbidity and mortality.
Repeated use of injection practices like sharing or using It is also required to scale up the services. We need to
infected needles are the cause for the bad health of the user. innovate. For example establishments of sites where
Multiple sexual behaviour is very common in injecting drug injecting drug userd can get sterile syringes and needles even
users than in the common people. These behaviours is the after working hours.
cause of transmission of HIV and hepatitis C. 9.2% of
injecting drug users in India are HIV positive. TB, oral As long as drug use is illegal, it will continue to be difficult for
candidiasis, and anaemia are also very common in users of affected people to receive the services they need. Many drug
injected drugs, particularly those who also have HIV. users fear because of the police action, which make them to
fail to seek health services.

The difficulties in treating opioid addict are exacerbated by

Limited treatment the stigma associated with injecting drug users. Drug users
are often stereotyped as “untreatable, untrustworthy,
Around 6% of injecting drug users in India have access to hopeless, dangerous, petty criminals.
opioid substitution therapy. Financial and Infrastructural
assistance from the government to organizations fighting One factor governing the limited availability of these services
drug misuse is very less. As per the UN office of drugs and is the attitude and mindset of service providers and lack of
crime has estimated that treating drug users worldwide professional education in this area. We need to spread the
costs around 250 billion dollars. However, the situation in awareness that drug dependence is a diseasae that is
India is not good as there is no government system to susceptible to treatment.
diagnose and treat people who inject drugs.

India has very low spending on healthcare of 1.2% of GDP,

which is very low as compared to other countries. Substance Commonly used Drugs details
use disorder are kept at an even lower level of priority. CANNABINOIDS
Private organizations are taking this responsibility to help Substances
Examples of Commercial Schedule*/
: Category
the drug addicts. The Kripa foundation, established in 1981, & Street Names How
& Name
is a NGO helping those with drug dependence, HIV and AIDS. Administered**

It receives funds from the government and other agencies Blunt, dope, ganja, grass,
herb, joint, bud, Mary
like UN office on drugs and crime. With 69 facilities around MARIJUAN I/smoked,
Jane, pot, reefer, green,
A swallowed
the country, Kripa foundation promotes safe behaviour for trees, smoke, sinsemilla,
skunk, weed
people who inject drugs and their sexual partners.
Boom, gangster, hash, I/smoked,
Individual, community and family based therapy HASHISH
hash oil, hemp swallowed
programmes focus on holistic approach for safer behaviours.
Research indicates that multiple strategies are required to DEA
recruit a diverse group of injecting drug users into treatment Examples of Commercial Schedule*/
: Category
and HIV prevention programme. Targeted outreach by & Street Names How
& Name
trained workers remains the most effective means of
reaching users for counselling.

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Diacetylmorphine: smack, Substances
Examples of Commercial Schedule*/
horse, brown sugar, dope, : Category
I/injected, & Street Names How
H, junk, skag, skunk, white & Name
HEROIN smoked, Administered**
horse, China white; cheese
(with OTC cold medicine Lysergic acid diethylamide: I/swallowed,
and antihistamine) acid, blotter, cubes, absorbed
microdot, yellow sunshine, through mouth
Laudanum, paregoric: big II, III, blue heaven tissues
OPIUM O, black stuff, block, gum, V/swallowed,
hop smoked Buttons, cactus, mesc, I/swallowed,
peyote smoked
STIMULANTS Magic mushrooms, purple
DEA PSILOCYBIN passion, shrooms, little I/swallowed
Substances smoke
Examples of Commercial Schedule*/
: Category
& Street Names How
& Name
Administered** OTHER COMPOUNDS
Cocaine hydrochloride: DEA
II/snorted, Substances
blow, bump, C, candy, Examples of Commercial Schedule*/
COCAINE smoked, : Category
Charlie, coke, crack, flake, & Street Names How
injected & Name
rock, snow, toot Administered**
Biphetamine, Dexedrine: Anadrol, Oxandrin,
II/swallowed, Durabolin, Depo- III/injected,
bennies, black beauties, ANABOLIC
AMPHETA snorted, Testosterone, Equipoise: swallowed,
crosses, hearts, LA STEROIDS
MINE smoked, roids, juice, gym candy, applied to skin
turnaround, speed, truck
injected pumpers
drivers, uppers
II/swallowed, Solvents (paint thinners,
Desoxyn: meth, ice, crank, gasoline, glues); gases
METHAMP snorted,
chalk, crystal, fire, glass, go (butane, propane, aerosol Not
HETAMINE smoked,
fast, speed propellants, nitrous oxide); scheduled/inhal
injected INHALANTS
nitrites (isoamyl, isobutyl, ed through
cyclohexyl): laughing gas, nose or mouth
poppers, snappers,
Substances whippets
Examples of Commercial Schedule*/
: Category
& Street Names How
& Name
(METHYLE Ecstasy, Adam, clarity, Eve, I/swallowed,
NEDIOXYM lovers' speed, Molly, snorted,
ETHAMPHE peace, uppers injected Photos of Drug addicted users Before and After.
Rohypnol (date rape drug):
forget-me pill, Mexican
FLUNITRAZ IV/swallowed,
Valium, R2, roach, Roche,
EPAM*** snorted
roofies, roofinol, rope,
G, Georgia home boy,
GHB*** grievous bodily harm, I/swallowed
liquid ecstasy, soap, scoop,
goop, liquid X

Examples of Commercial Schedule*/
: Category
& Street Names How
& Name
Ketalar SV: cat Valium, K,
KETAMINE snorted,
Special K, vitamin K
Phencyclidine: angel dust, I, II/swallowed,
boat, hog, love boat, peace smoked,
pill injected
SALVIA Salvia, Shepherdess’s scheduled/che 2.
DIVINORU Herb, Maria Pastora, magic wed,
M mint, Sally-D swallowed,
Found in some cough and
cold medications:
THORPHAN scheduled/swall
Robotripping, Robo, Triple
(DXM) owed


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delhi and the educational centre like varanasi seems to have
something to do with the use of habit forming drugs.

Although alcohol and painkillers are popular uniformly,

Alcoholic beverages are much popular in Bombay and Delhi,
Tobacco in Varansi and Jabalpur, Cannabis drugs in Varanasi
and Jabalpur.Which indicates that tobacco is popular more
in study centres, alcohol in southern and western India,
3. Cannbis drugs in Northern India.


Non- Former Current
Centre Sex Total
Users Users Users

Male 51.5 8.1 40.4 2334

Bombay Female 66 4.9 29.1 1817
Total 57.8 6.7 35.4 4151
4. Male 42.4 16.2 41.6 2000
Delhi Female 62.9 9.6 27.5 1991
Imae Source : Total 52.5 12.9 34.6 3991
after-drugs-mugshots/ Male 67.6 6 26.4 414
Hyderabad Female 86.5 4 9.5 489
Total 77.8 4.9 17.1 903
Male 46.2 18.3 35.5 3012
The use of drugs among college youth in India Jabalpur Female 78 5.2 16.8 1403
Total 56.4 14.1 29.5 4415
Banerjee (1963) has studied the drug-use among the
Male 73.3 4.5 22.2 3092
students in calcutta and has estimated a pre valence-rate of
Jaipur Female 91.1 2.2 6.7 989
37.4% (from the sample size of 1132). While studying the Total 77.6 3.9 18.5 4081
same thing among the students from four colleges in Male 66.1 4.1 29.8 2157
Bombay, Chitnis (1974) has excluded the use of alcohol and Madras Female 92.9 3.2 3.8 1423
tobacco, and has arrived at a prevalence-rate of 19.7%. Total 76.8 3.7 19.5 3580
Mohan and others (1977) have arrived at a prevalence-rate Male 51.5 12.5 36 3391
of 34.2% in a sample of 225 college students in Delhi having Varansi Female 77.8 6.9 15.2 461
English medium school background with tobacco and alcohol Total 54.6 11.8 33.5 3852
ranking as the most popular substances. Dube (1972) has Male 55.8 10.6 33.6 16400
found, in Agra, the prevalence-rate of 56.2%.Verma and Female 76.4 5.5 18.1 8573
others (1977) have reported a prevalence-rate of 18.9% for Total 62.9 8.9 28.2 24973
the students in Chandigarh.

In these previous studies, no common or standardized study

has been reported. Like some have not included alcohol and
tobacco within their scope while some have considered only Eliminating Drug Abuse Among Student
elite school students and some of them have considered The extent of drug abuse in India and all over the world is
medical students. On the basis of these studies a dependable widely documented. According to the National Institute of
prevalence rate becomes difficult to work out. Drug abuse- US, more than 65% of students, ages 12 to 17,
Department of social welfare, GOI, have considered the need have used alcohol, more than 26% have tried marijuana.
and an attempt has been made to maintain the uniformity in About 6% have used cocaine. Around 7% have tried
approach, concept and methods. The research has been stimulants and about 6% have tried sedatives. Drug use is
conducted in Bombay, Delhi, Madras, Hyderabad, Jabalpur, cmparatively high among youth adults, age 18 to 25 years.
Jaipur and Varanasi on a large no of students. Around 94% have tried alcohol, more than 64% have tried
marijuana, more than 28% cocaine, more than 12 %
Few psychotropic drugs have been in use in India. They have analgesics and more than 1% heroin.
been generally used in celebration of festivals and special
occasions. As a product of their social status, the college A review of research and literature on the relation between
students are prone to having intoxicating drugs and drinks. self esteem and drug abuse reveals a very close relationship.
The data indicates that the metro cities like Bombay and It has been found that around 60% mentioned the

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relationship of self esteem and drug abuse. For example john problem, as 90% of the illegal drugs consumed in the US are
eddy (1973), associate professor of education at Loyola produced abroad. The large profits from drugs are a source
University says, “If youth are somehow helped to of funds for terrorist and revolutionary groups.
understand their feeling about themselves and strengthen
The problem of drug addicts is escalating in US. Everyday,
their value of self-worth and self esteem they may be helped
more than 5000 Americans try cocaine for the first time. Two
in avoiding drug dependency.” Investigators have reported
out of three high school students use illegal drugs before
that addicts have significantly more negative self attitudes
than general public. In the article in the Journal of Drug they graduate. Competition in between the drug dealers has
Education, "Low Self- Concept as a Cause of Drug Abuse," led to decapitations, mutilation, infanticide and assault on
law officers.
Samuels and Samuels (1974) have stated that 76% of the
adolescents who used drugs considered low self-concept to After Turkish government stopped opium cultivation,
be one of the main reason of their turning to drugs. 92% said Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran became the major producer
that boredom and curiosity were another.In one article in of Opium. %0% of the opium that is consumed in the US
School Health Review, Mayshark (1972) has said that the comes from these countries.
need for love and the need for self-worth are more
important as solution to student problems, including drug After years of experience, turkey have demonstrated that
abuse, than anything else. eradication of the crop is the most effective f all programs.
Closing refinery labs is more difficult. The further the drug
Parents need to motivate and appreciate their child when moves from the farmers field, the more difficult it is to stop.
they found them doing good things and continue the same.
Schools, also have a role to play.School extracurricular John T Cusack, former chief, US narcotics says that from 1964
activities gives important experiences for on of this reasons. to 1972, despite massive seizures, there wan never a
However, most of a person’s feeling related to self worth is shortage of French heroin in new York. Intelligence is the key
established at his home, may be before the school age. The in catching the biggest international operators. Intelligence
parents can tell them that they are very good at things and means cooperation with other governments and
they love them. Many of the youngsters and adults never organizations. Getting them involved in the process. While
received the love and support in early childhood on which the problem is in another country today, it may be in their
they could have built self esteem. country tomorrow.

Assistant sec. of state Dicarlo says that as cultivation sites

increase and the trafficking routes expand, in keeping with
International Drug traffic. Can it be stopped? worldwide demand, the conclusion is inescapable that the
success depends on achieving comprehensive, simultaneous
The US Attorney General, Wiliam French Smith says that “the
control in key growing areas.
No.1 problem in the country is drugs, particularly when we
consider in combination with organized crime.” This makes
not only the domestic problem but also the foreign policy

Papers / Articles selected for preparing this paper :-

1. Susan Wherley, Subhankar Chatterjee, India’s growing problem of injecting drug misuse, BMJ: British Medical Journal , Vol. 350
( )
2. Bill Heron, Eliminating Drug Abuse Among Students, The Clearing House, Vol. 61, No. 5 (Jan., 1988), pp. 215-216
( )
3. International Drug Traffic: CAN IT BE STOPPED? ,Great Decisions, eat Decisions (1984), pp. 78-87
( )
4. Prabha Unnithan, D. R. Singh and M. Z. Khan, The use psychotropic drugs among college youth in India: An appraisal, Sociological
Bulletin, Vol. 29, No. 2 (September 1980), pp. 171-186
( )

References :-

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